gerryflap, do games w Jedi Survivor could have been great avatar

Interesting how experiences can be so different. To me Jedi Survivor was an improvement over the first game, which I already enjoyed a lot. As far as I can remember you keep most (if not all) of your abilities. In the first game Cal has almost nothing after he essentially cut himself off from the force after the trauma of order 66. It’s and entirely reasonable explanation of Cal not having most normal Jedi abilities.

Survivor also has better combat, because of the new abilities and weapons, better graphics, and better traversal (looking at you, Zeffo). While I really like the story in Fallen Order as well, I also think that Survivor is better overall. It’s not as clear cut as good vs evil. There’s many different factions and people with different goals. In the end, it’s about everyone just trying to survive the tyranny of the Empire, whatever it takes.

The games definitely does feel very “gamey” though. There’s a lot of places where it’s clear that things are only the way they are because this is a video game. But to me that’s okay. A game doesn’t always need to be the most realistic and life-like experience. I don’t mind that a specific puzzle is totally unrealistic and clearly only there to force you to solve it. I can imagine that some people will not enjoy that though, and that’s okay.

ampersandrew, do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? avatar

Unity was the best in my opinion. Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are all the new design of Assassin’s Creed games that earned their own set of fans, but they’re so different from what came before with their faux RPG design. The fantasy is broken for me when I sneak up behind someone, stab them in the neck, and their health bar only goes down a little bit.

The first Assassin’s Creed game was very repetitive, but they gave you small assassination missions for you to figure out how to get, kill your target, and get out. The next several games in the series were better in every way except for perhaps these missions that mattered most, which they made extremely linear and scripted action missions.

Unity (set in Paris in the late 1700s) was an answer to those frustrations. There was a point in the dialogue where they specifically called it out. “So what’s the plan?” “The plan? Come up with your own plan. I’m not here to hold your hand.” They gave you expansive areas to carry out your mission, and you could find your own way in, kill your target, and get out. The game has some of its own baggage, like the loot system taking any challenge out of the combat later in the game, when the whole idea was that you were squishy that you should avoid combat, but it delivered on the experience the best since the first game.

Then Syndicate came out next, and they highlighted different ways to do your assassination like you were a big dummy, and they made a significant part of the game about street brawling, so I gave it a hard pass. The next game in the series was Origins, which brings us to the modern faux RPG era.


I kinda liked Syndicate. It looked and felt kind of cartoony in a lot of ways, but I actually liked the dynamic Evie and Jacob had. And the combat for the brawling actually looked pretty badass imo too.

The whole “using a whole train as your base” was kinda weird though.


Unity was the game I was most hyped for, especially because of its graphics and bigger maps. I even went to speedrun through the last three games to catch with the lore and begin playing it as soon as possible.

Alas, my PC couldn’t meet up with the heightened hardware requirements and I had to give up after barely finishing the tutorial with the awful frame rates even with the settings set to minimal.

ampersandrew, avatar

Surely you’ve upgraded your PC in the last ten years since the game came out, right? I’d recommend checking it out on a sale or something sometime.


I got my gaming rig recently and played all the releases up to Rogue only this year. I assure you my specs are modest enough and it’s just the game that is poorly optimised. Even Watchdogs 2 ran better than this.

ampersandrew, avatar

I played it on Xbox and then PC even back in the day, and I’d 100% believe that it’s poorly optimized; they patched it a few months after launch to remove a lot of extraneous, unseen detail on the map that was hurting performance. It’s still surprising if you can’t run a 10 year old game well on a modest modern PC.


Unity was also the first game in the series to have actual multiplayer co-op missions. Previous AC “multiplayer” was just dumb mini games.


Heeey don’t hate on my cat and mouse assassination game mode

ICastFist, do gaming w What is your most stressful, hectic and panic-inducing base-building game? avatar

They are Billions

All it needs is One. Single. Fucking. Mistake.

TheDarksteel94, do gaming w What is your most stressful, hectic and panic-inducing base-building game?

Does Fortnite count? Playing against cracked out 10 year olds, who build a fortification faster than you can say “fortification” is stressful as fuck

rustyfish, do gaming w What is your most stressful, hectic and panic-inducing base-building game? avatar

Don’t know if it counts: Factorio on deathworld. I thought it’s impossible until I saw dosh beating it and Mods even worse than that.

1smoothcriminal, do gaming w What is your most stressful, hectic and panic-inducing base-building game?

I mean, you know the game… RUST


I don’t even play the game and I panic while watching

fleg, do wolnyinternet w Hostowanie kalendarza

Używałem NextCloud i dawał radę na tyle, na ile NextCloud może dawać radę (ogólnie nie jestem jego fanem, bo mam wrażenie że to straszna kobyła i próbuje mieć wszystko co tylko się da, jednocześnie każdą funkcjonalność mając jako-tako po łebkach, ale no kalendarz nie był gorszy od reszty).… - tutaj jest kilka ciekawych sugestii, ale żadnej nie testowałem.


korzystam z nextclouda poprzez konto założone na disroot, wydają sie być uczciwi. ale wiadomo, self-hosting lepszą opcją


Zgadzam się, Disroot jest spoko.

mako, (edited ) do games w Final Fantasy XVI is out now on Steam and Epic Games Store


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  • ampersandrew, avatar

    Expansion packs are a very old concept. That brand new game came out over a year ago. Also, it’s $25 for both DLCs.


    very old

    Agh, gawd.


    Square wasn’t going to do DLC for this. The players demanded it.

    dadarobot, avatar

    The DLCS aren’t cosmetic - they’re “additional” storylines.

    Why are you defending the practice of selling incomplete games with the option to pay to play the entire game ON DAY 1?

    What? Is it additional storylines or part of the main game? Who fucking cares, dont buy it if you dont want to. I only recently played the yuffy story on ff7r and it didnt add shit to my experience.


    No, these are DLCs for a game that’s over a year old

    BombOmOm, do games w Subnautica - Time Capsule Galore avatar

    Lol, capsule distributor apparently running a little high on stock!

    thingsiplay, do gaming w I have been getting into emulation (discussion)

    I do emulation since early 2000s (since I have a PC) and its one of the best things not only in gaming, but in computing and technology in general!

    If you are new to emulation, then I recommend to use standalone emulators first. There are emulators for single systems, like Snes9x for SNES and others are multi-system emulators, like Mesen or Ares that can play many console systems.

    Following is a bit more advanced:

    • RetroArch: My favorite is RetroArch, but that is not recommended if you are just new to emulation and want a simple emulator to access a few games without configuring too much.
    • MAME and FinalBurn: Arcade emulation with MAME in example can also be tedious, because that works a bit different than a normal console emulator.
    • DOSBox: PC emulators for old systems can play old DOS games, but you need to have an understanding how DOS works in order to be able to use it correctly. Because some games require setups in DOS and such. You can also install old Windows versions like Win98 to play Windows games. But you really need to install and handle Windows like a real operating system, and install each game as well.



    I mostly only emulate playstation games.(pcsx and pcsx2) I did try an NES emulator for a romhack which was nice. Recently I tried Aethersx which is a fork of pcsx2 but for android. A lot has changed since a few years ago I remember pcsx2 lagging alot but now it runs pretty smooth.


    Playstation 2 is already solid, that’s for sure. Since my new PC from last year, I am also able to emulate Playstation 3 (some claim even the Steam Deck is capable of doing so, but I’m not sure how good). And PSP emulator runs on most computers nowadays. We even enter in emulating a Playstation 4, but off course this is in early stages at the moment.

    So yeah, there is lot of Playstation food for the coming years for you. :D Its really exciting. I still need to figure out PS Vita, and didn’t get into it yet. The original Playstation is still my biggest Sony love I have and probably right behind my favorite console, the SNES.

    Romhacks are also huge part of why I love the emulation scene. If you allow me to plug an article I wrote, with lot of Romhacks and Mods for NES as a recommendation. There is so much cool stuff out there: ……/nes-mods-and-romhacks-collection/

    Someone even ported the original NES Super Mario Bros to SNES, and then modified that to add in a Super Mario Maker style editor; on the SNES! I can’t link it here if you are interested, unfortunately I only know a prepatched ROM source for it. And that is not something this community / place allows to link.


    When I heard of ps4 emulation I thought it was amazing since I still have not tried emulating ps3 but I remember it use to be only for high end machines. I also assume ps5 emulation will be a thing eventually but I think it will be a while. I am curious how psx3 runs compared to psx2 since pcsx2 lagged when I first used it years ago. But now its runs about the same as the ps1 version. I imagine ps3 is probably more complicated to emulate than ps4 due to the architecture though.


    Exactly (referring to more complicated), you are right about the architecture. The PS3 is that complicated, not even Sony themselves have a working emulator for their catalog of games in Playstation monthly subscriptions. Sony emulates PS1 and 2, and PS3 is only streaming and PS4 games are directly compatible with PS5. That’s because PS4 and 5 are similar in the architecture and basically a PC (obviously there is more to it, but CPU is similar).

    And that’s why the most advanced PS4 emulator, ChadPS4 … I mean ShadPS4 (the community makes jokes and calls it Chad), doesn’t actually emulate the CPU entirely! Because its similar to a PC CPU, it can use lot of instructions directly. There are other PS4 emulators who try to emulate it entirely, like a traditional emulator.

    As for PS3, it is still not in a state like PS2 emulator. Some games work fine and I can play lot of them in full speed without major or any issues. It’s under heavy development still. Some games still are totally unplayable. And depending on how heavy a game is, it can be really demanding on the current modern PCs (I know its a vague statement, its hard to make exact statement for situations like these). I think its still a few years away from how the PS2 performs right now. And then the question if anyone wants to port the emulator to a different architecture… phew!

    Wrufieotnak, do gaming w I have been getting into emulation (discussion)

    Well, that is a very open ended question.

    My thoughts on emulation is that it is an absolute necessity in order to preserve the history of gaming. However, it will also probably always be a grey area regarding copyright. Especially with emulation of current gen I find it not okay, since the original creator still earns money with it. But if a game or console is not sold anymore? Nobody loses money from me using an emulator to play Chrono Trigger with save states and increased game speed to make the farming and boss fights easier.


    Chrono Trigger is still being sold actually, so probably not the best example. That said, I still have my original PS1 Chrono Trigger disc that I haven’t played on original hardware (or even my still-hooked-up PS3) for a while because I legally dumped it and play it with a much higher emulated disc read speed. As much as Nintendo has made explicit statements to the contrary, it is legal in most countries to back up your own games and do with them what you will.


    Meh, the mobile phone port they sell on steam is not comparable to the original, but you are right on the principle.


    Notably, the Steam version is a port of the iOS version, making it a HUGE step down from the DS version, which combined the anime cutscenes from the PS1 version with an absolute wealth of new systems and features.

    rand_alpha19, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty

    I would recommend Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. The normal mode is already stupid easy, so you feel like a god on easy mode.

    It's a fantasy setting with a ton of story and lore, so if you don't care about that it may not be for you.


    I like this answer, sometimes I just want to feel like a god in an rpg, but most of the time enemies scale with you in most games


    Does the writing ever get good? I played it for probably six or eight hours, which isn’t a lot in a game like this, but it and the world building felt painfully generic and bland, to the point of being increasingly off-putting the longer I played the game.


    It's pretty generic overall, but some parts of the worldbuilding are better than others. It fits together in fun ways, and the later stuff is better, but most of the early-game stuff is bland. Just FYI - I never beat it, but I played about 40 hours in 2015 and right now I'm about 10 hours into a replay.

    I don't know if it's just because of the time since I've last played, but Re-Reckoning has felt like a lot more of a chore to play than the original. I don't remember absolutely loving the original, though; it was always pretty mid, I just thought it was charming.


    I’ve beaten the original and the rerelease several times. it’s pretty generic but the combat animations are cool enough to give it a go when I’m bored. I usually play it on the hardest difficulty but the bow charged spread attack works like a shotgun so it’s very easy to stunlock enemies.

    It’s one of those games where you can overpower enemies quite easily if you prepare, I would not play it on easy though, if the story is bland and the combat is braindead, what’s the point of the game?

    tamiya_tt02, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? avatar

    I hate Destiny. It’s my favorite game.

    I started playing D1 during the PS4 Alpha, then beta, and release. Loved it. Played almost daily through The Taken King, and got D2 on launch day. Played the Red War, then took a break. Dabbled in curse of Osiris, took a longer break, played a bit of Beyond Light, more break, then got back into Destiny last June and played a lot through Lightfall’s seasons and The Final Shape.

    I truly enjoyed my time playing, but now I’m starting to feel pulled in other directions. I got into Warframe, and The Forever Winter looks really good. I tried Helldivers and it was ok, I don’t have a group to play it with and don’t enjoy randos.

    Anyway, all that to say Destiny 2 is dangerously addictive. It feels so good to play. I especially enjoyed the 10-year saga wrapping up with The Final Shape. I’m a very casual gamer, but Destiny makes me feel powerful. That’s why I play.


    This. Will also add its like a gaming comfort blanket for me.

    Hideakikarate, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

    TL:DR-I like the story and gunplay most of all. The social aspects of the game also keep me coming back to help friends and strangers.

    Background: I started with vanilla D1, then picked it back up after Taken King and have been playing ever since.

    For me, the game has become more about story than actual gameplay, which I still feel is one of the best around. I’m super excited about the 3rd Episode especially, seeing as the Hive still has Xivu to deal, and whatever is going on with Oryx’s body.

    I still play every week. Once I’m done with my story stuff for the week, I like to help my group get their raid clears and other tasks completed. If they’re not on, I sometimes boot up LFG and help blueberries as best I can. I genuinely like to play the game, even if it’s helping others.

    When story stuff is slow, I actually do like PVP, although, within the past year or so, I’ve noticed that I’ve either gotten worse or the average (remaining) player ha gotten better. No longer can I pick up any random weapon (another boon that Destiny offers, IMO. The ability to take a weapon in PVE/PVP and use it ANYWHERE, with varying degrees of success. But where was I?) and do “OK” with it. Everyone uses “easier” weapons or loadouts, and as much as that irks me (it’s quick play, FFS), that’s their right. Is that contributing to the barren, desolate landscape that is the Crucible? Possibly. I’m not, and never have been, good enough to “carry” in the Crucible, and that goes double for Trials. I tried helping a clan mate recently get the Adept Draw Time mod since it only drops from the Lighthouse. He plays on PC. That session didn’t go well.

    I got a bit rambling there at the end, but I guess to answer your question, the story and gunplay of the Destiny series are the reasons I like the game. One made friends playing this game. Already been to one wedding, with another coming later this year. Wouldn’t have happened if I never decided to try the game.

    Kolanaki, do games w Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game?
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Remaking them in the same tired-ass engine would only make them worse and it’s not likely they will ever give up their Frankenstein’s monster of GameBryo in favor of something that isn’t a pile of dogshit.

    The last few re-releases of Skyrim where they updated some visual features and added new content (most of which they didn’t make) is as close to a remaster or remake they will actually do.

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