wonderfulvoltaire, do games w Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer) avatar

Statistically speaking most people can find new games in their library they bought and never touched for years. It’s a genius marketing strategy on steam’s part.

disguy_ovahea, do astronomy w Suprising obvious fact: The Sun is a Star

Totally! My favorite astronomical “wow” with my daughter was when she was 12. She wanted to learn about photography, so I set up a tripod at dusk to teach her about aperture, shutter speed, and motion blur. We also compared shots with a remote shutter so she could see how the slightest camera shake during a long exposure would result in a blurry shot.

We were about to go inside once the stars came out, but instead I thought it would be fun to show her how they looked with a two second exposure. “Wait, why do they look like little commas? Are they moving?” I didn’t say a word. I just looked at her, and then it hit…

😳”No! We’re moving!”🤯

Facts aren’t nearly as interesting without the connection of self-discovery.


She came really close to another mind-blowing fact: if you’re talking about linear motion, there’s no difference at all between “they’re moving” and “we’re moving”. Too bad the apparent motion of the stars is caused by rotation, otherwise it would have been a great lesson to introduce basic relativity concepts.


She understood the curved lines as illustrating the rotation of the Earth. We didn’t get into motion away from the universal center.

She’s much older now. Tyson’s version of Cosmos came out in her teens, so we watched all of those and then went back for the OG Sagan episodes. She’s my favorite nerd.



Lilly1509, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals

Shattered Pixel Dungeon, 9.99 USD 6.69 USD

It’s a turn-based traditional roguelike + dungeon crawler, i.e. there are no in-game permanent upgrades to make the characters stronger, and only you the player get “stronger” as you become more knowledgeable. If you are into that kind of game, this is absolutely one of the best I’ve played!

The developer Evan has been continuously updating the game for the past decade, with a new, sixth playable hero scheduled to release later this year. The game is also free and open source, so you can even play the full game for free. I bought the Steam version (and has sunk 100+ hrs into it) because it’s so rare for me nowadays to find a game I don’t get tired of after a handful of hours. (Not saying short games are necessarily bad though, some of my faves are very short too.)

Also, check out the official!


I play this on my android phone. It’s free, ad-free, and you can pay to support.

The updates have been awesome. It’s extremely difficult, and it’s not unusual to die a buncha times before your first success.

SkyezOpen, do games w If you've done the Final Fantasy marathon did you include FF XI? Was it worth it?

I genuinely thought they killed it off. Wow.

But no, I wouldn’t include any MMO in a game marathon. XIV has a “story” but compared to a legit single player rpg, yeah no way.


XIV’s story is insanely good though but I guess we’re not counting DLCs here (although the first 2 expansions are free now)


The story being told is good but the gameplay is eeeurgh. Endless boring ass fetch quests punctuated by pretty cool dungeons.

Granted that’s just the early msq. I enjoy the game and have several 90 combat classes, but it really was a slog to start.


The whole msq is like that in essence, not just the early part


True, though the further you get, the more things you unlock and can do to distract you from how boring the endless fetch quests are.

I spent an entire weekend farming and crafting to furnish my apartment.


It’s not bad if you are an active player. The msq drips are a welcome addition when you have “run out” of content and is very manageable.

That said, I tried to catch up from 80 to 90 and I could just not justify any more hours doing the msq just to be able to raid. It was just hours and hours and days and days of clicking people reading text and going to the next location clicking more boxes

Carighan, avatar

I’ll be honest compared to many of the main FF games like X, XIII or XVI, XIV’s story from ARR->EW, especially once you’re in the last segments of ShB and EW, easily outdoes them. It’s slow as molasses since it has to fit a whole MMO with 2y release cycles into it, but it’s also damn good.

Sneptaur, do gaming w Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better? avatar

It’s not a controversial take, but survivorship bias is certainly strong with anything like this. People like classic rock because the bad songs from that era have faded into obscurity. The same goes for your favorite retro games; for every Ocarina of Time there was a Superman 64. For every Zelda there were 3 shitty LJN games.

The type of trash is just different. Instead of low-effort cash grab games, now we get high-effort overworked devs making a game that asks you to pay for it over and over again.

TheMonkeyLord, avatar

You even see this with games that were insanely cash grabby from ten or so years ago. Borderlands 2 made you pay for every level cap increase and tiny piece of updated content as it rolled out. The handsome collection fixed that, but it’s still true that it really tried to toll you at every corner. Game is still highly regarded though.


I dunno. I pulled Septera Core out of a bargain bin shoved together with some forgettable mech game for $10, and it was pretty great.

I don’t think effort is what makes the difference. Games now are designed increasingly in ways that are less ‘risky’ in terms of corporate measures of user satisfaction than they used to be. It’s the kind of measure of satisfaction that sees a quest marker constantly showing your destination as clearly preferable to having to actually look at the world and find your way around.

I’ve run into this with friends of mine who are into modding before. When they see one mechanic that negates another mechanic, or that degrades the output quality of another mechanic, they see it as wasted code. To me, that’s the essence of the tension and release in a game. You create a state the player wants to get to, then you put shit in their way and provide them with various ways of solving your obstacles. That’s basically narrative driven gaming in a nutshell, an interaction between barriers and ways of negating those barriers.

But like, I think that may be part of what’s missing sometimes in pushing these more like real-world convenience-oriented features akin to a GPS app. If you’re making a GPS app, you want it to work perfectly, but in a game it’s kind of more fun if it’s got a little bit of jank in it. Not the actual code, obviously, but the player’s interaction with the mechanic in the game world. A straightforward trip from point A to point B isn’t much of a story.

Honestly, I think it’s just more of the kind of watering down that’s inevitable as you get too much money wrapped up in a project. Corporate infrastructures and IPOs aren’t conducive to art. Or quality in anything else, for that matter. It doesn’t just affect what decisions are made in a game’s development, either. It affects how people are educated, who gets hired, how labor is divided.

There’s definitely something to be said for the effects of nostalgia and survivorship bias on the appearance of retro gaming in a modern context, but there also have been major changes that aren’t just about the decisions of individual companies.

Sneptaur, avatar

Honestly, my argument that new and old games are both good would be to point straight at the Ratchet & Clank series.

In my opinion, it’s only gotten better with time, and the latest entry in the Series from 2021 is genuinely one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. It’s modern, cutting-edge, requiring a PCIe Gen4 SSD and a DualSense controller for the best experience. It’s just fantastic. New games, even AAA games, can be great so long as the project is being led by people who know how to make good games.

bigmclargehuge, do games w Half Life 3 avatar

The reason no one is making HL3 is because no one wants to, at least not long term.

Idk if you know much about how Valve is structured as a game studio, but it’s a bit atypical. It’s not like Gabe Newell comes in and says “today everybody starts working on HL3”, projects get greenlit and then whichever employees want to work on them are free to do so, and if they decide they’re uninterested, for whatever reason, they can leave the project.

What this means, is that if a project starts to pick up steam (no pun intended) within the company, more and more people join in, and this creates a passionate team. Various Half-Life projects since Ep2 have been started, none were finished (until Alyx), not because they were decisively axed for more corporate reasons like many other games, but because for one reason or another, the devs became uninterested or burned out, and went to work on other things they actually wanted to work on.

I think at this point, the only way we’ll ever see HL3 is if a team comes up with something completely groundbreaking and is absolutely dedicated to getting it done. Apparently, there just hasn’t been that winning combo yet. I can’t blame them, because if they half assed any aspect of it, they’d never hear the end of it.


That description of how the teams are structured sounds completely made up. They’d never get a game finished if the company was actually structured that way. I’ve personally never worked for a company that would just let me project hop when I felt like it.

You’d be starting over constantly.


And yet that’s exactly how they operate!

Valve: How going boss-free empowered the games-maker

… But you’re right that it is often considered the cause of many of their problems: Valve’s unusual corporate structure causes its problems, report suggests


… But you’re right that it is often considered the cause of many of their problems: Valve’s unusual corporate structure causes its problems, report suggests

If you look at the list of games developed by Valve it kinda becomes apparent that the only reason Valve is still around (or operates in such a free-flow manner) is because Steam is so profitable. Their release of notable titles is spotty, at best:

  • CS 2, 2023
  • HL:Alyx, 2020
  • DOTA: Underlords 2020
  • Artifact (RIP) 2018
  • DOTA 2 2013
amio, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

What do you mean, "nowadays"? Mobile games always sucked.


I beg to differ. Angry Bird, cut the rope, where’s my water, Space RPG, FRUIT Ninja, and a whole lot more, are classic mobile games in the beginning. They’re sometimes simple, yes, but at least there’s efforts in it to try to be original.

Nowadays, it’s all Freemium p2w cash grab.

kratoz29, avatar

That you didn’t like them doesn’t mean they sucked, look along this thread and you’ll find ppl sharing titles worthwhile back then (me included), ofc, this is not GOTY material, but a game must not be a masterpiece in order to be enjoyable, which ultimately is what all games are for, to be an enjoyable hobby.

maynarkh, do gaming w Why are there two different genres both called ARPG?

I think ARPG is just broader than that. Bethesda games are also described as action RPGs, yet they are neither really about builds or gitting good, it’s more of an exploration / virtual theme park thing.

I think the definition of an ARPG is “an RPG where the player’s skill in controlling the character in an action-game like fashion has a major role in gameplay, as opposed to games where the character stats or strategy is solely decisive”, like in Divinity or most older RPGs.

It’s like when people describe both Doom and Six Days in Fallujah as an FPS, yet they are nothing alike.

Thorny_Insight, do games w What are y'all buying on the steam sale?

Nothing. I only play one game which is over 10 years old and it’s still just as good as the day I got it.


Stealth Archer Simulator?




My mind went: “omg is there a stealth archer sim…oh wait”




Bethesda really hit gold with Skyrim. I truly hope TES6 isn’t a huge disappointment.

Zagorath, avatar

Me too…mostly.

Only it’s over 20 years old. And it’s still getting expansions, all except for the latest of which I have bought.

And it’s not “just as good”, it’s way better than it was back in 1999.


Another AoE2 enjoyer I presume?

Zagorath, avatar

Haha, yup.

I was a bit misleading though, because I also play a lot of the 2.5-year-old AoE4, and a tiny amount of AoM and AoE3 (and expect the amount of AoM to go way up later this year when Retold comes out).


It’s crazy how well that game holds up even today. Also quite hilarious how completely different my playing style is today than when I was 12. I had no clue about how to counter specific units, build order or even luring the boars. I’d absolutely wipe floor with my past self even with the medicore skills I have at it now.

Zagorath, avatar

Yeah it’s pretty incredible. I don’t know if I ever played without at least resource cheats as a kid.

I do remember knowing the triangle infantry beats cavalry beats archers, but also thinking “more expensive units must be better”. So I would build m@a-line to counter scouts or knights, rather than spear-line. I probably never built more than 20 vills, either.

bjoern_tantau, do gaming w I hate the term "Boomer Shooter" avatar

I love the term. For me it’s not just a shooter in an older style but also a shooter that goes BOOM. Much better than boring cover shooters.

onlooker, avatar

Oh, they’re definitely better, no question. But by that definition, wouldn’t that make them Boom Shooters?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Na, because the newer shooters still go boom. But boomer shooters are just boomer. And everybody’s waiting for the coming of the boomest shooter.

Dark_Arc, avatar

I kind of enjoy this take lol

onlooker, avatar

I would love to see that take place, so sign me up for the Church of the Boomest Shooter. My only real concern is where do we go from boomest?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

That’s the neat part, we don’t. Can’t have the messiah coming for real. Otherwise you get splinter religions.

Now I feel like playing Messiah.

LunarLoony, avatar

Boomestest, obviously.


Helldivers 2 wins. You get to drop orbital strikes, launch ICBM nukes, call in cluster munitions, etc.


Meh, I’ve been able to do all of those in modded Minecraft for years.

skulblaka, avatar

We’ve already seen the boomest shooter. Our savior hath already come and gone and left us behind to witness his passing. His name was Ultrakill.

frog, do gaming w Good chair that is *affordable* ?

I’ll second the suggestion of Secretlab. Pretty sure mine was in the £400ish price range, and it’s really nice for gaming.

Go part of the way through purchasing one, and then close the tab. Within a day or two you’ll probably have a discount coupon. It’s my favourite trick for buying expensive stuff.


Oh that’s smart

Slackwise, avatar

I’ve had mine since early 2020 and it’s identical to the day I purchased it. Faux leather doesn’t look the slightest bit damaged or fatigued. (I liked it so much, I got the rest of all their products…)


Third Secretlab, it’s still pricy but far more affordable than HM, has all the lumbar support, and whilst it looks gamer-y it lacks the awful shoulders that makes it bad for you so it’s actually comfortable.

I had to WFH at my parents for 1 day the other week, couldn’t believe how bad my back pain got from 1 day in a crappy office chair. Their support was good too, my magnet head rest kept falling down so they sent me a brand new one


I used a secretlab Titan for 6 years. Currently looking to replace it, but that’s only because the faux leather is starting to peel away. Really solid investment, super comfy.

For OP, I likely tried the $1400 chair that was recommended (Steelcase Gesture) and just sent it back. Decent chair but just didn’t work for me.

Kolanaki, do games w What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?
!deleted6508 avatar

Start her on Dark Souls so that nothing she plays after will seem difficult.


I got a girlfriend a long time ago to give the game a shot. She had played stuff before- she was playing BioShock on Xbox when we met. The rats by the big drake on the bridge literally made her cry. Felt pretty bad.

(We did eventually finish the game together in co-op, but we’re long since broken up for largely unrelated reasons)


One of my coworkers at some point told my girlfriend she should go in completely blind when she tried DS1, and I agree with that, but she took it to mean she should under no circumstances allow me to explain the mechanics of the game or the UI. She spent nearly two hours in the Asylum without ever getting to the boss’s fog wall because she wouldn’t let me explain that picking her weapon up didn’t mean she had it equipped. Finally I told her there was a big problem she could easily fix and move on with the game if she’d hear me out, but she still wouldn’t hear any of it, and then 30 seconds later I see her on her phone googling “do you need to use a shield in DS1” 🤦‍♀️

It was really frustrating because DS1 is hands down my favorite game, and I fully expected her to give up at some point but she gave up before she actually got to play the game.

stoy, do gaming w What to play at after work?

Keep talking and nobody explodes.

It will build teamwork and communications skills


This is the best answer. Great party game

WarmSoda, do games w What adventure games do you recommend?

I really feel like Disco Elysium treads the line between RPG and old school Adventure Game.
If you want story, its got it in spades.

reverendsteveii, do games w Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?

Torchlight is Torchlight. You might like it because not Diablo, but Torchlight.


I loved Diablo 2 the most, and Torchlight scratches the same itch.

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