Barky, do gaming w hello! looking to buy sub 1K laptop, general suggestions?

I would google model number to look at a few reviews just in case there are glaring problems, especially in regards to heat.


So far the gigabyte is ok. My concern is if it’s a ripoff or good one for the price.

hogart, avatar

Rule number one when buying tech is your always get ripped off. There is always a better deal two weeks from now. You just have to get a feeling when timing is good enough for what you want.


Yap, find the deal that fits you. Buy it and don’t look back. Accept it that you found it valuable enough to buy it.

netburnr, avatar

Check sold ebay listing for used prices. Use camel camel camel to check Amazon price history.

I know it’s never fun to wait, but black Friday is typically the lost price of the year for tech

gmanz2142, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th

Cyberpunk 2077! Update 2.0 really turned the crafting and perk systems on their heads. I was quite resistant to the weapon/crafting progression that’s now in place, but it’s growing on me.

Battlefield movement is much better with dodging/dashing and air dashing. I’m not even playing a melee build and it’s still great being able to close gaps quickly and zip around the battlefield.

Vehicle combat is fun, but it hasn’t come up too much just yet. Hope that changes at some point. Haven’t determined if the weaponized cars are available in races, that’ll be amazing if they are.

All in all, great update, can’t wait to see what all Monday’s DLC adds to the game.

Dick_Justice, do games w I would like to enjoy Zelda BOTW but … avatar

It did finally click for me, but it took well over a year. Someone told me to play for a couple weeks with no goals, and that finally made it happen. I didn’t put it down for another hundred hours.

Risk, do gaming w Anyone feels like almost all modern online games are boring?

You, sir, need to play Chivalry 2.

Dunno if it’s still on there (and if it is, it won’t be for long) - but it was in the Humble Bundle for £8.99 or however many $.

!deleted4407 avatar

I bought that bundle for this still have yet to try but can’t wait.

Seraph, avatar

This is my go to game right now when I need a pick me up. But I'm also really good with a great sword.


Hmm… Just by the description on steam and the screeshots, it looks promissing.

whiskers, do gaming w Anyone feels like almost all modern online games are boring?

It would be helpful if you could list a few games.


I guess TF2 is good fun… Then old nintendo games… CS when not taken too seriously/is an older version than GO… TF|2 (Titanfall 2) Halo custom games… ect

stagen, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread avatar

You know, I’m kind of relieved it’s being so well recieved. I feel like CDPR could use some positivity.

Voroxpete, do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help

OK, I’ve read all your comments throughout this thread - I’ve responded to quite a few of them - and now I’m going to say this, and sign off.

Even assuming - as I have tried very hard to do so far - that you’re asking these questions in good faith, there’s very simple reason why no one wants to engage with you, why you’re getting down votes and tired, dismissive answers… this is a settled issue.

There is no meaningful or useful new debate to be had here. You’re turning up in the middle of a PhD physics lecture demanding to have a discussion about whether the Earth orbits the sun. We’ve been there, we had that argument, and the fact that you’re not willing to educate yourself sufficiently on the subject does not mean that you get to throw it out to the floor for fresh discussion as if there’s anything to be gained from that.

That’s why no one wants to have a thrilling intellectual debate with you about this. Because it’s boring, it’s old, and you have not raised a single new or interesting point in this entire thread. And while you’re treating this as intellectual exercise, real people’s lives are being destroyed by the bigots that you are - knowingly or unknowingly - carrying water for.

If all this is news to you, if you thought you were somehow at the forefront of cutting edge intellectual discussion here, then please take this as an opportunity to do some learning and growing. Spend some time listening to marginalized voices. Ask questions - respectfully and without making demands of people’s time - instead of asking for debate.

If you really do mean all this in good faith then I wish you the best and I hope to see you grow and learn from the experience, for your own sake as much as anyone else’s. We all have to start somewhere.

librechad, (edited )

The intent of my posts was not to reopen settled debates, but to explore the principles that underlie how moderation decisions are made on platforms that host user-generated content. I believe this is a worthy subject of inquiry because it can affect various communities in different ways. While you see this issue as settled, the modding community is ever-evolving, and new scenarios that challenge established norms will likely continue to arise. I assure you that my intent is to engage in good faith, and I am open to learning from this experience. If you choose not to engage further, I respect your decision.


You’re coming at this from the angle that this is some strange new reality that the world has never encountered before, but it truly isn’t. This is not an “evolving new situation”, we’re not on the bold frontiers of strange new norms. It’s just bigotry. Bigotry isn’t new, it’s as old as mankind.

There’s a reason we’re all citing philosophical principles laid down in the 1940’s, almost like the world suddenly had a pressing need to reckon with the true cost of allowing violent intolerance to grow unchecked… Maybe some recent event prompted that?

The fact that bigots are communicating their bigotry through mods for videogames now doesn’t change what bigotry is, or how we fight it. This shit is older than any of us here, and the tools and principles are well established.

And the fact that bigots will frame their bigotry in dog whistles with just enough ambiguity that people like you can say “Maybe this was completely innocent” isn’t an accident, it’s by design. That quote from Lee Atwater I shared earlier? He’s talking about the politics of the early 1970s. Most of us weren’t alive then. Again, this is nothing new. The only change is that right now their target is trans people, because they always point their hate at the target society is least willing to defend. Pick off the weak from the herd.

If you’re trying to better understand how this stuff works, I respect that. Just because things have been understood for a long time, doesn’t mean everyone knows them. I didn’t start out magically knowing this stuff either. In my college days I styled myself as a free speech absolutist, someone who would on sheer magnificent principle defend the rights of a Nazi to be a Nazi. I learned better when I actually met and talked to the people that my “principles” were actively harming. So yes, I get it, and if you’re here to learn I commend that.

But please, don’t frame it as a debate. “Should we tolerate the free speech of bigots” is only a debate for the bigots, because like any guilty party they will never stop trying to relitigate their case. They can only benefit from this “debate” and the rest of us can only lose.

They will say things like “You’re just as bad as us if you censor us” to which we say “No, we are not, because our refusal to engage comes from clear moral principles, while yours comes from hatred.”

They will say “If you censor us, where do you draw the line?” to which we say “At the limits of your intolerance. We will tolerate, within reason, everything that is not an expression of bigotry and hatred.”

They will say “You cannot judge our intent or know our souls. How can you assign blame to our actions?” to which we say “We will judge you by your actions. The drunk driver doesn’t mean to cause harm, but we still criminalize the behaviour because it is harmful. If you do not intend to be a bigot, but you choose to actively express bigotry, we will hold you accountable for your actions all the same. A racist prank is still racist. Saying ‘Just kidding’ doesn’t undo the harm spread by your words. It is on you to learn these things and be better.”

They will say “But you could get it wrong. What if you misjudge the innocent?” to which we say “This could apply to any action of society. The innocent are convicted of crimes they did not commit, but this does undermine the value of having laws, it only reinforces that we must apply those laws as carefully and as justly as possible, that we must never forget the human cost of these decisions. It does not invalidate the decisions.”

They will find every angle, seek every accommodation, because they have nothing to lose by trying. They will never stop, and we can only let their arguments fall on deaf ears.

I’m not saying that there is absolutely no room for discussion to be had within this realm. There is always room for discussion in any subject. But you need to be mindful of the difference between “I think our models of climate change could be improved in this specific way…” vs “Is climate science real?” You won’t get any traction by arriving at a school and trying to dig up the foundations. Educate yourself on the fundamentals, and from there you can seek out specific areas where meaningful argument can be made, without needlessly relitigating core principles.


Your detailed response outlines a nuanced stance on the issue, framing it within a long historical context. However, I believe that framing the issue as ‘already resolved’ dismisses the evolving complexities of online moderation, and how it intersects with the fluid nature of speech and social norms.

  1. Historical Precedence: While it’s true that bigotry has existed throughout human history, how we engage with it has evolved, especially in the digital era. To suggest that the ‘tools and principles are well-established’ may not fully capture the complexity of online spaces where interaction occurs asynchronously, across cultures, and without the benefit of vocal tone or facial expression.
  2. Freedom of Speech: You critique the notion of debating whether we should ‘tolerate the free speech of bigots.’ However, even well-intended moderation can have a chilling effect on speech. How do we prevent the slippery slope where the bounds of acceptable speech continually narrow?
  3. Intent vs Impact: You suggest judging people solely by their actions, but this discounts the complex interplay between intent and interpretation. Who gets to define what constitutes bigotry in a statement open to multiple interpretations?
  4. Potential for Misjudgment: You accept that innocent people could be wrongly accused but say that this doesn’t invalidate the act of moderation. While true, this doesn’t address the ethical dilemma of sacrificing individual fairness for collective security.
  5. The Role of Debate: The dismissal of debate as a tool available only to bigots undermines the basis of democratic society. Even well-established principles benefit from regular scrutiny. Shouldn’t we always strive to challenge our existing models to account for new variables?
  6. Moral High Ground: Your argument assumes a moral high ground, positioning any differing opinion as inherently stemming from hatred or ignorance. This approach precludes constructive discussion and leaves no room for the reevaluation of norms and rules.

In sum, I respect your position but believe that it does not leave room for the complexities and nuances of this discussion. Insinuating that only ‘bigots’ would want to engage in a debate about freedom of speech and platform moderation is reductive and does not further a meaningful conversation about how we navigate these tricky waters.

NOT_RICK, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

I’m hyped for this, but I’m not sure if I really want to go through all the content I already played per CDPR’s recommendation.

chrisphero, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic)

Dare I say it… did they really turned around the ship? I waited since the launch to finally finish playing it (or in this case, start a new game).


I read all about the bugs and problems upon release, but waited to play on the Ps5 and I had a blast. Thought it was a great game!


I’ve also heard good things about the performance and bugs!

Did you play the new DLC?


Not yet. I finished the game about 6 months ago and I’m in the middle of another game. I’ll probably give it a go though sometime in the near future

echo64, (edited )

At the end of the day, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC probably won’t change your mind if you just disliked the base game

so, no. but if you were okay with how it was before you’ll probably like it more now. it’s still not the game they marketed but it’s unlikely it ever would be.


My many problem where honestly the bugs (had a game breaking one and I just saved…) and the performance…

it’s still not the game they marketed but it’s unlikely it ever would be.

I agree! It was just way too much and too big… even with their development time, I mean look how long GTA6 takes.

stopthatgirl7, (edited ) do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help
!deleted7120 avatar

I feel like the person posting that in the first place was not really acting in good faith - with as highly politicized as the topic is, and with how much people genuinely care about it given the way people’s rights to just live have been so quickly taken away, posting that was basically lobbing a grenade to watch what happens. It couldn’t just be an innocuous post because by nature of what it was, it wasn’t innocuous, and there was no way to not know that. People were going to get angry and the comment section was, very predictably, both here and in the Starfield comm it was cross posted to, going to turn into a dumpster fire. It felt like, to me, that the OP had an ax to grind, and that came out in their replies to people who were upset. It was by nature an incendiary post, and got incendiary reactions.

librechad, (edited )

The recent exchange surrounding that post has raised serious concerns about the quality of discourse on this platform. Rather than engaging in reasoned debate to dissect the complexities of the issue, many participants seem to resort to inflammatory rhetoric. This unfortunate trend undermines the very purpose of a discussion forum and has led me to reconsider my continued participation here.


It is meaningless to engage in bad faith discussions. Are you aware of the paradox of tolerance? Tolerating intolerance only serves the purposes of the intolerant, while the tolerant get pushed aside (which could mean anything from disenfranchisement to death)

Therefore, the tolerant must be intolerant towards intolerance.

There exists no good faith or tolerant argument in which removing pronouns makes sense, it is at its base a message of intolerance.

There are no complexities and no discussions to be had, you are either intolerant yourself, or naïve, if you think this is a topic that can be discussed.


The intent of my original post was not to advocate for intolerance, but to question how moderation decisions are made, especially when there appears to be inconsistency. In doing so, I hoped to promote reasoned debate on that specific issue, not to engage in bad faith discussions.

While I understand that certain topics may be inherently fraught, the objective was to consider how platform moderation intersects with issues of free choice and community standards. That said, if the prevailing consensus is that some subjects are too divisive for productive discourse, then that too is a topic worth discussing.


I’m kind of curious to here about Nexus’ inconsistency. As far as I can tell they’ve been pretty consistent if the mod gets their attention. There was a Spider-Man mod that removed a pride flag, and Nexus removed that too. That feels consistent to me.

jodanlime, do gaming w I am so pumped for Phantom Liberty and Cyberpunk 2077 v2.0! avatar

CP2077 is unironically my favorite game right now. For some reason my first playthrough was mostly bug free and now preformance is better. My second playthrough is about 60% done and I’m pretty pumped for the new expansion.

verve, do games w What are some great open source games?

Sauerbraten (Cube3D)


I used to play it a lot about a decade ago. Good times.

Sordid, (edited ) do gaming w What's your favorite example of developer's foresight? avatar

Basically all of NetHack, but if I had to pick one thing, it would be the fact that the devs foresee things that don’t even exist in the game. For example, if you polymorph yourself into a monster that can eat metal and then eat a trident, you get a humorous message referencing Trident bubble gum. A similar message exists for when you eat a piece of flint (referencing the Flintstones, naturally), despite the fact that there are no monsters in the game that can eat rocks. In other words, that message can never be seen in the vanilla version of the game, but the devs prepared it anyway just in case you mod such a monster in.

Skies5394, do gaming w Anybody else in love with the base-control gameplay loop of the middle Far Cry games?

100% right here with you.

The main missions were definitely soft and the games overall have their warts, but that base mechanic was pure art.

You could take all the care in the world and special ops the shit out of it, or you could go in there and Rambo the shit out of it, and each would work or wouldn’t for various reasons and the difficulty scales well enough that you don’t just automatically pick the latter every time.

Only other games that have scratched that itch have been MGSV, Ghost of Tsushima and Sniper Elite.

Most games have some variety of this now but those three along with Far Cry build and scale it well enough that feels like an accomplishment over the course of a whole game.


MGSV was another one I loved that felt very similar. Unfortunately I kinda stopped liking it right after the Africa part starts. Afghanistan was super fun though.


That’s exactly where I dropped off with that game as well!


Ive started mgs5 3 different times and shortly after getting to africa i check out. shame.

avater, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

Luetin09 for Warhammer Lore.


I’ve been really obsessed with Attenborough 40k where it’s all 40k lore voiced by David Attenborough w AI


That dude’s content is solid.

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