Never buy “gaming” audio gear. Audio is the same no matter what you use it for. Buy something in the $100 price range marketed for audio production. The design will be plain and solid black, but you’ll get at least 50% more value for your money. Sennheiser is usually good.
Just adding support for this recommendation. I had 4 gaming headsets before this, and got this for about $140 on sale. It’s far and away the best sounding headset I’ve ever used for non-professional purposes. There are two caveats:
3.5mm jack works on most gaming consoles through the controller. And you can get a super cheap and small adapter from 3.5mm to USB-C if you want to use it with phone or other USB-C input. But if you need wireless this won’t do it.
They are open back style headphones. Meaning there’s a considerable amount of sound leakage into the room with you. Someone sitting next to you can hear every word of your voice chat or phone call. They sound really open airy and have a great sound-stage because of this, but it’s not great if you need privacy. They do make the Game One version with a closed back.
Excellent compilation of reviews but it would be nice to list where the game can be bought from. Steam, GOG, … ? I saw it on steam but not sure about the others.
I use the arctis nova 7x wireless which I like, have good reviews, and are good for the price. Can’t speak much to other options but Rtings has reviews of headsets if you want to research there
I use them with both. Xbox is the odd one out. If you get the nova 7 or nova 7P, they’ll work with everything except Xbox (I think). The 7x works with everything including Xbox
Napięcie na ładowarce USB odnosi się do maksymalnego napięcia które ładowarka jest w stanie wyprodukować. Możesz bez problemu podłączyć np. stary telefon który ciągnie 0,5A do ładowarki oznakowanej 2A, ale np. głośniki które wymagają 2A nie będą funkcjonować prawidłowo z ładowarki np. 1A. Mam głośniki na USB z AliExpress, w instrukcji jest podane że działają z zasilaczem od jednego do dwóch amperów, ale brzmią zdecydowanie głośniej na ładowarce 2A.
I can personally recommend the Astro a50s and the Audeze Maxwell, but both of those are going to approach the $300 mark. You can also explore cheaper Astro headsets like the a30s but i havent had any experience with those
I’ve had the same pair of a40s for probably eight years now and they’re still perfect. Never had issues.
They’re wired, I’ve always preferred not having to deal with batteries so perfect for me, but that may be a deal breaker for others. They’re $150 I think.
Looks like the A40s are hard to find now. Honestly leaning towards not caring if they are wired or not, depending on where they connect. Do you connect them to the controller or the console?
Oh wow that’s worrying if they’re getting hard to find.
They connect to the controller. You can get a little mixamp for Xbox controllers that lets you control volume, mix and a mute button. For PS it just plugs into the bottom of the controller with a standard aux cable. Not sure if there is something similar to the mixamp for PS5, don’t use a headset often on mine.
I tried no man’s sky again. I think I’m just past the intro as I got to the space station trading place. It’s interesting.
I have also been trying the new fortnite update and dirt rally 2
I’m thinking I’ll probably get the new monster hunter this week? I’ve been saving a gift card for a while, so that seems like it would be a fun pick. I feel like I have so many games I wana play, but not nearly enough time in my day lol