Geek_King, do games w Risk of Rain Returns drops onto Steam and Nintendo Switch on November 8th, 2023!

I’m still worried about Hopoo not being at the helm on this one, as I trust Gearbox about as far as I can throw them, and since they’re a whole ass company of people with a building… not very far.

I did love Risk of Rain 1 a shit ton though, so I hope this turns out well!


Hopoo are helming Risk of Rain Returns. Gearbox will handle all future projects but this is the last Hopoo project in the franchise.


Thank you friend, that makes me feel a ton better! Well better about Risk of Rain Returns, still worried about future Risk of Rain 2 though.

Tom_bishop, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

They copy from Spez book LOL. Dev definitely gonna pass the price to us users. We’re fcukd

YMS, avatar

The thing is they can't even do this reliably. If you charge the customer once on purchase, but don't know if they are going to install it once or ten times or if they are going to fuck with you and install it a hundred times, then how much do you want to charge?

NocturnalMorning, do pcgaming w Starfield is now available for pre-load on Steam!(116.21 GB)

No thanks, I’ll wait for the game to actually come out

Sabata11792, avatar

Waiting a few months. Got to see if its got some staying power.


Yup, then just game pass for a month,

GeekFTW, do games w Geoff Keighley: I do agree that the music was played too fast for award winners this year [...] it’s something to address going forward.

Geoff, thank you for realizing the issue and addressing it. This is also the 10th year The Game Awards have been going on my man, come on lol.


It’s also the first year after a notorious “too long” speech. It makes sense they’d go out of their way to prevent that happening again. At least they’re acknowledging it was a mistake.



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  • ech,

    Are you also as pissy about all the trailers that take up the majority of airtime? Because that’s all that was - another trailer. Turns out that a big part of TGA is (and always has been) about promoting future releases. Decrying that as some huge error is simply being out of touch with what the show is about.

    Fjern, do games w Telltale Games has reportedly laid off most of their staff avatar

    Thought Telltale recently got revived or summat…?


    They went bankrupt ages ago, got recently picked up by another company and revived, and now it seems like they’re going under again. Nobody really knows what’s happening behind the scenes but as the tweet says, seems like they’re all under NDA.


    After the revival they just re-released the Batman games, announced a sequel to The Wolf Among Us and then nothing for 4 years? It is sad to see Telltale gone, but at the same time I am not surprised.


    They did release a game for The Expanse recently, but it didn’t seem to do too well.

    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    It was an Epic exclusive… so they must have gotten paid something already. Did they just take the signing pay and then cut their losses…?

    InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

    In a way they were already gone, that’s just another nail.


    They never got revived. A third party bought their titles and company title when they went bankrupt.

    The new company renamed a division of itself to Telltale and offered the old devs jobs as temporary contract workers.

    None of the previous workers took the job. They did end up hiring Adhoc Studios (real former TellTale members) to work on TWAU2 after development stalled.

    It should be no surprise that the company is laying off people. They did nothing with the IPs for 4 years besides sit on royalties.

    mojo, do games w Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy.

    There was no confusion and this is empty PR until they publicly post the policy changes.

    Jelly, do games w In a recent Capcom R&D presentation, Capcom has clarified it's stances on mods and PC gaming.

    I wonder if Japanese companies not liking modding is somehow a cultural thing. I remember littlekuriboh, the guy who does the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged, mentioning that the actual Japanese creators of the show wanted nothing to do with him and his content when he met them at a con. While non-japanese people see editing official content as form of investment and passion (even if it’s a joke), the japanese mindset is that you get what you get and messing with it is disrespectful.


    Much as I love abridged series and mods, I sometimes feel like there are people too invested in existing franchises that could have made something substantial if they ventured their creativity out of fan works. I’m sort of one of them - I made a lot of TF2 animations back in the day, and past a point realized for all my work I had nothing I could claim to have truly been made “from scratch”.

    Not to disparage parody makers, just that I understand the sentiment.

    lorty, do games w Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. avatar

    And what, pray tell, will change?


    The limit will be increased to a whopping $250,000 and the fee will be only 18 cents


    More like the limit will be decreased to $100,00 and the fee will go up to 0.4 (0.35 for pro). You don’t get it, you just was confused and angsty, this is a better proposal!

    BrudderAaron, avatar

    Nothing. They hear us. We should be happy. They listened. Now they’re going to go on with their plan. But it’s great they heard us! /s


    Not nothing.

    People will drop Unity as an engine at a huge rate.

    Not_Alec_Baldwin, (edited )

    This was always the plan, by the way. This is the Trump school of negotiation.

    Make a horrendous, unrealistic, offensive proposition. Opponent is outraged.

    Then, propose the offer you actually want. It now looks better relative to the initial proposition.

    I fucking despise this type of action and will never touch unity or suggest it to anyone ever again. It’s the only way to root out this type of bullshit from our society. Scorched earth.

    buru5, do games w Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. avatar

    The apology seems insincere, as they always do; however, a company bending to consumer feedback in this manner is a good thing (if they actually make meaningful changes).

    LiveLM, (edited ) do games w Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy.

    *wE hAvE hEArD yOu, wE aRe lIsTEnInG"
    Like fuck you are, damn vultures. Outta here with this generic ass PR apology

    Jaysyn, do games w Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. avatar

    Fuck off & die, Unity.

    li10, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes


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  • GentlemanLoser,

    See the devs just need to pass the cost back to the consumers, retroactively /s

    echo64, do games w In a recent Capcom R&D presentation, Capcom has clarified it's stances on mods and PC gaming.

    I feel like this is just built to make you mad, if you want to get your “I’m so angry and enjoying it”'s out this morning I guess this is what you read and leave an angry comment about.

    If they actually do any steps to prevent modding, I’m more open to getting mad about this, but they are more outlining the effect that mods and piracy has on them, and there are some valid points in there too.

    whateves, get angry i suppose

    hal_5700X, (edited ) avatar

    I’m not angry. I just want to know what, “…when mods are released that violate public order or morals without permission” means.

    Also “All mods are defined as cheats…” So mods for a single player game is cheating? They didn’t think this all the way through.

    cloud, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

    Get fucked, you could have use godot to develop your game or any other free engine

    ChaoticEntropy, avatar

    Well that’s… a take.

    cryball, (edited )

    They are technically correct in that it’s the developers fault that they tied themselves to a proprietary game engine.

    In the other hand Godot was nowhere near mature when the slay the spire devs most likely started development. They would be dumb if they used unity for their next game 🤷

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    2014: “You guys should be careful building your industry around proprietary tools, you really should think about open source-” “Blah blah blah stop your moralizing, open source software isn’t 100% ready to go right now so we absolutely can’t use it, instead we’re just going to pay money for this turnkey solution.”

    2023: “Help! The proprietary turnkey solution we’ve been paying for this whole time is enshitifying! Subscription models, mandatory cloud services, more and steeper fees!” “Open source tools are still a thing, you know.” “Yeah but we’ve spent a decade telling an entire generation of talent to learn the proprietary stuff so it’s hard to migrate, and we didn’t contribute any code or money to FOSS projects this whole time so it still isn’t up to snuff.”

    Well I guess you can slide over to Unreal and kick that can down the road a bit waiting for Epic Games to enshitify their product as well, you can use and contribute to Godot, you can develop your own in-house engine, or you can keep taking it up the ass from Unity.

    Just let me ask this: If even a few smaller games, something like Unrailed or Papers Please, used Godot and contributed what they paid to Unity to the Godot team…where would the engine be today?


    It’s a business decision they made to go with Unity, there are risks that came along with it and they are dealing with it.

    I’m sure FOSS options were considered at one point but it’s not really surprising that game devs are generally in the business of making games, and not in the business of spending money and resources to bootstrap FOSS tools or to please the community.


    Get fucked, you could have use critical thinking to develop your opinion or not been a prick


    I think many would agree that it’d be great for FOSS engines to get more attention and contributions, but this is the most asinine way to get that message across


    It’s not even getting it across. It just associates FOSS engines with assholes.


    Yes hindsight certainly is 20:20 isn’t it. What a pearl of wisdom you have bestowed upon us this day.


    Are people not allowed to change their minds? It’s called progress

    Wilker, avatar

    the “just don’t do it” argument ignores the problem. it’s like replying “just don’t buy Apple products” to people complaining about right to repair. the key part is that regular people won’t know beforehand until they need to notice. by that point, it’s profitable enough to show other companies like Samsung and Motorolla that restrictions are profitable, so jumping around brands will also never work when the intention is to have your phone for a long time.

    back in the context of game dev, add that to the part where not only people don’t anticipate the retroactive changes of a license they have to rely on when choosing an engine, but there’s the added weight of having to learn an entirely new library and oftentimes even an entire new programming language, so you have to commit to it if you want to make a commercial product or else you risk losing literal years of development just from rewriting the same thing over and over.

    not to say that there’s a reason why a lot of people chose Unity. Godot may be in development since 2014 but they are still relatively new in popularity. not only they have less total instructions resources from the community due to it obviously being smaller than Unity’s, but people also look for already known games as one of the first factors when choosing something, which is something Godot is still catching up on. knowing legal jargon to even comprehend the difference between free and proprietary is the least of their worries when someone wants to jump into game development and build stuff with it.


    I’m reminded of a post recently where someone asked how to get rid of a dialog in Windows and got swamped with replies saying to install Linux. It’s like getting a check engine light in your car and being told to buy a truck.

    Jaysyn, (edited ) avatar

    Yeah, fuck console sales, amiright?

    @Voyajer is either a jackass or doesn't understand sarcasm.

    Voyajer, (edited ) avatar

    Buddy you're at -6 for a low effort comment, don't get buttmad at me. Why are you going back and checking your reduces so obsessively?


    Godot has just recently began to gain steam. I don’t think it was a viable option when StS was in development.

    Jaysyn, avatar

    Unfortunately, it still isn't for console development.


    On their website it says it is via third party publishers.


    Unity: Successfully implemented a product strategy that floods the market with game developers that know how to use its product.

    You, an insufferable prick: "Why would they use a product they could find ready-trained developers for when they could use a niche product no one has any skills in??!?"


    The Unity training materials are amazing. I took their beginner programming course and even made a tiny little game of my own afterwards. I had plans to make a real game later for fun. It’s awesome software and they have a great ecosystem for beginners with no experience.

    So it’s a huge loss, but why would I support them now when Godot exists? The only prospective user I can think of now is someone with no experience that needs all the tutorials, so they’re only using them to learn and have no dreams of making a successful game. All the wannabe devs who think they’re going to make the next great indie hit (and trust me based on game dev forums - there are a ton), why would they set themselves up to pay a ton of money to Unity when starting out? The people they’re going to hold onto are those who don’t have the skill or resources to switch, which probably coincides fairly well with those who don’t have the skill or resources to make a commercially successful game. So they’ve limited the amount of money this move makes to existing games they can squeeze some money out of, and maybe some potential breakout hits from people who are pot committed to Unity and not skilled enough to switch. It’s a crazy move.


    In 2017, when slay the spire released Godot was only 3 years old and not nearly ready for any serious development imo.

    Just because it is quickly becoming a good option for game dev, doesn’t mean it’s a good option for every game ever in the past.


    This is exactly how I picture the Stallman fanatic crowd


    Fanatic is really good word here. We should be sorry for the devs and just give them advice.


    I prefer to call them FOSSholes.

    protist, do games w John Romero: Happy 30th birthday, DOOM. [...] Thank you for playing our games, and thank you for keeping DOOM alive, all these many years.

    When I was 12 in 1994 I typed my friend’s phone number into the dial up peer-to-peer option Doom offered and played a game online for the first time. This definitely stuck with me as one of those “this is going to change things” moments

    p03locke, avatar

    In high school, we wasted time in the computer lab playing Doom. We didn’t know what a “null modem cable” was, but a bunch of us had one and knew we needed one to play multiplayer Doom.

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