
colonial, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@colonial@lemmy.world avatar

After seeing the various forms of black magic Nintendo devs have pulled off with what is essentially decade-old tablet hardware… yeah, fine by me.

echoplex21, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

A simplified Legion Go looks like something we can probably expect the next device to be then. Most people have compared the Rog Ally power with the Z1 extreme as being similar to PS4/X1 .

What they could do is a true “docked” mode where it can connect to a GPU to have it output 4K. Highly doubt as the cost would become exorbitant.

roofuskit, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

And Nintendo will "once again" outsell hardware that out performs theirs.


Unless it’s the wii-u


I feel like a PS4 equivalent handheld is definitely respectable nowadays. That’s about the performance that the Steam Deck puts out.

roofuskit, (edited )
@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

That's true, but also we rarely use the switch as a portable in our house and my kid could care less. We don't need Mario Kart to be 4k 120 and Breath of the Wild is designed to look great with lower graphics quality. We have a PS5 and a 4k TV with VRR and we switch between the two all the time.


Same here but the switch looks like garbage on the TV. Bayo 3 specifically was very dated looking.

The switch is used by more than kids anyway.

Stovetop, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

The thing I always thought would be in the Switch’s benefit is if the dock itself also contained hardware. On the small handheld screen, the quality looks fine enough at lower resolutions, but then looks pretty bad when blown up on a 4K TV. If the dock had additional expandable hardware to boost performance when docked, that could go a long way to help it keep up.

@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

That's actually kind of how the switch works. But it's not hardware in the dock, it's just the ability to draw more power when plugged in allows it to increase performance.

ultrasquid, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@ultrasquid@sopuli.xyz avatar

The Switch 2 is also (likely) a handheld, and the Steam Deck is also similar in performance to the ps4/xbox as well, and only came out a year ago, so I wouldn’t expect anything much more than that (especially since the Switch 2 will probably be smaller and have a bigger battery).

Lucidlethargy, (edited )

Man, I have no interest in a handheld… I just don’t get the appeal there. I have a handheld already, it’s my phone. I want the next nintendo creation to bring me back to wii bowling, and that sort of crazy cool stuff.

Instead, the last console brought us worse controllers that cramp your hands, and lack innovative design.


I played Wii bowling on my steam deck. Using Dolphin, a Wii mote connected through Bluetooth, and a USB sensor bar. Then just a dock to put it on the TV and charge it.

Only thing that gave me trouble was the speaker in the Wii mote.

Caligvla, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Fucking yikes.

GregoryTheGreat, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

I’ve got a question. Does anyone really care if the specs are x.xxGhz and XGB of RAM? It’ll be +YGhz and YGB of RAM more than the last generation at least.


As long as it can still play the games then no. If it can’t handle new generation games then obviously that’s an issue. Just like devs game up on games for older Gen consoles.

If you have a switch for Zelda and only Nintendo games then you are probably golden. It’s only really an issue for games being ported over. They will require more power for those games. Not graphics but actually to run the beasts.

stopthatgirl7, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
!deleted7120 avatar

One thing about Nintendo, they always do their own thing. They’re content to let Sony and Microsoft fight it out over hardware specs, while they just stay in their own lane.

BallShapedMan, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@BallShapedMan@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s built on Nvidia tech and they take advantage of DLSS 3 it’ll out perform PS5 and XBO in many cases.


Frame generation would help but it’s not a silver bullet, and it definitely won’t outperform current gen consoles since it’ll still be a weak tablet in comparison.


Frame generation doesn’t help low end hardware.

garretble, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power
@garretble@lemmy.world avatar

Anyone who thought the Switch 2 was going to match up to the PS5 or Series was lying to themselves.


Would it have been too far fetched to think it would have the capacity of the ps4 pro/XBO X?

Renacles, do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

More like 1 and a half, the current generation is 3 years old.

ytsedude, (edited ) do games w Nintendo switch 2 akin to PS4/XBO power

If Nintendo being “one generation behind once again” means I get more games like Breath of the Wilds, Mario Odyssey, Metroid Dread, and Tears of the Kingdom (just to name a few of the incredible first-party games this generation), then I’m fine with that!

iHUNTcriminals, (edited )

…but did you read the part about how it’s powered by 6 AA batteries?

JK I ain’t hatin’ 'tendos been done its own thang.

whodatdair, (edited )

But how will I know I’m better than everyone if everything isn’t shiny and I can’t see the reflection of my hot pink leopard striped assault rifle in every sweat drop on my enemy’s forehead?!


“…my hot pink leopard striped assault rifle…”

I hope that’s not a euphemism

@tal@kbin.social avatar

Granted, Nintendo does know how to make their sub par hardware seem better than it is. But can you imagine what they could do with actual up to date hardware? Might not be as easy a sell at $400-500 though like PS/Xbox. So if they can keep sub $300 system it’s an easier sell as a secondary system to the others or pc.

@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

what they could do with actual up to date hardware?

It’s honestly hard to tell, given their history. When they first got 3D hardware, their first attempts resulted in a literal revolution in game design, with Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time changing how 3D games would look and control from that point onwards.

Their first time getting access to HD hardware? They didn’t have the experience and tools to design HD assets, which delayed pretty much all internal projects and resulted in several drought periods that helped kill the Wii U.

So if the Switch 2 suddenly had much better hardware… Would Nintendo make the most beautiful game you’ve ever seen, or would they stumble around and ship yet another booster pack to Mario Kart 8 with barely improved graphics? Would they struggle with balancing realistic ray tracing with their cartoony look? Hard to tell.


Hey, as someone who uses an emulator to play Switch games on my Mac, I’m all for their hardware being sub-par.


Again it ain’t the hardware, it’s the software.


These aren’t mutually exclusive options though. You could have great hardware AND great software.

AnonTwo, (edited )

The switch is like 1/4th the steamdeck and much more comfortable as a handheld

I still use the steamdeck more due to a larger library, but for the games that switch does support it's usually much more comfortable. There's definite tradeoffs to top of the line hardware on a handheld, and Nintendo has known that since that beat out the game gear with the Gameboy, mainly due to battery life back then.

I feel like people downplay the size factor either because they don't use it for it's handheld properties or for them personally they have issues making it comfortable.

And honestly I don't see the issue with it being a gen behind. Games will still be made for it, and if it's a top of the line turbo graphics game I'm just going to use my Desktop. I probably wouldn't have used the Steamdeck anyway because if Switch is low range, steamdeck is midrange, and still not where my desktop is.

But the idea of great hardware and great software is still a mixed bag. And Nintendo's titles show that it's not so much the hardware holding them back but that companies won't make their games with the switch in mind, which is both fair but also gives expected results (such as the recent MK game)


That’s true, but using older, less expensive hardware had almost always been part of Nintendo’s business model. A cheaper console allows them to invest in game development–time, talent, and just money. If they used cutting-edge tech, they would have thinner margins (or even lose money on the console at first as Sony and Microsoft have done in the past), which would give them less to invest into game development. Nintendo spent an entire (extra) year just tweaking and polishing TotK; if they had thinner margins from the Switch, there would probably have been more pressure to release it earlier, which would have given us a less refined game.

I’d love it if we could have both great games and cutting-edge graphics, but at the end of the day, I’ll still take good games every time.

@Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

If they used cutting edge, you’d be able to not just play all 5 great Nintendo first party releases but the hundreds of other AAA and great titles that release each year on every other platform but which no one wants to back port to the Switch.


But do we need to?

Frankly, comparing the PS5/XSX exclusives to the Switch’s latest releases I think Nintendo is doing better than the others. We are hitting diminishing returns as far as gaming hardware advancement goes. The PS4 was already capable of outputting great visuals in large screens, and even as far as 2023 very few games really needed more than that. The Switch as it is can even handle most indie and double-A games.

This is not even bringing up that higher definition games necessitate additional work and therefore have longer development times.

To me, a new Switch that is as capable as the PS4 sounds pretty good.


Not with a handheld

mindbleach, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Everyone showing up late to go ‘well I don’t see why they removed it!’ –

You are why.

Trolls escalate. They keep pushing until they get smacked down, then cry and scream and pretend they’ve been proven right. Being ignored doesn’t just embolden them, it bores them, and tells them they need to get worse to get attention. No matter what happens - no matter what anyone says to them - they get to use it in their stupid little word game.

The nature of bad faith is that there is no right answer.

You have to simply get rid of it, and the sooner, the better.


I understand your point that the behavior surrounding certain mods can escalate and create a toxic environment. In that sense, it’s not just the mod in question but the kind of interactions it may foster. However, that leads us into a very slippery slope. If we start removing mods based on what they might encourage rather than what they actually do, where do we draw the line?

Note that mods can be used for multiple reasons, not all of which are nefarious. Some people may genuinely appreciate the option to customize their experience in a way that the mod allows, without any intention of engaging in toxic behavior.

Your argument seems to be based on the idea of acting pre-emptively to negate potential harm, which is a valid point. But this can also set a concerning precedent that may affect the open nature of modding communities, by limiting what can and cannot be customized.

So the question then becomes, how do we balance preventing potential harm with preserving the user’s freedom to customize their experience? It’s a complicated issue, but one that deserves open dialogue rather than summary judgment.


However, that leads us into a very slippery slope.



el_abuelo, (edited ) do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Look I’ve got no skin in the game here, what’s wrong with having a mod that removes a selector in a character creation screen?

I get that some people are upset if they get misgendered or whatever (as I would be…my chosen pronouns just happen to line up with what everyone assumes they are…comfy living) but is it really necessary to force everyone to have a pronoun selection option if they don’t want a pronoun selection option? You’re not going to make someone blinded by hate see any clearer by forcing them to do something that only affects them.

Edit: I’m sorry if my questioning hurt some folks, that wasn’t my intention. I couldn’t see what the big deal was, but thanks to those who made the effort to engage with me, I have a more informed view and I can appreciate why the mod was removed and why its existence was upsetting.


Intolerance paradox.


Thank you, i hadn’t heard of this before.


The Headline isn’t everything that’s going on.

This is not the first time something like this happened, some months back someone upload a mod that removed all rainbow flags from the spiderman game. Im guessing its the exact same thing like the last time: Someone made a new account to upload a mod that was only made to spark controversy. The mod itself didn’t matter, the author is just a troll that wanted a reaction from this. They knew they would get banned so they made a new account. Nexus has the same stance on this as last time: they don’t platform trolls so they removed it. It’s not about the mod, it’s about the authors intentions, which are to harm the platform


Makes sense. And what I didn’t state in my message but I equally believe, is that Nexus can host (or not) wtf they like. Within reason of course.


Was going to comment the same. How is this mod hurting anyone? Isnt this the point of modding, to tweak it a little bit to suit your tastes? Its not like its a rape or child molesting mod. Those things should get deleted. But this? Such a petty thing to do.


If you don’t like it go start your mods4bigots site, then you can upload anything you want to suit your “tastes”.


Pretty sure I saw one like that on the steam forums, and people there were mad that it existed.


It’s almost like people are generally against bigotry, even if it’s allowed to exist. What an apparently complex and confusing experience for you.


Crazy. Fuck off you turd.


Imagine there was a group of people in your school, in your workplace, in your city who for some reason feel that Kazakhspy should not exist. They’re not allowed to kill you, that’s against the law, but they would if they could. Instead, they say fuck Kazakhspy, go kill yourself Kazakhspy, I can’t stand you Kazakhspy. Hearing that kind of thing on a regular basis might be a little hurtful. Now imagine some game studio heard about this and thought hey, let’s include Kazakhspy in our game. And then that group in your community was like “what the fuck is this! I hate Kazakhspy and now they’re shoving Kazakhspy down my throat in a videogame? I will not stand for this.” And goes through the effort of making a mod to remove you from the game and puts it on the website. You hear about this and see that it’s up there with a few downloads. You might be a little hurt to know some people hate you so much they’ll mod a game to spite you just because they don’t like your existence. Then the website owner is like, “Wow, this is weirdly hateful and doesn’t belong on my website. Let’s not perpetuate hate against Kazakhspy.”

That’s why. In context it’s hurtful to people because the intention of creating it was to hurt people through hate.


Noones forcing anyone. The creator can upload the mod elsewhere. Nexus doesn’t subscribe to bigotry and won’t platform it.


Yeah I agree, but forgot to mention that in my comment.


What’s wrong with having a mod that removes the skin color selector? I get people care about race and stuff, but is it really necessary to force everyone to have a skin colour selection option if they don’t want a skin colour selection option? You’re not going to make a racist see clearer by forcing them to do something that only affects them.

You have it in your own question. It is hateful. It was made by the hateful for the hateful to perpetuate a hateful idea. You might even call it a kind of hate speech, which probably means it violate Nexus’s terms. Even if it doesn’t, it’s icky af. And Nexus is entirely in their right to refuse hosting it. The nod creator is still free to use their own mod and share it in other ways, but Nexus should not be forced to host it.


Thanks for the reply. Some food for thought.

Clbull, (edited ) do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I used to have a lot of respect for Az from HeelVsBabyface as a content creator back when he did WoW videos. Many of the fanboys who play Blizzard games dismissed him as a whiny bitch when he complained about issues with the game long before other more respected creators (i.e. Bellular, Asmongold, Sodapoppin, Preach) jumped on the very same ‘fuck Blizzard’ bandwagon.

Watched him a lot less after he branched away from WoW stuff because his content was more anti-woke and not really of my interest.

His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

What people like Az seem to forget is that Starfield is set hundreds of years in the future. I can understand why a pronoun selection menu would look out of place in a medieval setting like The Elder Scrolls, but not in a game set 300 years in the future.

Also, nobody is forcing you to play as a trans or non-binary character. This is not discrimination against white men as Az pointed out in his nonsensical rant. You can make a white male character that identifies with he/him pronouns and not be placed at a disadvantage in the game.


The crazy thing is that in TES, people don’t know what a UI element is and we can hide it from the NPCs. Everyone wins. Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES, so there’s no real reason not to include such ab thing.


Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES

Well. Not real-world bigotry.


Yea, if you create a male looking caracter it will even default to he/him, that rant is just reducles and silly af!


reducles -> ridiculous


I kind of like the way “reducles” sounds in my head. “Rih-duck-uls”

reducles reducles reducles


Had a hell of a time trying to sound out what that word was trying to be


His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

Part of me wants to have a “NO PRONOUNS” option. Just replace all uses of he/she/they/you/etc with the characters name, no matter how awkward that makes it read. Give Az exactly what Az wishes for.

No one will ever refer to Az by a pronoun again, Az will simply be Az regardless of if referring to Az in that fashion sounds weird as fuck and not like the way anyone would ever actually talk. But then Az will have to find another issue for Az to complain about, likely that other people are allowed to play as they see fit, even though Az is also allowed to play as Az sees fit.


This calls for everyone else to be aware of this social convention.

Kinda like someone asking about preferred pronouns.

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