sp3tr4l, (edited ) do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform?

A lot of people seem to think that a monopoly has a much, much more direct and literal definition than it actually does.

The definition the FTC uses is:

Courts do not require a literal monopoly before applying rules for single firm conduct; that term is used as shorthand for a firm with significant and durable market power — that is, the long term ability to raise price or exclude competitors.

That is how that term is used here: a “monopolist” is a firm with significant and durable market power.

Courts look at the firm’s market share, but typically do not find monopoly power if the firm (or a group of firms acting in concert) has less than 50 percent of the sales of a particular product or service within a certain geographic area.

Some courts have required much higher percentages.…/monopolization-defined

I have a bachelor’s in Econ.

The people that run and advise the FTC have PhDs.

(Well, at least untill Elon and Trump put the fucking Shark Tank guy in charge, or something like that.)

Generally speaking, a monopolist is a single entity that has captured a huge chunk of an otherwise varying and well differentiated market, if your market is closer to the theoretical (ie, not real) idea of perfect competition, or if you’re talking about a consolidated market with only a few major players, the monopolist has at least 50% of the market, though, depending on other factors, that line may be drawn at up to 75% ish.

Different specific situations, regions, laws, etc. establish differing specific criteria… but the idea is not that a monopolist is defined by being literally 100% of the market.

That situation would specifically be referred to as a ‘perfect monopoly’, and like ‘perfect competition’, is basically theoretical only, or a situation where you’re looking at something like a local public utility or some kind of government/state entity.

In actual mainstream academic and legal usage though, a monopoly is a single entity in the market has a very outsized market share when compared to any other market participant, such that its actions alone can very significantly affect all other market participants.

Now… when it comes to Steam… a whole lot of the arguement is ‘what is and is not the market, what constitutes its boundaries?’

If you define it as just ‘PC video games’, then sure Steam likely is an effective monopoly.

But if you define it as ‘all digital games’, then no, not even close, the Google Play Store and Apple Store are responsible for far more digital game downloads than Steam, way waaay more games are mobile games than PC games, if you go by yearly or monthly downloads, or market share.

It gets even more complicated with cross platform games.

Ultimately, it would be up to a lawsuit, lawyers, judges, industry experts, to argue all of the specifics of exactly whether or not its legally valid to formally classify Steam as a monopoly that would need to be broken up or penalized or regulated in some way, and a huge part of that legal battle would be based around differing definitions of what exactly Steam is a monopoly if, and whether those precise definitions are valid.

‘Other options exist for consumers’ or ‘they don’t have a perfect monopoly’ is not a valid arguement against Steam being a monopoly if Steam facilitates 85% of PC game sales, and the other 15% is split up between 10 or so other digital store fronts.

If that is your rubric for ‘what is the market’, then yeah, Steam is a monopoly.

But, if your rubric is ‘all digital games’, then no, Steam is just a large player in a market with other larger players, other slightly smaller players, and many other very small players.

Beyond that, a huge part of legally being determined to be a monopoly is unethical/illegal behavior of the ‘monopolist’ being used to obtain or maintain their monopoly.

In Steam’s case… I think that would be pretty hard to substantiate, its more so just that Steam had the idea first, expanded upon it quite a lot, and no one really bothered to try to compete with them on the same level untill basically the Epic store, fairly recently.

chloyster, do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform?

Did you mean to have more in this post? I’m not sure I fully understand. I’ll remove if there wasn’t more you were trying to say


I assume he’s asking “why can’t steam be considered a monopolistic platform”

troyunrau, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac? avatar

I’ll ignore the market share question and talk a little about history. The compatibility layer is what killed OS/2 back in the day.

See, IBM (with OS/2) and Microsoft (with Windows 2.x and 3.x) were cooperating initially. Windows was the new kid on the block, and MS was allowing IBM to make a windows application compatibility layer on OS/2 in the early days. Think Windows 2.x/3.x. This was a brilliant stroke on behalf of MS, since the application developers would choose the Windows API and develop against that API only. Soon, there were no real native OS/2 apps being sold in any stores. Once MS Office came about, OS/2 was effectively a dead commercial product, outside of the server space.

The parallel here is that wine allows developers to target only the Windows API (again). This means you don’t have to bother with linux support at all and just hope that Proton or whatever will do the work for you.

There are some modern differences though. First: Linux didn’t start as a major competitor to Windows in the desktop/gaming space. We’d all love the Linux marketshare to increase, but largely there isn’t a huge economic driver behind it. So Linux will increase or not and the world will keep on turning. We’re not risking being delegated to history like OS/2. The second: the compatibility layer is being made as an open source project, and this isn’t MS trying to embrace-extend-extinguish in the same way that their assistance to IBM implementing that layer was. (We could quibble about .Net and Mono and others though.)

So I don’t think it’ll play out the same way. Linux will be okay. It’s already a vast improvement from prior years.

Historically, there was nothing like a killer hardware situation for OS/2 – no equivalent of the Steam Deck – that was driving wide hardware adoption to encourage additional native apps. Valve has done more for linux desktop adoption in the last few years than anyone that came prior.

kbal, avatar

I remember it well. I think the biggest difference between OS/2 then and Linux today is that OS/2 wasn't all that much better than Windows in any easily understood way for the average non-technical user.

kandoh, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?

I’m going to wait until they sell it with all the dlc for like 10 dollars like they did with 6 at one point.

Excited for it though! I love civ

zipzoopaboop, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?

Civ 5 is where it’s at


another round, here we go

MyNameIsAtticus, avatar

Played the mobile version on an old iPhone 3g growing up. Had no clue what i was doing but loved every second of it

HuntressHimbo, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case. avatar


  • Saves Game
  • Tries to exit
  • Confirm exit?
  • No
  • Saves again
  • Hits Save and Exit
ADKSilence, do gaming w Don't forget to make a 2nd save file just in case.

It's clearly bad juju if you dont then save again just to be sure.

Majorllama, do games w Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot?

Some games lend themselves better to modding. Some are much more complicated to mod. Some games need a mod manager to do conflict checks and some games can just have mods piled on top of each other endlessly without issues.

Mods within certain game engines can pretty much be moved between games ofln the same engine often with very little adjustment.

I would say in modern modding it is usually fairly straightforward, but some games and some older mods definitely require some deep computer fuckery.

Stick to things you’re comfortable with and skip the ones you aren’t.


It also depends where you get the mod from as different sites offers different amount of help. On some sites you need to download, un zip, drag and drop files in different places and change files both in the mod and outside it, and other sites you just press a button and your good to go. Even when it is the same or similar mods.

VinesNFluff, do gaming w What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics? avatar

Fable 3

It got a lot of flak back then, mostly because people were sick to shit of Peter Molyneux promising THE WORLD and delivering, like, JUST A GAME.

But here’s the thing. I didn’t follow gaming news. I didn’t know what a Peter molyneux was. I just know I got a fun little action RPG where I get to be royalty, and that scratched a very specific itch for me.

samus12345, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?
Freefall, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all?

Not for “no reason at all”

asteriskeverything, do gaming w Gotta get better gear anyway we can. You don't want to be looted yourself right?

And it’s somehow +2 armour and +1 stealth???

Excrubulent, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

My absolute favourite roguelite is Noita.

Beware though, it’s quite different to other roguelites in that the world it creates is suprisingly expansive. You can get lost in it, mentally. There are quests that can take you dozens of hours to complete, all on the same run, and even if you become so absurdly overpowered that nothing can threaten you directly, till you can fly inside the sun, you can still get turned into a sheep and die in a single hit.

Also the wand-building is complex, it’s like a programming language. People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible. And in a way I’ve never seen magic be done before, you can screw up and kill yourself with your wands, just like a discworld wizard. It’s so easy to do, it’s a rite of passage for any new player.

Some people don’t like spoilers on this game so here you go, but honestly getting just a little spoiled made me get properly into it to understand what the hell people were talking about.

Tap for spoilerI was maybe 8 or 9 hours into reaching the hardest boss in the game, up to NG+24 or so, just a couple of hours away from my destination. I was teleporting, had hundreds of thousands of hit points, had immunity to every kind of damage, could tear through the terrain like it wasn’t there, had weapons that would evaporate any enemy in the blink of an eye even as they became exponentially more powerful with each NG+ level, and I was being careful. I had even pacified the world so nobody would attack. Then some asshole dropped in from off-screen with a wand of transmogrification, got hit by the chainsaw on my tele wand and retaliated while something exploded nearby throwing fire over us, and I, now a sheep, flopped around impotently for a few seconds on fire then just fucking died.

I… stopped playing after that one, I’ll be honest. But I will return.

And rather than simply being repetitive, the way the world loops creates an ennui that’s kind of haunting to me. The whole game is littered with versions of people trying to achieve immortality, and if you manage to reach a point where you actually can’t die, you feel like you’ve soft-locked yourself, because dying is how you get to the end-screen. You can just end the run from the menu, but it feels fake somehow.

10/10 would try to kill god and confront my mortality again.


Thank you for the in-depth explanation! I’ve wishlisted it and will pick it up when it goes on sale. The art is absolutely beautiful, I can see how it could get haunting and lonely.

CileTheSane, avatar

People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible.

Alright, this has convinced me to give Noita a shot.

Excrubulent, avatar

I mean, I don’t know how much they anticipated. There are a lot of projectile path modifications that are clearly meant for tinkering, but the idea that they knew their players would do this is hard to tease out. It’s a simulation game built very much on “Things are what they are,” and they know this has deep implications.

Like when I was turned into a sheep, I wasn’t “noita (sheep)”, I was just “sheep”. The noita I had been playing as was effectively stored in a state of nonexistence until the transmogrification wore off, then the sheep was replaced with the noita. So transforming yourself - or simply causing yourself to temporarily cease to exist - can be a way to eliminate side effects of certain things.

If there is one thing that it might be worth spoiling yourself on, if you’re struggling to finish a run, is in the next spoiler.

Tap for spoilerLearn to escape the Holy Mountain without collapsing it. Being able to return to edit wands, go back up in the world, and access health is a game-changer. Finishing the game without that trick is something I don’t think I’ve ever done. All the big lore stuff is discovered after finishing your first run anyway as far as I can tell.

Other than that, I would look up how to design good wands. This can be a good thing to learn by doing for a while, but there are deep interactions that you could soend a thousand runs not learning. I think the shared science is a big part of what makes this game great.

Emerica, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

Like most others said. Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac are the top dogs. No matter what else I play I always circle back to one of those two eventually and get sucked in again. But some other lesser known ones that are good are:

Cursed to Golf - 2d golfing roguelike, no combat or anything. There’s a bunch of different cards to make the ball do different stuff. From a rocket ball you control after hitting to an ice ball that’ll freeze water hazards to a drill so you can tunnel through walls.

Oblivion Override - 2d with fast combat and a lot of perks and weapons that change things up. Perks from different “trees” have synergies that are a lot of fun.

Rogue Prince of Persia - 2d parkour style combat made by the folks that did most of Dead Cells post launch updates, still in early access but still fun.

Soundfall - not a true roguelike, top down rhythm shooter with random loot.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect - 2d with a boatload of different classes, different elemental perks that synergize and each class has different perks to add new melee combos

Curse of the Dead Gods - isometric with slower parry based combat, has some mechanics with light and dark that some folks don’t like. If there isn’t a light source nearby you can’t see traps and take extra damage but you can pull a torch out to light braziers or enemies on fire to illuminate the area.

Ravenswatch - same people that made Curse of the Dead Gods. Isometric with different classes and online co-op.

Voidigo - top down shooter with unique art and sound design. Lot of weapons and four or five different characters with unique abilities.

Have a Nice Death - 2d melee with nice movement, mechanics don’t seem as deep as others but still fun.

Dandy Ace - isometric with ranged combat. Magician that throws cards around, good selection of abilities.

Patch Quest - top down, hard to explain this one, might wanna watch a video to see how it plays.

Devil Slayer Raksasi - top down with a lot of elemental effects. Haven’t spent much time with it though.

Well this got a bit longer than I meant but they’re all solid, not sure if they’re all on Switch though.

One more, not a roguelike at all but Switch exclusive and a surprisingly awesome game. Golf Story, check it out.

TyrianMollusk, avatar

Raksasi is not so much about elemental effects as it is about spacing and good core action. It’s also a fantastic game with a lot of value.


Shows how much time I spent with that one. I just remembered enjoying it but started running into enemies that had all kinds of status effects and not liking getting blinded and slowed constantly. Need to get back to it eventually.

Jaderick, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

Highly recommended Roguelikes from personal experience or friend recommendations:

Binding of Isaac, FTL, Risk of Rain 2, Enter the Gungeon, Darkest Dungeon (my favorite)[not the second one], Monster Train, Crypt of the Necrodancer (another favorite).


Thank you! I have binding of Isaac wishlisted. I watched some gameplay of Risk of Rain and it didn’t grab me. I’ll check out the other recs.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

It’s worth noting that Risk of Rain 1 and 2 are very different games (3rd person 3D vs. 2D side scroller), and both are good - so if 2 didn’t grab you, maybe check out 1 and see if that’s more your thing. (The remastered version has a lot of nice QOL stuff and some new game modes and items.)


FTL is amazing, especially with the multiverse mod. Basically a fan-made DLC, maybe even a 1.5-quel.

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