stappern, do gaming w Pirating games you own?

I wouldn’t call it pirating at that point.

!deleted6348 avatar

Government probably would though.



FinnTheFickle, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

I had an idea of a game where you played as a photojournalist documenting the brutality of a near-future totalitarian regime. There would be elements of stealth because you’d have to evade the police to take your photos and you have pretty much no combat ability. You’d use your earnings from selling the photos to gradually upgrade your equipment, maybe starting off with a shitty cell phone camera and working your way up to professional quality full frame SLRs. I’d want it to simulate the workings of a real camera… f-stop, shutter speed, ISO, etc., so you’re challenged with getting good, usable photos in difficult conditions.

Coelacanth, avatar

You know, that sounds sick actually. Especially if it was more sandboxy than linear, and also had some kind of survival system (pay for food/rent) to add tension and encourage risk taking when snooping around.


A Spiderman game without the Spider part?


So, just a man game?


No gorls allowed


This is more or less what I wish Beyond Good And Evil had been. The combat in that game wasn’t good but I liked the idea of having to photograph evidence and getting photos of wildlife on the side to earn some money. It wasn’t nearly as fleshed out as your idea though.


This is a really cool concept and I like it a lot.

!deleted4201 avatar

Beyond Good and Evil is this, but it’s almost 15 years old so not quite at that level of complexity.

AHorseWithNoNeigh, do games w What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? avatar

I’ve probably played an uncomfortable amount of FF7 to most. During covid, I recently became single so I decided to find some like-minded discord communities to pass that time. I met someone who was streaming FF7. I hopped into the stream and kicked it off with explaining how to get a golden chocobo to reach the final red materia. We’re married now and have a dog :D


thats fun

t3rmit3, do gaming w What happened to gaming?

I definitely think you’re in a bubble of AAA games. This is literally the middle of an indie game renaissance.

Get off of consoles, and get a midrange gaming PC.

starman2112, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar

You should go into Nier: Automata thinking it’s a game about a hot chick fighting a bunch of robots. The only spoiler you should know is that the end isn’t the end, and you need to play it again.

You should go into Spec Ops: the Line thinking it’s a game about a cool special forces team fighting a bunch of terrorists or something. The only spoiler you should know is that it’s supposed to feel like a generic third person shooter.


Haha I stopped playing Nier Automata after finishing it once. Yeah, yeah I heard it’s not the end, but the gameplay really isn’t good enough to go through it again. Right now I’d give it a 7/10, but if you force me to do it all again I am going down to 3/10. I think it feels incredibly cheap to do this gimmick.


For you, a little extra spoiler: the next ending also isn’t the end, there’s a lot more. I will admit that playing the second run is a big grindy at first, but it quickly differentiates itself from your first run by the time you get to the first boss. Also, in the second run, the side quests are crucial.

An extra-extra spoiler: there’s a lot to dig your teeth into, philosophically, that makes the whole rigmarole worth it.

starman2112, avatar

An extra-extra spoiler: there’s a lot to dig your teeth into, philosophically, that makes the whole rigmarole worth it.

That’s a strong point for me, and the main reason I liked it as much as I did. Same reason I loved The Talos Principle, despite having to look up guides for the majority of the puzzles.


Ooh, yeah, Talos Principle! Perfect rec for someone who loved Nier and Portal. I haven’t played the sequel yet, but really really enjoyed the first game. I agree about some of the puzzles, though.

2ugly2live, avatar

I love Nier! I’m thought the second play through would be a slog, but they kept it really interesting imo. And starting it up for a third time was wild. Even starting that game is part of the game mechanic, it’s so neat!


I would have to disagree about the second playthrough; I found it to be a very large slog. The third and subsequent playthroughs were amazing though.

2ugly2live, avatar

To each their own! I enjoyed playing as


But I’m glad you like the other playthroughs!


Oh I enjoyed the gameplay. But the actual story of the second play through was a slog until about 75% of the way through.


I bought it expecting like a Devil May Cry or maybe Souls… then the game started and I noped the hell out. It’s weird and I did not like it at all.

starman2112, avatar

If I remember right, the first couple minutes is like a top-down shoot-em-up, but it transitions into that Devil May Cry style pretty quickly


Not really, the out-of-combat movement was almost strictly 2D? And the first real fight did not teach me the controls in any way, I had no idea what was going on.


It’s a game that relies on shifting the gameplay mechanics based on where you are and what you’re doing. There are certainly 2.5D and top-down sections, but it’s a small part of the game overall.

7U5K3N, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

hey listen

Hilariously I never played the game… It’s my buddies tone for text messages. Lol


After 30 seconds I started to hear “hey, lizard”.

missingno, do games w Are any games using neural networks for better hard AI that doesn't cheat? avatar


For most games, it's not difficult to make AI that can absolutely destroy humans. But it turns out to be very difficult to make AI that feels like a fun and engaging challenge to a human. Hardest of all is making AI that realistically plays like a human does.

MalReynolds, avatar

Hardest of all is making AI that realistically plays like a human does.

However it is being worked on and coming along, you can play one here


Chess has been using neural networks for their AIs way before it was cool. Different AI skills are usually just trained to different depths.

jordanlund, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time avatar

(cough) Horse Armor (cough)



Basically every Oblivion DLC that was not Shivering Isles (and MAYBE Heroes of The Nine or whatever) was god awful. And Fallout 3 (aside from the last two hours of the story DLC) was only really tolerated because it was mostly sold as a season pass. Operation Anchorage was a cool novelty that made stealth trivial and the rest… existed.

pancakes, avatar

I would argue that all the fo3 and oblivion DLC were decent. Some obviously better than others, but they weren’t just soulless cash grabs. They had effort go into them, and were fairly new into the DLC space so some trial and error is to be expected. They had a pretty good amount of content for the price relative to the base game, compared to the starfield DLC/ current AAA norms.


According to UESP, Oblivion had

  • Orrery: A few spells and a player house with a fetch quest attached
  • Wizard’s Tower: a mage player house with a few spells and a fetch quest
  • Thieves Den: A few spells and items and a very small dungeon
  • Mehrunes’ Razor: Decent sized dungeon to get a dagger
  • Vile Lair: A few spells, a player house, and a fetch quest
  • Spell Tomes: Literally just spells
  • Fighter’s Stronghold: A short dungeon and, you got it, another player house

Then we have Knights of the Nine (really mediocre) and Shivering Isle (arguably the best DLC Bethesda ever made)

Oh. And…


People tend to be more favorable to Fallout 3’s DLC than I am (most are incredibly tiny dungeons but with a new tileset). I suspect in large part because Operation Anchorage channeled how amazing storming the memorial was in the base game and… I genuinely don’t know why people are so obsessed with flipping The Pitt. And Broken Steel itself was one of the worse examples of “We’ll finish the game later” of the era… and I played ALL the Blizzard games.

pancakes, avatar

To me, it wasn’t so much about each DLC making a huge impact or the story being amazing. It was more about already playing the game to death and then gaining access to more content to explore. Kind of like eating a delicious cake, still being hungry, and then finding another slice of that cake that was sitting out all day.

yamanii, avatar

Then the Starfield DLC is just like that, it’s just more of a bad cake.


Exactly. It is the same logic as “This game is great if you play it with friends”.

Different people have different tastes. EYE Divine Cybermancy is still one of my favorite games of all time.

But also? Guess what game I will point out is objectively bad and has massive amounts of jank and UX issues?

yamanii, avatar

Very creative game though, but player hostile lol.

samus12345, avatar

Which was exclusive to…Microsoft! Full circle.


This was exactly my first thought. Not surprised that the pioneers of shitty dlc made shitty dlc.

Zeusz13, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?

Titanfall. Proper Titanfall.


This. Titanfall 2 has ruined my taste in FPS forever. Nothing ever comes close for me

faercol, avatar

And there were some really great levels in the campaign, that was a fun game


Yes please. I personally preferred the slower PvP of the first game, but the campaign we got in Titanfall 2 was incredible. Really with they would revisit that franchise.

misericordiae, do games w Help Finding a Game

Did a quick search, looks like ExeKiller, which isn’t out yet. Hope you find something good to play in the meantime!


Right or wrong your searchfu has hit something perfectly matching his description.

Nima, avatar

whoaaa. that looks amazing. I added it to my wishlist. I dont know if that was what op was looking for but I’m certainly glad you linked it!


And here I am blown away by the screenshots and want to wishlist it, only to see I already had it on my wishlist and remember NOTHING about seeing this previously.

ItalianSkeletonGaming, (edited ) avatar

@naticus @Nima It's one of those cases of a game shown so far away from its release you eventually forget it even exists

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, avatar

Yup that’s the one! Thanks.

simple, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

Cyberpunk 2077, probably. The game maxed out will destroy your graphics card but the graphics are undoubtedly gorgeous.

Horizon Forbidden West also has really good graphics.


I second Horizon. There are moments where I’m convinced the graphics are pre-rendered when cranked to the max.

xfts, avatar

I second Cyberpunk, ray tracing enabled or not. That game truly captures a realistic dystopian world in the best way possible.


I just started playing ghost of tsushima on my steam deck and it’s fucking gorgeous even on low settings, so I assume that would be pretty beautiful maxed out too.

Maxy, do gaming w Where do I find game demakes?

interested in females

Username checks out, though I’m assuming you meant “demakes”?

Anyways, the demake I’m most familiar with is the in-progress Lego island. The YouTuber behind it documented part of the process in vlogs (linked on the GitHub page), so that might be an interesting starting point.

knightly, avatar

Lol, worst autocorrect ever. XD


It fits so perfectly too. Females? Oh Celeste and op is bi.

Calling women demakes is a new one.
Holy crap, my autocorrect did it too! It changed demakes into females. Wtf


Look at the positions of d and k on the keyboard. _ema_es.


And transfem, not sure if this accounts bio is updated tho


Yea lol Whoever invented autocorrect should have every device that can run an autocorrect thrown at them

LunarLoony, avatar

I hate to be nitpicky; but that’s a decompilation, not a demake.

‘Demake’ usually refers to a game that gets remade for a system older (or less powerful) than the one it was released for. A good current example is the in-progress Super Mario 64 demake for GBA.

‘Decompilation’ is where one reverse-engineers a game (or any software!) back to its original source code, or close enough that when you build it, it’s identical to an original copy. So, the goal of the Lego Island demake is to produce source code that can be built into a fully binary-compatible copy of Lego Island, indistinct from what’s on the original CD.


Thanks for being nitpicky, so I didn’t had to.


Oh I don’t mind the nitpicking, thanks for the explanation! I (apparently erroneously) thought “demake” and “decompile” were synonyms. Guess I’m one of today’s 10000.

In that case the (now taken down, but forked a gazillion times) portal64 project would be a correct example of a demake, right?

LunarLoony, avatar



Fucking autocorrect


didn’t know that was a part of bisexuality

I should probably flee before I get eaten by an army of blahåjar (apparently that’s the correct plural?)


The Hajs are friendly

Poik, avatar


Nefara, (edited ) do games w Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?

Torchlight 2 spoiled me for basically the whole genre. It is a classic Roguelike ARPG dungeon crawler but has so many thoughtful player centric quality of life features. Inventory is full but don’t want to stop kicking butt? You have a pet that can run back to town for you, sell your stuff, and even buy a “shopping list” of potions and scrolls for you. It’ll even run and pick up loot for you. I have trouble playing other games in the genre because I keep running into problems Torchlight 2 solved that I didn’t even think about. It also has mods available to add even more or keep things fresh. It’s getting old but because of that you can run it on anything. It’s a damn good game.

Edit: seems I didn’t know what a roguelike was

Tedrow, avatar

What are your thoughts on Torchlight 3?


I haven’t played it. My impression is that it was trying very hard to cater to the mobile market. I heard it suffered from a lot of design changes and ended up being sold and then patched up and released by a new team to cut their losses. Meanwhile, Torchlight 2 may be older but it was made with love and care and a strong vision. It’s dirt cheap now too so it’s not hard to get your money’s worth out of it.

Tedrow, avatar

I’ve played the first one and second, they’re both great. Sad to hear about the third game.


I mean there’s always Torchlight infinite; which I hear was bought up by a Korean mobile game dev and monetized to hell


Have played a few hours of infinite and there’s fun to be had with the different characters, but every character being (different build and skills) locked behind another paywall, it’s a tough sell… (And as far as I remember the publisher was Korean from the start)


It is a classic Roguelike

I get that Roguelike is basically a vaguely defined genre now, and though Torchlight 2 in a great game it's definitely not a "classic Roguelike".


Ok, is a Diablo-like a thing I can call it then? It’s just such a specific type of game, the isometric top down view RPG with classes, customizable character leveling, randomly generated levels with area themes, randomized loot, a town hub and inventory etc. I’ve always heard those games called Rogue-likes but I never played Rogue.


It’s an ARPG. Rogue-like has permadeath with random levels. Rogue-lite has permadeath with random levels but persistent unlocks and upgrades.


Also a roguelike is usually top down/isometric and tile based. Really not a ton of roguelikes these days, which is good as far as I’m concerned because roguelites are better.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon notwithstanding, of course.


Funnily enough, Diablo was originally a rogue-ish game inspired by the likes of NetHack. The engine was even (technically) turn based - there’s a pretty cool anecdotes about how they made it real time over the course of a single weekend with some clever hacks.

I don’t know if it was ever supposed to have permadeath outside of the hardcore difficulty setting though.


I dunno about it being Rougelike, but I did love me some Torchlight 1 and 2. (Haven’t played 3.)

Vipsu, avatar

Torchlight 1-2 are decent fun for normal playthrough but plagued by bad design decisions and downright silly difficulty spikes on harder difficulties. Mods probably fix many of these issues but in vanilla the build diversity on harder difficulties is quite bad with only handful of viable builds with skill trees full of “trap skills”.


I might have lucked into some cheesey builds, I only maxed one character and have a few at 60. One mod I did get was a full respec mod, but the default reset of the last 3 levels was at least good enough for me to see if a skill was working for me or not. I agree that there seem to be too many “dud” skills, especially on embermage and engineer. My lvl 100 character I did without mods and I kind of liked how punishing it was. I get that that’s a preference though.

farcaster, do games w I feel like I should leave the gaming industry

Having been through all this, I would most of all prioritize getting a permanent residence permit. This brings stability, and then you can decide whether to work in games (more fun) or elsewhere in tech (higher pay). Having been in both industries for a long time, I can tell you you’ll always wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. But at least you’ll have options. If a tech company gets you to permanent residence quicker, go for it.


I’m applying for it in 4 months time, not sure how long the processing time will be though. This is the most stressful time. I only got my second 2 year permit in October 2023… I terms of pay, it seems like here every industry pays the same and I’m close to the ceiling of my role.


Okay - I’m a manager at a FAANG.

Most of the immigration issues we deal with are handled by HE or a company we outsource to - I have some direct involvement in terms of writing out roles and duties, but generally they keep us away from the actual mechanics of things. However, for us, it’s handled at the company level. I know that they’ve tightened up on the perm residency and H1Bs, but I think it’s something your employer should be solving, not you.

Second, things are tough all over these days, but the gaming industry as an industry has always had a terrible reputation for long hours and (comparatively) low pay. The attitude seems to be to get in younger people and burn them out. I’m very sympathetic to your desire to make a move.

The best thing you can do is find someone who can write you a recommendation for an open position at their company, but as you know you’ll have to take your immigration status into account. All of the companies I’m familiar with don’t take immigration status into account when hiring - it’s specifically forbidden by policy - but if you have to grit your teeth and deal with your current position for another six months or whatever, it’s probably better than starting from scratch.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) do gaming w How do you feel about the expression "updated for modern audiences" in remasters and remakes? avatar

It really depends.

Some games are so old that the technology needs to be sorely updated for modern gamers to be able to understand the controls, and “upating (the controls) for modern audiences” can be good.

Further, older games often have some pretty awful stereotypes in them that don’t need to be preserved so we can remember them.

I know Disney’s Bambi isn’t a video game, but I’ll use it as an example that’s being re-made. Bambi was made in 1942, and a massive amount of cultural references and ideas just don’t make as much sense in the modern era. There are literally things young people today would be like “what now?” in films that old. Sometimes “updating for modern audiences” is removing stuff that just doesn’t make sense anymore, or people don’t recognize or understand.

Even further, it used to be that “getting updated for modern audiences” was the norm. Anyone remember that hokey fucking Romeo & Juliet with Leonoard DiCaprio in the 90’s? Yeah, that was “updated for modern audiences” and it was a smash fucking hit. Back then, updating for modern audiences meant setting it in Verona instead of Venice and swapping swords for guns.

Like if you’re dealing with games that were always meant to frustrate and offend like Postal 2 or Conker’s Bad Fur Day or Redneck Rampage, you’re probably not gonna have a lot of people happy to “update for modern audiences” but there’s not much to update about campy schlock humor anyway.

So yeah, sometimes its not great, but I think the worries about it are overblown.

In movies there used to be a joke about how “the black guy always dies first” in action/horror movies because it held true for a long time. Black characters were given bit-roles that were quickly written out of movies. That is no longer the case, but you don’t see movies that don’t kill off black characters right away as being advertised as “updated for modern audiences” because that’s just silly.


“updating (the controls) for modern audiences” can be good.

My only experience of that is when they removed grid based movements from New N’ Tasty and forced players to use the analog, trying to walk felt horrible.

But something like the first 2 Fallouts on the other hand can really use a controls overhaul.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

But something like the first 2 Fallouts on the other hand can really use a controls overhaul.

Those were literally on my mind! I know Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II got some updated control schemes more recently, including gamepad support, but it seems my favorite Fallouts are still stuck in the past.

God damn it what I would give for a modern Fallout in the style of Baldur’s Gate 3. It breaks me how Bethesda has ruined that series.

ampersandrew, avatar

I think you're looking for Wasteland. They shared a lot of DNA already, and they've got different senses of humor, but Wasteland still has a black comedy angle.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I like the Wasteland games, but something about being alone in the wasteland felt so much more dangerous…

Part of why I liked Fallout is that it (for the most part) dispensed with the party and had you running on your own.

They had a handful of companions you could pick up in 1 & 2, but it was mostly lone gunning.

ampersandrew, avatar

As in most RPGs, having more actions was always beneficial, so I for sure always had companions in Fallout, even though they were AI controlled and often got in the way. At least Wasteland just gives you control of them.

maniel, avatar

Yeah, tried replaying first Soul Reaver, I just couldn’t, it felt clunky af


Both updating the controls, and removing stereotypes, should be optional, at most behind a parental lock.

Some historic material is evil shit, and some people may understandably not want to get exposed to it… but it shouldn’t be some censor’s decision which scholars get access to the historical originals, while everyone else only gets the PC mush of the moment.

Everyone should have the option to see as much evil as they want, no more, no less.

Going back to your Bambi example, I learned a lot about 1942 US by watching the now censored scenes, much more than by just listening to the opinions of those who condemned them.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I agree with this sentiment in respect to the idea that you’re actually trying to learn something from what you’re looking at. I agree, because I felt the same way when I watched censored WWII cartoons. If you’re willing to learn from them, that’s great, but here’s the thing.

Not everybody is taking away the same things.

What you take away from it isn’t what everyone takes from it. While you might rightfully not be a giant piece of shit yourself, there’s a lot of people who are.

My personal example is growing up with the Grand Theft Auto series. As a youth, I thought concerns with it were more or less overblown, and I was more or less right, for the most part.

However, after the torture scene in GTA 5 and talking to a wider community about it, I started to realize a lot of people weren’t learning anything good from that scene other than how to torture people, and a perverted glee in being able to do so.

And that’s where I begin to worry, because while like, I’m in the middle of an Evil playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, like… It’s hard to feel real “glee” at being evil. Many of the decisions I make tend to make me go “awwww” inside, but I tell myself “I can’t get caught up in that if it’s an evil playthrough.” And in that sense is where I agree, because like, yeah, I should be allowed to play evil if I want.

But the reality also is that a lot of people don’t care about the nuance and are looking for reasons to be pieces of shit, looking for dark things to make fun of, and are generally going to take horrible justifications from what they do learn, and yes, that does worry me a bit.

while everyone else only gets the PC mush of the moment.

You realize that while there might be some hamfisted attempts at this, that not all of them are so hamfisted, right? This statement doesn’t inspire confidence that you see that.


Verona instead of Venice

The original was also in Verona, Baz Luhrmann’s one was in “Verona Beach” or something like that


The commentary said they wanted to do rival criminal gangs, which would have made a lot more sense than the construction magnates they went with, but my guess is they realised West Side Story already did it.

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