
metaStatic, do games w 'The gold rush is over:' Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon devs say that big Game Pass and Epic exclusive deals have dried up for indie devs

unknown indie games aren't selling shitty platforms? you don't say.


Just because you only know three games, it doesn’t mean the rest of us do too. Slay The Spire, and Darkest Dungeon, are a couple of really well known and community loved indie games. Both excellent examples of what can be done with limited resources

@Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

Slay the spire is one of my absolute favorites


How does this contradict what they said though? Just because some niche community knows these games, it doesn’t make them platform-selling games. Valve had HL2 with episodes, Portal, TF2, CS, and Dota 2.


Some “niche community” with a game that’s in the top100 most active games on Steam alone, 5 years after release




These are enormous classics, made by small studio is not the same as unknown game. Sold much more than many triple a games, this is a very dry weak take

ExcursionInversion, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces
@ExcursionInversion@lemmy.world avatar

Now they (CSGOEmpire) had teams, casters, and the TO drop their event.


essteeyou, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

Here’s a video of it. I couldn’t see anything on the linked website.


That hot-headed old guy in the leather jacket is the reason.


The guy that tackled him into the trophy will remember that for the rest of his life. Ouch.

Mon0, do games w 'The gold rush is over:' Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon devs say that big Game Pass and Epic exclusive deals have dried up for indie devs


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  • OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe,

    What is the gender crowd and how do I get their free cash you speak of?



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  • nednobbins,

    What’s the most prominent instance of a studio being forced to use Sweet Baby Inc.?


    Can you link the solicitation or grant where people can apply for this?


    What a fascinating conspiracy theory. Interesting that you specify ngo, government agency, and government projects. Also interesting that you call it “woke/gender/diversity”. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you hear of this concept originally?

    pendulum_, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces
    @pendulum_@lemmy.world avatar

    Oof, and the organiser of this stunt isn’t just doubling down, or tripling down, he’s quadrupling down on it.

    What an idiotic hill to die on


    Negative attention is PR, never the less. It will drag on in courts. Probably pay a small fine but the $$$ from publicity stunt to outweigh court fine


    This hasn’t always been the case, valve has taken action before to ruin gambling sites and the attention could negatively affect them


    According to Danish law they are risking 6 months of jail time (or 6 years under “particularly aggravating circumstances” but I don’t think that’s relevant), so not just money. The destroyed trophy, even though they weren’t directly aiming for it, a good lawyer might go after them on grounds of vandalism which is up to 1 year and 6 months under normal circumstances (disclaimer: I havent’t seen the video).

    So far I don’t think there’s much precedence on it so it is hard to predict the outcome. Usually you wouldn’t get the highest punishment for a first offence, so if it is jail time I’d be surprised if it’s more than a month. But a jail punishment will haunt your criminal record for 5 years while a fine will stay with you for 2 years, which is actually the the worst part if you have anything but a low-level job in Denmark.

    onlinepersona, do gaming w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

    Way to destroy your own event 🧠 What a community.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

    KingThrillgore, do gaming w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces
    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    The CS2 community going out of its way to out cringe the FGC

    saltesc, do gaming w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

    Counter-Strike skin betting platform CSGOEmpire has claimed responsibility for the stunt. “Some of our men are on the ground in handcuffs,” wrote CSGOEmpire founder Monarch on X after the incident. “But we fucking did it, boys.”

    Monarch says that the stunt was a protest of alleged “scams” by competitor CSGORoll, which it fired accusations at in a blog post titled “The Wars We Wage.” In a post last summer, CSGORoll said that unnamed “malicious competitors” were targeting it with a “hate campaign.”

    “These malicious competitors have engaged in a hate campaign against us, and claim that we are running ‘scam websites,’” the site said. “We do not know their motive, but we suspect that it is a personal vendetta, based on a grudge and is designed to try and harm our business and gain a competitive advantage for themselves.”

    Kill me if I ever become this petty and all I can see in the world worth protesting is this.

    malloc, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

    The response time to that “rush” was god awful. This is what happens when you pick the bottom of the barrel security agency to do event sec work


    The problem with event sec (and I ran large events for a decade) is that organisers often dont treat you like you’re anything but a bunch of fuckwits and dont tell you anything about planned stunts or anything beyond “Dont let anyone past this point without a pass” asking questions and wanting to be in the loop often gets you told to “do your job” which is why I was very anal retentive about what was and wasnt our responsibility in our contracts and what we were/werent liable for. Often the “talent” or people attending will decide they want to do something off script and you have to take a moment to decide wether or not to crash tackle someone somewhere they shouldnt be who might also be a keynote speaker or the headlining artists manager… its almost always a shitshow of not enough info. I have a lovely story about a bass player for a band not wearing a lanyard and starting a fight with two of the security when they wouldnt let him back stage… theres an NDA involved though because he broke one staff members cheekbone before getting knocked the fuck out.

    The absolutely idiotic part was taking him to the ground, that outnumbered and not being aggressive it was unnecessary. Once it goes to the ground it almost always turns into a shitshow.

    acosmichippo, do games w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces
    @acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

    what in the ever living fuck is a skin gambling site, and why do they have beef.

    @Lanusensei87@lemmy.world avatar

    CS is awash with gambling websites that let you bet on the outcome of a match and potentially win some weapon skins. As for the reasons for the stunt, it’s explained in the article.

    Krafting, do gaming w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces
    @Krafting@lemmy.world avatar
    dan1101, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

    You can grow without being hostile and negative. Start your own studios, make innovative games, compete with quality not acquisitions.

    @hexadence@lemmy.world avatar

    the best and the only answer. git gud. 💪


    Not everybody is suited to management.


    Yes, but can you roll a platform of the distribution, breadth, depth and persistence over good and bad cycles of the scale of Xbox or PlayStation while being a private company? A few have tried.


    No, but do you have to? You can still be a profitable company without aiming for world domination.


    No, there are plenty of independent private game developers (Stardew Valley, Baldur’s gate etc come to mind) I was just taking Phil Spencer’s perspective, which I imagine is a platform level one.

    dependencyinjection, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

    I actually can’t believe this is coming from a high level employee at a corporation.

    Like we all know this is true, but isn’t it big to hear one of them talking about the insanity of the system.


    I like it. I prefer the honesty.


    It’s PR. Anti-capitalist sentiments score well in focus groups.


    Wouldn’t these sentiments lead to expectations and then actual changes in policies?


    As long as the policy changes lead to even more profits, then sure.


    If nothing else, it keeps an anticapitalist narrative in the public discourse

    @kadu@lemmy.world avatar

    A controlled anticapitalist discourse. This is no different than that Pepsi ad with the “protesters” sharing a Pepsi with the police.


    Time will tell. I mean, he’s not wrong. I think it’s pretty clear that studios have to make profitable games at the cost of interesting games. But it’s not like msft or anyone else is going to change their behavior. They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to profit as much as possible.

    @p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    lol the difference of course being that Phil Spencer is not living on the income of a standup comedian.

    Juice88, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'
    @Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

    I can see why that would be a bummer. In my mind, the perfect video game-ceo position would be for a company that makes enough profit to pay its employees well and self sustains the business to keep making more games. Having to constantly report a higher user base and profitability growth year after year on a global scale would be a total drag.


    Steam is a prime example of this. Not privately run it would have been bloated to extinction years ago.

    Shareholders are leechers to quality. Dividends are not enough, the underlying asset must grow no matter what.

    When Gabe croaks it Steam is fucked. It will go public.

    @kadu@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, Gabe’s son is entirely focused on his own business, not related to gaming at all. Once Gabe is gone, his son will probably just sell it for an acceptable price and Steam will go public fairly soon after.


    You dont think Gabe has surrounded himself with like-minded people?

    He will pass it off to someone else and Valve will carry on as it has.


    So Valve if Valve still made games?


    That’s the thing, Valve is in this position because they have the Steam cash cow. Other video games company can’t do the same.


    I just want a real Half-Life squeal. Not a vr tech demo.


    Alyx was incredible though! Way more than a tech demo (though I get the argument that it was a test to see if folks would pick up a VR Half-life 3). I played it on a cheap, used WMR headset and an old PC that could barely keep up, and it still stays in my top five videogaming experiences.

    It’s a great example to bring up though, because I’d bet it wouldn’t have been made if the studio was only chasing money instead of trying to innovate.


    It was absolutely a tech demo. All Valve games were tech demos of one sort or another. The problem with that model is, if Valve doesn’t have some new tech to show off, there’s no Half-Life sequel. I actually predicted the we would only get another Half-Life game when Valve finally decided to get into VR about two years before they did. What I didn’t predict was that it would be VR Only or that it would be a prequel that reconned the timeline.

    Valve has a fuck around with money that they could just let the devs make games on their own schedule, but instead Marc Laidlaw left the company and the fans have had to pick up the story lines and world. Honestly, Entropy Zero is a better game then Half-Life 2. Really take a moment to think about the weapons and combat in HL2. The maps weren’t designed with the enemy AI in mind, so many encounters just have you and them shooting at each other in empty rooms and hallways. So much focus was on the Gravity Gun, so all the other weapons save the Crossbow and Rocket Launcher were boring. Hell, why did they get rid of the mode switch on the Rocket Launcher? You have to take fire to your face if you want to hit anything with it.

    TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

    Considering that Entropy Zero came out about 13 years after Half Life 2, I would hope it was better. It doesn’t really seem fair to compare the two. They were developed in different times, with different tech, and different games to draw inspiration from. That’s not to mention that Entropy Zero is a mod built on top of Half Life 2, and requires HL2s code to even run in the first place.


    Entropy Zero uses the same engine as HL2, which is why I used it as an example. I think HL1 is a better game then HL2 for the same reasons EZ is better then HL2. Better weapons and better enemy engagements. Whenever I do a franchise replay, the HL2 stuff is always a drag and I end up skipping the HL2 stuff eventually. Seriously, episode 2 has terrible driving in it. Other games had that figured out by then.


    I see, I forgot it was a mod. Those are fair points for sure. I kind of like the pacing better in Half Life 1, myself.


    MS still turned over $40 billion in profit last year. They just need to turn over more apparently this year. Fucking capitalism.


    Do you have any idea at all how sus your username is?

    @Juice88@lemmy.world avatar



    Yes, yours, bullshitter with two Nazi dogwhistles in your name and a new account.

    @Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

    Juice is a nickname I go by and I was born in 1988. Also yes, this is a new account, I started looking for a Reddit alternative when they started public trading last week. Where are the nazi symbols? I’m Mexican and Native American.


    88 = Heil Hitler



    Even if it was innocent, putting 88 in your username at best makes you unoriginal and old.

    You’re half dead and you still can’t figure out a unique name that doesn’t give Nazis cover?


    @Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

    Well then I’m old and unoriginal Mr Dragon type. My screen name is what it is. I gave you an explanation that I didn’t owe you in the first place and this is all the effort that I’m willing to put in. Have fun being weirdly paranoid over usernames I guess.


    Your words mean nothing even in your best case scenario.

    @Juice88@lemmy.world avatar

    That cool man. Look, I don’t do internet drama anymore (I’m old like you said). So I’m just going to block you now.


    Dude, you really need to go touch some grass



    @HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    step off the gas. nicknames and numbers can have entirely different cultural contexts.

    for me, i’ve never seen “juice” used to refer to jews, nor “88” being used to refer to nazis, and i’ve been on the internet a long time.

    when i see “juice”, the first thing i think of is the song by lizzo. “88” is used as a replacement for “bye bye” in cantonese lingo.

    plenty of usernames are just random word + year of birth. stop overanalyzing it and chill.



    @vardogor@mander.xyz avatar

    what in the hell, lol. i think you’ve been on the Internet too much

    my girl’s favorite number is 14, guess I gotta break the news to her that that means she’s a Nazi 😂


    If her screen name is “Jews14” yeah, probably.

    G*mers, lmao

    @vardogor@mander.xyz avatar

    juice is such a common nickname. but ig if you said so, they all nazis now. glad we have you policing forums n keeping us safe 🫡 ppreciate you


    Guess I have to stop drinking juice!


    You sound like the kind of person who would just assume Hindu temples were made by Nazis because they contained swastikas. Just because some assholes used a symbol as a dogwhistle doesn’t mean that the rest of the world should stop using it.


    You sound like a gullible dumbass.


    I’m not gullible, or a dumbass. Those are harsh words from somebody who can’t understand that not everything is a dogwhistle.

    Your username is just as sus by your own logic. Grand Dragon is a title for leaders in the KKK.


    -Says he isn’t a dumbass

    -Immediately proved he is one, being a dumbass


    Look, I definitely don’t hate you, and hate racists as much as anyone other upstanding citizen should. I honestly appreciate you looking out for them, and the username you called out could be seen as sus, for sure.

    Just don’t let assholes steal the symbols for themselves, fuck them. Don’t disparage someone for not knowing about the dogwhistle and/or using a symbol non problematically. That was really my only gripe.


    88 = Heil Hitler

    That’s one I’ve never heard before. Is it some sort of neonazi slang or am I just really dumb?

    Well, looked it up before posting this comment. That’s absolutely crazy that it’s an actual thing.


    It’s literally one of their most common dogwhistles and has been for as long as the Internet has existed, lol

    If you see a 14 or a 88 anywhere in a username you need to start asking questions about intent.


    I’m internet poisoned as hell but I’m surprised that that’s not common knowledge. Its also often 1488 with the 14 referring to the 14 words of the following neo-nazi slogans:

    “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”

    “because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.”


    So just don’t take your video game company public.

    One thing Ayn Rand’s characters were definitely too selfish to do was allow a committee to take over their work.

    Donkter, do games w 'The gold rush is over:' Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon devs say that big Game Pass and Epic exclusive deals have dried up for indie devs

    Yeah, game publishers are in their “cash out” phase after realizing there’s no competing against steam.

    @ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

    There is if they’re interested in competing with Steam. Epic made some very competitive offerings for the supply side of things and then provided very little reason for customers to ever shop there, which it turns out is just as, if not more important.


    Let me gift games, let me wishlist games to receive gifts. There’s lots of other features I would also like but if other stores had that I’d be much more inclined to use the other stores.

    @ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

    GOG does those things, for what that’s worth.


    GOG is great. I do wish Epic would improve their platform, though. It’s like they’re not even trying.

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