Coelacanth, do gaming w The Eurogamer 100 - 100 best games to play right now avatar

Civ VI instead of Civ V? List automatically invalid.

Jokes aside it’s an interesting list and I like the idea of ranking based on “what’s best to play right now” instead of by historical significance or some futile attempt at objective apples-to-apples quantification - even though at the end of the day I think I neither agree with the selection nor the ranking. But there are plenty of good games on there with solid reasons of why to play them in their descriptions, so it’s a good read nonetheless.


Yeah, I would put V in there as well! I still don’t like VI nearly as much, even though I’ve played it quite a few times.

theangriestbird, do gaming w The Eurogamer 100 - 100 best games to play right now

Strange to see a game like Nex Machina on the top 10, but I appreciate Eurogamer providing unique and surprising picks. Funny to see Outer Wilds and Tetris Effect in the top 5 - makes me think Eurogamer might be staffed with more than a few old Giant Bomb fans.


Outer wilds deserves the number 1 spot and I will not hear otherwise 😤


Many agree with you! I personally bounced off of it, but I don’t know if I gave myself to it completely when I played.

perishthethought, avatar

< banjo plunking intensifies >

t3rmit3, do gaming w The Eurogamer 100 - 100 best games to play right now

Neat list! Seeing Shadow of the Colossus was surprising.


I thought it was very well loved?


It is, but it’s also much more obscure, and definitely much older (2005), than most of the other games on here. I saw just now that there was a remake in 2018, which must have been PlayStation-only to have escaped my notice.


Huh, I never thought of it as obscure. I wonder if it is just the fact that I have weird friends so was exposed to their tastes.

MCHEVA4EVA, do gaming w The Eurogamer 100

Did not expect to see ddp doj on the list, kind of respect that. It’s a good pick if you had to choose one shmup.

simple, do games w The Eurogamer 100

Definitely a lot of oddballs here. Why is Grow Home on the list when Grow Up, the sequel, is literally the same game but so much better?

Also pokemon go being in a top 100 list. Hilarious.

And am I reading this right, there isn’t a single Bioshock game here? Kinda expected more from Eurogamer.

Sylence, do games w The Eurogamer 100 avatar

Some really weird picks here. A few standout bad takes:

  • Diablo 4
  • Football Manager
  • AC Odyssey
  • Mario Kart 8

I have no knowledge about diablo 4, but I think the others are really fun games in their genre?

Sylence, avatar

I think there is a stark distinction between “really fun” and “one of the best games ever”. This list contains almost nothing which pushed against the barriers of gaming either now or in the past.


I thought the story in ac Odyssey was very unique with how it prioritized the morality of the time and contrasted it with our modern day morality, and I spent plenty of hours really enjoying that world. Probably my favorite large open world to date (but that is entirely personal preference). I do think Mario kart 8 is the best kart racer ever, and definitely deserves to be on the list for that alone.


I’d say Mario Kart 8 deserves recognition, but agree with the other ones.


There are no bad takes, they’re personal preference. Not everyone likes the same game or genre.

I know people who play Football Manager and Diablo religiously. While I enjoyed Odyssey for a while. Also tons of people still play Mario Kart 8, it’s a fun game for the right audience (not me).

GoodEye8, do games w The Eurogamer 100

I’m going to give my probably controversial opinion. I don’t think Animal Crossing New Horizons should be on that list and the main reason it got critical acclaim is because it released at the height of Covid. Had it released any other time people would’ve seen that it’s a shallow game where in long term it’s mostly a repetition of the same menial actions. There’s nothing wrong with repetition, but having to check the store every day isn’t exactly the peak of compelling gameplay.


This is 100% an “it’s just not for you” situation. I mean, it’s not really my thing either, but it’s literally the best selling game ever in Japan. That’s not just the pandemic.


I agree the genre isn’t exactly for me, but I don’t think that’s really relevant. Stardew Valley and Sims more or less fall in the same genre and I loved Stardew Valley and could see the appeal of Sims. I don’t have an issue with those games being on the list but New Horizons just felt shallow. Outside of collecting things for the Museum there really wasn’t anything that engaging. I remember also checking if I’m just playing it wrong and the sentiment from the AC vets was that the gameplay of New Leaf is better.

I did a quick check to see New Horizon is still in the same state as I remember and some people are claiming the 2.0 update made the game better so I guess I’ll give it another shot one day. Maybe my opinion is dated because I haven’t really played since 1.3 update.

PunchingWood, (edited )

It’s one of those typical games that I tried because the entire world was lyrical about it, including grown adults. Figured I gave it a shot (as a grown adult myself) and it was indeed during the time we had fuck all to do. Didn’t like the game at all and frankly didn’t see the appeal of it either, it’s fine if people enjoy that kind of gameplay, but it was the most bland and “do your daily chores”-game I’ve ever played. It’s baffling how something so stale was regarded so highly.

Ashtear, do games w The Eurogamer 100

Hrm, kind of an odd mix of classics and recent releases that aren’t going to be remembered five years from now. That said, I’m just glad Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is on here. It’s a wonderful hidden gem that barely gets talked about. I don’t even like puzzle games much, but the gorgeous pixel art and soundtrack helped me get really into it.

I’m also reminded that I need to get back to Citizen Sleeper. Was very surprised by it when I tried it (before I got sucked into Honkai: Star Rail).

RangerJosie, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours avatar

I reinstalled BG3 just because I heard about mods coming to console.

I bought it at launch. Played it until my saves deleted themselves right at the start of Act 3. I was broken. It was such a slog for me to get that far. I had to Claw for every inch of progress.

With mods tho. I can cheat. And boy I love cheating. I grew up with Action Replay, GameShark, Game Genie, etc. I’ve missed them terribly.


Did you ever find out how your saves got deleted? Been facing save-related troubles with a similar impact when cross playing between PC and ROG Ally


I dont have an answer, just want to commiserate as I also had two different characters vanish to corruption or some such

RangerJosie, avatar

I just heard that right after launch it started happening and apparently they fixed it without much fanfare. At least on single platforms. Like I’m just on Xbox.

Dozzi92, avatar

Play the games how you want to have fun, and anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong. I’ve dabbled in “cheating” myself, whether it’s giving myself 60 pts for starting traits in Zomboid, or building really unbalanced maps in AoE II and preventing the computers from ever advancing, it’s fun to sometimes modify the rules to benefit me unilaterally.

RangerJosie, avatar

Games are about fun. As long as you’re having fun then where’s the harm?

I don’t play online games much. And I’ve never even tried to cheat when I did. I know the difference.

But if it’s a single player game and I’m having trouble? Hell yeah I’ll cheat. Proudly.

Dozzi92, avatar

Oh yeah, I wouldn’t cheat if I were playing with other humans, but sometimes I want to explore depths of a game that time just doesn’t permit, so I gotta skip the grind and get right to the part where I’m unkillable. And yeah, if you’re having fun, that is the point!


It bothers me that stuff like GTA V or Red Dead doesn’t have cheat codes. Memorizing the whole list for San Andreas made you a god when playing with your friends and taking turns. Single player should let you turn on all the wacky physics and crazy mechanics you want


I am a singleplayer cheater, and all the times in the past that I lost massive progress because of glitches and crashes is one of the major contributing factors to it.

ampersandrew, do games w The Eurogamer 100 avatar

Very interesting selection. Desperados III made the list, and Street Fighter 6 appears to be the only fighting game.


Unless I missed it multiple times, I’m amazed that Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t on the list at all but something like Mini Motorways is. No offense to Mini Motorways, but RDR2 was a mind-blowing game for me.

ampersandrew, avatar

For me and many others, it was a very divisive one, so I’m not so surprised by that. I guess Eurogamer is staffed by a lot of the game’s detractors, which is possible. Hell, if it was me making the list, #1 with a bullet would be Skullgirls, but that’s not here either.


Same with Witcher 3. That was an amazing game. Or Skyrim 5.

Cadeillac, avatar

Skyrim 5: The Elder Scrolls


There are FIVE Skyrims already?!?


Smash Ultimate is on there too

ampersandrew, avatar

Ah, you’re right.

RightHandOfIkaros, do gaming w The Eurogamer 100

Stopped when I saw “The Last of Us Part II Remastered.”

This is an advertisement.


Surprise, a ranked list of games leads to controversy.


They could have just put the normal LoU2 and I wouldn’t have batted an eye. I didnt like LoU, but putting the Remastered version is just straight up shilling. It didn’t need a remaster in the first place considering the remaster came out only a few years later with barely any changes.


Yeah, I tend to agree with that.

If I was looking for a game to play right now, and The Last Of Us 2 was my choice, I’d go with the remaster over the original though. I think most people would, so I think it’s a good recommendation.

asexualchangeling, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours


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  • hypnicjerk,

    i don’t know if it will help, but you don’t have to care about achievements even if you haven’t gotten them



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  • Facebones,

    This is me. I don’t give a single fuck about achievements, unless ive really enjoyed myself and (usually) only if I’m most of the way via my regular playthrough. Requiring multiple playthroughs is an immediate turn off, too many other games to get to lol.

    MonkderVierte, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours

    Klei, Take-Two, Mojang, pretty much built their games on community mods. Heck, even mobile and desktop user interfaces are based on community mods.


    Which klei games have the strongest modding?


    Hard to say. For Rimworld, there are lots of engine-level mods/fixes and expansions, so i guess this one?


    That one is not from Klei :) I’m asking because I like all the Klei games I’ve tried, but didn’t get much into modding with any of them…


    Oh, right. Really thought it’s from the same studio as ONI and Don’t starve.

    From the two, i think oni has more modding?


    Rimworld is from Ludeon Studios.


    i would say Oxygen not included has the largest amount of mods with the most impact of the Klei games - Don’t Starve has some nice mods too though


    I’ve checked and Invisible inc has a still active modding community too!

    CosmoNova, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours

    Note that Larian essentially takes full ownership of anything you upload on their own mod Loader and that you can still install external mods despite claims from some players that you can’t.

    I’ve seen some wild discourse on the Steam forums in recent days so let me remind you: It will take some time for some mods to be updated so stay patient.

    You may also run into issues with the update itself even if you never used mods. Larian is aware and recommends a full re-download and installation which of course can be very frustrating. Maybe it’s worth waiting a couple weeks or months before jumping back into the game.



    By accepting these terms, you acknowledge and agree that you do not own or have any proprietary rights in the Game or any Mods you create, except as specifically mentioned here. Any Mods you create are your property only if they consist only of your original creative work. To the extent that any element of your Mod includes or is derived from the Game’s intellectual property (such as code, themes, characters, names, stories, dialogue, locations, artwork, sounds, music, and visual effects), you agree that all intellectual property rights therein, whether they are registered or not, are owned by Larian Studios and its licensors.

    I’m not sure I believe you about your first point.

    p03locke, avatar

    That kind of ownership clause is pretty standard for mods, especially when the game officially supports mods. Game studios don’t want to run into legal issues if they release some DLC or patch that happens to implement features that another mod included.


    It’s also a way to essentially say, “hey if we release paid dlc, you can’t call it a mod and release it for free”.


    Luckily you don’t have to believe me because, as I said they essentially take ownership as they have stated here. There are very rare cases where this exception is the case or even possible. I mean this clause doesn’t start with ‘You own your mod, unless…’ for a reason. It starts with pretty much ‘You do not own anything unless…’. Larian are developers, not good samaritans. They’re hoping to get something out of this and given their next game will be even more expensive, I’m sure this little silver mine will come in handy down the line. Just taking a look at the mods that are trending tells you they take ownership of almost everything by default.


    Yes, because you’re using their game, and thier tools, their platform, and their IP to make and release the mods.

    It’s not some conspiracy.


    Who said it is? Jesus Christ some of you fand really are like a cult.


    Living in reality is not ‘like a cult’.

    ChairmanMeow, avatar

    Larian are now the proud owners of the “Daddy Halsin” mod. Truly an asset to their IP!


    Wait you’re looking for evidence? And using logic? Sir this is Lemmy.


    Reminds me of how a bunch of mods got integrated into Divinity original sin 2 as optional features.


    Note that Larian essentially takes full ownership of anything you upload on their own mod Loader…

    Every company does.


    And you’d be surprised how many people forget that and then are surprised when they’re taken advantage of.


    Who’s taken advantage of? What are you talking about.

    jjjalljs, do games w "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours

    Fingers crossed for total conversions. Give me some non-5e rule systems. (Unlikely, I know. Double unlikely to get anything other than maybe Pathfinder, but I can hope)


    Or importing new maps and characters, imagine somebody porting the Resident Evil Mansion or Raccoon Police Station with the Resident Evil Characters. Playing Resident Evil 1 with 5e rules would certainly be something. People have already done it with Men of War Assault Squad 2.


    I read somewhere the modding tools are extremely limited because the DnD company doesn’t want people to mess too much with the game.

    ChairmanMeow, avatar

    Someone already figured out how to “unlock” the full thing.

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Should we tell them about the Pathfinder thing?

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