
MadBob, do gaming w Never understood this

“This game named after a crime involving cars involves too much driving and crime”

CaptainEffort, do games w Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds

I’ve always loved this game and been surprised by the negativity most users have towards it. The writing is excellent, the world is well realized, and it’s the only game I’ve played in a long time that actually lets me kill whoever I want, and continues the story around those decisions. New Vegas did it, and Baldurs Gate 3 recently, but it’s sadly an exceedingly rare thing.

I also loved how all skills could impact dialogue, again similarly to New Vegas. It made every skill worthwhile, and made exchanges with npc’s feel more unique to your character. It’s once again one of the only games where skills like speech or barter actually feel worth it, and is the only game I’ve ever played, outside of New Vegas, where you can simply talk your way through the final boss fight.

I get that it’s not for everyone, especially not if you’re looking for a Bethesda open world game, but it’s a great linear RPG that imo is very underrated.

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

It’s once again one of the only games where skills like speech or barter actually feel worth it



I think the Fallout games doing it still makes it “one of the only games”.

Damn I wish modern Fallout took more inspiration from the originals.

crackajack, (edited )

I also chat my way through the Outer Worlds. You could easily beat the game with just high speech checks. Although with the final boss, my speech check wasn’t high enough.

crius, do games w Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try

Titanfall 2 has a great gameplay and surprisingly good story with the added bonus to not try to lock you in for 300 hours for no reason with stupid boring side quest or “activities”.

I would start with that.


Agreed. Titanfall 2, then Horizon next.

slazer2au, do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

Set your password to an EICAR test string and see what else you can brick on their site.


Holy shit beautiful. Now I wanna try it everywhere

@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar
Pons_Aelius, do gaming w Unity just released their new splash screen!

Is their trust broken forever or is there any chance for redemption?

Not while the current management is in place and that will not change, so the first one.


Yeah you nailed it with that comment.


Unity Technologies went public back in late 2020.

The creators/venture capital funders got their payday and the MBA's are now in charge as the company must keep increasing profit every quarter...forever.

They cannot/will not change course now.

iHUNTcriminals, do games w This should be illegal

It’s meta lol. It’s the devil.

ummthatguy, do gaming w If you understand this meme, I hope your back is feeling fine today.
@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar

No Oddjob crouching! Paintball mode and Proximity mines. Thinking back at that single centered joystick + D-pad makes me wonder how we ever played it to begin with.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

We just didn’t know any different! Compared to the precision of FPS games that we’re used to now, it would probably feel like painful slow-motion to watch our old Goldeneye matches…


Putting proximity mines on the ammo crates and then immediately picking up the crates so they respawned and the mine was invisible was just… chef’s kiss

@lolola@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



IIRC mines wouldn’t be triggered if it was yours and you interacted with them in some way. But because the way Goldeneye handled objects like the ammo crate, anything that was considered “a part of it”, such as the mine, disappeared so a new one could spawn. The overall game code knew the mine was still there so if another player grabbed the ammo crate, thus interacted with the mine, it would detonate and kill the other player.

Hope that explains it.

@lolola@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This inspired me to fire up the N64 and try it. First attempt, I blew up the mine accidentally and lost all my health, so you can definitely trigger your own mines. Second attempt, I placed it and picked up the crate, and the mine disappeared! And it could definitely blow up in that state too. But when I tried it again and let the crate respawn, I could see the mine again. So, shrug?

But I’m impressed, I never knew about this till now.


Thanks for confirming! 20 years later, memories fade lol.


Holy fuck you just resolved the mystery for me!

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

That’s so evil

@teft@lemmy.world avatar

Slappers Oddjob only.

@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

Godzilla mode rules them all.


Circle strafing, camping, and screen watching.


The definition of a screen watcher is someone who thinks everyone screenwatches!


Honestly the controls were never the problem since the game has generous auto-aim, the problem was that the N64 chugs with four players.


The problem was designing just the right cardboard contraption to actually block our view of one another so we could have fog of war

polonius-rex, do gaming w Unbalanced

all i need in my life is for karlach to love me as i love her and then everything will be fine


Potion seller, I’m going to hug my wife and need your strongest fire resistance potions.


Don’t resist her fire~


your strongest fire resistance potions.

<er, engages filter>

“You cannot handle my STRONGEST fire resistance potions!” he shouted, distortingly


I can fix her.


Just need 2 infernal iron and a noble’s head

mojofrododojo, do gaming w Please think of how your actions affect Gabe

Respect, the man has the means to eat himself to death on the finest and took control of his body.

lowleveldata, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

This has the “fuck you” energy without the actual word


It does?


It does not.


“we listened to your feedback and made major changes to planned updates” is fuck you energy?


"We listened to our accounting, and the massive wave of refunds and unbought mtx is hurting our numbers. PR isn’t happy about the reviews either. We’ll keep you updated on future plans for fucking you over!

Do you really think that Sony will actually back down? They are calming down the shitstorm that is going over all media, socials and steam. They’ll reorganize and will move on with their plans. Arrowhead and Helldivers is just one of many assets.

@neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space avatar

Of course not.


The review bombing was serious but I’d eat my hat if this stunt cut revenue by more than 10%. I don’t have anything for Helldivers but here’s an article about Dragons Dogma 2

Sonotsugipaa, (edited )
@Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

10% is a lot by I WANT MORE MONEY RIGHT NOW shareholder metrics


It means the two million people playing it now have to get emails, promotions, and keep sony products in their mind.

They obviously didn’t think it would be popular. Just like Wizards of the Coast when they tried to put out a new license that said “anything with the words ‘dungeons and dragons’ on it becomes our intellectual property”, they assumed that pissing off their entire fanbase would be net positive because people will keep buying their stuff no matter how bad it gets.


It does kind of have “We would have gotten away with it, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids!” energy to me.

There’s no way they thought the PSN thing would’ve been a well-received update.

Aux, do gaming w How times change

SNES resolution was 256 x 224 with a 15 bit colour. You’re using your chrome on a 3,840 x 2,160 screen with a 32 bit colour. That’s 308x more data per frame to render. You should be really impressed that in a span of just three decades we got 300x improvement in performance.

janAkali, do gaming w I try to convince myself to use "random appearance" in games that have it now

That’s why mods exist. And some games have a setting to hide helmets.


that's stupid. what meta gaming BS. "i want the benefits of wearing a helmet but i want everyone to see me!" just fuck right off with that shit, junior.


Video games are a fantasy and I want my character to look a certain way, fuck me right?


i mean, yeah, but i guess it depends on if you're playing online or in single player mode.

sorry, i'm a D&D purist. i want a fantasy simulator, not your selfish fantasy jerk off.


In a fantasy world, wouldn’t it be reasonable for someone to use an invisibility spell on the helmet? Or apply some sort of invisibility serum/option into it?


That sounds very expensive. Perfect invisibility is usually expensive and/or difficult in fantasy settings. Much like in the real world.


Now you’ve got me imagining a budget version of an invisibility potion/spell/item that gives 30% translucency.


Pretty much. If you’re sneaking around you usually don’t need 100% invisibility. If it’s dark, 30%-60% is fine if you’re at all sneaky. That’s how the “chameleon” spell worked in Oblivion.


One of the best games I’ve ever played… And the mods were top notch


These are faulty full body invisible spells, that are heavily discounted, because they work only on the helmet. Because of the difficulty to create a full invisible spell, the majority created are faulty and basically trash, but mages sell them for low price to get back at least the material costs. Low yield.


Bro games are for fun. If they can’t be a selfish fantasy jerk off, what can? That’s such a dramatic description. Is “I’m a D&D purist” code for “I can’t let people enjoy things.”


“Making your own fun is verboten”.

This guy…


that's some real beta cuck shit to regard my hot take as an authority. you must be pretty submissive.


Thanks for clearly identifying yourself as blockworthy. I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but you just couldn’t resist outing yourself could ya?


lol. nobody cares who you block, dipshit. "oh no! some little beta cuck won't see my posts!" /s


You being downvoted is why I’m starting to hate lemmy.


They’re being downvoted for being rude to someone just for expressing a desire to hide helmets in games.


In a clearly joking manner. Humor is dying slowly, killed by people who feel the need to rectally insert every statement they read, and I’m noticing it more and more on Lemmy. It’s saddening.


Go yell at the clouds.


I am generally a comedic person, but my humor sense did not tingle at this. Reading the guy’s later comment in the thread only made me think it was more serious.


It wasn’t funny though. The words they used, the reaction, the context…none of it was particularly funny.

A joke that isn’t funny and can be easily read as rude gets downvoted. Seems pretty straightforward.


Nice sock puppet account.


it's a shit show. i never expected much though. children are stupid.

elvith, do gaming w Many are worth checking out

Fallout fans: Not touching anything beyond the first two games


That was my friend, he was so mad when they went 3d lol I didn’t mind as much, but I did like the old style.


Fallout 3 was not a bad game, but it must have been annoying for a series you love to change genres.


That’s not fair. Interplay made a 3D (though still top down) “Fallout” with Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel before they sold it to Bethesda. It’s also far worse than anything Bethesda has done or will do with the series. It’s great how everyone just chooses to ignore that it exists.


New Vegas is a true successor to the first two, it’s simply held back by a bad engine. It’s the number 1 game I would like to see a proper remake of.

Cethin, (edited )

More than anything it’s held back by it’s ultra short development time. The engine isn’t great, but they made it work for them fine, ignoring the crashes which could have been solved with more time, and are mostly solved with mods. The combat can only be so good with it, but that’s not why NV is good anyway.

GoodEye8, (edited )

That as well. There’s so much content they could’ve added to the game if given more time and less technical restrictions. That’s why I want to proper remake. Not an exact remake, but one that also has the cut content (which will make the game different from the original, because Ulysses was supposed to be a companion not the culmination of the couriers journey).


Yeah, I’d love to see a re-imagining, especially since they know it’ll make a ton of money, so they can invest in it. I assume, if it did happen, that they’d want to keep all events the same for lore reasons though, just to keep it from getting confusing. I believe Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel has been un-canonized though, so it wouldn’t be a first for FO, and Bethesda does that all the time with TES, so whatever.

yamanii, do gaming w Skyrim Marriage
@yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

This is the most “The sims player comment” on another game that I’ve ever seen.

Sombyr, do games w What game fits this?


Not many people have played it I’m sure, but imagine this:
You’ve just downloaded a new free MMO. You figure it’s gonna be super pay to win, but it’s free so why not give it a shot anyway.
For the first few minutes, after you stop being confused by the UI, you start to take everything in. There are no classes, you can do whatever you want. Want to be a mage AND a warrior? Totally doable. Want to be a bard playing in the town square for tips? Thanks to the robust music system, you can. In fact, you’re having trouble finding anything you can’t do.
A few months later, things are progressing nicely. You’ve mastered every skill, played thousands of songs by now, got some pretty good gear, and you haven’t encountered even a hint of the p2w you expected. Life is great. However, you’re going to need a bit of a gear upgrade before tackling this next dungeon. You check how much it’ll cost you. 300 million.
You’ve never even seen more than 50 million in one place before. Nevertheless, you figure with hard work, you can achieve it. After a month, you’ve gathered about 100 mil by exploiting market bubbles to sell anything valuable as fast as possible and in as large of quantities as possible. It’s still not enough though. The cash shop begins to beckon you. You could pay a little real money to buy a cash shop item, and sell it for gold.
But you realize that in order to get the 200 mil you need, you’d need to spend over 100 dollars. You rationalize to yourself that hey, the p2w isn’t that bad if it’s easier to make the gold in game than it is to make the real money to buy it. You continue on your quest, but you run into an issue. There just aren’t any more bubbles to exploit. You’ve crashed the market in your quest to obtain all the gold you need without spending a penny. You cave, and buy just a couple cash shop items to sell and make up the difference. You get your shiny new equipment. You feel powerful. It’s such a huge upgrade it’s almost ridiculous. You feel like 20$ was worth it to have this much fun. Out of curiosity, you check to see how much your next upgrade will cost.

2 billion. It’s too late. You’re addicted. Sunk cost fallacy has kicked in. You’ve already invested in your character, and that next upgrade is gonna cost you 2000$.
You can’t quit. You’ve tried. There’s just no game like this anywhere else. You will spend that money eventually, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

This is my story. I’m aiming to get that gold without spending a penny. It’s been months. I’m half a percent if the way there. It’s not gonna happen. Every day I have to pull myself away from that cash shop. It would be so easy, but so irresponsible.
But one day I will spend that money. The game is insidious like that. The only way to avoid it is to either not play the game in the first place or not give a shit about progressing. I am in neither camp.

Genuinely, I love the game, but every day I pray it gets shut down before I have the chance to pay in that much money. It’s so hard to stop myself.


You are addicted, try drugs instead.


How would it feel to just uninstall?

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Dude. Uninstall it, walk away, get a hobby with that $2000. Something you always wanted to do that’s on your bucket list. There’s no way playing a P2W game was on your bucket list.

Buy a guitar, take some lessons. That would be way more fulfilling than playing something in a virtual town square for imaginary tips.


Or… you know… spend the 2k on the hobby you already have. Fuck it. Might as well dig a deeper hole.


Yes, Like Mabinogi


I know you’re joking, or at least half joking, but I literally am getting help for this. I have psychiatric appointments constantly to deal with how easily I get addicted to things and occasionally try meds to try to improve my impulse control.

I haven’t quit the game because my psychiatrist and the few therapists I’ve gone through feel the game’s actually been a net positive on my life, and the real problem is my impulse control. If I wasn’t drooling over a 2000$ staff I’d be buying 2000$ worth of 40k minis that I’ll never actually get around to putting together and painting. That actually already happened a little bit during a brief period where I quit the game, and I did indeed buy a bunch of 40k shit I still haven’t assembled.


I’m relived to hear that you actually got the help you deserved because I was serious. I know how awful it feels to not be in control of yourself or your motivations and I don’t want anyone to experience it


It’s a serious issue how many games now are deliberately designed with compulsion conditioning tactics to get people playing and spending not out of legitimate interest but out of a manufactured “need”.

I heard stories of people who had to drop their favorite franchises, like sports ones, because they started to resort to that, and they knew they’d be too susceptible to keep playing without giving in.


Have you been diagnosed with ADHD?


I am diagnosed with ADHD, but more pressingly I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. The manic phases from that make me try to empty my bank account at the slightest provocation, even after being medicated rather well for it.

The ADHD sure doesn’t help though, causing me to still be impulsive even when not in a manic phase, just less so. It’s also possible my impulse control in my manic phases is only as bad as it is because it’s combined with ADHD.


I don’t know about the other stuff, but my understanding is that people with ADHD have hard time avoiding addictions as is.

You rolled challenging traits in character creation, but remember that all negative perks give more experience. Keep it up. Godspeed.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

2 billion. It’s too late. You’re addicted. Sunk cost fallacy has kicked in.

I think the Sunk cost kicked in by the time you chose to spend money to get those 200 mil, since you were “already a third of the way” and “worked so hard already”


This has to be a copypasta.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

This has to be a 15 year old kid.


Oh. It’s that game that has a song in DJMax Respect V. Who knew that such a cute looking game could be hiding something so insidious.


I’ve played a different one and resisted spending cash. One day I felt depression getting worse over my addiction to that game and had given all of my accounts to other players and uninstalled everything. It felt kinda bad for a week or two but then got better. I’d say you still can win that


I mean you already show impulse control. Just keep that energy up. If you one day cave in try again to not spend more money for as long as you manage.

I am collecting anime figurines.

Send help

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like you’re playing a more generous version of capitalism.

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