Domiku, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

I love Game Pass, but I don’t like monopolies. I wish regulators had blocked this. Also:…


How have I never read that? That’s amazing.


It's hard to block mergers based on a company involved being a monopoly if none of the companies involved are monopolies or will become monopolies.

Regulators have to come up with a different set of rules to block "large but not monopolistic mergers" without also just effectively protecting the actual leader in a given industry from competition.


IDK how you block it when it probably doesn't even make Microsoft the leader in the console space.


I was laughing at the onion article and stopped- was that really published in 1998 ?!?!? Or is the date also a joke?

thehellrocc, (edited )

The wayback machine has it archived as early as December 2017, no idea beyond that.


It reads like it’s from 98. The references to Blockbuster, Daimler-Chrysler, McDonnell Douglas, and Bill Clinton tipped me off this was an old one.


Wikipedia says that The Onion has had a website since '96, so it’s definitely possible! (Also, TIL The Onion has existed since 1988.)


I knew the onion is old, but didn’t imagine they would keep a website with old articles still up!


Why not? It costs nothing, appart from transforming the old format into something the current site can work with, or more likely, have the old site support tbe old format.

Mars, avatar

Some media organizations have started nuking old articles to please the Google algorithm


It really is that old. According to their Supreme Court amicus brief: “Rising from its humble beginnings as a print newspaper in 1756, The Onion now enjoys a daily readership of 4.3 trillion and has grown into the single most powerful and influential organization in human history.” Seriously though, read that brief. It’s a masterful piece of satire.

OfficialThunderbolt, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

What a sad day for gamers. Microsoft now has all it needs to extinguish PlayStation & assert a monopoly on consoles, just as they do on PCs already, and the regulators will give them a wink and a nudge.


Big corpo is bad but Microsoft is far behind in the console space and in the gaming pc front. They won’t extinguish playstation anytime soon.

MentalEdge, avatar

Except they just got CoD. Playstation is about lose one the mega-franchise cross-platforms games that “everyone” buys.

IIRC they did sign the deal that let’s the continue to get releases for a couple more years, but no way MS just keeps releasing their games on PS forever.


There's kinda a precedent for that already though in Minecraft, the other mega-franchise cross-platforms game that “everyone” buys.


With Minecraft, the Java edition was & still is available on many different platforms, but the later Minecraft games that were made after the Microsoft takeover have, for the most part, only come out for Microsoft platforms. Minecraft Dungeons, for instance, never came out on GNU or macOS.

The Bedrock edition was ported to PlayStation, but for how much longer will it be available, I wonder…


but the later Minecraft games that were made after the Microsoft takeover have, for the most part, only come out for Microsoft platforms.

Today I've learned that the Nintendo Switch and PS4/5 are Microsoft platforms. Pretty much every console Minecraft game has made its way onto these systems.

Minecraft Dungeons, for instance, never came out on GNU or macOS.

Works just fine on Linux using Proton (they could totally prevent that if they wanted to) and Apple is pretty hostile to macOS gaming anyway.

russjr08, avatar

Thankfully Minecraft Dungeons does work via Proton, though I’m not super familiar with macOS so I’m not sure if Proton works for macOS given that Apple’s platforms use Metal rather than Vulkan (though I hear a translation layer is being worked on for Vulkan->Metal).


Apple has their own Proton, called the Game Porting Toolkit, and it works well for games that don’t need a launcher & are mainly played with a keyboard and mouse, but I’ve found that game controllers don’t work very well with it.

There’s also MoltenVK, which is Vulkan for macOS, and DXVK, a DirectX-to-Vulkan-to-Metal layer that was used to play some Windows games on macOS before the GPTK came out.


That's not true at all. Minecraft Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Dungeons, and Minecraft Legends are all available on both Playstation and Nintendo Switch. Bedrock Edition is available for Chromebooks. Dungeons and Legends are both on Steam and will run through Proton.

Bedrock Edition is not on Steam and unavailable on Linux and Mac. Dungeons and Legends aren't available on Mac. In a strange twist, Education Edition, which is just Bedrock Edition with classroom oriented features, is available for Mac though.


IIRC they did sign the deal that let’s the continue to get releases for a couple more years...

It is ten more years. If Sony isn't able to come up with a decent alternative in a decade, well, I won't exactly feel sorry for them.

MentalEdge, avatar

More likely, they’ll just buy Ubisoft or EA.

We want lots of smaller corps competing, not just a couple giants. Every merger is one fewer of the former, regardless whether it forces one of the existing big corps to step up their game.

Not that ABK was small, and for once I’m split because holy hell did it need new management.


Being the market leader, Sony will have a much harder time making larger acquisitions than MS did, and this ABV merger didn't exactly breeze through.


problem with this is the size of these companies, sony is not a megacorp in same tier as MS and they likely wouldnt be able to allocate funding for large gaming acquisitions such as EA

ampersandrew, avatar

We are so far away from that being even possible, let alone likely. Even Valve has successfully decoupled about 95% of PC gaming from Microsoft.


I’m talking about the platform, not the store front. Windows has far more than 90% of the PC gaming world market share, far more than what’s enough to monopolize the PC gaming scene; GNU and macOS are a super distant second and third place. Whenever most people talk about “PC gaming”, what they really mean is Windows, even though there are other PC platforms out there.

ampersandrew, avatar

But if Microsoft did something so nefarious to Windows gaming, enough people could switch to Linux to punish them for it, since the last 5 years were spent making nearly every game work on Linux regardless. Microsoft tried to use their position to get you to buy every game through their store, and the market rejected it. That 90% they have currently is now afforded the privilege to be fickle with Windows usage, when before they didn't have the option.


They can't even manage to beat Steam on their own OS to be fair lol


Write a more stable gaming launcher on your own OS than a 3rd party company (impossible)


I had no issues with GamePass for years and was like this isn’t as bad as people say. Then out of the blue I started getting the Download Gaming Services error and wasn’t able to play anything. Looked it up and this has been an issue for years. I tried all the solutions I could find and ended up just canceling my GamePass and haven’t used it since.

russjr08, avatar

This is one of the reasons I don’t use GamePass, because it all goes through the crappy Microsoft Store which always gives me weird download errors, and when trying to research the issue it just leads to nothing that works.

God forbid you reinstall Windows and have your GamePass games on another drive. It won’t let you re-use that partition because the games folder is “owned by someone else” even when you’re signed into the same Microsoft account, and it won’t let you delete it because its protected by Windows… You either have to nuke the whole partition, delete it from Linux, or go through the whole take-ownership ritual which is buggy at best.


Fwiw, it’s actually easier to play game pass games using the GeForce Now cloud service then it is on your own PC. Which is weird.

HKayn, avatar

Is Steam competing with Microsoft’s “Netflix but with games” service?

Appoxo, avatar

Not yet.


No, and yet Steam is still winning. Game Pass can be a sick deal but many still prefer paying just a little more on a Steam Sale to own a game forever.


Steam versions of games just work a lot better. If Xbox had game pass on Steam, it would see a lot more take up I bet.


I do use steam so please don’t misunderstand this as bashing, but you don’t own anything on steam either. You rent it for life and access can legally be withdrawn if you act against the TOS. If you’re looking to buy games GOG is the only real option I know of.


I hear u on this, I’m just speaking to the real world use case. I get that Valve could shut off Steam tomorrow and that would be it, but the odds of that happening are low. What I’m saying is, if I usually take 2 months to finish a single-player game, and the game regularly goes on sale for $20, I’m always going to buy the game on Steam vs. Game Pass. That way, if I decide I want to play it 3 monrhs later, I don’t have to pay ANOTHER $10 to Microsoft to access it.

And if Valve takes the game away in 10 years? That sucks for game preservation reasons, but realistically I almost never play games that are more than 10 years old.

HKayn, avatar

Except you don’t own it forever, as ISOmorph already explained.


Consoles are walled-gardens altogether. Also poor Sony set the markt rules with their 3rd-party exclusives for how many generations now?

If you want to keep gaming as far away from enshittificarion as possible, then set up a linux gaming pc. It's not bad anymore.


I’ve been looking into Linux Mint. Lemmy folks are so helpful here!


It's awesome how user friendly Mint is. If you like it you might check out the Debian version of it (LMDE). In general it's similar but doesn't rely on Ubuntu which is maintained by a company, Canonical, that upsets linux people with some proprietary stuff. Ubuntu is just a derivative of Debian, so you just can go with the original.


Yeah I heard that whole SNAP thing is a sloppy slope for proprietary bullshit plans in the future


Don’t sleep on fedora either. Combined with flatpak, you’ll have a more up to date system.

ampersandrew, avatar

I tried Fedora briefly before switching back to Ubuntu. It seemed like it was still forcing updates in a Microsoft-esque way that Ubuntu does not. On Ubuntu, most updates can be applied without a restart, but Fedora seemed to bundle a bunch of updates together without really telling me what was in them, and I believe it had an install step during shutdown or startup? Which is another thing I hated about Windows. Some of this could be false, as I have an atrocious memory, and some of it could have been user error, but the first foot that it put forward reminded me too much of Windows. On Ubuntu, I just disable snaps.


It doesn’t have to be done that way. From my understanding, fedora does it that way as a safety environment or something (could be wrong). But you can absolutely just do a dnf upgrade and keep on going. It’s the software center that invokes that reboot to install the updates.

ampersandrew, avatar

But I use the same software center in Kubuntu without those restrictions. If it's easy to toggle that off, I could have Fedora in my back pocket as an alternative for some day where Ubuntu gets too egregious with their Snaps, but so far, it's easier to just stick to Kubuntu.



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  • ampersandrew, avatar

    I mean...I've never had a problem with a botched update on Ubuntu/Kubuntu before, so that's a solution for a problem I don't have.


    Sony set the markt rules with their 3rd-party exclusives

    This is Nintendo erasure.


    Which 3rd party exclusives are they sitting on except Bayonetta 2/3? I can't remember that many.

    Nintendo has the same dumb practices, but they do it with their own IPs, which is a little less annyoing. Also they aren't the main player like Sony has been for the last two decades. They just own the Mario-and-Zelda-tablet.


    Which 3rd party exclusives are they sitting on except Bayonetta 2/3?

    Few today, but who set the market rules? They were set in the late 80s.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    In the 80s and 90s, third party exclusives were a necessity because you were making games for sets of hardware that were capable of dramatically different things.

    lemillionsocks, avatar

    No no they were not and in addition to that nintendo had contracts that outright forbade developers from working on other systems period.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    They were capable of dramatically different things. Perhaps they also had those contracts, but Genesis couldn't do mode 7, and the sounds that came out of the SNES were dramatically different. There were cases where a game would come out on each system under the same name but developed by two different companies with two completely different designs, because their capabilities were so different.

    lemillionsocks, avatar

    There were plenty of games that took advantage of one console over the other due to the very different architectures and it was a wonderful and neat thing. That said this is not really the point being made.

    It was stated earlier that Sony set “the market rules” when this is untrue. Nintendo in the 80s was incredibly anti-competitive and had a very closed off ecosystem and a tight grip over developers. It wasnt even a matter of whether the game worked on one console vs another it was a matter of nintendo dominating the market and retaliating against 3rd parties that tried to work with other developers. 3rd party exclusives and first and 2nd party devs focusing on one console is somethin thats been baked into the console market since nintendo came into power in the mid 80s.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Nintendo had a problem to solve back then, which was shovelware, so they incentivized fewer, higher-quality releases. Compared to today's market and the means we have to sift through shovelware, it was basically the equivalent of martial law to get the market on track. But for many years, competing consoles were just capable of dramatically different things. That tended to even out in the 6th gen, but even then, many devs would only release on PS2 because it cost too much money to make a game multiplatform, so you'd just target the one with the largest install base. Take a look at the 5th gen for how dramatically different the capabilities were between the Saturn, N64, and PlayStation; two of them were on CDs, one was on cartridges; Saturn sucked at 3D and pushed FMVs; PlayStation had a weird "Z-buffer" problem where vertices were really swimmy and shapes would wobble; N64 lacked the storage space to have many textures at all; draw distance and raw processing power varied wildly; on and on.


    How do you come up with this shit?

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Where did I lose you? Have you never played a game on a console from the 80s or 90s?

    ITSTRUEDOE, avatar

    Whilst monopolies are a terrible thing for consumers.

    PlayStation and Nintendo still have the best first party lineups and IP available to them. I don’t think this is as big of a deal as people would like to make it seem.

    I do agree this should have been blocked by regulators just as I thought with the Bethesda acquisition. Sony also with the acquisition of Bungie.

    There should be a restriction on the purchasing of studios/publishers of a certain size.

    Certainly isn’t going to hurt Sony or Nintendo. I also don’t think this is the big WIN that Microsoft thinks it’s going to be either.

    Platform27, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

    Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.


    That applies to open software standards, what does it have to do with buying cash cows?


    Because, to the majority of console gamers in the Americas and Europe, Call of Duty, FIFA, GTA, and Madden are the Only Games That Actually Matter™. There are a few million people that buy PlayStations just to play 1-2 of those games to the exclusion of everything else.

    Now that they’ve taken out one of the four major reasons why people outside of Asia buy PlayStations, they can extinguish PlayStation & assert a monopoly on console gaming. It’s sickening.

    And somehow, I don’t think that Sony resurrecting the Resistance series & making it into an annual release that always launches during the holiday season will make much of a difference.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    It's still an improper invocation of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish regardless; only Call of Duty came along with this sale, so by your own logic, they still can't have a monopoly; there are several other franchises, owned by several other corporate entities that Microsoft doesn't own, that would fit on that list of yours; and IMO, Resistance was never good anyway, so if they want to make their own Call of Duty, they're starting from scratch, and they've got a decade to figure it out.


    They are nowhere near getting a monopoly of gaming. It sucks that studios are becoming more consolidated yes, but it's not monopoly level which is why this merger wasn't blocked.


    It will be once Call of Duty becomes a console Xbox exclusive, and the millions of people in the Americas & Europe switch from PlayStation to Xbox in order to get their CoD fix. We’ve already seen this in the PC market, where CoD has been a Windows exclusive for years now, to the point where people won’t buy Macs because they can’t play CoD on them.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Apple's got bigger problems when it comes to gaming than just whether or not Call of Duty comes out for Mac that year, and those problems are of Apple's own creation.

    TALL421, avatar

    Buddy that is not THE reason people aren’t buying macs…


    Is there anything to back up the idea that call of duty is the behemoth it once was? Fortnite seems to be far more culturally relavent than war zone and seems to be both more profitable and have a larger player base. Don’t get me wrong cod is still a big game, I just have my doubts it’s making or breaking the whole industry.


    It applies to most business.

    1. You give a positive face to the market you’re in (Game Pass, Phil Spencer, pro-dev vibe, etc).
    2. You buy chunks of the market (Activ-Bliz-King is a massive chunk), while saying it’s good for the industry.
    3. You squeeze the company of its IP, while bleeding the market dry of money. All of which kills, or at least hurts that market.

    Right now, Micro$oft is in the Extend phase.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    If you bring up Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, especially since we're talking about Microsoft, that is not what it means, and your definition has issues, because if you're buying a big company for a lot of money, the last thing you want to do is extinguish it.


    That's not what "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" means. You just came up with three numbered items to correspond to the fact that there are three words in the phrase.


    That applies to open software standards, what does it have to do with buying cash cows?

    It has no real meaning anymore. It's now a phrase people throw around as effectively a meme. You won't get anything but a wrong answer to this question.


    It does seem like some people just automatically post it on every thread that mentions Microsoft. Just because we all dislike something doesn’t mean we want to see the same low-effort comments spammed every time they come up in discussion like we’re still on Reddit!


    It doesn’t even apply to software standards lol. It’s a dumb “playbook” probably made by some coked out Microsoft middle manager in the 00s that wasn’t even widely successfully used. Lemmy’s crappy example of it is Google “killing” an extensible messaging protocol, which is nonsense because they didn’t kill anything (you don’t “kill” a protocol), they extended it into a proprietary version. You know, because it’s extensible.

    The only relevance “embrace, extend, extinguish” has in today’s society is as an excuse to spread FUD and ragebait on Lemmy.


    Yes, embrace, extend and extinguish my breast milk drinking.



    lukas, avatar

    Nice Doctor Who reference

    Dalek_Thal, avatar


    DarkGamer, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK avatar

    Well at least Microsoft can't ruin Blizzard any more than Activision ruined it.


    Maybe we’ll get SC3, though I’m sure they’ll want to make it SC3 the mmorpg live service micro transaction game… Need additional Pylons? That’ll be 10c thanks…

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    say hello to the monkeys paw

    Blapoo, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

    Fuck Activision


    Especially Bobby and all the ones he enabled

    acastcandream, do gaming w The Xbox 360 Store Will Close July 2024, But You Can Keep Playing Your Favorite Games - Xbox Wire

    Once again begs the question why Nintendo shuts their stores down far sooner and makes it so you can’t re-download your old purchases, other than greed/laziness. 


    You can redownload your purchases on discontinued Nintendo platforms.


    Sure, but if I already got an old Super Mario game on the Wii or DS, I can’t just re-download it on my Switch. I have to pay for Nintendo Online to play the games. It would be easy for Nintendo to see if I already own a game in their library of available games and allow me to play them without paying for the subscription. They also could make more games they already released on older Eshops and make them playable. The emulator to play old Nintendo games is right there on the Switch! But yeah, why sell the stuff once if they can just rent it to us anew every couple of years.


    So their stuff there's no excuse.

    Third party stuff they can't do without contracts.


    I don’t have an Xbox, so I don’t know if they only offer backwards compatibility for first party games? If no and they offer old third party games, then there is no excuse for Nintendo! If Xbox can do it, the biggest player on the console market can do it!


    I don't know if they do.

    I do know that if they do, they explicitly had contracts in the past, when the games were published structured in a way that gives them permission to do so now. There is no way for Nintendo to do the same. They would have to negotiate new deals and it's not actually possible to do so for more than a small handful of third party games at absolute best.

    Also, Microsoft is a far bigger company than Nintendo.


    You can redownload your purchases on discontinued Nintendo platforms.

    You know, I thought you couldn’t on the Wii anymore, but apparently you can…? It’s unclear to me but seems I may have been mistaken when I said you can’t. TIL.


    It’s quite a common misconception. The Wii Shop channel still works for downloading previously purchases titles for example.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    It's not laziness. Why sell you the games when they can exclusively rent them to you instead?

    totallynotfbi, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

    It’s a shame the UK’s Competitive Markets Authority let this merger go through after all. I can’t wait for the future, when 90% of the most popular games are made by 3 companies

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    the government was desperate for a post brexit trade deal

    sculd, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK

    Honestly this is bad for the gaming industry.

    I understand a lot of game pass subscribers want more free stuff.

    But just look at what Netflix had became after its success.

    Or even just look at MS’s track record in using their monopolies to bully competitors.

    Years later we will look at this and watch the tragedy unfold.


    Pretty sure most of the abk staff were just keen to get rid of Bobby. Maybe shortsighted but hey, MS isn’t the worst company to work for.

    navi, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK avatar

    Now gut the boys club C Suite from ABK and help the thousands of employees.

    Scooter411, avatar

    Kotick is out in January at the very least. I think there is a 60 day waiting period before employees can begin unionizing, as part of the deal.


    I hope you’re right! My Blizzard/Starcraft boycot ends when that parasite of a CEO leaves.

    Might be wishful thinking on my part but maybe Microsoft will better utilize their IPs.

    Scooter411, avatar



    That’s the hope…

    warmaster, do games w Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Diablo IV, The Quarry, Ark: Survival Ascended, and More

    Cool, I’ll get to try Diablo 4 without paying a fortune.


    Hopefully they drop loot 2.0 before you play


    It’s fun for like the first 40 levels or so then it drops off hard.


    Basically the campaign is fun enough to do

    shortypig, do games w Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Sea of Stars, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Gris, and Firewatch

    Gris should not be missed if you’ve never played it before!




    It was on Game pass before, and I kinda did skip it because I felt like I had played multiple “processing grief” video games, and didn’t like the idea of doing it in a formless world of colors rather than around some kind of deliberate, recognizable world theme. There’s such a thing as being too artsy and abstract.

    gamermanh, do games w Battlefield 2042: How Season 6 - Dark Creations is Bringing More Variety and Versatility avatar

    Has it gotten to the point as being as enjoyable as that one game 3 guys put together and released for a third of the cost?


    Waste of their time then, lol


    What game are you talking about?

    gamermanh, avatar


    orca, avatar

    Wow, this game looks awesome!

    gamermanh, avatar

    It is

    I didn’t realize how starved for a game like it I was until it dropped and I suddenly had hundreds of hours in it

    I used to really love battlefield, but even trying 2042 again after BattleBit released I just can’t go back

    orca, avatar

    I dumped a ton of hours into Battlefield 3, and the Bad Company games. Now in terms of BF, I mostly play Battlefield 1943. I tried 2042 but immediately hated it. They gutted the game of everything that made the series so good.

    Totally going to snatch this one, thanks!

    I used to play Urban Terror a ton back in the day. Not a massive game like BF and BattleBit but it’s a super fun shooter (and it’s free!).


    As much as i can enjoy battlebit, you arent giving battlefield enough credit

    The populations of the games at the current moment arent even that far off, Battlebit is at 8k, 2042 is at 5k+whatever the number plays on origin.

    Battlefield has a LONG history of always releasing in a shit start and getting better overtime. This trend has happened for the past several games (since after 3 I believe)


    2042 has cross play the numbers are probably much higher.

    gamermanh, avatar

    No, I’m giving battlefield all the credit it’s current incarnation deserves:

    It is not as good as a game made by 3 guys on Unreal. I tried it again last week out of curiosity and it’s flat out not worth getting when BattleBit exists, in my opinion

    And a long history of releasing trash and getting to decent only proves the point, BattleBit actually started as an enjoyable and decently content filled product whereas battlefield you KNOW won’t next time it comes around


    The point is it’s playerbases are in a similar tier in size. Of course its your opinion that battlebit is better (and is mine too), but that doesnt stop the idea that there are plenty of people playing 2042 now (especially vs launch). I have a friend who has both games, but when hes playing alone, he more often boots up battlefield more often then battlebit, and he spends a LOT of time playing those games more tham the rest of his library.

    rigatti, do games w Welcoming the Legendary Teams at Activision Blizzard King to Team Xbox avatar

    When was the last time Blizzard had legendary teams?

    pancakes, avatar

    Maybe when StarCraft 2 came out or the first couple years of Overwatch. Although in hindsight they were doing some pretty un-legendary things behind the scenes.

    muse, do gaming w It's official, Microsoft now owns ABK avatar

    Bring back Heroes of the Storm and add Master Chief in damnit


    Wait, they axed hots?


    like 5 years ago

    ampersandrew, avatar

    It's still running though, right? They're just not currently adding anything more to it. I see my friends playing that game still from time to time.

    Crystal_Shards64, do games w Coming Soon to Game Pass: Cities: Skylines II, Dead Space, Jusant, Mineko’s Night Market, and More - Xbox Wire

    Once again I’ve paid the game pass tax. I just bought dead space last week lol

    I kinda wish they would announce upcoming games sooner or something. It makes it hard to determine if you should buy something or hold off indefinitely


    Unlucky :( I’ve had it on my wishlist but it was too much for me. Glad I’m going to get to play it. I never finished 3 so a full series playthrough might be in order. If you haven’t logged many hours on it you might be able to swing a refund? Though a week is a long time.


    I purchased a physical copy for once, so that’s a no go for me. However I did get it on sale so it’s not quite as bad as it could be.

    I’ve found this happens at least once a year or so. So I’ve just come to accept it haha.

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