
jordanlund, do gaming w Hello, PC gaming here: Are the consoles OK?
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

“Console sales are down. Circana analyst Mat Piscatella marked a 26% decline in spending on current-generation consoles this April compared to last April.”

We’re 4 years into the generation, sales declines aren’t uncommon, but this gen has had unique challenges:

  1. Covid fucked it all up. Supply chain issues screwed availability, software engineering ganked game development.
  2. Too much emphasis on “Cross Gen”. Why would someone scramble to get a hard to find PS5 or Xbox Series when the same game is out on PS4/Xbox One X?

Long generations are kind of the new thing, starting with Xbox 360/PS3. Previously they were around 5 years and people are looking for the next machines now.

@Eeyore_Syndrome@sh.itjust.works avatar

And people cry when games like Elite Dangerous drop console support.

Microsoft and Sony force them to develop for the lowest spec gen, so no you cannot play on your PS5/X whatever because PS4 and One X cannot run new game engine.

They were never more than 20% of the player base.

Also get your free PC copy Here 🥹

@nave@lemmy.ca avatar

Microsoft and Sony force them to develop for the lowest spec gen

No they don’t. If the developers wanted they could have dropped support for the last gen versions for newer updates (like what cyberpunk did).

Also for what it’s worth they even had a ps4 trailer for the Odyssey dlc.

@lorty@lemmy.ml avatar

I somewhat understand what you are talking about but the buggy and poorly maintained Elite Dangerous isn’t the best example to support your argument. BG3 getting a pass on some features for the series S is exactly what other games should be able to do if it makes sense for them.


Pretty sure the shortest time between Playstation consoles was 6 years (PS1 > PS2 & PS2 > PS3.) Then 7 years for both PS4 and PS5.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Playstation consoles are weird because Sony just can’t let go of old hardware (unless it’s the PSP).

The PS1 was in production from 1994/1995 (Japan/US) to 2006(!) So it technically overlapped both the PS2 and PS3(!)

PS2 ran from 2000 to 2013.

PS3 2006 to 2017.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

I think we’re too far out to blame supply chain issues. PS5 is lagging behind PS4 at the same point in its life by about 20M consoles. #2 is both a symptom and a cause. Developers across the entire industry have bloated their development timelines. That means fewer games and less reacting to consumer tends. When do you think Concord started development, for instance? And do you think it still would have been made if it started after Overwatch 2 came out?

Plus, consumers seem to be gravitating toward the less restrictive open standard. If you’re in Sony land, you need to replace your old controllers, even though they still work; you have to pay for online play; backwards compatibility is a bit of a dice roll, and if you want features as similar as higher resolution textures and better frame rates, they’re going to sell you a remaster rather than just letting you turn up the settings. In ruling over their walled garden ecosystem and trying to extract more money from it, they’ve given players more and more reason to play on PC.

loo, do games w Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves'
@loo@lemmy.world avatar

Still waiting for them to fix their game and not produce even more DLCs


what is broken in stellaris


My mid game builds 😢


Skill issue



@BombOmOm@lemmy.world avatar

From my experience, nothing. I’m not sure what the guy is complaining about.

@loo@lemmy.world avatar
  • They changed the keybindings without giving you the ability to edit keybindings yourself
  • The performance is bad
  • The game speed is linked to framerate and the longer your run is, the slower your game runs
  • The former point results in players in multiplayer getting kicked because of synchronization issues
  • Many minor bugs such as science ships getting trapped at one planet because they cant ever finish surveying them
  • DLCs being absolutely overpriced sometimes
  • Mechanics being absolutely unbalanced

I bought the game on release and played the game for over 700 hours since and I had to witness many patches that introduced so many bugs


Not saying you’re wrong but it’s funny that you’re disparaging a game that you’ve played for 700 hours.

@loo@lemmy.world avatar

I love the game and at times I couldn’t stop playing. The more it got patched the more issues I had with it and I haven’t played in a while. Still waiting for Falling Frontier to be released :)


I have around 700 hours in CK3 and feel the same pain you do

@loo@lemmy.world avatar

Just Paradox things


that’s the type of player you want an analysis from, right?


I’ve played 1,300 hours of Destiny 2. I basically wrote my graduate thesis on how it uses psychological tactics to exploit its playerbase and how contemporary business models in gaming are harmful to consumers. Anyways, I gotta grind out my red borders before TFS drops.


Performance is tied to pops. Easy to get around by using a smaller galaxy, still bad yes but solvable.

cooljacob204, (edited )

Late game performance and dsyncs comes to mind.

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) do gaming w Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update

The base game is prettier and more stable in my few playthrough hours with the update.

I miss mods, but this was a significant improvement to the base game imho, especially base visuals, and mods will come.

Honestly the last time I launched the game in an unmodded, un-community patched state, a couple years ago to be fair, it crashed every half hour or so for me from runtime errors, so this feels like a more stable bedrock on which to build.

Just one Bethesda fan’s perspective.

@breadsmasher@lemmy.world avatar

Not to come across as defending bethesdas awful history; having multiple mods can be precarious, especially if you dont manage the load order


My anecdotal experience- update looks and works great on my original steam deck. Of course, my limited experience doesn’t make it a good patch!


I’ve seen several articles whining about this patch over the past several weeks. They all have the same vague complaints, but the only real tangible and provable one seems to be that some mods break, and Fallout: London was delayed.

I’ve seen claims of crashes and FPS drops, but no actual data or testing to back that up. It seems like a classic case of the Internet circling around and making something into a much bigger deal than reality.

Everyone I’ve seen commenting who has actually tried it themselves seems to have positive feedback. I installed it briefly on the Deck myself to try it out and it seems fine, although I don’t care enough to put in hours of proper testing.


Sounds like normal gamer bullshit to me, lol.

Carry on with our days.


Really? Cuz I’ve had multiple issues since the patch. Crashes seem pretty much the same pre and post patch, but I’m having way more issues with freezes on loads and fast travel.

NounsAndWords, do games w The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook

The lesson heard is probably “more sequels”

GlowHuddy, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive is laying off 5% of its workforce and 'rationalizing its pipeline,' the latest skin-crawling corporate euphemism for people losing their jobs
@GlowHuddy@lemmy.world avatar

And ofc it’s just to raise their stock a little bit :) Big corpos are real life monsters

Talaraine, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

I dunno, maybe stop going public and just sell a decent game?

axby, (edited ) do games w Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'

This would have been so exciting like 9 years ago when they first released the FPS thing. I would also be excited if they said the game is fun now, instead of some random superficial animation thing that probably doesn’t add much to the gameplay.

I love the idea of this game, but even after a few years I lost hope. I can’t believe it’s still in development like 10 years later. Does anyone know if it’s more playable now? They had some ship racing and the FPS thing before, why haven’t they just thrown together a basic world yet?

Edit: it sounds like they have thrown together a basic world. Maybe it’s worth another try now? Can you have fun for more than a few hours and actually accomplish meaningful stuff?


It’s a grift, a scam, a goose that’ll lay golden gameplay eggs just so long as those whales keep dumping more money on the project.

@krimson@feddit.nl avatar

I check this game out once or maybe twice a year which is more than enough imo. There are plenty of people playing this daily though who apparently can cope with all the bugs and crashes.

Tattorack, (edited )
@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

They’ve had a “basic world” for a long time at this point, unfortunately it still doesn’t go beyond “tech demo” levels of development.

Squadron 42, their single player game set in this universe, is supposedly nearly completely finished and coming “SOON™”.

If Squadron 42 actually releases it would mean Chris Roberts has finally managed to start and finish a project without a parent company ordering him or taking away the project from him.

@yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

What the defense squad doesn’t get here, is that when people ask if it’s done they are asking if Squadron 42 is done, and it’s still not.

KillingAndKindess, do games w Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball creator and one of the most influential manga artists of all time, dies aged 68

Acute subdermal hematoma, in case anyone else was thinking 68 felt young.

@EtherWhack@lemmy.world avatar

I think your autocorrect took a crap. That is just a common bruise.

Subdural would be similar, but under the outer layer of the brain.

As for age, anyone can get these as they tend to be symptom from something else. The main causes would be high blood pressure, a side effect of blood thinners, or a concussion; like from falling and hitting your head.


Nope. Its what the article said

@EtherWhack@lemmy.world avatar

When you actually win an argument on the internet.


Is it possible they edited the article?

BirdEnjoyer, do gaming w Nintendo is suing the makers of the Switch emulator Yuzu, claims 'There is no lawful way to use Yuzu'

I choose to try not to pirate, and thus this kinda thing absolutely pisses me off because this is so disingenuous, because I dig into the nitty gritty of how to do all this stuff legit.

Randomizers alone make Nintendo games in particular so much more alive, and all but require the use of ripping software and quite often emulators.
These emulators can make even current titles look even more beautiful and play more smoothly than their native platform, too.

Yeah, people are going to pirate using this stuff, but its wrong to treating the tools themselves as being inherently bad. They are quite often used by people who care very much about these games, and do give fair financial support to Nintendo.


Not to mention archival purposes for games that will be lost to time if not preserved.


Nintendo would rather want games to not be preserved so people can shell out some money to play a remaster on the next gen or 2.

yamanii, do games w [PCGamer] Helldivers 2 is the least I've felt pressured to spend money on a game in years, so of course I'm buying everything in the store
@yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

When Helldivers 2 closes down you can’t play it anymore, it’s still part of the problem and not the solution, let people host servers or do it p2p.


Arrowhead still supporting HD1 so I don’t see that being an issue for at least 8-10 years.


HD1 is playable offline. No reason the second game shouldn’t be either

@yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

The reason is the cash shop of course. I know, it’s cheap and fair compared to every other live services, but it still limits your play to be online only.

We can only hope the game does an Avengers when it closes down and patches offline play, but we can’t trust these companies.

Fizz, do gaming w MSI demos a monitor that gives you an AI helping hand in League of Legends and it might stretch the boundaries of what's considered fair
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Ok that’s bullshit. You should get banned if your monitor is alerting you of incoming enemies

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

But it’s your hardware doing this? Are 3D-headphones illegal then, because of the massive benefit to aurally locating your enemy? Are hall-effect analogue keyboards illegal, due to the configurable much much shorter actuation distance? Etc, etc. Once it’s in hardware, it is a really interesting discussion where you place the cut-off.

You can’t even go "Once it has to actually know which game you’re playing, as profiles already work similar in gaming drivers, plus importantly most 3D audio is per-game optimized.

And come to think of it, DLSS or FSR are also AI-powered frame-per-frame image analysis to add output to the existing image.


There really isn’t a complicated discussion to be had unless you needlessly complicate things. There’s a big difference between having, say, better monitor or headphones in terms of resolution or sound quality vs having a monitor or headphones that add extra features.

It’s like saying that AR glasses that visualize a ball’s trajectory should be allowed in tennis or football because players can already invest in better rackets or shoes.

The detection problem is not unsolvable. First, you can forbid people that are using that monitor from matchmaking. You can find your monitor’s model number using software so that would be trivial. For a more nuanced approach, you can examine players’ reaction times and ban people that got too good too fast.

ylai, (edited )

There are plenty of EDID blockers and emulators already on the market. Unfortunately, no, “find[ing] […] the monitor’s model number” is not as trivial as you may think, if somebody really wants to evade. It is quite trivial nowadays to spoof the EDID in hardware, without the software able to do anything.


Why would it matter if the cheat is from hardware or software?

@Fisch@lemmy.ml avatar

I think the difference is that hardware, like a 144 hz monitor, isn’t really making you better at the game, it’s just that what you had before was making you worse. If you get a 144 hz monitor and your aiming gets better, that’s not because the monitor made you better but because the 60 hz monitor, you had before, was holding you down.


Analog kbs are causing quite a lot of debate in some games rn with what should and shouldn’t be allowed


I’m curious what the trackmania rulings are gonna be.


Well to be unnecessarily pedantic about it, that’s how games do work normally.

@charles@lemmy.world avatar

If that’s how LoL wanted their game to work, that’s how they would make it work


Yeah I’m with you, just making a bad joke

@charles@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, ok. Carry on.

Kaldo, do games w Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released
@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

One of the best games I've played in recent memory, even during EA. Extremely polished and well designed, it's worth every cent and if this doesn't convince you I think it still has a free demo you can try.


Yeah seriously. Amazing devs who kept on their update cycle and listened to their fans. A lot of the QoL improvements were suggested by the community.

I bought it during last year’s Steam Winter sale and it’s one of my most played games.


I started playing it around May 2023, and it was pretty solid.

So to see a massive list of changes since then, just wow!

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

They have been amazing in terms of updates - regular meaningful updates every 2 weeks, it was amazing to see the game evolve so fast. I hope it means they just had a really good codebase and established workflow rather than they were crunching though.

Carighan, do gaming w Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'
@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

New idea:

Whenever a company wants to drop X workers, the first Y people of that have to be the C-suites, and they cannot get a parachute. They leave just on the last pay they received regularly, no bonuses or anything.


As much as 2000IQ that can sound, it would mean leaving any company in shambles after a layoff round

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh course, and I’m half joking. But something has to be done about execs stuffing their own arse full with all the bank notes they get from mass layoffs, when that money could easily keep some of those workers employed.


Oh no, the buffoons who mismanaged the company so badly that scores of people are laid off have to be fired! Now who will fuck things up while making off with tons of cash?


Yes because we all know a company sake is more important than the lives of sometimes hundreds of people. You realize how awful you sound ?

SignorPao, do gaming w Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

I mean, Miyamoto said pretty much the same thing long ago. Glad to see Gaben being on the same wavelength.


There’s no way he didn’t know. You don’t exist in that industry and not know.


Wow, I stand corrected. Neat trivia. In that case Gabe simply stated an idea that has been around the industry for a very long time.

badbytes, do games w 505 Games' parent company lays off 30% of its workforce, says gamers really only want sequels so that's what it's going to make

Sounds like parent company is Disney

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