
tourist, do games w Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'
@tourist@lemmy.world avatar

Wait did they still not release this game

@HuddaBudda@kbin.social avatar

I hear it has the same release schedule as Half Life 3, Knights of the old republic remake, and Road Runner vs. Acme.


It’s playable if that’s what you mean. It’s still “early access” though.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it’s “released”. Meaning that yes, you can buy it for money and launch it (so released), but it’s so shit they had to quickly officially declare it broken (“early access”) to save face.


Maybe because development has a high ongoing cost that they do not have any other product to take up? Star citizen has a fairly large scope, and the fact that they have even gotten to the point where a fairly high number of gameplay loops are fully integrated is quite impressive. If you look at their ship designs, for example, you can see just how much care was put into a lot of the designs (see the architectural reviews, for example)

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, maybe. But it’s also ridiculous, finish what you have instead of constantly bolting on scope to keep the sales treadmill running.

Of course, it’s a business first and foremost. And if that’s what people gladly pay for, no fault in pocketing the money I guess.


Except scope hasn’t really changed in years? I might be wrong since I’m not trawling through every single piece of content released but I’m pretty sure most of the expansions are related to CIG figuring out details of already promised features.

I’m sure someone following the game closer can provide more details on that.

Denjin, (edited )

Star Citizen has raised more money than the budgets of GTAV, Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 COMBINED.

The only people defending it now are those so deep in the sunk cost fallacy they can’t get out.

Edit: the total budget for StarCitizen so far is equivalent to the nominal GDP in 2023 of Sao Tome & Principe

@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve spent $49.99 on it. As a space sim fan, it’s one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in a game. Blows Elite Dangerous out of the water in terms of seamlessness. If it was better optimized it’d be one of the only things I’d play.

I’m not trying to you’re wrong about anything. But for a certain customer, it’s already a pretty great experience.


And it’s much better than any space sim game developed by Sao Tome & Principe in 2023.
Checkmate, atheists.

breadsmasher, (edited )
@breadsmasher@lemmy.world avatar

When did they ever “release” it without saying its also early access?

edit - assuming downvotes are cause of a misunderstanding. im not defending early access or star citizen. I am just saying I do not recall them “backpedaling” to early access. I thought they had always advertised it as early access. Which itself is shady af

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

What I mean is, “early access” is just release with the makers openly admitting that everything is unfinished and broken, instead of people finding out on release day. It’s still a product X being sold money Y, just like a “real” release. And hence it should always be evaluated for what you get vs what you pay, not the promise of what you might get later. See also: Preorders (at least these are protected by a lot of laws in some countries), Kickstarters, Religions.

@drkt@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


for the record I paid for this and am watching with hopeful eyes, but please stop pretending that being able to launch the game and walk around is playing


Playable in very loose terms. I booted it on a decent rig (13700k/32gbRAM/3080ti), after ~10min of loading screens I finally got my ship onto the pad and tried to take off from the planet; half way into the burn out of the atmosphere, I clip out of the pilot seat, through the whole ship and start free falling back to the planet while my ships continues to burn away from me…. I alt+f4’d and uninstalled that hot garbage.


Calling bullshit on this. Have a very similar rig and I load into the cities within a minute or two, and if I spawn on my ship or a station it’s faster than that.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Even more fascinating, people are still chucking money at it. Because apparently too many ran out of other things to waste money on. Entirely.


Nope. Never will.

entropicshart, do games w Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'

The feature creep never ceases to amaze


PentA game

littlebluespark, (edited )
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

Seriously. When do the lawsuits start? 🤦🏼‍♂️

Pfft. Y’all deserve each other. 🤣🤌🏼


Lawsuits for what? They never promised any customer that they would immediately deliver a working end product. As far as I can make out, they offer early access to an in-development product, with your purchase going toward funding development. It’s more akin to a donation with strings (access to the product).


Yeah. It’s not like they defrauded a government out of tens of millions of dollars (looking at you, Ubisoft)

@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar


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  • RealFknNito,
    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


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  • littlebluespark,
    @littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar


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  • DaDragon,

    I’ve literally never paid for Star Citizen. Not sure how I’m supposed to be a sweaty fanboy…

    It’s a large scoped game, and from what I’ve seen, they’ve slowly been turning it into an incredibly feature-filled game that goes beyond the scope of what most other games deliver.

    @Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

    Please stay civil, thank you.


    Why don’t you show us all how it’s done, chief? Since you’re such a legal expert and all…

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


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  • entropicshart,

    That boot must be fucking golden!

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Rai,

    Bahaha SC defense squad arrives to justify their ship purchases

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Rai,

    Why do people criticizing a scam make you so insanely mad? Reminds me of the folks still shilling GME false hope.

    RealFknNito, (edited )
    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

    Lmao because morons like you keep calling it a scam despite it making massive improvements. They could have cut and run 40 million dollars ago. You just want something to hate on and it’s genuinely pathetic.

    You want an actual scam game to bitch and moan about? Go winge about The Day Before. That one actually took the money then shut down their studio like proper scammers. Don’t see them sticking it out while crybabies write up shit like you every 4 months when they get bored.

    I’m sick of literal children saying “Don’t release the game if it’s not done! We’re tired of buggy messes!” then a week later saying shit like “Wow this game is still in development? They should release it already wtf.”

    You gonna join the losers that made death threats to the Cyberpunk 2077 team to release their game early? Fuck off. The only people still crying about Star Citizen are the ones that bought a ship to find out their garbage PC can’t even run the game or worse - they’re console owners.



    go back to reddit lawl


    I own an Xbox and have zero interest in playing Star Citizen. Still gonna tell everyone it’s a scam and all your bitching can’t change a thing about it lol

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Boy_of_Soy,

    Ur so mad


    Imagine using soyboy as an insult lol are you 12?

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s his name you dense fuck.


    My hardware is twice as powerful as anything that existed when the game was supposed to release. Still runs like dogshit. I log in once a year to see if the game is still trash. The game is still trash. It’s not a literal scam, but it might as well be because Chris Roberts hasn’t been able to actually complete a game since Wing Commander. Which I loved, and unfortunately that spurred me to flush $40 in the toilet.

    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

    Almost like it was being developed not for the day it began development but for the future when they intend to release it. Almost like optimizations are the last stage in development.

    You’re a fucking moron just blabbering about shit you don’t understand and I’m glad you can’t do anything but whine and piss yourself about how your $40 hasn’t given you the best game your little brain could conjure up. It’s been a decade. Grow the fuck up.


    Get over that chip on your shoulder. Did you not even read the comment you’re replying to?

    RealFknNito, (edited )
    @RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

    I did and it was as worthless as yours. It set out to have an extremely wide scope. It’s not feature creep if it’s intended from the fucking beginning.


    What feature creep? This is all stuff they setup for squadron first and are just moving it over now.

    KillingAndKindess, do games w Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball creator and one of the most influential manga artists of all time, dies aged 68

    Acute subdermal hematoma, in case anyone else was thinking 68 felt young.

    @EtherWhack@lemmy.world avatar

    I think your autocorrect took a crap. That is just a common bruise.

    Subdural would be similar, but under the outer layer of the brain.

    As for age, anyone can get these as they tend to be symptom from something else. The main causes would be high blood pressure, a side effect of blood thinners, or a concussion; like from falling and hitting your head.


    Nope. Its what the article said

    @EtherWhack@lemmy.world avatar

    When you actually win an argument on the internet.


    Is it possible they edited the article?

    NOT_RICK, do games w Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball creator and one of the most influential manga artists of all time, dies aged 68
    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    Well guys, I think it’s pretty clear what we need to do. It’s time to collect all the Dragon balls so we can bring him back. RIP Toriyama-san, you will be missed.

    Jesusaurus, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it

    Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V isn’t considered using AI to create a game btw… Someone should tell them that doesn’t count.

    ezchili, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it

    That is one savage fucking title


    It surely goes hard

    OuterRem, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it

    Oh boy! Can’t wait for my grandchildren to use AI to customize the sponsorship logos on Cyborg-Messi’s Jersey or change the hue of the football pitch to a slightly more artificial green in EA Sports FC 2077!

    Landsharkgun, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'

    " A moderator on the game’s Discord server, for instance, said “watching u all cry, amuses me so much,” while another said on Reddit that complaints about weapon nerfs were perhaps in reality a question of “skill issue.” "

    Are you kidding? That’s fucking hilarious. Learn to use a different weapon than the railgun you absolute chuffs.


    I was expecting hate speech or something… but this sounds almost like friendly banter


    The crying comment comes off as more of a dick thing to say, but the skill issue bit is pretty funny.

    mrfriki, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it

    So even more generic games then.

    Sanctus, do gaming w EA CEO talks AI, says the usual stuff before the bong rip hits and he starts blabbing about a future where 3 billion people are creating EA's games with it
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    EA’s games? Thats not a bong, its a lobotomy needle.

    yamanii, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'
    @yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

    “Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game”


    Pretty much true.


    Except people are complaining because they were having fun before and now they’re having less fun. It hasn’t affected me as I’ve replaced the railgun with EAT, but I do think the nerf was mostly unnecessary. All it did was give players less options for higher difficulties.

    Visstix, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'

    What a whiney playerbase then


    They literally said they were enjoying their customers tears.

    1. you’re a business, that’s just stupid to say.
    2. if you enjoy the suffering of other people you’re an absolute shit human being.

    1 yup

    2 have you played Dark Souls?


    You are taking this way to seriously


    Me, seeing the tears of 30 year-old children waaaahhhing because their favorite vidder gaem gun does X% less damage:

    : - D

    Katana314, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'

    It’s unfortunately a case of developers being required to stay “on mute” because of their inherent power - much like being rich, male, and white.

    I play a lot of Dead by Daylight, and many friendly content creators will offhandedly say comments like “If you can’t outrun a Hag who’s not using her traps on Garden of Joy, you should probably uninstall.” It’s an exaggerated sentiment, definitely in a mean spirit; but unfortunately that brand of sarcasm won’t work with everyone, and in the case of most people, they could react with “Well, fine, I don’t care about YOU - surely the developers agree with me.” But people feel MUCH more powerless when developers speak, even if it’s for a topic the community has consensus on. Even Dead by Daylight had its period of outcry when the developers effectively stated through changes “Camping survivors that are downed is not fun and we’d like to discourage it.”


    It’s unfortunately a case of developers being required to stay “on mute” because of their inherent power - much like being rich, male, and white.

    How does the quote go? “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

    Ridiculous comparisons aside, primary issue is that there are basically no upsides and a lot of potential downsides to a developer actively like an ass in customer facing channels.

    And feeding the cycle of “clapbacks” isn’t going to do the community any favors.


    While I’m very much on board with the equality quote for the white-male thing (If you’re privileged, you shouldn’t be making comments about welfare and employment), I don’t know if that has so much equivalence to being a game dev. In the end, a small team of people are the ones with the control to make and update the popular game, and that power will never be spread among its playerbase.

    The thing is, as obvious as it sounds to say “never act like an ass”, conversational spontaneity is unpredictable, and the simplest and fastest way to achieve that is with the directive “Never speak”. I’ve even seen that issue with coding standards - the best way to never be blamed for a bug is to just never put up any code changes. In social settings, if people try to act in ‘honest’ ways, that can involve sometimes speaking in slightly inflammatory ways towards concepts that they think the group should agree are bad. In this very comment chain, for instance, we’ve made metaphors to oppressive patriarchy from controlling white men. (I’m a white guy with above-average income, by the way, and I’m very okay with that comparison)

    So, these developers decided to be more vocal than others in the past (think of every publisher that responds with stock “We recognize your concerns and appreciate your feedback”) and, this unfortunately can be the consequence of that. I know it seems plausible to expect them to be perfect, but they’re human - not much different from all other internet commenters. I’d even question whether everyone here knows the full context of the comments that are receiving complaints. Quite often, when people are putting attention on you, they can selectively quote you to make you seem terrible. (“I KILLED EARL MILFORD.”)

    If your position is simply “Devs shouldn’t speak outside of patch notes and press releases”, that’s kind of a fair stance, I just want to make sure that’s what you intend.

    Goronmon, (edited )

    Honestly, I don’t personally think that developers stop speaking to players directly. But doing so can have consequences, especially if you decide to take a more antagonistic attitude. And dealing with those consequences is the price you pay for more direct communications.

    All of this drama is dumb for many reasons. It was dumb for the original comments from players that were insulting towards the devs. It’s dumb for a developer to respond in kind. And it’s dumb that people get so worked up in turn for the developer’s comments (especially the “they should be fired” cries).

    But the clear point in the chain that can be severed here is on the developer’s shoulders. We’ll never get rid of 100% of the negativity/toxicity in gaming, but we can limit how much it becomes a part of the community.

    @elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

    potential downsides to a developer actively like an ass

    Did you accidentally a word?


    obviously the word was meant to be acting, why act retardant about it

    @elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

    Not obvious to me, but “acting” does make sense now that you say it.

    chakan2, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'
    @chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

    It was the patch that got me to stop playing. Why you would nerf weapons in a non-competitive game rather than make poor preforming weapons viable is beyond me.

    It’s akin to Steve Jobs telling everyone they’re holding their phone wrong.

    @BoneALisa@lemm.ee avatar

    I dont know what everyone is so upset about, the shotgun feels fine, the recoil doesnt feel bad, and the mag size isnt a huge problem for me.

    Plus the flamethrower buff and laser cannon buff are super nice. Im usually in favor of the whole “buff everything else, no debuff” but this honestly feels fine.


    It’s been rough adjusting to how many overcharged shots it takes to take down a charger, but it’s been a blast running with some flamethrower friends.

    It also gave me an excuse to bring back my rover. No, it’s still not as practical as the shield, but it is more fun.


    Making all the weapons overpowered to match ruins the intended difficulty.


    Lack of further content and wanting to lock the little content they do have behind the premium bonds, which will drive people to buy credits since they don’t have time to grind out the credits needed.


    It’s to keep design space open and to minimize developer work.

    Let’s say we decide to keep an overperforming gun. It does all the things. It has all the ammo, all the damage, all fire rate, all the reload speed. Now, all future weapons have to be made with that as a consideration. Why would players choose this new weapon, when there’s the old overperformer? The design space is being controlled and minimized by the overperformer. Players will complain if new weapons aren’t on the level of the overperformer.

    Now, let’s say we have ten weapons with one clear overperformer. Now, we can either nerf a single weapon to bring it in line with the others, or buff nine weapons to attempt to bring them up to the level of the overperformer. Assuming the balance adjustments of each weapon are the same amount of work, that’s 9x the effort. However, if we assume we do this extra work to satisfy players, now we have ten overperforming guns and players find the game too easy, so now we also have to buff enemies to match. However, the game isn’t designed to handle these increase in difficulty. Players complain if we just add more health to enemies, so we have to do other things like increase enemy count, but adding more enemies increases performance issues. It’s a cascading problem.

    I consider nerfs a necessary evil. It’s absurd to ask developers to always buff weapons and give them so much work when they could be developing actual additions to the game. Sometimes, a weapon really does need a nerf.


    Thank you so fucking much.

    If you want the game to have long term viability, you have to have nerfs. Otherwise in 3 years everyone who has been playing since day 1 has a mech with a gattling cannon that fires nukes and is fighting gods.

    @Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

    Average anime protagonist progression.

    @tb_@lemmy.world avatar

    Cough Warframe cough


    Also, I’m not sure how much this applies to helldivers specifically, but from what I’ve seen, teams didn’t really teamwork. Because they didn’t have to.

    This can be very bad because if it follows these steps:

    1. game is easy, no teamwork required, players learn to play the game without teamwork
    2. game gets harder, but some people can still manage solo, complain about “newbs” and tell them to "git gud"
    3. game gets even harder, now it’s impossible to play “quasi solo” but the environment is no longer fit to learn teamwork in the context of this game. “How” to work together effectively.

    Then people will complain, justly, that they don’t have the tools and methods to beat the challenge. Which is correct. They don’t. But you can’t just tell people to “go play easy mode and learn the game”, when they are “max level” and put 40-100 hours into the game.

    Of course the synergy tools still have to exist and I’m not knowledgeable about helldivers whether they do.

    There is no good choice to “encourage” teamplay, except via creating “natural” funnels that people will “end up at” “organically”, and putting a challenge in front of them that they can only work with teamwork. But that means the challenge has to beat them, until they get it. And that may never happen.

    One game I have found exceptional as a case study for what is “overpowered” and what isn’t, and why, is magic the gathering. All the “code” is public. The complaints are public. The bans are public, and explained. So if anyone here wants to nerd out about balance and doesn’t know mtg yet, there is a rabbit hole for you.


    I remember an incident in Red Orchestra where we were on a tank map. A teammate hopped in a tank. So, I did too. He jumped out of the tank and into another; so I joined. He jumped out and started shooting at me, basically insisting I get my own tank. Apparently, his level of tactical sense and reflexes in a tank vastly outweighed the value of having a second player in the gunner’s seat; even though the game was realistically meant to depict tank crews cooperating.


    It’s a common issue with lots of team play games. The other player decided that it was better to have two people operating separate mortars than to have one of them provide small arms cover on the flanks of the tank.

    Helldivers 2 has a similar problem where some players can help other players reload their larger weapons at a much faster rate than typically; however the player base decided that it’s better to fan out and each operate the weapon solo because shots do not need to be made so rapidly and clumping together increases the odds both players die.

    @Tick_Dracy@lemm.ee avatar

    Left 2 Dead 2 wants to have a word with you 😏



    The game does have a bit of a balance problem, but as usual the players are not the best at designing the solution.

    • Railgun was overpowered, since it did literally everything without any risk. The funny thing is - you can still do things it did before, you just need to actually use the unsafe mode.
    • The armoured bugs are a bit overtuned, the devs have announced they will be looking at them, but just giving you an OP gun is not a way to fix that.
    • Shield was probably alright as it was, but the current iteration of armour doesn’t really make up for the lack of it.

    Did you ever played Payday 2, where powercreep made us go from guns with all the best attachments could maybe kill the toughest enemy in the game in half a mag, or about 15 shots, to the devs needing to implement 3 (technically 4) more difficulty levels with new enemies that were just old enemies with more resistances or 10 times the health as their stock launch counterparts, and those things dying in 2 hits from all the meta build weapons. All because they kept introducing more powerful weapons, more attachments that made launch guns more and more obsolete, and general more power creep through skill tree expansions and entirely new jobs for perks. The player counts for that game dove off a cliff after players realized each DLC was just pay 2 win garbage and even using stuff you could get only from the base game and free updates left every weapon feeling samey with the same tactics being used and things not in the meta utterly ignored by anyone playing end game content. Because instead of reigning in the things that overperformed and broke the balance curve, they just kept powercreeping new items into the game.

    @chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

    The player counts for that game dove off a cliff after players realized each DLC was just pay 2 win garbage

    And what exactly do you think is going to happen with this game?


    You’re missing the point. Player counts for that game dived because despite fairly regular new content and replay value, the meta and power creep pushed all players into using very similar functioning builds with everything that could be considered an alternate playstyle being so underperforming many people couldn’t even make them work in the 2-3 difficulty range. HD2 has much better variance in maps and enemies, so as long as devs keep the trickle of new content and powercreep under control this game easily has a 6-8 year shelf life. Community will trickle downwards like all games do as they age and new games pop up. But as long as the devs don’t fall into the trap of caving to vocal minority of players demanding any exploits they find stay in the game, we could easily have 100k-200k regular pops a year from now.


    This is a dumb take.

    If there was a gun that 1 tapped every enemy in the game and had infinite ammo and maybe even auto aimed for you, that would suck a lot of the fun out of the game wouldn’t it?

    Would you not want that gun to be nerfed or would you want every gun in the game to become a 1 tap super weapon?


    that would suck a lot of the fun out of the game wouldn’t it?

    Good thing you get to choose which gun you use. I personally would love that weapon. I’ve got two kids and a full time job. I need a nerf mode. The rest of y’all can use whatever other guns you like. But give me the BFG and let me have my fun.

    @EtherealMoon@lemmy.world avatar

    This game has like ten difficulty options. If you need the BFG on easy mode then you probably are just bad at videogames.


    So what. Let me be bad at video games and still enjoy it. Not everything needs to be a side hustle, maxed out, semi-pro, rise and grind. I just want to have a hobby, even if I’m shit at it forever, because it’s fun.

    You should try it sometime. It’s a much less stressful and actually enjoyable way to live.


    Yea, that’s why difficulty easier than “impossible” and “helldive” exist, so that you can enjoy the game on your time.

    But when other players want their guns to be of roughly equal value, so that they don’t feel pressured to not take the meta, that’s not a bad thing imo


    That’s what the difficulty mode selection is for. If you want an easy One-Shot experience just play on the easier modes. Overpowered over tuned weapons just create assholes in the higher difficulties kicking people out of games for not taking “the correct” load out.

    Those of us with a little more time or a little more skill or a little more both enjoy the harder difficulties actually being… Difficult. Imagine that, the correct place to give people the ability to have a Nerf mode is in the difficulty slider which thankfully the developers have done!

    Instead of complaining about weapon balance just turn down the difficulty and enjoy your easy experience


    Nope, I want a balanced sandbox. If I went into a lobby and everyone was using the 1 tapper (because why wouldn’t they) Then the game would be way too easy and I would have to do closed lobbies and go out of my way to find people that want to run the game without the 1 tapper, just to have fun.

    If you’re bad at games you can just play on easy mode.


    Bad straw man argument

    @chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

    Eh…it’s sort of a valid argument…however…it’s like instagib in unreal. It was one of the funniest game modes in the game.

    Instagib on low level enemies would be fun as hell…then the boss spawns show up and obliterate you…that’s how I thought this game was going to go.

    Now it’s really a game of find more ammo and run from anything with armor until your strategems recharge.


    No part of that guy’s comment is valid. He’s not even the barest bit subtle about how badly he is distorting the facts.

    Nobody is talking about any of these things: a gun that 1 tapped every enemy, infinite ammo, auto aiming, wanting every gun to become a 1 tap super weapon. It’s not even part of the discussion. All of these are imaginary things this person made up. Somehow people are just looking at it and nodding instead of calling out the bullshit.


    The guy I replied to said it’s always better to buff under performing weapons than nerf OP weapons. I employed a line of logic called a “logical extreme” where I devise an extreme scenario that both follows the original logic and is also an untenable position, thus showing that the original logic does not hold up and therefore shouldn’t intrinsically apply to the realistic scenario.

    Because in both my extreme and the real scenario, you have a weapon that was so good it made most other weapons not worth using and made the game easier than intended. In that scenario you could either go and buff almost every other weapon in the game and then make sweeping enemy balance changers to make them harder in the face of all the buffs, or you can simply nerf the one OP weapon. And I think the more sensible option is clear.

    @chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

    1 tap super weapon, and introduce a viable challenge to make that obsolete.

    But you’ll just get premium war bond weapons from here on out to close the difficulty gap.


    The weapons in premium war bond aren’t really good. Also, if it’s a nudge at the premium part being a money grab… I’m lvl 17 and I have the premium unlocked without spend any real money.


    I’ve been playing since launch. I played a lot last night. I do not see the problems. I play on hard difficulty. I have a good time whether winning or losing.

    There are players that take the game far more seriously than I and honestly they make the game more tense than it needs to be. They make it feel competitive, in that if I’m not doing what they think a “good” player should then I’m unwelcome.

    I think the vast majority of complaints stem from these players. I lament that another Call of Duty is not coming out sooner so that the community can diminish into relative obscurity, hopefully populated with like minds that view this as a game and not an e-Sport.

    @EtherealMoon@lemmy.world avatar

    This game has like ten difficulty modes.

    Mastengwe, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'

    My god some people have some thin skin…

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