
Kolanaki, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
!deleted6508 avatar

They finally give you something that controls how people refer to you in their games, and dipshits wanna remove it? This is as close as you’re going to get to having characters refer to you as a choice you’ve taken other than Codsworth and Vasco having like 1000 generic names recorded to use.

Whatisawaffle, (edited )

I mean, I sorta get it. Identity politics are political and often divisive, and some people don't want it in their escapism.
It's not a perfect analogy, but if a role-playing game had a mandatory character-selection choice to choose if my character was pro-choice or pro-life, I could see myself mildly resenting it.

darq, (edited )
@darq@kbin.social avatar

Not really a good example. A more apt example is if these people were getting angry that the character creator allowed a player to create a woman, or a person of colour. The game offering you a choice of pronouns is not asking you for a political opinion, it's literally just an option to create a type of character that these people don't think should exist.

And that's the crux of it, they aren't angry about pronouns, they're angry about trans and non-binary people becoming normalised.

Whatisawaffle, (edited )

I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political. Trans, non-binary, etc is, and normalizing it is political, regardless of if it's right or wrong. I think that you're correct and that it seems like something done as ammunition in the Culture War; normalizing identity politics rather than a design decision done out of a necessity to improve the quality of the game apart from that.

My earlier analogy was about having a pro-life/pro-choice option forced on you, but I guess to make it more accurate it would be more like the game just telling you that you're pro-life as part of your character settings? Because it's not just putting the politics in the game, it's taking a strong side. Again, rightly or wrongly, I can see why some people would resent that in their escapism.


Fuck off forever

@darq@kbin.social avatar

I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political.

I agree, they should not be, but people still try and make them political.

Trans, non-binary, etc is

No. Absolutely not. Trans people and non-binary people are types of people who exist. Exactly the same as men, women, people of colour, and so forth. They are no more or less political than those other types of people. People still make them political, but that's exactly the same thing as with other groups.

My earlier analogy was about having a pro-life/pro-choice option forced on you, but I guess to make it more accurate it would be more like the game just telling you that you're pro-life as part of your character settings? Because it's not just putting the politics in the game, it's taking a strong side. Again, rightly or wrongly, I can see why some people would reset that in their escapism.

You are mistaken. There is no political opinion here. None is being asked for, and none is being assigned. The character creator having additional options is just allowing players to make trans or non-binary characters. This isn't asking you for a political opinion, it's simply adding options to create more types of characters.

Which is why the bigots are upset. Because they don't think those types of characters should be allowed to be made.


Whether or not it should be, isn't LGBT issues political/controversial?

@darq@kbin.social avatar

As are women and people of colour, and their inclusion in media. These are all demographics of people. There is no difference.


There's no difference between a movie casting a woman/black man as the main character, compared to casting a trans person?

@darq@kbin.social avatar

No, there is no difference.

Your previous comments implied that there was a difference in type between the inclusion of women or people of colour, and the inclusion of trans of non-binary people.

There is a difference in magnitude of the controversy. But not a difference in type. Something can be more or less controversial, but it's still the same type of controversy.

Whatisawaffle, (edited )

Yeah, it seems we agree. My stance was only ever that I can understand why some people would've wanted to remove political controversy from their escapism if it made them uncomfortable and added nothing to the gameplay itself.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Whether or not it should be, isn’t LGBT issues political/controversial?

Simply acknowledging LGBT exist

  1. isn’t political
  2. helps make it less political
nadir, (edited )

Of course it’s political. Politics aren’t just about things where there can be legitimate disagreement.

Acknowledging climate change is political. So is everything from basic public transport, better healthcare to if sexism and racism are even a thing.

It shouldn’t be. We also shouldn’t have a resurgence of actual fascists. But we do and it is.


Acknowledging climate change is political

Acknowledging reality is political? I mean I guess I knew that already, but seeing it put plainly into words is silly.

Shit, I’ll see if I can pose as a right wing grifter and see if I can convince them that wearing matching socks is part of the liberal agenda.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If everything is political then it’s impossible to make a game that isn’t political. This is no more valid than someone complaining that including an option for skin tone is political.


Trans people: Exist

Brainlets: “Is this politics??”


I guess my existence is “political” then, I guess I can’t exist in a space without having something “forced” on people.

We were male/female, now were women/men/other, that’s it. It’s a personal matter that we go through and we want to simply exist. That’s only “political” when your dealing with people who actively want to harm our rights. I cannot stress enough that these people shouldn’t be treated with respect as if they’re not trying to destroy people for a simple personal choice.

DarkThoughts, (edited )

Aside from you being transphobic, you should realize that the people complaining about pronouns are also the people who complain about the "replaced white people" and "female leaders" in the game. So I guess black people and women are also political, by your logic?

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

being a man, woman, or black person isn't political

Being a woman isn't political... until I do it? Kinda seems like there's no actually valid (sound? I forget the terminology) argument for how our existence is a problem, nor for how supporting or acknowledging our existence is a problem.

I don't actually quite understand what you're on about but it kinda seems like you're arguing that allowing people to play characters that don't match your preferences exactly is some kind of forced political thing and that's kinda horsecrap, y'know?

Anyway I'm gonna go exist at that bigot up there now. Byeee ö/

snooggums, (edited )
@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political. Trans, non-binary, etc is, and normalizing it is political, regardless of if it's right or wrong.

Women and black people getting the right to vote and be treated equally has always been "political" you fucking jackass.


The best bigots are the ones that tell on themselves, dontcha think?

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

I wouldn’t. I mean, I hate Nazis but I don’t mind a game where I can choose to play as one (so long as the context makes sense like it’s a multiplayer WW2 game or Diso Elysium). It’s a fuckin’ choice. If you don’t like one of the options: Choose a different one.


Terrible analogy. It's just turning the binary male / female into non binary body types & pronouns to be more inclusive for those who fall outside the norm on the spectrum of things.


Does it even affect dialogue? The PC is hardly ever referred to with pronouns, actually I can’t remember a single line.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I believe it changes enemy barks like “He/She/They shot him!” and maybe a few dialogue lines?


Heh, I like how the enemies are considerate enough to figure out and use the correct pronouns mid-battle

Hey, you! What are your pronouns? … Thanks, now eat lead!

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I might be a paid killer, but I’ll be damned if I’ll misgender someone. Professionals have standards.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

They definitely use your pronouns a lot. It’s all they refer to you as, aside from cute nicknames like “Dusty,” or “rook” or “renegade.” Probably doesn’t stand out if you chose your normal pronouns, since they’d just be say he/him or she/her or they/them.

@Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

A security officer referred to me as sir in New Atlantis.


We can’t be far from text-to-speech tweaking a ton of voice acting. Might have to pronounce or IPA your custom name, to get an AI voice to nail it… but maybe it’s better-off being wrong. There’s disarming verisimilitude in schmaltzy NPCs confidently fumbling your character’s name. Or if some characters heard it, but haven’t seen it, and you catch some mutter ‘so that’s how it’s spelled.’

Whether that name is Paarthurnax, Heloise, or Ng.

!deleted6508 avatar

I am just picturing the orc noble who uses words incorrectly/mispronounces shit. Forgot what those are called, but they have similar characters in most of their games. In Starfield, they even called him “Dumbrosky.” Dumb Bro ski.




As someone with a generic name, fuck you!

oldlamps, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Internet brain worms



underisk, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Does anyone even install these mods or do they just exist for people to get outraged at?


Mostly the outrage.

@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

I would imagine a bare handful of people install them.

There's some number of people who are so angry and stupid that the mere sight of something like an option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage, so for them, mods like this are essentially QOL improvements.

More's the pity...


Small government alpha males scared of having the option to choose he/him as their pronouns

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage

Yeah I was there when BATTLETECH (still dunno why its name has to be so LOUD :P ) launched. Every hatefool was raging about it, apropos of anything or nothing. Try to talk about any part of it and it's "OH YOU MEAN FUCKING PRONOUNWARRIOR?!?!" and a bunch of incoherent senseless bile. There's a sizeable group of people who deeply love being offended, and it's not us (queerfolk/LGBTQIA+/QUILTBAG/GSM/whatever). Like, I'm neck-deep in queer over here and every time I play a game with a pronoun selector at the beginning I promptly forget about it but oohhhh nooo, not these bellends. They somehow think a button at the beginning of the game that matters like three times ever has entirely DESTROYED videogames with LIES and FALLACIES 🙄

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else (say, going to MWLL/other games, ranting about "pronounwarrior," pretty sure some critters got teamkilled over it...) for no good reason.

@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else

My opinion exactly.

In ways, I actually feel sorry for them. In the first place, it has to suck just to be that angry and spiteful, but underneath that, it must really suck to feel so powerless and desperate and insecure that something as trivial and irrelevant as pronouns can send you into a compensatory rage.

My pity is greatly diminished by the fact that they're toxic assholes who try to force the world to accommodate their own failures though.


I just cannot get over what a terrible name “quiltbag” is. How do you say that out loud and not immediately think better of it?

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Well, it's... pronounceable? Technically?

Okay I don't actually like it and don't know anycritter who does but it's there soooo putting it there seemed like a good idea at the time? 🤷

@Laurentide@pawb.social avatar

Meanwhile, my canonically enby commander is rocking a fabulous magenta mohawk and having fun headshotting all the King Crabs so they can sell them to afford catperson surgery.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Hah! Good luck with that :3

(Same but mine doesn't have the mohawk and doesn't specifically hunt KGCs :P ^.^ )

@Laurentide@pawb.social avatar

I’m not hunting them specifically, their cockpits just happen to be magnets for my Marauder’s laser and autocannon rounds. :P

The first one I saw, in an early “titan” mission, got taken out by a single alpha strike from long range and dropped three salvage. (I renamed it Queen Crab when I noticed that some parts of the mech were white after applying my blue/pink paint scheme.)


Wait, Battletech? The turn based one? From 2018?

That’s amusing. I played that a couple months ago. I don’t recall ever selecting a pronoun, but I’m sure I did and then just moved on like a normal person.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, that's the one. There was so much outrage because it had the word "pronoun" in it at all 🤣It's just a little thing on the side during character creation and its effect is absolutely trivial. Actually I think the other MechWarriors 'have pronouns' too if you deliberately open the character editor for them. It's really the bare minimum, like I'm trying to come up with something sarcastic but those people were freaking out over nnnnooothing like the one word in one game is gonna ruin videogames for them forever, or some crap.

Which, like... if we could somehow trans so hard they'd go away don't they think we'd do it instead of just getting yelled at?


I’ve seen that in videos, but I always assumed it was for show to get their viewers riled up. I honestly can’t imagine an actual person doing this on their own, unless they were encouraged to do it by some influencer.

As in, how many people fire up a game, get mad that pronouns exist, and then search online for a “fix”? I think that number is pretty small.

But then again, I tend to be pretty careful about distancing myself from bigots.

@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

I think that number's pretty small too.

I'm just saying that it's not zero.


I can see someone with a modlist with 252 mods in it adding one just to max it out, and a plugin like this wouldnt conflict with much.

KingThrillgore, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Are you sure about this picture? I’m sure that instead of nice cool looking ships most I make are just flying bricks or dicks.

Errrmmm, disks, I mean disks.



Usually_Lurker, do xbox w Studio Behind EA's Magical FPS (Immortals of Aveum) Has Layoffs After Low Sales

Also, this is something new and different. FPS games have been my go to for years now. A FPS with abilities and magic instead of guns seems like it could be fun. Something like a simple multiplayer demo could let people get a taste of what this is and try out. I likely wouldn’t drop $60 on it just to try it out. But I would buy it after playing if it was fun and offered a different experience.

@AlexanderTheGreat@lemmy.world avatar

I was thinking the same thing. It would have been a good gamepass game. Especially since there was almost no marketing for it from what I saw lol.

NutWrench, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@NutWrench@lemmy.world avatar

Let the people who play the game decide if a mod is worth downloading or not. Stop expecting corporations to manage your head for you.

HughJanus, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

So there was a modification that remove pronouns, and they removed it, because it was “bigoted”…?

I’m so very confused as to what’s happening here…

Why would a “bigot” make a mod like that, and why would anyone care?


Your either baiting, or you haven’t really been paying attention to the culture war taking place in North America.


No I’m just legitimately confused about why anyone would do that or why anyone would care that they did.


The part that confuses me a bit is that it’s a mod that removes functionality from a single player game. Usually features get added, not removed. When something is removed it’s usually to improve stability or performance. Or to rebalance the gameplay. This change falls into none of these categories.

Well I guess if the mod author did it to garner attention or make a point he/she/they succeeded.

Anonymousllama, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Another reason for not piling everything onto Nexus mods, their site, their rules unfortunately.


I’m fine with you leaving too.


Cool but I’m pretty sure they didn’t ask you


You too can leave


Leave what

AeonFelis, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Rule of thumb - if there are two sides to the issue, but one side is only supported by heartless idiots, and these heartless idiots happen to be identified with the political camp you oppose - then it’s a political issue.

Metal_Zealot, (edited ) do games w Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 getting remasters early next year
@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

Remaster as in upscaled graphics and leaving the janky controls untouched and unoptimized?? Or as in a whole reimagining that bastardizes the source material?


Interestingly- I’ve found a few people not only think that there won’t be a new control scheme, they actually hope that they don’t add one. To their point, I guess the game would fall apart navigating the exact same environments with more responsive controls.

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

That'd be like playing Goldeneye 64 on a PC with mouse look. It'd be hilariously easy because all of the enemies are tuned to be handleable with the primitive control scheme.


I take it you didn’t play the recent GoldenEye rerelease with modern gamepad controls?

all-knight-party, (edited )
@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

Which one? I played the one that was released on Switch, which is just the OG and had the same controls. What do you mean recent? You mean the 2010 remake?


Nah that’s the one. January 2023. On Xbox it has options for modern controls. I didn’t play it on the switch.

all-knight-party, (edited )
@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

Oh wow, how's it hold up? I think the Xbox version of that 2010 remake came out in 2011, the original was a Wii game. I assume that means they made it backwards compatible.

That's a full on reimagining of the original game, new Bond and everything, so the balance wouldn't be comparable to playing the actual original with modern controls, but I heard it was a better game than you'd expect from messing with the original Goldeneye.

I was talking about the original Goldeneye 64 that came out on Switch's NSO N64 games.


I don’t know anything about the 2010 bond game. Blood stone? I had to go look it up, never even heard of it.

What I’m talking about is just a rerelease of the OG N64 Goldeneye. It came out on switch and Xbox earlier this year.

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

It'd be hard to find because it's just called GoldenEye 007 link

I didn't even know there was a modern control scheme in that, wow! How's that mess with it?

@tal@kbin.social avatar

The new world has to be pretty similar to the old, given that the article says that one can flip between the modern and original graphics.

Talking of nostalgia, all three games are being released with an option to switch between the original blocky polygon graphics, and lovely patched-over modern designs. If it’s anything like the Monkey Island remakes, this means I will spend the entire time obsessively switching back and forth, unable to cope without knowing how every scene looks in each incarnation.


So, like HaloCEA and Halo2 Aniversary. But these work fine because the originals already had decent geometry to work with. TR1-3 though ? The levels are basically cubes upon cubes. Not sure how they’ll make that work


The Halo remakes were shit because they made the “original” version look way worse than it actually was on the original Xbox. The main reason is a handful of clever texturing techniques for bump mapping that they didn’t bother replicating in the remake. The result was much flatter-looking textures.


So ? How is that relevant

Crackhappy, do games w Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 getting remasters early next year
@Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

If they really stick to the source and just update it, it could be great.


So you mean actually remaster instead of remake?

arefx, (edited )

Can you not stick close to the source material but make it all new and nicer? Lol God this place is just as pedantic as reddit and annoying as reddit. It really is a human problem and not a platform problem.


tf u on about

grill, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Censorship is censorship; I mean, it’s their right, but it still stinks. One day they can/will remove all sexual mods for being too misogynistic, etc.

Basically, fuck people crying over pronounces and fuck Nexus Mods.


Are you a centrist by any chance?


Yeah, probably :/

WuTang, (edited ) do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@WuTang@lemmy.ninja avatar

pretty safe bet as trans gamer are usually nolife and live in their bubble.

Blamemeta, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Well they’re fine with murder but not removing the pronoun selector? Odd mentality.

Wonder what they’re going to ban next.

CaptnNMorgan, (edited )


Edit: wait, do you just mean the concept of murder in video games?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Well they’re fine with murder but not removing the pronoun selector? Odd mentality.

Said the person arguing in favour of removing the pronoun selector, but not arguing that they should remove the murder.

Keep clutching those pearls Karen.

mindbleach, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Moderation exists to identify and exclude people who are being absolute cocks.

You don’t need any grand philosophical statement about values. You don’t need to defend the paradox of tolerance against absolutist demands for unrestricted expression. It’s perfectly fine to say: you were doing some diet Nazi shit, that’s awful, fuck off.

@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

“but you need to hear BOTH side of the arg-”
No we don’t.

snooggums, (edited )
@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

We already heard the terrible arguments for intolerance and don't need to rehash it over and over again in every new piece of media.

@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

Yea don’t even give these dinks the light of day, they’ll instinctively slink back to Voat and enjoy their hate echo chamber


Yep. Some questions have a right answer. Next.


In this case the guys who are leaving are literally trying to make one side shut up.

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