
EdibleFriend, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

What was Capcom thinking?


That nerds would bitch and moan and cry then buy it like they always do. Which is exactly what happened.

!deleted6508 avatar

They added this shit after the reviews and shit came out and said it didn’t have any of this garbage though, so it’s a bit unfair.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

I literally took that screenshot right before I made the post. Right this second it’s still the number 1 seller on steam.


You do realise that the stats wont just change overnight right?


Many of us preordered because at least for me day 1 performance issues don’t bother me. I loved dragons dogma and knew pretty much no matter what I wanted to play this.

Hiding that you have micro transactions until release day is just bullshit. I don’t know if that knowledge would have kept me from buying it though. Fast travel so far is pretty much non-existent as the ferry stones are super rare…


Yes, this is the same as the first game. Ironically the DLC was also available for the first game


@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Many of us preordered

Never pre-order. Never. Just don’t fucking do it.

I’s bad for you and everyone else who buys video games.


I get what you mean, but 99.9% of the time I’m buying it day one anyway so they get me with the dumb trinkets they throw at you for pre-ordering lol

CosmicCleric, (edited )
@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I get what you mean, but 99.9% of the time I’m buying it day one anyway

Well, no one is saying you can’t buy it on day one, just don’t buy it on day minus one.

On the day it comes out you can just check some reviews first and then reaffirm your decision to buy, or you may hear about something you weren’t aware of, and then decide not to buy.

Also by doing this, you help all your other fellow gamers, by diminishing the importance of the pre-order and the shenanigans that go with it.

Ilflish, (edited )

I don’t think that’s true. I remember seeing some of this stuff on store description at the very least and as far as I’m aware, some reviews mentioned the DLC could not be reviewed because it wasn’t live which inferred it was known. I’ll have to research this tomorrow because I keep hearing both sides but this aligns with the fact they were available day one unlike RE4Make

Edit: A credible source suggesting DD2 Microtransactions were known about by Reviewers and just never mentioned. forbes.com/…/why-dragons-dogma-2-reviews-didnt-me…


To be fair the developer that said that and the corporate shill that decided microtransactions should be in the game arent the same person


Unfinished slop will be bought if the game has a devoted enough following/hype, a notable example being Cyberpunk 2077

daltotron, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

The most insane part to me still isn’t necessarily the money-grubbing shit, because capcom has been doing that in basically every game they’ve made for a while now. It’s sad to me that dragon’s dogma is kind of, the outlet for getting shit on, with this, basically because the other games they put out have built-in fanbases and engagement that are gonna ignore the monetization. But maybe they also have more easily ignored monetization, and it’s not as though dragon’s dogma doesn’t have a fanbase, even if the fanbase is much smaller than the others.

Anyways, the thing that really baffles me about this game is that it’s not multiplayer. That seems like an obvious sell. Is there like, some idea there that they’d be cutting in on monster hunter’s turf, or something? I dunno, the pawns just seem kinda annoying, and the game, overall, seems kind of mid. I haven’t seen a large amount of it, in any case, but maybe it’s just sort of, the monetization and denuvo is kind of the final and most prominent cherry on top of a dog shit sundae, and nobody’s talking about the actual game itself being maybe more mid because of that. I dunno, though, I legitimately haven’t seen much on this game outside of this.

TexMexBazooka, (edited )

Bro the commas, the commas!!! Reading your paragraph made my brain stutter

Edit: op edited the commas, we love op


Don’t, forget the, weird Russian DRM,.


That sounds like a you problem. Maybe read better?

ME5SENGER_24, do edc w DIY Hayanawa Bracelets

I was literally wondering what to do with a role of paracord today and Googling ideas

@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

If you make this type of bracelet, post a pic! :)

constantokra, do edc w DIY Hayanawa Bracelets

Do you find yourself using it, and what for?

I almost always find myself using a full arms’ span of cord, which for me is around 5.5 feet, so I generally carry two of that length, one wrapped up, and one in a loop with a diamond knot, which I find convenient in place of a carabiner.

@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve used it once to try to recover something stuck in a tree 😅 The length is quite long for some uses but perfect for hojojutsu. I also used to carry a shorter length in the form of a keychain for more mundane uses.


Ooo, I like that short one. I think I’ll use that. Thanks for the link.

Kolanaki, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?
!deleted6508 avatar

I’ll just wait until it gets the Dark Arisen treatment and all the MTX and pre-order content becomes freely available in the game and the limits on port stones and the random currencies that aren’t just gold for shops are removed.

The original game originally had limited fast travel, too. But it was eventually made non shitty and you can just buy the stones you drop as FT points at a shop in the main city.

therealjcdenton, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

See if there wasn’t only online and Denuvo I would be able to mod that shit out. But because it has Denuvo I will wait until someone cracks it then pirate it so I can mod what features they pay walled to play how it was intended to be played by the honest developers


Is Empress still the only human capable of cracking Denuvo?


I don’t think she’s the only one able, just willing. Isn’t there still someone who consistently cracks Madden games or something similar? Also fitgirl maybe, but I think that’s just repack stuff.


Yeah, fitgirl does not crack


Does she still do Denuvo games? I know she doesn’t work with Empress anymore, so there must be somebody cracking those for the repack if so

@Dumbkid@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Shrug mods seemed to work for me, got 999 portcrystals and metamorphosis books and didn’t get banned, should be good now. The re engine is super easy to modify


and didn’t get banned


@Dumbkid@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ill update here if I do, only had to modify my game the once so I won’t have to mess with it again


Just say “argh, matey.” Don’t need to gussy it up.

ozoned, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

Money. They were thinking money.

iAvicenna, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

“all you have to do is learn how to have fun while role playing as a person without any clothes (or pay five bucks)”

Schadrach, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

Patient gamer activated. I might revisit it when they’ve improved performance and released an ultimate or definitive edition that includes everything.

Essence_of_Meh, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Just finished Drakengard 3 and feeling empty - both because the final boss fight took me 4 days to beat and because, despite many issues I have with the game, ending still managed to hit pretty hard. I love this shitty game.

Ryzen01k, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Deltarune Chapter 2

Tarogar, do gaming w I may have said this before...

Imagine a game that’s fun right out of the box… Boring right? Yeah… Let’s put 150 hours of filler at the start before it gets fun.

Some business exec somewhere.


Well I mean, it’s not really like that in this case. Every story expansion just requires you to have cleared the previous parts of the game.

The base game/before the first expansion isn’t bad per se, I had a fun time with the game at that point. But there happens to be a remarkable step up in quality starting with the first expansion, and the game pretty much keeps getting better from there.

Also during the last few years they have been revamping the early-game extensively, adding modern visuals and refreshing the design of the dungeons and boss fights. But having played before these changes, I still wouldn’t call the beginning of the game “filler”. I found it quite charming, and the multiplayer aspect is also fun in its own respect at that point.

Just my 2c, I’m not one to defend large corporations but I don’t think the trope really applies to XIV


It’s always funny when you see the exact personification of a meme in the comments.


Not a big fan of nuance, I presume?


Bet they didn’t even play for 100s of hours before making up their mind smdh

Carnelian, (edited )

Perhaps the confusion is my fault for acknowledging that the game did indeed improve over the course of its ten year run, which is…obviously…the best possible case scenario.

But if you read my comment again, you may notice that my point is the exact opposite of what you’re joking about. I don’t believe there really is a multi hundred hour “rite of passage” to get to “the good part”. Not only is the beginning already pretty good, but, as I said, they are actively modernizing it to bring it more in line with the later parts (which are even better).

Is there a subtlety here that I have simply failed to convey? Is the idea of a decent game becoming a masterpiece really indistinguishable from the idea of a fundamentally worthless game dangling the hope of a better game out in front of you like a carrot on a stick? Really help me out here


If someone says to you that they tried playing the game for a couple hours, but it was kind of boring and the quests have a lot of filler, what would your response be?

The meme pokes fun at the idea that many people who love the game would encourage that person to continue until they reach the first expansion so they could experience that, as you call, masterpiece.

It’s not so much that they find the first part fundamentally worthless, just even if you don’t like it, you should maybe keep playing because it gets so much better.


If someone says to you that they tried playing the game for a couple hours, but it was kind of boring and the quests have a lot of filler, what would your response be?

At the end of the day we are talking about like a 600 hour story driven RPG, the actual structure of the game doesn’t change much as it goes on so you can tell pretty quickly if you’ll like the game in general (hey, that kind of sounds like, the opposite of what the meme is saying, right?).

With that in mind I would say if you aren’t thrilled with the story straight off but you otherwise enjoy the game, you may as well keep playing, and if things pick up later then hey, bonus. If you don’t like the moment-to-moment gameplay I am here to tell you that it does not get better lol. So no worries, the free trial is the way it is for a reason.

In summary, I understand what the meme is saying, but have I said that? Let’s step away from such massive games for a second. I believe the best part of Horizon Zero Dawn is the ending few hours, by far. Story just really hits for me then, as it should, because we want things to get better as we play them. Is this perspective, “the best is yet to come”, the same as, “it’s worth slogging through the boring part until then?” Have I called the beginning boring, actually? Have I suggested anyone should slog through it?


600 hour story driven RPG?

How many of those 600 hours are actually story?


That’s my personal estimate for the game if you simply sit down at the beginning, and progress the single-player* storyline from start to finish, up to the end of the current expansion (a new one is coming out in a few months actually lol). Reading the dialogue and cutscenes, playing through the required quests, dungeons, and trials, and also playing through some of the optional (but also story driven and highly recommended) content.

So I guess it depends on what you mean by “story”, there’s dialogue and important story content happening during the actual fights most of the time. But in general I would say the vast majority of that time is pure story, to the point where I wouldn’t recommend the game to someone who didn’t like visual novels. Some players probably could do it in like 300 hours if they skim or even just read really fast, and I know many players who have taken well over 1000 hours as they took their time and did lots of side content.

*the vast majority of the game has optional multiplayer. I think the best way to play is with others but many people feel the opposite lol


It’s just that OP has a funny joke and you are acting out the joke, which is funny to some


Yes I can see how funny it would be were it directed at somebody who embodied in any way the sentiment of the original meme. It seems to me that I have repeatedly argued the opposite, care to share any insight as to why you so easily imagine otherwise?


Maybe me and the other guy are the only ones but you feel like the person from the OP to us. The extremely serious attitude about a joke just adding to the humour of it.


Oh, well, as long as that’s just how you feel, no worries. The heart wants what the heart wants. Others have read and engaged with the actual words that I said, which is normally why I comment, so it seems like everyone gets to walk away with something today



@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

The game started 10 years ago. It was a different game back then.


Oh I see you have met my ex-wife

franklin, (edited ) do gaming w I may have said this before...
@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

FF13 needed a good 30 hours, it truely is mind blowing they keep getting away with it


I waited for FFXV to get good and it just kept getting worse lol


For me it was the opposite. I had low expectations and the longer I played it the more it grew on me, especially with the sheer amount of content. It’s actually probably in my top 5 FF games.

@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I tried 13 multiple times. Steam says I have more than fifty hours in it. I know the last time I got all the way to the open world segment. But I just can’t get into it and was mostly making myself play because I bought the entire trilogy on a sale. The game’s insistence on putting all the plot in a menu made it much more difficult to follow along or to get attached to any of the characters. I know I read everything as it became available and I honestly have no memory of the vast majority of it. I’m not even sure I could name the fully party.

On top of that, the gameplay itself just wasn’t great. Party composition was almost always dictated by the plot and character growth was completely linear, so there was very little opportunity to experiment with the game’s systems. And when I did get to experiment with it, encounters were so rigidly structured and my characters’ levels being capped by plot progression meant there was no wiggle room to actually experiment. Throw in traditional FF problems like debuffs being useless and new ones like AOE attacks being heavily luck based and it didn’t even have fun combat to fall back on.

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed on all counts.

The open world fights while easily cheesable offered enough spectacle to keep my attention, the trails were interesting to me (at least by comparison to the rest of the game) and the final boss was decent but given how little of the game that takes up it’s absolutely unacceptable.

It’s a shame too because all the elements of a potentially stellar game are in there but never given a chance to shine due to the reasons you mentioned.

Gradually_Adjusting, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I think I know that fucker

Rayspekt, do gaming w I may have said this before...

While I loved those games as a teenager with infinite free time, I now hate games that don’t respect the players time. I mean, come on? Which adult has the time to play multiple 80-hour-long RPGs a year? How does one keep up with the influx of good games these days?


The fun thing about FFXIV is that it’s free to play up to level 70. You’re only gonna be missing the last 2 expansions and then the one this summer. So you get 1/2 at no actual cost to you.

You only put in as much time as you want to get out too. There’s no real downside to taking longer beside things not being “relevant” anymore.

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