When I Gacha, I prefer to find the specific community surrounding it.
I suggest starting the community you want to see and posting your accomplishments as you go. This is coming from someone who misses their mobile game community.
Played it all day yesterday. It still has some bugs and if you play co-op you should do it in a separate save file because you can’t ever remove your offline friends’ characters from your party, but at a mechanical level, the game is a masterpiece.
It’s D&D 5e translated with extreme loving detail into a video game. Conversation is nearly as engaging as combat and many of the NPCs have massive dialogue trees, all fully voiced. You can switch between using a controller to directly control your character or using the traditional keyboard and mouse controls like the older Baldurs Gate games.
Hells, the character creator is probably worthy of an award by itself
I’m now 38 hours in and my opinions are basically the same, though I will add that I love how fast they’ve been patching it. If Larian ever release DLC or expansions for this game I’d expect them to be the best goddamned expansions I’ve seen in at least the last 10 years.
I’m really hoping it’s reasonably moddable because I’ve little doubt the community would love to mod entire custom campaigns into this engine.
Check out www.protondb.com, to see which games work well on Linux. Games that are platinum should work out of the box, ones that are Gold might need some tinkering. Most games work great, but a lot of multiplayer games aren’t supported.
In general gaming on Linux has been a pretty smooth experience lately. Games on Steam usually just work, but IMO running games outside of Steam is pretty hit or miss. They sometimes need following a guide or trying to fix an obscure issue that only like 2 other people have.
So yeah, most games do just work that you don’t have to worry about it too much.
As I understand it, even the most current version of the game links to a horribly outdated version of openssl that is no longer shipped by modern Linux distributions. The publisher has neither fixed this nor bundled the version they need, so you will not be able to start the program due to missing openssl-1.0.so. Most distributions provide a special package to install this legacy library, commonly named openssl-compat or similar. You could also choose any of a number of highly questionable sites that purport to host downloads of this obsolete library.
Meanwhile, Wine runs the Windows version of the game fine. If I recall correctly, I didn’t even need to adjust any settings in Wine to get it to work.
I'm absolutely loving it. I love that I can pace the game myself thanks to the turn based design, that my actions have consequences, that it's a proper role playing game.
It’s too bad the review copies were delayed, but I’m glad reviewers are taking their time with it. If this level of positivity continues I feel like BG3 will be a serious GOTY contender
You're not totally out of options. Have you tried Heroic Launcher? I haven't really used Lutris since this thing came around, and it seems to do a similar job. But if not, there's a Humble Bundle going on right now with the Steam versions of both games included, and I can confirm that they work great via Steam.
And to add to this, there's a Humble Bundle right now with the Steam versions of both of those games included. I've also been playing the Enhanced Editions on Steam recently, and they've worked just fine on Linux.
I had issues with the “enhanced” GOG version. Starting it requires an ancient openssl library which is no longer available on modern platforms. If you launch the game via terminal or check the logs Lutris provides you might see an error message similar to “openssl.1.0.0…so not found”. If thats the case I can dig up more specific instructions to circumvent the issue which got me into the game. Just to clarify, installation worked, it was just the game necer started or rather instantly crashed.
It’s not a dumb idea per se but I’d rather play a version that’s been (allegedly) optimized for Linux computers, like GOG states on the game’s front page!
There is no ethical consumption under this system, and there’s absolutely no hope for it.
The only thing we can do is set our own little moral lines so our hands feel a little cleaner, but it’s absolutely impossible to exist in this society while also caring about everything awful going on. There’s just too much of it. If I gave one dime to every cause that should be important to me (based on how I see myself), I would drain my bank account into the deep negatives. You absolutely must prioritize your time, money, and attention to a few specific things that you absolutely can’t sleep at night knowing you’ve supported.
For example, global warming is totally fucked. There’s literally no way to not fuck up and strip away most of the planet’s biosphere, even if everyone woke up tomorrow and said “Shit, we have to go 0 carbon right now!” and accomplished it before lunchtime. It’s too late. We’re just fucked. The best case is we’re fucked well after I die, but even that’s not looking particularly likely. So there’s no point in me moderating my purchases around so-called “environmentally friendly” companies, because there’s no such thing and, if there were one, it wouldn’t matter.
But LGBTQ people (like me) exist right now, and will continue to exist right up until we trigger the greenhouse gas cascade that turns Earth into Venus, and since I know we only have so much time left here, it’s very important to me to not support people who want to make sure LGBTQ people suffer as much as possible in the interim. Fortunately, the organizations that hate gay people are about as subtle as people who do CrossFit, so it’s easy to see them and not give them any money. Am I still giving money to crypto-facists who keep their mouths shut about it in public? Probably, but at least I’m kind of rewarding the behavior of “shutting the fuck up”.
Meanwhile, I financially oppose WotC’s bullfuckery only insofar as it affects me, personally. If One D&D weren’t a giant tire fire that grows with every UA playtest release, I’d probably suck it up and buy it. But since they’re also trying to shoehorn their virtual tabletop with AI DMs as the exclusive method by which people play their game, like some kind of half-assed MMO, I won’t. Not because I can be assed to care about AI or anti-consumer practices, but because it’s obnoxious to me and not fun to me and costs me money for shit I won’t enjoy as much. I simply don’t have the energy to care about WotC’s happy relationship with the Pinkertons, if for no other reason than literally every major company in the world also pays the Pinkertons to do fucky shit all over the globe, and if I care about one company doing it, I have to care about all the other companies openly doing the same thing, and then I’d have to, like, start making my own soap and stuff. Which I just don’t have the energy to do.
What it ultimately comes down to is this: honor is an expensive luxury that the vast majority of us simply cannot afford. Buy what you need to survive, spend the extra on whatever bread and circuses allow you to cope with the impending doom of society, and prioritize your moral focus on only a few things that loom the biggest in your mind, the ones that produce the largest amount of shame and guilt for supporting.
Everything is going to produce some amount of guilt, because it’s all fucked. You just have to learn to set a guilt-filter in your brain, so guilt below a certain threshold doesn’t register anymore. There’s literally nothing to be done about it: Even death can’t absolve us of supporting oppression and environmental destruction. After you die, someone’s going to give shady religious conmen money from your deceased wallet to dig up a big rock, scribble some words on it, put you in an unnecessary coffin, bury you with heavy diesel equipment, tell lies about a bigot-god over your corpse, and then hire someone for minimum wage (at best; more likely, they’ll exploit an ethnic minority from another country to do it for pennies) to mow the grass on top of you for the rest of society’s existence. Or the other option, which involves exactly as many shady religious conmen, but switches out the long-term grass-mowing for a short, massive burst of fuel and carbon to turn you into ashes, the button for which is probably also being pressed by an oppressed wage slave making a few nickles an hour.
BUT, there’s always the possibility that I’m wrong, and that things aren’t eternally and irrevokably fucked forever. As a hedge against that, I do two things: I stay employed and budget my money (so I won’t be the guy standing naked in a cornfield waiting for whatever apocalypse or second-coming that doesn’t happen, thus making myself well and truly fucked), and I vote in every single election I ever hear about, from the Presidential election to the August special election to replace the town dogcatcher.