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nte, w The Talos Principle 2 is the ideal blend of puzzle and story

Fuck, now I have to finish the 1st. But I can’t make me progress unless I have all the hidden stars. Send help

dumdum666, w Twitter sleuths suggest a new Steam Deck is on its way, but any updates are likely to be for Valve's benefit not ours

I love my Steamdeck AND the fact that it is a massive attack on Microsoft.

narc0tic_bird, w Baldur's Gate 3 - Hotfix #9 Now Live

If by “geometry stretching” they mean polygons being rendered all over the place, that being fixed means Vulkan should be the better choice in most cases now.

I hope they optimize performance in act 3 though. The amount of NPCs and stuff going on in the world causes severe frame drops, even with my 7950X3D.


Have you tried setting the process priority to high? (Task Manager -> Details -> Right click BG3 -> Det priority to high). This got me a relatively smooth experience.

dingleberry, w Microsoft Plans to Close The Activision Blizzard Acquisition Next Week, Says Report

Say goodbye to TES 6 on PlayStation.


That’s actually Bethesda’s who also got bought by Microshit so altough what you’re saying is true, it’s not relevant to this aquisition.


It’s in the leaked MS future plans to make TES 6 exclusive if the deal goes through.


Oh yeah, I read about it earlier, I didn’t know it depends on this deal.


You’re an idiot.

Wodge, avatar

That deal already went through. It’s why Starfield is an Xbox console exclusive.


I thought TES6 was already not going to be on PlayStation.

scottmeme, w Microsoft Plans to Close The Activision Blizzard Acquisition Next Week, Says Report

This is really bad news for the games industry that Microsoft is a monster.


Microsoft isn’t that bad compared to the rest of the industry.


What do you mean. They own a monopolistic amount of studios. Adding more to that is only going to make things worse.


I mean the industry is already a cesspool. The consolidation is troubling from a failure of regulators. The games Industry deserves what it gets here though.


Right now they aren't. You do know how bad they became with their last monopoly, right?

NOT_RICK, avatar

Overall I don’t agree with that, but I do agree they’re better than ActiBlizz. You’d have to blast down into bedrock to get lower than Bobby Kotick


Microsoft still support AoE2 after all these years, while Activision more or less fucked the SC2 proscene so hard it’s amazing it’s still going as strong as it is.

Not to mention what they did to the classic WotLK launch. It couldn’t get any worse than that.


What happened in the classic wotlk launch? I haven’t played since the original wotlk so it’s been awhile haha


The servers were essentially 95-99% of either faction, and they locked migration several times seemingly on random. A lot of people got stuck on servers that were nigh unplayable because of the other faction dominating everything.

It even included paid server transfers on some servers for some weird reason. I got hardlocked on 98% alliance server while playing a tauren resto druid. Their customer service told me to “level another character on a server of my choosing”. Leveled to 80 out of sheer spite and then quit when my game time ran out.

Truly one of the biggest disappointments in my entire life. I know it’s just a game, but I had looked forward to getting to redo wrath since they first announced classic in general, and they completely ruined it.


Damn! That sounds horrible, I remember when WoW’s customer service was seemingly top notch, how far they have fallen. I guess it’s not surprising with how disappointing Diablo 4 was.

aniki, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.


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  • FinalRemix,

    Or, just don’t play UbiSoft or EA games. SEGA sometimes removes Denuvo after a time, so they’re sometimes good ib a waiting list.


    Yeah, at least if they’re not free-to-play. Publishers have shown time and time again that you can NOT trust them with your money. Only pay for something if you know exactly what you’re getting.


    Patient gamer all the way! I recently played dying light 2. Fun game but a year after release and it’s still buggy as hell.


    One reason I’m glad to be a pretty broke parent gamer. I can only afford to spend money on games a couple times a year at best so I have to be really patient and picky about what I do decide to buy. I end up having no choice but to wait a year or more to pick up any games I’m excited about.


    I’m happy paying for psplus and enjoying the free monthly games and whatever games get uploaded there. Aside from that, my city has a great library with a huge selection of games you can borrow for 3-6 weeks at a time, plenty of time to finish them.


    I quite liked DL 1, but reading the reviews made me stay away from 2. It’s not even about the bugs, but apparently the game is just meh.

    Maybe I’ll get it in 5 years when it’s 10$. Maybe.


    Patient Gamers FTW


    I started Fallout New Vegas last month. It’s pretty neat so far, glad I finally got to it after … holy hell, it’s been THAT long!!!


    FNV is amazing. I’ve gotten all the achievements on Xbox and I recently finished another playthrough on my Steam Deck. Absolutely amazing game

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    It’s okay you’re so late to the game. Mr New Vegas still loves you


    Hell, I’m still on Civilization III.


    i’m still on fallout 2


    Both of you are rocking awesome games, so no worries…


    Wizard of Wor will never be dethroned.


    do you still have to force children into the game to have someone play with the Richard Nixon doll?


    I just play unciv instead now


    Unciv is amazing, it’s insane that I can play it on my potato phone while my laptop struggles with civ5


    Unironically the best entry in the series. I play 5 occasionally, but 3 all the time.


    I’m still playing DooM. Nothing will ever top it.


    Now that’s pretty extreme. Quake II was the shit.


    Still is, my dude. The “All pods launched” sound effect from the first level will be stuck in my head forever, I’ve heard it so many times. If you haven’t played Q2RTX, I highly recommend it. It’s like a fresh coat of paint on an old classic.


    I’m learning this the hard way with Starfield 😢

    VinnieFarsheds, avatar

    I play Factorio, it was more stable at 0.8 alpha than the average €/$ 60 AAA game at release.


    I’m a patient gamer so I don’t normally preorder, but I made an exception with CyberPunk as a tribute for paying $5 for Witcher 3 (which was my first game of the series, I went in blind and I couldn’t believe how good it was).

    I wasn’t even mad with the shitshow but I decided wasn’t going to play the game in that state.

    Fast forward a few years, the game runs almost 3 times as fast (went from 25 to 70 fps on my computer) and they fixed a lot of problems people were complaining about for the DLC release. Now it’s ripe.

    Patient games keep being right


    Pretty much the same story here. Finally playing it now, and I can barely put it down. It’s story is nearly as good as W3, and my car doesn’t even take random hard lefts off the road for no reason whatsoever in this one. Actually, gameplay is a massive step up in general.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    I'm glad to hear the game's gotten much better! I purchased the game on sale but have left it sitting in my Steam library for a little while, knowing that it is playing much better means I'll move it higher on my playlist.

    RampantParanoia2365, (edited )

    Well, I meant a step up from the overall quality of Witcher 3. But, it is really smooth and solid combat with a real variety of styles/builds. I’m digging katana/guns/mantis blades/sandi. And I know the 2.0 skill revamp made a huge and smart impact on the gameplay.


    It’s because people weren’t patient that they were able to fix it

    But it still isn’t the game they marketed it as


    I pre-ordered Elden Ring for a slight discount off of the launch price. No regerts whatsoever about that one. Best game of the 21st Century.

    But yeah usually I get games well after launch on sale. Starfield looks cool but they can eat a $70 bag of dicks before I pay that much.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    The only game I’ve ever preordered is Animal Crossing New Horizons. I knew it wasn’t gonna be horseshit on release lmao. I wait until games are on sale and have been out for a while. My friends keep harassing me to buy Baldurs Gate and I’m not doing that until it has all dlc released and is on sale lol


    I’m the same way but I bought bg3 because of how not asshole they are. It’s a great game and honestly worth the money. This is the first game I’ve bought at full price since games came on cartridges.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    My thing is that I wanna wait until Larian comes out with all content for it. I don’t wanna get the game and immediately have to replay it because dlc came out. I’ve done that with games before and replaying just for dlc made the game feel like a chore. I’ve waited since the announce of cyberpunk’s expansion to even consider finishing the game. I plan on playing that one once I get myself a steamdeck later this year. My gaming computer became a total turd since 2020 lol.


    I get that, but that game is so big, you’re going to want to play over regardless. You’ll probably start over anyways after at least 40 hours of game play. The game is really insane on how much there is and how much every choice you make matters. You could play this game for the rest of your life and I don’t think you’d have the same game twice.


    Play Divinity 2 with your friend

    Then go into DM mode to run a DND campaign or into the SDK to build your own levels/quests

    starman2112, w The Talos Principle 2 is the ideal blend of puzzle and story avatar

    I can’t wait to play it after someone has made a complete walkthrough so my tiny glassy brain can experience the story

    Teotwawki, w CD Projekt Doesn't Regret Making Cyberpunk 2077 First-Person, but Has Yet to Decide on Cyberpunk 2

    I’ve loved the cyberpunk genre since its inception, and loved Witcher 3, but skipped this game because I don’t like vomiting. Some of us just can’t play FPS games without terrible nausea, especially when they have a field of view that can’t be zoomed out very far.

    dustyData, w Everybody Hates This YouTube Channel’s AI-Filtered Video Game Faces

    Not surprising since corridor digital is owned by money grubbing techbros.


    MAGA money grabbing tech bros


    I hadn’t heard, that’s too bad. Any sources?


    Sucking Trump’s dick from 4 years ago


    Not sure I want to watch that video


    You ain’t missin much


    You clearly missed much if this was your takeaway. Did you even watch the video, yourself? Because it isn't what you say it is.


    It’s not that bad. Kinda pointless, tbh, particularly for a channel that’s focused on vfx, but it’s not biased like they’re claiming.

    war, avatar

    I tried, it's unwatchable. Some zero-year-old charlatan trying to hype up stealing other people's work, intercut with short clips of his colleagues laughing for some reason.


    I don’t really see the “sucking trump’s dick” aspect there. Most of the video is spent going over the legal framework that was being used by the administration with little to no editorializing. And the end of the video directly calls the politicization of the emergency powers a threat. If anything, I’d say the video was critical of trump, not supportive of him.

    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    Well, I had seen them partner with Black Rifle Coffee at some point, which is a pretty pro-MAGA branded company. Their content doesn’t seem to lean that way though.

    junezephier, w CD Projekt Spent Roughly $125 Million Turning Cyberpunk 2077 Around Post-Launch

    surely Edgerunners isn’t fair to count toward that? That was already in the works before launch, it’s not as though they had a bad launch and thought “wow we should do an animated series to repair reputation”


    I looked up the budget and from what I can see they spent less than 4 million on it so excluding it they still spent a pretty penny.


    That’s totally fair, that checks out

    hsr, avatar

    I’m pretty sure the article is referring to the 1.6 patch, also called Edgerunners update, which released around the same time as the animated series.


    Pre release I was so hyped for cyberpunk, was patient and waited for reviews, so voted with my wallet and didn’t buy it, and just forgot it even existed

    Watched Edgerunners animated series off the cuff and it had no business being as good as it was (same as Arcane - gj netflix)

    The next time it went on sale I snapped it up and havent regretted it one bit. One playthrough on my old hardware, obligitory playthrough to test after I got an Rtx, and another now 2.0 is out - definitely got my moneys worth


    A lot of the hate was undeserved, IMO. Besides one absolutely hilarious bug where I called my ride in an odd place, and another where part of a mission didn’t trigger so I had to reload the last Autosave which was about 30 seconds back, the game ran well for me and a lot of friends at launch. And CDPR responded quickly and had patches out within a week fixing most of the gameplay affecting bugs.

    I typically judge games pretty harshly, and my only experience with CDPR prior was Witcher 3, which dropped with some bugs but was patched within a week, and really didn’t understand the level of shade CDPR received.


    I had a midrange PC at the time, and only encountered a handful of bugs my first play through.

    Performance could be rough in downtown sections, but it’s was far from unplayable on day one.

    I am firmly convinced that most of the people experiencing horrible performance or mystifying bugs were attempting to play the game on their smart fridge or something. If you had a decent gaming machine from the last 7 years or so, the game ran fine.

    That being said, it should have never released on Xbox one or PS4. Those consoles were just too old and the performance wasn’t their.


    A lot of the problems and stupid glitches people had were from playing off of a hard drive. The game really needs flash storage, even if it’s SATA. That should’ve been a recommendation from the start, if not an outright requirement like it is now with 2.0.


    I think the console releases were largely to blame for the bad rep. Esp the older gen ones. I played from launch on PC and I had a lot of bugs but nothing game breaking and it didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying myself.

    dan1101, w Microsoft eyes closing its giant Activision Blizzard deal next week

    Anybody wanna speculate on how soon they will weasel out of their promise to keep releasing COD on Playstation?


    As soon as the deal closes.

    Veraxus, w Meta Quest 3 demand allegedly 5 million units below expected level avatar

    The technology is cool. I will say that.

    But Meta/Zuckerberg is squandering it. There is a huge disconnect between the price of thing (OVER $500) and the value proposition. It's bad at gaming. It's still less powerful than even current-gen smart phones, let alone modern consoles or gaming PCs... and what little gaming content is out there makes that abundantly clear. Asgard's Wrath 2 does it no favors given those realities. And what are the uses beyond gaming?

    Exercise could be a compelling value proposition, but they aren't leveraging even that obvious marketing angle. "You can do your supernatural workouts!" How many people know what that is? I do, but ask a rando on the street. They have no idea. And what are the other options beside Supernatural workouts? Oh, nothing? Nothing for my stationary bike? Nothing for a rowing machine? Nothing for treadmills? With all those funds, they are not exploring the practical applications at all and the product is failing as a result. Instead, Zuck STILL hasn't given up on his Metaverse/Horizons MMO idea.

    And that's before we even get into Meta/Facebook's inherent creepiness as a company.

    Holyginz, w Meta Quest 3 demand allegedly 5 million units below expected level

    I had/have the first two quests. But needing a Facebook account was one thing I had to think hard about when I got it because I wanted to delete my account. With Facebook getting worse and worse it means I have zero desire to get a new one.

    And to address the article, I would say it isn’t that interest in VR is decreasing, people don’t want meta VR or anything tied to Zuckerberg. I would love a valve index personally, just need to wait to afford it.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    I would already own a quest if just about any other company made it


    Hard agree.

    If it wasn’t made by Facebook, I’d have bought quest 1, 2, and pro. Easily.

    But that’s not the case so I have an OG vive and a psvr2. I don’t really do much PC VR these days.


    It's kind of in a weird spot, because it's a niche enthusiast market, owned by a company tech enthusiasts know enough to fucking despise.

    PoetSII, w CD Projekt Doesn't Regret Making Cyberpunk 2077 First-Person, but Has Yet to Decide on Cyberpunk 2

    I think it really worked to pull the player in and immerse them into conversations and show off the insane facial animation tech that is JALI, but yeah an option would be nice.

    Atomic, w Video game makers aren’t catering for gamers with disabilities, study finds

    I can’t exactly fault developers for focusing on 99.99% of customers that doesn’t have disabilities.


    I work on a product that strives for Section 508 compliance, despite the fact that any improvement we make will only be used by fewer than 1% of our userbase.

    Yes, we can and do exactly fault developers for ignoring users with disabilities.


    Catering, and ignoring. are two completely different words with two completely different meanings. Did you read the article?

    Everything they touch on is so incredibly vague that there is no way to make out what the problem actually is.

    “fast-paced gameplay (34 per cent)”

    34% complained about the gameplay being too fast-paced. What where they playing? No one knows. Could be sitting playing Call of Duty and raging about being 360 no scoped for all we know.

    The article is vague on everything. And that’s always on purpose. They’re vague on purpose to maximize outrage. Oh this sounds horrible, look at this, the devs are not catering to disabled players. Should we mention that the kid with 1 hand is upset he can’t play CS:GO competitively? Nah, just call it “lack of customisable control options”


    oh I’m sorry. My comment was in response to you, and not the article.


    I’m sorry, but 99.99% is a laughable hyperbole. A huuuuge number of people have disabilities and disabilities are extremely diverse. A simple example is colour blindness. Google says 8% of men and 0.5% of women are colour blind. Video games frequently do use colour in a way that makes colour blindness a problem and colour blind modes are an accessibility option.

    Google also says 15% of the world has some degree of hearing impairment. That’s admittedly biased towards seniors, but I can find numbers that say 9% of 20-39 year old Canadians have detectable hearing losses. Captions are an accessibility option.

    And those are just two examples. There’s tons of disabilities out there. Even when an individual disability might only be 0.1% of the population, add them all together and there’s a substantial number of people who are left out by lack of one accessibility option or another. Aside from obvious disabilities, there’s also just general worsening of reaction times as people age.


    Just because someone has a disability, doesn’t mean it’s game-breaking. Yes, 8% of men are red/green colour-blind. But that doesn’t mean 100% of those can’t tell the colours apart. You can be more or less colour-blind. Or so my friend says, because he is colour-blind, but have never experienced that to be an issue in games. Red for him doesn’t look like red does to me. But he still knows what red is. And believe it or not. Most developers don’t exactly use a colour-blind test palette for their gameplay or menus.

    Subtitles have been around since at least the playstation2 era. I feel like you would almost struggle to find a modern game that doesn’t have subtitles these days.

    You may think my hyperbole is laughable but your response does nothing but follow suit. If you suffer from bad hearing, I’m sorry to say that you might not be able to fully experience a game with speakers. Might want to get a pair of headphones, so that you can 1. Amplify the volume if needed. and 2. raise or lower frequencies you can’t hear, into a range that you can hear. It’s going to sound a little distorted perhaps but at least you will be able to hear it. I’m sure developers do their best to create captions that are important. But I don’t think you understand just what a monumental task it would be to create an automated system for full CC captions of the ambience in a game.

    And I’m sorry, did you just list lack of reflexes and reaction time as a disability to gaming? If you don’t have any arms, basketball might just not be for you. If you suffer from bad reaction time. Maybe pick a game that doesn’t rely on reaction time. That’s not on the devs. That’s on you.


    While I argue your response is an equity Vs equality issue and your basketball argument kind of conflicts your previous statement, there is the the huge difference of individual cost per game to cater to a/all disability. As you mention automation of these systems aren’t really feasible and although guidelines can be put in place. They are still a significant investment of time and money. You can implement them into an engine but you still need the game to integrate it and although some things might be easy across multiple games (colour blind overlays) some won’t (mechanic driven considerations).

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