
frog, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

So… basically, Musk turned up at a studio and threatened the devs with a gun (which antique or not, could have been loaded and functional - shooting with antique guns is a thing) to make them put him in the game?

I know there’s a massive cultural difference around guns between the UK and the US, but I’m genuinely struggling to see how “a man has turned up to our studio with a gun because he wants us to put him in our game” doesn’t warrant a call to the police.

@Sabata11792@kbin.social avatar

He's rich, the law dose not apply. He could have paid his way out of a few murder charges too.


Hence why, when calling the police, you wouldn’t say who it is. Just “a man” or “a person” has come in with the gun. Which happens to be true, since until proved otherwise, Musk can indeed be accurately described as a person. Whether he manages to wiggle out of it later is less important than the immediate problem of getting the gun-wielding lunatic out of the studio.

@Sabata11792@kbin.social avatar

Musk can indeed be accurately described as a person

Kinda pushing things here, but I see where your coming from.


Yeah, hence why I said “until proven otherwise”. At some point someone will pull the mask off and reveal the monstrosity underneath. But until then we have to be the bigger people, give the benefit of the doubt, and assume he is actually a human being.


Whether or not the gun was loaded, the person wielding it sure was, and it’s much easier to say “Call the cops on him” if you’re not worried about whether that guy might be rich and vindictive enough to ruin your life over it.

No matter whether Musk would have actually had any way of doing so, the fear of the possibility alone can be enough to cow you into compliance.


There are ways of surreptitiously sending a message to, say, someone who isn’t in the room, without making it a very obvious call to the police. Or, for that matter, just dial the number on your phone and don’t say anything other than “your gun is really impressive but I’m a bit uncomfortable with having it pointed in this direction”. The operator on the other end will know what to do with that.

Because another way Musk could ruin your life is shooting you while showing off and waving a gun around, given that he is immature and arrogant enough to have loaded it, and reckless enough for his finger to slip.


Yes thankfully we have 911 by text in much of the USA now


US gun owner here:

It 100% warrants a call to the police.

Sounds like assault with a deadly weapon, and if he took it out to show, then it's brandishing. It doesn't matter if it was non-firming because the target didn't know that, and typically these laws are written to be what "a reasonable person would believe".

Also, at the time this happened he was a known user of Marijuana and thus not eligible to own a firearm, as that rule had not yet been struck down.


Thanks for the explanation! It sounds fairly similar to the law here, where it’s based on what a reasonable person would believe - so even waving a realistic toy gun at someone would get someone in trouble, if the person being threatened with it would reasonably believe it was real.


Sounds like assault with a deadly weapon

If charged as a felony, you could be facing a sentence of two to four years in State prison. Regular assault (Penal Code § 240), is always charged as a misdemeanor offense.

The instrument used includes any type of firearm, knife, bat, car, or anything other type of weapon that could produce significant harm to the victim.

In order to prove a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you assaulted another person and you used a deadly weapon or force that would likely result in great bodily injury.

An assault charge does not require that you actually make physical contact with or injure the person.


If this was in California he is absolutely guilty of assault with a deadly weapon based on what he has admitted to personally.


Yep. I like guns. I like old guns. I wouldn’t show up to someone’s job telling them to include me in their project unless I was invited.


Don’t believe the marijuana + gun = federal crime has been struck down


In the 10th and 5th circuit it is iirc.

It's still on the forms and the ATF can probably arrest you for it, but as of last month you would have 2 federal circuits of precedent.



It’s unclear if this even happened in the US; CD Projekt is Polish…

Also consider that the gun wan apparently, no shit, a flintlock pistol. They may have thought it was a prop or something.


I don’t think the Polish are more likely to be fine with having a gun waved at them than any other nationality.

@YMS@kbin.social avatar

The English voice recordings for Cyberpunk 2077 were all done in London and LA. So it's basically sure that it wasn't Poland, and it's much more likely that it was LA than London in this case.


I have shot and killed a deer with a flintlock gun. They’re not toys or props. He committed assault with a deadly weapon and the whole word is just like “Oh, that’s just wish.com iron man. You know how he is.”


Grimes would have recorded at a studio in the US along with the other English language voice actors.


I assume it happened at a recording or mo-cap studio in the states.

reksas, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

If they ended up adding him him in any way, he should be just removed. That piece of shit parasite shouldnt get any recognition anywhere. Not even negative.


What if they turned him into a drooling hobo or cyber psycho who fried his brain with a homemade implant? I could be down with that. If not, I’m counting on a mod to remove his ass.


Homeless folk are victims of a system(generally), he doesn’t deserve to be portrayed that way


He would be the victim of his implant.


I’m down with that bit for sure - would prefer the cyber psycho or just finding him as a corpse with a letter or something and some environmental storytelling. Nothing too high effort, mind. But it’d be nice to at least virtually know he fucked himself


Any mention will also preserve his name which he doesnt deserve.

mojo, do games w The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game

This is vaporware for vaporware lol. Who cares unless you’re ready to show off a gameplay trailer.

qyron, (edited ) do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

I don’t own this game and I don’t intend on buying any time soon.

But when I eventually get it, if I think find that figure in the game, I’m going after it and throw it off a very tall building. Twice.


I played through the main story twice and I dont ever remember encountering a character based on Elon or a character voiced by him. His then-girlfriend Grimes has a character with a medium length side-questline, but that character isn’t based on her either. Part of the quest means “dealing with” her new boyfriend, but I didn’t really think that guy was based on Elon either.

There are a lot of corpo people in the game that you deal with, but most of them are just parodies of all billionaires, not really one in particular.

Would be shitty if he’s in Phantom Liberty though.



You did not encounter elon, a character based on him, or a character voiced by him in cyberpunk 2077

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

What a ridiculous society we live in that someone can be so rich that they get to threaten people with a gun and don't get arrested. What an unhinged asshole he is.

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

You don’t even need to be rich, being a cop is more that enough.


At least those bastards certainly aren’t rich, better than nothing I guess!

mateomaui, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

If doucheboy gets one, I’m requesting a mod to purge his ass.

reverendsteveii, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

They told him to get fucked, so one of his chode toadies on xitter started a rumor that they added him to the game and then removed him in a patch.




This is easily verified by installing an original hard copy into a xbox one with no internet. It installs a “beta” version. You know you did it correctly when the opening scene has no over dialogue just music. Every vendor stand can be interacted with and certain models can be looked at in 3d in the menus. It’s wild to play now that we’re on 2.0.

Empricorn, (edited ) do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

it’s unclear if Musk did actually get the cameo in the end.

Uh, what? How is that unclear? Is he in the game? No?? Then he didn’t “get the cameo”, even if they went so far as to map his face, etc…

@raccoona_nongrata@beehaw.org avatar


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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I can’t recall ever seeing a Musk character; but Hideo Kojima made an appearance as himself.

    Hdcase, (edited )

    For real? Where, when?

    Makes sense, there are some big Cyberpunk Easter eggs in Death Stranding so he must get along with CDPR.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    He is in the bar of the hotel when you first start the heist at the beginning.

    @AlboTheGuy@feddit.nl avatar

    I always felt like cameo was a sweet or something

    @Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

    There are plenty of drugged out street filth with guns in the game. You SURE he didn’t have a cameo?


    Not even slightly sure. But out of all the people playing, modifying, and data-mining it, they still haven’t found an obviously Musk face somewhere…?


    Some people believe he showed up briefly in one scene in the background but it was never substantiated.

    etchinghillside, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

    I can hold out until it’s $19.99 – this is normal for me.

    FunderPants, (edited )

    I bought it for less than that from a pawn shop during the peak hate. I remember the pawn guy being like “that ones got real bad reviews” and I said “I’ll try any game for $14”.
    I tucked it away for a year or so and then loved it.

    @mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

    I bought a used PS4 copy of No Man’s Sky for 5$ before the Next update came out.

    @FatTony@lemmy.world avatar

    One - two years is a mere blink in the life of a patient gamer. I’m patient. I can wait.

    @RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

    Massive L for even considerimg giving them any money at all.

    skabbywag02, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

    Don’t forget to pre-order their latest DLC!


    After they lied that their first major DLC will be free. I’m happy to wait till Phantom Liberty is 50% off or more. Not going to forget it’s launch. Review embargoes. Last gen performance. B roll footage forced into reviews to hide all the bugs.


    The tweet you linked to is just a gif of the kool aid man they tweeted. Did they alter the tweet?? Wtf

    @Voytrekk@lemmy.world avatar

    Twitter doesn’t show the tweet they replied to.

    @CyberpunkGame Will the game have Free dlc like your big brother @witchergame?

    They released a bonus pack for free, so I’m not sure why it was complaining. They were never going to release a massive DLC like phantom liberty for free.

    wcSyndrome, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

    Hard to disagree with the article, it seems it’s safer to wait at least a few weeks or months to play a new game because there are often things to be fixed after launch. Many games have multiple ambitious and complex systems that need to be tuned post launch. Combine this with high expectations/hype that marketing teams foster and you have a recipe for regret and disappointment on day 1 experiences

    Phanatik, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

    One of the few games I don't regret buying before release was Baldur's Gate 3 but that's an anomaly. Most games I'm happy to wait a year or more when it's in better shape.


    Even with BG3, act 3 of the game is in much better shape than it launched with.

    And their history of making "definitive" editions is looming a year or two down the road.

    Oddly, as is their gameplay style of act 3 being the buggiest and least directed along with artificial difficulty of grouping the party in a tight clump via cutscene before the hard fights.

    Still an utterly fantastic game despite those minor gripes.


    Any game that has to release endings in patches means it wasn’t released as a complete product. BG3 is great, but it is so hypocritical that other games get dragged through mud for bad launches, but BG3 is getting nothing but praise despite releasing incomplete and full of bugs. I can forgive some stuff, but this hypocrisy and inconsistentcy in the gaming community bothers me to no end.

    @ayaya@lemdro.id avatar

    It’s funny that you mention Baldur’s Gate 3 because the game is blatantly unfinished. Act 1&2 are pretty much 9-10/10 but Act 3 is like a 6/10 at best. I’m surprised it gets a pass where Cyberpunk didn’t because in my experience they are equally as buggy. Because of my beefy PC and the scope of the games I think Cyberpunk may have even had less bugs than I’ve had in BG3. And I played it on release.

    In BG3 I have quests breaking, characters not showing up where they should, continuity issues, obvious cut content, etc. I just gave up halfway through Act 3 and started a new playthrough instead because I adore the first half of the game and it makes the latter half that much more disappointing by contrast.


    I agree. I have had major show-stopping bugs with main story quests in Act 3 and more crashes on the PS5 than I have experienced in any game by a huge margin. I love the game but it has been buggier than CP2077 for me as well.

    verysoft, (edited )

    You get "Larianed" a lot in BG3 just like you did in DOS2, plenty of inconsistencies, annoying pathing and quirks that make you wonder if they even played their own game before releasing it. But to put it in the same vein as cyberpunk 2077 is kind of disgusting. CDPR completely lied about the product, it barely ran on most PCs and didn't even function on consoles.

    BG3 while far from perfect, is much more of a game than cp2077 will probably ever be and Larian are firing out patches left and right at the moment while CDPR are still forbidding reviewers to even use their own game footage.

    Baldurs Gate 3 will go down as one of the greats. Cyberpunk 2077 will be forgotton about.

    @ayaya@lemdro.id avatar

    I am talking strictly on the basis of bugs/incompleteness not the overall quality/scope of the games. But also “it barely ran on PCs” neither did Act 3. I have a 7950X and I still drop down to 40fps in some places even after the patches. People with say a 3600X were barely scraping 30. If we’re talking about the trend of games being unfinished or buggy on launch then BG3 deserves to be called out for the same.


    On just bugs I still disagree that it's anywhere near cp2077, but yeah there is a trend of games being buggy on launch and that defo has to be called out, especially when it's bugs that most people come across that are not even niche or very specific. Performance in act 3 still has a long way to go yeah, luckily it's not a fast paced game or a... shooter, so it's not the end of the world, but not very pleasant either.

    @all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

    I'm surprised I don't hear more people talk about this, maybe because they seemed to strategically handle bugs and content more thoroughly in the early game so that a lot of players would gush about that and be more forgiving by the time they got to act 3, along with everyone who didn't even make it that far and only praised it online instead.

    Starfield gets dragged through the mud for both deserved and undeserved reasons, almost universally without nuance, and BG3 gets blanket praise and acclaim, almost universally without nuance, and then I see this comment thread where there are apparently some serious issues grouped within a specific portion of the game and I'm not sure if that's better or not.

    @ayaya@lemdro.id avatar

    Part of it is the game just being so huge. Most people aren’t even going to hit Act 3 until 50-60 hours in which is already much longer than most other games. So you’ve already formed your opinion of the game by the time you hit the less polished part.

    And to be fair, those first 50-60 hours are pretty great. (Minus some gripes with things like pathing and inventory management) If the game just straight up ended with Act 2 I would be completely satisfied. I didn’t even mention this because I wanted to focus on the bugs but even narrative, pacing, and quest design in Act 3 is just so rough compared to the other two. It almost feels like a different game or a different developer. The quality drop is that drastic IMO.

    I am worried that other studios might look at this and realize they can just front-load the best content and all the polish in the first section and neglect the rest to fix later. It sets a bad precedent.

    @all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

    Indeed, that's the worry. It sometimes seems like AAA game development is learning just how far you can push the average gamer and still get good word of mouth online by way of leaving choice aspects incomplete and compromised


    Worry now about front loading?

    MMOs have been front loading the best content since at least Conan. Remember that one, the first zone had amazing quests and voice acting that the rest of the game didn't.


    Cyberpunk for me was not as buggy as for my friends. I find that a lot of the games I play on release aren't as buggy for whatever reason. It could be my AMD setup. It could be that I'm on Linux and use Proton or sheer goddamn luck. Callisto Protocol was fine for me but I've seen so many videos of the game running terribly and some crazy bugs.

    The biggest problem with Cyberpunk was the performance. It ran horribly. The bugs were just the icing. My issues with Cyberpunk was that it felt hollow and lifeless. I loved everything about it but it just didn't feel like it had a soul.

    My PC wasn't as beefy as it is now when Cyberpunk released so I felt that pain. I'm still on Act 1 on BG3 (because I insist on exploring everywhere) but I see that it has a huge amount of polish put into it. It makes sense that the earlier parts got more attention because that's what the majority of the players will experience. At the rate I'm going, Act 3 will be in great shape.

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    I agree completely. I’m even very forgiving when it comes to bugs and performance - especially when it’s a studio I trust will address them - but the huge swaths of obviously cut content combined with the way the story wraps up really gets to me and left me massively disappointed. I too still love the game for the gameplay and Act 1 and 2, but it really didn’t stick the landing in my opinion.

    Even just things like the reactivity of your companions stands out; in Act 1 you could barely sneeze without everyone at camp chiming in with a comment about what just happened while in Act 3 you’ll do massively impactful things in both main story and companion quests and be greeted by the standard “Well met” or “hello soldier” at camp.

    And that’s not getting into whatever scraps of the stated 17k different endings actually ended up not getting cut or the sorry state or the epilogues. Not even all companions get one!


    Baldur’s Gate 3 is great at story and choices, which I think is where a lot of praise comes from. But it has a lot of really questionable issues with smaller mechanics.

    The one I’m hating the most is how NPCs react to many summons and wild shape. Having a wild shaped party member makes most NPCs run away screaming, which is very painful in the NPC heavy areas of act 3 and basically discouraged you from even using wild shape or summon elemental, even though those are both incredibly powerful. You can dismiss the summon/wild shape, but it uses resources, so it sucks to do so. People have reported the bug for months but it doesn’t seem on the devs radar (they purposefully made NPCs run away – it’s a “feature”).

    And just the other day, I discovered weirdness with warlock spell slots. Something about having used an elixer that gives me an extra spell slot (and then having consumed the spell slot) was preventing me from casting certain warlock spells (I think those of the spell slot’s level) because it claimed it needed that spell slot, even though I had higher level warlock spell slots. So a bunch of my spells couldn’t be used! When I searched, I found many reports about similar issues when people multi classed.

    ayaya, (edited )
    @ayaya@lemdro.id avatar

    I maybe be wrong but I think they just fixed the NPCs running away in the latest patch. One of the patch notes is, “NPCs will no longer run away from anything but the Dark Urge Slayer form to improve interactivity and flow.” I’m not sure if that is referring to Dark Urge only or if that means they exclusively run away from that one form and now all other summons are fair game. But I haven’t had time to jump back into the game to try it yet.

    There is actually a quest where you need to escort an NPC and when we got to the boss the NPC cowers in fear and tries to run away. But because I had an elemental summoned he would run towards the boss and instantly die. At first I just thought that was how it was supposed to be but after defeating the boss 3 times I thought it was way too hard to keep the NPC alive and it didn’t really make any sense for him to run straight in after dialogue saying he doesn’t want to go in there. The quest/dialogue also acted like he was still alive so it’s as if the developers never even planned for the possibility of him dying in that area. On my 4th attempt I moved the elemental in front of the door and sure enough he ran the opposite direction and stood in the corner he was supposed to, safe from the fight.


    Yes! Can confirm it’s fixed. It’s great and revitalized my interest in using certain characters. I had almost sworn off some characters because of the bug and now they’re back on the menu.

    Druids are insane. Owlbear does utter bonkers damage. Far beyond what I could do with any other character (I can’t tell if that means I built my other classes wrong). Only downside is that druids feel super limited. Usually to just melee attacks with no items and most equipment doesn’t even do anything (there’s little reason to ever purposefully revert to your original form, since you’d just eat a wild shape charge).


    I love BG3, but agree that it deserves some criticism for act 3 bugginess. Just remember Bethesda basically forced them to release a month early when they announced starfield was coming out on the same weekend.

    NegativeLookBehind, (edited ) do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal
    @NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

    Cyberpunk is the soul sole reason I don’t preorder games anymore. Hype be damned.


    No man’s sky for me. Both are amazing games at current stage but with shit releases.


    if you where hyped for NMS release it still isn't the game you where sold and never will be.

    @NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

    Same for cyberpunk


    My experience with people who have played Cyberpunk is being told that if I don’t expect it to be the game they advertised it was going to be, that its great.

    Which makes no sense to me.

    @NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

    Thank you for being a logical person.


    It's a great time waster, but as far as interesting and engaging gameplay? I'm pretty sure minesweeper still has it beat in that department.


    You are 100% correct.



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  • Knusper,

    If I remember correctly, it got hyped as the procedural generation not following the usual formulaic approach, where ‘new’ species are created by just propping tusk C onto body shape F etc…


    It’s basically a meme at this point to link to this, but Crowbcat got you covered



    The Australia tax is why I don't buy games at all, much less pre-pay for the ones I might want.


    soul reason


    @NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

    Ha, yes. Thanks for the correction.


    Hype is literally the only thing you miss out on by not playing games on release. If you get used to existing 3 years behind the release schedule, your gaming experience is vastly improved.

    SuiXi3D, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal
    @SuiXi3D@kbin.social avatar

    It’s weird - when I played at launch, I had precisely one bug that impacted my gameplay. Other than that, the game ran pretty smooth and was a joy to play.

    Now mind you, I was playing on a PC with a Xeon, 64GB of RAM, and an RTX 2080ti. Nothing ram badly on that system three years ago. Nowadays the older CPU, slower RAM and admittedly older GPU without all the newest bells and whistles (DLSS Framegen I’m looking at you) can’t quite measure up to the latest titles.

    Cyberpunk, at launch, was great. For me. Specifically for me. I loved it and still do. But this article hits a point for me that I’ve been struggling to find reason to write about without feeling like I’m ignoring people who primarily play on consoles or can’t afford a nice PC. Regardless…

    Man it fuckin’ sucks how you can spend a huge amount of money on a new GPU and then four months later a new one comes out that blows it out of the water. New hardware is so much better and - because all the game devs are using that hardware to design their games both on and for - systems like mine that are still fairly new can’t run the latest games at high settings anymore.

    It used to be that if you ponied up the money for a high-end rig, you could expect decent performance for years to come. But I guess blowing a grand on a GPU these days just means you’ll be doing it again in a year or something, instead of the decade or so before.

    I’m not saying my PC is bad. Most of what I play runs excellently. But when I spend a grand on just a GPU I expect that GPU to run the newest games at high settings for a long time. Jedi Survivor, Starfield, both run like crap on my system. Never mind the 2TB NVMe drive everything’s installed on.

    But I’m just bitching to bitch. Ignore me.

    @yukichigai@kbin.social avatar

    I had a similar "it's great I don't get what people are talking about" experience, only I was running it on lesser hardware than yours: 4GB GTX 970, 12-core i7-5820k, 32GB ram. I ran into a handful of bugs that were funny but not really disruptive (e.g. some dude's corpse floating behind a car as I was on the highway) and otherwise had a blast.

    Nonetheless, it didn't really feel finished, y'know? That part wore on me, and I think is what undermined my enjoyment the most. It really was released too early.


    Ran it on a 980ti, i7 4770k, 32GB ram at release. It certainly struggled at parts, but overall decent experience. And that was a pretty outdated rig at that point.

    People just threw a tantrum. There were fewer serious bugs than Skyrim, which got all around glowing reviews. People have claimed the hype was why their expectations were so high, but as someone who wasn’t even planning on playing it for a couple years until it was gifted to me, it was a decent game that had some areas of obvious improvement. Definitely a worthy first attempt at a GTA kind of game, and its a damn shame the gaming community chose it to be the meme pinata for the year.


    Nonetheless, it didn’t really feel finished, y’know? That part wore on me, and I think is what undermined my enjoyment the most. It really was released too early.

    The performance issues seem to be what every article and blog post focuses on because it’s the easy thing to talk about, but I think this right here is what the actual biggest issue was and the real reason people shat on the game.

    I didn’t hate it by any means. And I, like you, ran it without issue. I just sort of lost interest because it was janky and super unpolished. Like I was playing an early access game. It wasn’t big bugs as in the game breaking and not running. It was just lots of little annoyance that felt unfinished or half conceived, or like they didn’t undergo full play testing.

    The massive performance issues experienced by some just compounded those issues that existed even when it did run perfectly well.

    @Questy@lemmy.world avatar

    This was totally out for me. It ran ok on my setup, but it was a shit game. It randomly generated traffic when you turned your back. AI for NPCs was often barely functional. Numerous build options seemed either broken or just untested. Itemization was boring and poorly balanced. Vehicles handled like crap in a game with a car collecting activity. The crime system was so undeveloped it felt like it was a joke from the Devs with police spawning in a bowl of rice to bust a cap.

    Anyways, I played about 20 hours and realized the game wasn’t finished or feature complete, and absolutely wasn’t what had been advertised. I refunded, but I’m watching feedback now and may buy again if the game is closer to it’s original sales pitch.


    I was having fun also in 2020 even with my 1080… frame rate wasn’t great but it was OK.

    Rottcodd, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal
    @Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

    That's not a new thing though.

    I first learned the wisdom of waiting until after the bulk of the bug-squashing was done before expecting to play a reasonably stable game with Oblivion, 17 years ago.

    Granted that Cyberpunk 2077 was a particularly egregious example of the problem, but still...

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