The_Vampire, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

Went and watched the original.

Seems like he just doesn’t like the direction and it’s a ‘different strokes for different folks’ kind of thing. I think his point about Ragnarok is fair, the writing is a bit all over the place and that can make characterization suffer.

yamanii, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

He’s not wrong, do new stuff, too many remakes and remasters nowadays.

monsterpiece42, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

Could the author have packed any more bias into the article? Like, we get it. You like the new games.

Exusia, (edited ) do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

It may not be the work he wanted, but it was a positive direction. I know nothing about his other works, but new-kratos is a much expanded character and successful continuation on the original work. Not a hamfisted cash-in like so many sequelizations do.


Honestly seeing kratos grow up is what makes the new games that much more impactful. The series when taken as a whole just really makes kratos’s character that much better. Imagine 2018 GoW without the original trilogy, it would not be nearly as close to perfect of a game as it was


The original Kratos was basically one big long revenge story. Almost all of it justified and satisfying, but basically wiping out the Greek Pantheon was his ultimate goal.

His actions were reckless and fury driven, but often went over the top, both in violence and in actions.

My favourite example is from GoW: Ragnarok, when certain characters are reflecting on Kratos’ past, and how the one story of him killing the Sisters of Fate must truly be myth, then he corrects them saying it was true and how they deserved it. The third character then shines a present light on the fact that he did that in the past and says, “that’s the most dangerous and irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard.”

I think that sums up Greek Kratos in a nutshell.

beefcat, avatar

his other works include twisted metal and drawn to death.

not bad games, but also not games known for their ahem quality storytelling.

altima_neo, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

David Jaffe is kind of a nut these days though. Like what has he done in recent years?


The last thing I saw regarding him was him being unable to comprehend how secret rooms in Metroid work. It was painful.


Hahahahah. Thank you for this.


Jesus. Kudos to that video editor stitching videos of other people doing it.


Brutal. He’s so wrong and he has no idea.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Which is something super common in Metroid too.
Hell he probably hasn’t figured out you can shoot up and just tries to jump to fire horizontally at enemies instead.

samus12345, avatar

You can’t even chalk this up to an old man not understanding how modern games are played, either. The OG Metroid on the NES had blocks you could break by shooting upward. He’s just an idiot.

altima_neo, avatar

I mean he directed God of war and twisted metal. He knew what was up back then.

samus12345, avatar

Apparently not, since he doesn’t even attempt it here.

Tick_Dracy, avatar


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  • mriormro, avatar

    This isn’t the criticism you think it is. People can have opinions on things they don’t create.

    Defaced, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

    I played about 3 hours of 2018, and my honest opinion is that the story was kind of interesting, but the gameplay was slow and clunky. The most fun I had with my time was the fight in the beginning with Baldur, and most of it was a cutscene. I prefer the gameplay and fluidity of combat in the original trilogy, which I have beaten, to this new version. With that being said, it’s still a good game, just not my cup of tea.

    SaltyLemon66, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

    I just can’t with this generation of PlayStation games. Couldn’t finish god of war, Horizon or spiderman. They look good but the game and story sucks


    I thought the same thing. All i vould think of is: man, i should really like this, but i don't


    If you already own a decent PC, most of these games have already been released there, although later than on PS5. Only ones missing from that list so far are GoW: Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2.


    I thought the story in Horizon was fantastic. I’m a Sci-fi nerd, so that all hit home with me. The second game, not so much though. It was like they didn’t quite get why the story of the first game worked.

    I have problems with God of War though. The story feels like an attempt to copy what The Last of Us did with Ellie and Joel, but without really understanding why their dynamic worked.

    bh11235, (edited )

    I have a lot of complaints about the HFW plot but the biggest one is the juvenile way they handled Tilda and Sylens in their capacity as prime movers. Aloy herself is a mature character but the story around her takes place in a moral scape of the world as seen by a fifteen year old.

    Sylens goes through the motions of his scheme and keeps the same smug “I’m above it all and don’t owe anyone any explanations” attitude, through setback after setback and reality check after reality check. It seemed like the authors were poised to deliver a harsh discussion about ends vs means, how the world isn’t a magical fairy tale and sometimes something important needs to be done that requires dirty politics and won’t be magically solved by the one pure hero pulling the sword out of the rock; but then they squandered it completely and went back to ‘yeah all glory to the chosen one’. Most frustratingly they had their angle right there, already baked in: Aloy fails the first 7 times she tries to do anything, so if Sylens mocked her “this is the real world, you don’t just go ahead and solve things, Hero”, she could legitimately retort “idk, have you tried”. Instead they just don’t have this discussion and go back and forth “screw you I hate you” “behave, girl” again and again in a flat loop.

    Tilda was made in the mold of this cringey moral that’s all the rage now about how everyone’s an abuser and when people say “I love you” they really mean “I own you” (as also seen in Dragon Age: Absolution). It reads like someone’s pent up frustration about their controlling parents, like in his nightmares the person who created this plotline sees his mother taking to the air in that floating exoskeleton and shouting amid a rain of guided missiles “you’re going to college and that’s final, submit or perish”.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I feel like HFW kind of lost the plot when it introduced the Far Zeniths. They just didn’t work for some reason. I kind of wish if they were going that route, they had been the descendants of the people who left for Far Zenith and they had a better reason for wanting Gaia and Earth or something, so they weren’t just cartoonishly evil.

    Wootz, (edited )

    I think the main problem with the world of Horizon is that the most interesting event in their world has already happened.

    The story of Zero Dawn worked so well because it is the interwoven tale of a young woman who sets out to discover why she was cast out of her village at birth, and the almost archaeological unraveling of why the world is the way it is. When you finally piece together both the plot is almost already at it’s climax, and you are left with both the understanding of why it must be Aloy who stops the new threat to the world, and the motivation to do so.

    But that doesn’t work for a sequel. The format of Zero Dawn relies on exposition about the very nature of the world, that’s why the main quest has a bunch of missions that more or less boil down to walking around an old facility and listening to recordings.

    How are you going to translate that into a new sequel? Either you’ve got sequels planned already, which I find unlikely given what Forbidden West amounted to, or you need to try to invent more world building and plot. It seemed quite clear to me that Guerillas writers for Forbidden West didn’t know their own world as well as I had assumed they did. The “how did we get here” plot in Zero Dawn revolved around a small cast characters, who, with the exception of one, were all both very neuanced and strongly invested in their own plot. The Zeniths of Forbidden West come across almost as inverse Deus Ex Machina, characters who fly in from the moon with what seems like no other reason to mess up the plot than “We had to find something”.

    sxan, avatar

    It’s the reason why I’ve been holding off on getting a PS5, and recently decided I just won’t. The only thing that has come out recently that tempts me is BG3, but I’m past buying a console for a single game; I’ll just play it on PC.


    BG3 really wants to be played with a mouse and keyboard. Using a controller is clunky AF.

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    I mildly disagree.

    First, I think its the first game of this type to have any successful control scheme for a controller at all, so I think it deserves accolades for making it happen at all.

    Second, while I still mostly play in traditional mouse and keyboard, I am an old man now, having played the original BG as a teen when it came out. Having the controller as an option is huge for me when I am in pain.

    Anecdotally, my partner never played these games growing up and she fucking hates trying to play with mouse and keyboard. She says it feels clunky and slow and confusing.

    Is it the best? No. Is it an excellent effort? Yes, because it actually works.

    The fact that a game with a ruleset as complex as DnD manages to have a couch co-op option and gamepad controls built-in is an achievement, imho.

    sxan, avatar

    Good tho know, thanks. I wonder how that will work in couch-coop.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    Eh, it depends more on what you’re used to. I personally hate using a mouse and keyboard and greatly prefer a controller, and it’s not that different from other RPG games that use a controller interface. I’m used to a wheel interface from games like Mass Effect, so it’s more intuitive for me than a mouse and keyboard.

    samus12345, avatar

    Running around the world is better with a controller, but interacting with it is better with M + K.


    Funny thing is, I realize now there’s multiple franchises I’ve stopped for gameplay reasons, not story.

    In God of War, not only was I contending with an offset thumbstick that I didn’t feel like replacing, but I was stuck on a fight that I didn’t seem to be geared for, and was getting pummeled.

    Last of Us, I got stuck on some stealth section against enemies that didn’t seem to behave as the tutorial suggested.

    Demon’s Souks would just be leagues beyond me anyway, so no chance there.

    samus12345, avatar

    I like the 2018 GOW and first Spider-Man, but just couldn’t get into the sequels. I guess they’re just so similar I felt like I was done and didn’t want more. Horizon I never liked because I hate the combat. I also liked the first Last of Us, but didn’t want to play as someone I hated in the sequel.

    AmberPrince, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    I kinda wish the article has expanded on what he said, if anything. Does he still think they are well made games even if he doesn't like the direction?

    Like, I don't like the new Zelda games, I don't think they have stayed true to the original Zelda (not you Zelda II) games. That said, I cannot deny that a lot of care and polish went into them, I just don't like the direction.

    Sure, the new God of War games are not the original avatar-of-rage Kratos but they are still exceptional games.

    samus12345, avatar

    Yeah, I like BotW and ToTK, but not as a Zelda fan.

    duplexsystem, (edited ) do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

    Well he can fuck right off, God of War 2018 was amazing


    Wait until the franchise falls into decay like what happened to the to Tolkien’s work after TLORs massive success.


    Was Ragnarok less loved? I got a bad feel for it with some comments so left off playing it. Then I got it and loved every second of it.


    Literally every person I know that played it loved it more than the 2018 reboot, which is saying something since the 2018 GoW put the franchise back on the map after its years long downturn.

    samus12345, avatar

    I didn’t like it as much and quit playing, but that may be because I just had my fill with the first one and was done with it.

    Tick_Dracy, avatar


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  • Davidchan,

    Why are shilling so hard for a has-been whose most noteable works had to taken away from his creative control to actually develop into something beyond a juvenile revenge fantasy?

    Tick_Dracy, (edited ) avatar

    The same reason why you guys are shilling for a Dad of War story, that most real, non childish adults don’t care for?

    Have you ever thought (it’s rhetorical) that some people just want a basic and funny hack n slash game, and don’t give a shit about the story? There plenty is games that fill that void.

    Not every game needs to have a background story or even a story at all!


    If thats your take away you’ve clearly never played the games and only read reviews about them second or third hand. No one is saying the og trilogy was bad, but according to Jaffe they were writing epics… Which frankly is a far cry from the truth and they only got better as he had less and less involvement to GoW3 being cslled the best of the trilogy, ironically the game he’s not involved in making.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    Not every game needs to have a background story or even a story at all!

    The original GoW games had a lot of story. They didn’t add more story to the new games, just better story.


    that most real, non childish adults don’t care for? You are simply making things up. The reboot sold incredibly well, about 5 times more than the originals in fact, and received universal acclaim. People have grown up with the character and were happy to see that evolution. The original creator and you have become out of touch with the reality of this franchise.

    Your expectation for things to never evolve and grow says more about you than you seem to want to face. But the same as you think that there are plenty of games that fill the void of deep narrative action games, I can say there are plenty of basic hack and slash games to go around, just go enjoy another one.

    BedbugCutlefish, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    I mean, I too would be unhappy with the new games’ stories. They’re not very good stories overall.

    But, they’re better than the vast majority of video game plots, because that’s a low bar.

    Still, Jaffe seems to imply the old stories in GoW were any better, when they were pure drivel. I might still be very underwhelmed by the story in the two new God of War’s, but I at least like that they’re trying (even if I think the direction of relying heavily on animation and visual flair is the wrong one, as far as telling good stories goes).


    Jaffe always struck me as a perpetual adolescent. The two GoW games he worked on were great for the time, but the stories were shallow excuses to showcase as much gore as possible. His other big property, Twisted Metal, was genre-defining gameplay but any narrative was just edgelord violence and/or crass humor.

    The last “big” project I remember coming down the pipe from him was Drawn to Death, which took his signature juvenile tastes and combined them with horrible gameplay and eye-blistering art direction. As far as I’m aware, he hasn’t worked on a game since.

    I’m not saying the new GoW games are perfect, but I wouldn’t say Jaffe has a trusted critical eye.

    BedbugCutlefish, avatar

    I fully agree. If you read my first comment, I pretty clearly as much as the new ones are pretty bad (story wise), the two Jaffe worked on are even worse in that regard.

    pinkdrunkenelephants, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story

    I’m confused, is everyone upset the new games have more depth or are they upset the new games oppose revenge?

    Anti-revenge stories are blatantly shallow, preachy propaganda pieces that seek to fulfill a political agenda.

    Pro-revenge stories absolutely can and often do have depth and well-written characters.

    So let’s stop conflating the two.

    robalees, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    The year before GoW 2018, he released Drawn to Death… PS Plus release that had some cool style but otherwise crap game! He was relevant back in the late 90s and early 2000s… but now his opinion hardly matters and he’s a bit of a drama queen. I don’t really give a shit what he thinks.

    Tick_Dracy, avatar


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  • lolcatnip,

    We’re literally here to read what strangers think. If anything is your opinion we don’t care about because it’s just a low-effort insult.

    HubertManne, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    meh. I played the first and second I think. I can't believe its still going. Its a pretty limited story to think of as a franchise.

    hal_5700X, (edited ) do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    How dare he (the creator of Kratos) don’t like the new games! /s

    Who cares. Just play your games and STFU.

    Tick_Dracy, avatar


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  • hal_5700X, avatar

    My point was, who cares. Just play your games.

    Tick_Dracy, avatar

    I agree with that! It doesn’t mean we can’t hate on the new games also 😎

    SnotFlickerman, do games w God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story avatar

    Oh, so he never matured at all then, huh?

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