AProfessional, do games w [Release - PC/Switch] Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Release Trailer

The music is so good. Soundtrack on Steam is half the cost of the game (and probably worth it).

simple, do games w [Release - PC/Switch] Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Release Trailer

Really excited for this one. I haven’t played that much Jet Set Radio but I’ve been itching for a game like that for a while.

JillyB, do gaming w The FGC Video Canon with Professor IdolismJ

I got into fighting games during the pandemic. I’ve seen a lot of references to some of these but it’s nice to have the history lesson compiled.

ivanafterall, do gaming w TMNT: The Last Ronin (The Game) | Reveal Trailer

I was excited that there's a new TMNT game. I'm skeptical of the darker tone. They tend to be at their best when they embrace the radical, cowabunga!, colorful, party-loving 90's aesthetic.

peasinspace, do games w Strange Colorful XBOX 360 Games #13 (@RebelTaxi)

thanks for the share, this vid is awesome. love the bumpers between games too.

been watching a lot of old g4tv reruns with commercial breaks on youtube lately, kinda reminds me of that (minus some of the 00s grossness. glad weirdness towards women and homophobia isnt in anymore)

can, (edited )

He definitely got some inspiration from those days. I adore the bumpers. He recently made a good video on some of the weirder gaming shows from that era too.


yeah i have that vid queued up rn. subbed to the channel pretty quickly once i got into the vid you posted. the editing is fantastic, big fan 👨‍🍳👌

Ataraxia, do games w 5 Reminders NOT to Pre-Order Games This Year ~ We used to demand trials before buying before, what happened? ~ Stop Pre ordering Games avatar

Honestly every game I pre ordered I have been happy with especially bg3.

Call_Me_Maple, do games w Strange Colorful XBOX 360 Games #13 (@RebelTaxi) avatar

Aye, my boy Pan Pizza getting a shout out on Lemmy, let’s go. I love his videos so much.

gk99, do games w Strange Colorful XBOX 360 Games #13 (@RebelTaxi)

I don’t agree with the classification of 360 as “retro,” because I can think of multiple 360-era games in the top 50 charts today. The implication being that if the 360 is retro, so are its games.

And I can’t imagine going up to someone playing GTAV or CSGO and saying “bro this game is retro.”

can, (edited )

That’s a good point. To be clear I was commenting on people saying that in general. I don’t think Pan actually called it that.

papabobolious, do gaming w Titan Quest II Announcement Trailer

Seems it’s not from the original developer though


It is not, but the developer that’s working on this has a good reputation from what I’ve heard. The information that steam has makes me think that this is going to be a fairly faithful sequel.


Did they buy out their IP? Seems strange when Crate kept making games like it with Grim Dawn. My instinct is to bw highly skeptical because I really like Crate.

turtlepower, do gaming w The Last Ronin (the Game) Annoucement Trailer

Cowabunga dude!

Scooter411, avatar


Syl, do gaming w Titan Quest II Announcement Trailer avatar

Any gameplay trailer?


Not yet, though there are some screenshots on steam. The lich king is back!

storksforlegs, do gaming w Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to Switch and PS4 avatar

Followed by a PC release… right? RIGHT?

MutatedBass, do gaming w Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to Switch and PS4

Wow! A port of a 13 year old game will soon run on 10 year old hardware? Keep on innovating R*!


And their release of the GTA trilogy was just so stellar… They seem like Square Enix with their classic games, in not caring about them anymore.

brihuang95, do gaming w Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to Switch and PS4 avatar

$50 for a port (not even a remaster) onto a last gen console? and not even a PC release?! man i’m disappointed to say the least.

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

Goddamn I’ve been looking forward to a release for years now but goddamn this is sad.

THE MAJORITY OF THE MAP IS ALREADY DONE IN RDR2. JUST REBUILD THE GAME AS DLC FOR THAT. Ffs we’re all willing to shill out major dollars for Rdr1 to be remade in rdr2s engine and with West Elizabeth already existing in RDR2s map you could easily just continue on from the end of 2 into 1!

Hell most of the characters are in 2 as well! Port the quests and voice acting over, not saying it’s not massive but ffs that’s the 60 dollar DLC we’d ALL gladly pay for!

Goddamn studio execs are morons.

Edit I see that there are rumors and speculation that a full PS5/XSX/PC remaster is also possible, but at this point I’ll believe it when I see it. I really hope so, but I’m just so annoyed with how game studios handle this now. If they need cashflow in between major releases then do what Witcher did with Blood & Wine. We don’t need a new engine for every small release, release a decent DLC and honestly I’d pay $50-60 bucks for it. Blood and Wine deserved the $40 and honestly maybe a bit more. If they redid RDR1 as DLC to RDR2 I think it’d be very fair to pay $60 for it and it wouldn’t require a whole new engine.


That’s the thing - loads of people are also willing to shell out for a port

Why make a decent profit by remaking the game, when you can have a small team port the game over a few weeks and rake in basically 100% profit

I’d wager the difference between the number of copies that would see for a remake vs for a port is depressingly low

!deleted6348 avatar

That’s probably true sadly, but still only ps4 and switch… Which I guess are the two systems that don’t have back compat.

That’s the thing about rdr1 though, they could basically name their price a true remaster and tons of people would buy a full one too. You could set a ludicrous number like 150 and I shamefully would still buy it if it were a good remaster.


You might be willing to pay an absurd amount, but you’re definetely in the minority there, most people will definetely not be willing to pay more than $60 for a remaster

JosephTJames, do gaming w TEKKEN 8 — Azucena Reveal & Gameplay Trailer avatar

She is like a blend of many recent lady characters. I like her sun and moon motif on her clothes

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