echo64, do games w Nvidia's cross-game modding tools RTX Remix now in open beta

Whilst I like more tools for people to be creative with, the promises in these rtx tools look less like they are enabling creativity and more like trying to lock mods to their cards and having the human input be more technical busywork than artistic endevour.

You see this a lot when there are open source versions of games, id software games, for example. People like adding fancy lighting and HD textures, which ends up making Quake look like this

I generally just prefer the original look without the shiny, the shiny just distracts.


The article talks about that actually and I do agree, HD textures just kinda suck. Better lighting and effects could look good though, if done properly.

Katana314, do games w Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

It might be a good time to revisit some other long-running series that have managed a very good “reset” after running dry. Some examples that come to mind are Resident Evil 7, God of War, The Legend of Zelda, maybe some others.

At least for RE7 and God of War, it does feel like their overall goal was to reduce the action-packed scope, and focus more closely on something character-focused. RE7 doesn’t have crashing helicopters, and God of War doesn’t have you killing gods in the first 30 minutes. It definitely felt like an overall goal for FF16 was epic, bombastic scope and throwing around their budget, which obviously drove sales…but not as much lingering popularity as they hoped.

(Oh yeah, and plan a Steam release already. The world is not as console-obsessed as Japan)

Deestan, do games w Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

Getting hard to exploit the veterans, eh?

yamanii, avatar

Nomura would probably die if he gets any more overworked.


It’s gotten so bad over there, they put Yoshi-P on a mainline FF game while simultaneously heading arguably the #1 MMORPG in the market lol

FMT99, do games w Removed from sale: Peter Molyneux's Godus and Godus Wars, never finished

I’ll always have a soft spot for mr. Molyneux. Yeah his plans don’t always work out but he’s a real visionary, not (intentionally :p) a scam artist.


Idk…telling lies to potential customers that you know to be bullshit to get money from them based on promises you know you’ll never deliver sure sounds like a scam artist to me:

(From the article)

Molyneux talked in interviews about the pressure to overpromise in order to secure funding, telling Tech Radar that “the behaviour is incredibly destructive, which is ‘Christ, we’ve only got 10 days to go and we’ve got to make £100,000, for fuck’s sake, lets just say anything’.”


I always thought he wanted to be the Steve Jobs of the gaming world and never found his signature product to sell his success.

makingStuffForFun, avatar

Perfect analogy


If your game has been in Alpha since 2015. And there are basically no updates since that time, then yeah you’re a scam artist. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he kept doing it for nearly a decade, there’s no defense for that.

Also plenty of other software developers manage not to do what he does so it’s obviously not actually that hard


Kind of makes you wonder who was doing all the work for him before.


Yeah at least going by what’s reported in this article, Peter seems pretty neck deep in the scamming. If it’s not intentional the most charitable interpretation i can think of is he’s gone senile and someone else is using his name to run the scams:

Molyneux has copped to failures with Godus several times, saying he’s learned his lesson about overpromising - usually while making grand proclamations about what his next game will be. Godus Wars was followed by 22cans’ only other game still available on Steam, The Trail, which Molyneux said would “build on feelings and emotions untapped so far.”

Last month, 22cans released their latest game, the business management and invention sim Legacy, which seems to be Molyneux operating in his Theme Park/The Movies mode - except that Legacy is a Web3 blockchain game and they sold £40 million in NFT land two years before launch. 22cans updated Legacy players earlier this month to explain that they’d be ramping up marketing efforts on Legacy soon so as to help attract tenants for its current population of wannabe digital landlords.

Molyneux, meanwhile, began talking about 22cans’ next game back in October with launch of a development blog for a fantasy RPG set in Albion, which is also the name of the fantasy Britain where Lionhead’s Fable was set.

ConstipatedWatson, do games w Removed from sale: Peter Molyneux's Godus and Godus Wars, never finished

I remember that during the development of Black & White they had a journalist writing about its development and how exciting it was going to be.

Black & White got realized, but these interviews seemed a very fishy way of hyping the game and it’s when I got wary of Molyneaux grand claims


I remember reading those Dev journals too, but I feel like they helped me to get more out of B&W than most other people.

Yes, it was all about building hype, but it meant that I played more in a “find-your-own-fun-and-set-your-own-goals” way, which I think was what the original intent was.

Everyone’s biggest complaint was that the missions were half-baked and felt like they were thrown in right at the end. And they were right.

MagicShel, do gaming w Marvel Snap devs say the card game won't go anywhere, as publishers reportedly look to exit “mainstream games”

“Virtual” and “collectable” are two words that don’t belong in the same sentence unless it’s, “Online collectibles are virtually worthless.”


Virtual data on the internet that currently we take granted for could cease to exist later on, so collecting these data is not worthless at all. There exists many lost media even in the age of internet.

With that said, collectibles that only takes a server to mark “you have it” truly are worthless.


And yet nearly every game released on mobile is sells virtual collectibles, all kept in a server that will eventually go down.

Faydaikin, avatar

Or just repurposed.

When one game stops generating money, it’s time to roll out the next and sell new collectables. And it’s gonna need a server to store it on, right?

Gamers_Mate, do gaming w Them's Fightin' Herds to end active development without finishing story mode

It was fun playing as Arizona but we have been waiting for the other mane characters episodes for ages. Hopefully they change their minds and continue the story at some point.

Pika, do games w "The Next Subnautica" aims to deliver underwater survival spooks in early 2025

here’s to hoping they don’t scrap a perfect story half way through again like they did in sub 2, I loved the original pre-release story, then they scrapped it for the boring one it is now


What was the pre-release story for BZ? I played it this year and thought the story was fine, though it didn’t manage to recapture the feelings of mystery and discovery of the first game


I want a truly massive nuclear submarine and be able to explore some of the actual deep parts of the ocean. Like they hype up the huge drop off in the first game. Maybe a bit of protection against the giant ghost laviathans.

KingThrillgore, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

Didn’t you give Cammy a huge dumpy for a reason?

You can’t do anything about it, so owe up to it and offer an SDK and Workshop support where you can at least curate the experience and steer it in the right direction.

rockerface, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

Is this the same Capcom that published Devil May Cry games? I’m not sure they need modding to be offending public order and morals

JakenVeina, do gaming w Cities: Skylines 2 devs considered release delay to boost performance, but decided it's "not a dealbreaker"

Let’s be clear, though: developers did not make this decision. Managers and publishers did.

ampersandrew, avatar

Those managers and publishers were likely looking at their burn rate and needed to get some funding to come in to keep the studio afloat. It's tough out there for games right now.

ripcord, avatar

That's...a pretty big, pure guess there.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

Not really. If they could afford to release it after optimizations, they would.

ripcord, avatar

There is so much evidence of companies not doing the opposite, it seems like a really big assumption.

verysoft, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I mean, if they pull it off it will be great, but until it's in our hands, there are no expectations.

Wahots, do games w Elite Dangerous studio Frontier Developments announce layoffs and "organisational review" avatar

Fuuuuck, Elite Dangerous is so fucking good. Anyone can make a zoo sim or other games. Very very few can make a massive space Sim with good controls, multiplayer, and the sheer scale and intensity of E:D’s FPS ship combat.


Exactly. My ideal game would be a mix of Elite Dangerous, X4 Foundations, and Starfield. ED has the galaxy map, flight model, and combat down. It just needs to be more of a game.

Wahots, avatar

I would love an Elite, but with the combat and fluid vehicle entry/egress of Battlefield 1.


I never thought of that, but it would be so much fun.

Kolanaki, do games w Unravelling the magic and alchemy of Metacritic
!deleted6508 avatar

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only gamer that doesn’t give a fuck about review scores. I’d rather see for myself or hear about it from someone who I know has similar taste. Especially when it’s pretty common now for people to brigade those scores into oblivion or to massive new heights on a knee-jerk reaction to absolute fucking bullshit.


Definitely not the only one. But it’s not just games either, it’s cinematography too. Or even food, really. When you watch 500 movies a month, everything looks exactly the same. Not to mention that half of these critics companies are completely untrustworthy, and often post either uneducated reviews, or just plain garbage. Think of something like IGN’s Redfall video. The game is obviously horrible, but the person playing it didn’t know how to hold a controller. Or the one with Cuphead, where they failed the tutorial.

tldr: I only really trust opinions of my friends. These review sites have no value


The cuphead one was a self deprecating joke based on the fact that he wasn’t really used to that kind of game and wasn’t in the best conditions either to do that, bu he was the only one who could review that in that moment. It’s been years and you still bring that up…i can’t see why

Aielman15, avatar

Not only that, but the journalist extensively praised the game, too. Shawn touched a bit on the subject during his Cuphead video: Cuphead: The fake outrage.

The truth is, most gamers (and most people online, nowadays) parrot lies they hear on the internet without checking their source.


Interesting video, thanks! There’s so much to unpack, but i’ve had that feeling before, that those arguments are often built from scratch. As for many hard games recently published, they have indeed been appreciated at a critical level as well. As for me…I played hard games in the past. Everyone can do it, but we don’t always have the time. I appreciate difficulty in a game, but i can’t play these games at times…


User reviews tend to be far more reliable than professional critics. Critics have so much incentive to go against the orthodoxy, there’s no trust with them. The big review sites like IGN are meaningless to me. The numbers have also gotten inflated to the point of meaninglessness. Like I don’t think there are very many games I would describe as “10/10, perfect”, yet that is a common score from reviews sites for any new game.

Sometimes there will be specific critics whose reviews I trust, but almost always those come with a lot of examples of actual gameplay. Like, I used to really enjoy TotalBiscuit’s reviews (rip), but he always published his review as a video where you could see exactly how something looked when he talked about it. He wasn’t trying to tell you if a game was good or bad, he was simply telling you “what is it?” And “what do I like about it?” Then you could decide for yourself if you thought you would like it too.

termus, (edited ) do gaming w "They don’t care": Inside the triumphs and failures of accessible gaming hardware avatar

Great article and it sums up my feelings pretty well. I’m incredibly grateful for the XAC. What it has allowed me to combine together to play games, it’s wonderful. But it’s been a bumpy, expensive road to get here. I bought it on launch and the accessories that Microsoft offered at the time of launch were laughable. I only bought a single $60 big red button for it. I get it and the button is so sensitive I think I could set it off by breathing on it. I needed to use it with my feet so that’s no good.

The whole thing sat for a good year or more collecting dust until I came across Logitechs adaptive gaming kit. A great selection of buttons and everything you need to mark and manage them. It’s $120 (ughhhh) and to get all the buttons I want for how I use it, I’ll need 3 of them. My whole setup for it is over $400, ridiculous. Thankfully I am able to work with my disability and can afford that, but back when I was on SSI, no way in hell. I guess it’s cheaper than all the controllers I have bought in the past trying to find one I really enjoy using.

What I came up with, also using foot controls for WASD.

Some general rambling, the Xbox Accessories app needs a major overhaul, it’s a mess. Last time I checked Microsoft’s support site for the XAC was a bunch of broken links. Also the XAC stopped working shortly after the warranty expired. It has an internal battery the failed. Opening it up and disconnecting/removing that battery got it going again. Couldn’t find the battery anywhere for purchase, so it only works hardwired now but that’s not really a problem.

I was incredibly sad to see that Sony decided to launch it’s own product instead of just allowing the XAC to work natively on their device. While I’m sure Sony’s will work for some people, I just don’t see how and I’m not interested in buying another device. I’ll just stick with PC. It’s also weird how Sony has yet to show anyone using it, disabled or not.


Hi Termus, I've worked in a non-profit that dealt with this kind of thing; half of our focus was on people with disabilities. What I like about the XAC is that it has a 3.5mm jack for every button that the XBox controller uses, and the advantage of that is that you can use ANY accessible input that is available under the sun. You didn't have to buy the MS or Logitech accessories for them. I'm wondering why you felt you had to do that?

I agree that Sony's effort is not as good. I feel like it was created for marketing and coolness first.

termus, avatar

At the time of launch, Microsoft was the only vendor that had buttons in stock. All the accessibility sites that sold custom ones were sold out. I did buy a mix of loose arcade buttons with the idea to create my own. I gave up on that once I saw the Logitech kit. It’s built nicer than what I would have been able to build myself, with way less effort. I’ve bought one joystick off Etsy to use with my feet. It’s custom made with a 3d printed shell, it’s nice but it was also $45 for a single input. Ughhhh.


Ah, I see. I'm quite sure we're in different parts of the world and I guess my experience with parts availability was different. Here the problem is more of cost, as I'm sure your experience has shown, these do get expensive very quick, sadly.

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