kuneho, do games w What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? avatar

Earthbound for the SNES.

It had a rough launch, rough reviews at the time, but the best RPG I’ve ever played, period.

mrbubblesort, avatar

Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and Earthbound are the holy trinity of SNES era RPGs

CatZoomies, avatar

Agreed on the holy trinity. But even though you’re devout to the holy trinity, sometimes there are temptations.

Illusion of Gaia is that cool friend you haven’t seen in a long time who shows up, and you bond and reminisce like you haven’t been separated at all. Then you discover Illusion of Gaia has friends you haven’t met, and they roll together in a cool club called The Soul Blazer Trilogy.

EyesInTheBoat, avatar

I remember when I played IoG and Terranigma years later and was super angry that I hadn’t heard of either back in the day lol

captain_aggravated, (edited ) avatar

My favorite thing about Illusion of Gaia has to be the fact that the manual contained a complete walkthrough of the game, at least in the North American release. Unless it was the same energy as “the dumb Americans (who invented the genre and introduced it to the East) don’t understand RPGs, so we’ll make Mystic Quest really simple and dumbed down for them” I don’t know why they did that.

Also, I was like 13 when I got my used copy of Soul Blazer…is there a more melancholy game on the SNES?

brawleryukon, avatar

cries in FF6


bruh if final fantasy isnt on the list, that list is wrong.


The players guide had scratch and sniff vomit.

That game and the product teams were amazing, it was just too weird for broad commercial success at the time.

BmeBenji, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th

I bought Cyberpunk 2077 release day. I enjoyed it and played a good bit for about a month. I never finished the story. It’s time for a fresh playthrough thanks to update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty

Hunter2, do games w What games have the best mining/smelting/forging components?

Don’t know about the best, but I detest games around crafting and I absolutely loved Subnautica. The whole experience become one of my video games.

Found it to be intuitive and streamlined. They tell you everything through the menus, so you don’t need to run to the wiki for recipes (albeit I did use the wiki for coordinates on where to find certain things) and it has a story/events that push you further.

The gatekeeping isn’t just to pad out the game, but it actually makes sense narratively (i.e. you need to go deeper and deeper as the game progresses so you’ll be needing new material occasionally. You can’t just avoid the crafting and complete the story.

You’ll be constantly building a stock of raw materials and transformed ones as you need to improve your things but also produce fuel/energy, build/improve your base and there’s even gardening (the latter is optional).

They also offer multiple modes. I played the one where you don’t need to eat or drink, but otherwise is the same experience. But they also have a survival one where you need to eat and drink and another where if you die, it’s game over. Adicionally there’s also a creative/sandbox mode.

Alexstarfire, do gaming w What is the most terrifying RTS game unit to be up against?

Dark Templar from StarCraft. Just going about your business then suddenly you’re sliced in half.

A Ghost dropping a nuke is pretty scary but not much different from the real life possibility of dying from a mile you didn’t know was coming. Just not from an invisible person.

Being infested by the zerg would be pretty terrifying too. Not really a specific unit though, I don’t think. Haven’t played in quite a while.

smort, do games w What are some great open source games? avatar

Endless Sky

It’s a single player, top-down, 2D space combat and trading game. If you ever played Escape Velocity back in the mid 90s(?), it’s essentially a clone of that setting and gameplay.


Should also be available in most Linux Repo’s from what I know.

Try not to crush me for the wrong words there, its 3am

Kaloi, do games w What are some great open source games?

Forge, the open sourced MTG client. It’s written in java, fully portable with an android version even. Full rules enforcement, an incredibly active dev community with the new sets implemented pretty quickly after release. I’ve honestly put more hours into just playing against the AI in 4v4 commander games than most steam games I own.

MaxVoltage, avatar

wait with this i can play magic the gathering for free?



It’s got all the cards with art, a good deck builder, and it supports multiple game modes, including Commander. It’s also got bot players that are good to test decks against and it forces game rules, so it’s good for learning.

*I’ve never gotten the multiplayer to work. My friends use Cockatrice for that. (Also FOSS) Cockatrice is clunkier and much more manual to use but, the multiplayer works.

starman2112, (edited ) do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

The Exploring Series has tons and tons of videos exploring the SCP foundation and Warhammer 40k. I never got around to reading all of the Red Sea Object stories, so I really appreciated his video about it

TheEpicNate315 has a ton of videos about The Elder Scrolls (mainly Skyrim) and Fallout (mainly Fallout 4), though many of them are just well-substantiated fan theories rather than lore

Spacedock makes videos about fictional starships. For example, the ships of Cowboy Bebop

Shout out to Wendigoon, who makes a wide variety of videos, mainly following spooky themes but branching out sometimes. His latest video is basically a walkthrough/total explanation of Faith: The Unholy Trinity, but he’s also made videos such as the Hilarious Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and That Time the CIA Faked a Vampire Attack to Take Over a Country.


Exploring Series is so good!! I love his videos. He does a great job

WhoRoger, avatar

Check out Like Stories of Old and Joseph Anderson, although the latter haven’t posted anything in a long time…

NuPNuA, do games w Controllers with paddles?

Back paddles really need to become standard on all pads. Between my Steam Deck and Elite Controller for the Xbox, I’ve become quite dependent on them.


Unfortunately, patent trolling means they won’t become mainstream. Companies have to pay to add paddles, so they won’t unless it’s part of a more expensive controller offering.


That’s ridiculous that you can own a patent on something as basic as “buttons on the opposite side than normal”.

arefx, (edited )

I think a company sued valve over it hence why they abruptly put them all on sale for 5$ and never made any more. I believe valve ended up winning the lawsuit though hence bumpers on the steam deck


Completely agree. It’s almost become default for me to remap the bumpers to the top back on my Steam Deck.


Yeah, that’s been my primary use, remapping the bumpers to the paddles, so much more comfortable to not have to move your fingers from the triggers.


I’m sure it sounds stupid but I’ve been playing less and less switch games because of this. If a game is on both switch & pc (mh rise, indies), in the past I’d usually go with switch because of the portability, but now with a steam deck or ROG ally I go with pc because portability + back paddles. The switch has those hori joycon with back paddles but unless they’ve changed something since they first came out, those back paddles could only be programmed to buttons that are on their respective halves of the joycon (left joycon back paddle cannot be mapped to right joycon face buttons) which is useless to me.

But yeah now whenever I use a gamepad without back paddles it feels restrictive, like I’m missing fingers or a limb.

GlenTheFrog, avatar

It totally sounds stupid but somehow I’m guilty of it too. I’ve even rebought games on Steam that I have on Switch because of that and the fact that I know my Steam games will be future proof for new hardware

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I understand the thought, but do you have plans to get rid of the switch?

GlenTheFrog, avatar

Not really. I still prefer to play my Switch games on Switch over emulating them on my Steam Deck

amio, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion

In this case I'd get around to it too. I went through it a few months ago and it was not easy. They put a fucking idiotic time limit of 15 minutes on the email, which invariably arrived much later than that. I sat spamming the "send email" button out of frustration.

Morons. It's email.

Eventually one happened to actually arrive in time, but I'd leave some spare time to retry if you care at all.


They probably want it to fail so that they have fewer users on their servers that already paid. I’m sure their attitude is “pay us again if you want to keep playing”.

SkeletalWizard, (edited ) do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Oh the joys of King’s Quest V. The most notorius soft lock is one that happens so fast that you would never suspect it to be a soft lock. Early in the game, the player will come across a scene where a cat is chasing a mouse. Now, this should make the player go “OH NO, THE POOR MOUSE!” and help the mouse. However, the scene is tied to your CPU speed so you have a total of 2-4 seconds to go into your inventory, select the item to yeet at the cat, and save the mouse. Many players will blink and just go, “Alright well that happened.” So, the player goes on and finally gets to a point in the game where Graham gets knocked out and tied up in a basement. Yeah your game just ends here if you didn’t save the mouse because the mouse chews through the ropes. THERE IS NO INDICATOR, AT ALL, THAT THE MOUSE IS THE KEY TO SOLVING THE PUZZLE. NONE.

There is also another soft lock into the end game that involves you having decided to pick up a fishhook earlier so you can use it on a mousehole for a piece of cheese. Yeah, if you don’t do that, you can’t power a wand to use to beat the game’s villain. And you’d probably think; “Oh I can just go back and get it.” Yeah, you can, but if you do you’ll also be trapped in there and your game is over again. So you HAVE to know to get it the first time.

And people wonder why LucasArts titles are more fondly beloved over the earlier Sierra titles.

Zoboomafoo, (edited ) avatar

King’s Quest VI, if you wait a few minutes on the strting beach, there’s a 5-pixel momentary glint that turns out to be a coin. If you leave the beach beforehand, it’s gone forever and the game is in an unwinnable state.

That game was horseshit and I really want to give it another go

SkeletalWizard, (edited )

I always forget about the coin because I learned my lesson from all the bullshit one screen items from Space Quest IV as well. Also, I’d like to mention the game that was programmed to never let you get the true ending due to legal issues. I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream could never be truly beaten for the best ending in the French and German releases. Mainly due to the character Nimdok’s storyline being entirely centered around Nazis and the surgical “experiments” that happened. I’m not here to dwell on that, but what I am here to dwell on is that when the game was released, French and German players could not get the true ending due to CyberDreams forgetting to check off the trigger for Nimdok succeeding in his game. So, the game was always in its fail state up until 2013 or so when it was finally released on Steam and GOG. The game was in an unwinnable state for those releases for almost 20 years. No revised version with a fix was ever issued until the worldwide release.

Gooey0210, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Which no one mentioned the classic

come to tye first town + hit a chicken + get in an infinite fight with Delphine + don’t talk to blades + never fight alduin = Skyrim

Thus was my first playthrough of Skyrim

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Isn’t Skyrim one of those games where you can mess around for a bit and eventually come back and proceed like nothing ever happened?

In Fallout 4 you can use the Nuka World DLC to push the Minutemen to whatever settlement you left Preston in or the Castle but I think there’s always the option for redemption because they are the fail safe faction. I figured Skyrim would have something similar.

fushuan, (edited )

Yeah you need to be imprisoned by the guard of whiterun and it’s all gucci with delphine


I stole a book for a quest with a shitton of witnesses, ran away, got out of town because of the guards having patching issues, stopped at my home and dumped my mostly-stolen inventory and returned and turned myself into the guards paying 40 gold to redeem myself for stealing a priceless book. Skyrim is a masterpiece of realism I tell you!


In Skyrim there’s a ton of ways you can hardlock yourself I believe in fallout 4 should be some too, it’s more flexible though

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Can you provide an example? I think most of the time there are ways to fix mistakes; at least when it comes to the main quest line.

ThemboMcBembo, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states? avatar

Rogue Legacy! You are a knight invading an evil wizard’s castle. When you die, your children take up your mantle and try again.

Dying means you get to try again with a descendant that has different quirks, like “being left-handed” or “dwarfism”

MudMan, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states? avatar

Besides all the roguelikes people mentioned, Omikron: The Nomad Soul from Quantic Dream has you possess a different body each time you die, which comes with different conditions. The idea was then reworked much more extensively for Watch Dogs: Legion, where you play as a whole resistance movement you can expand via recruitment and jump to a different member upon death.

itmightbethew, avatar

That game blew my mind when I played it back in the day. Despite all the clunky mechanics it achieved a sense of place I don’t get from most modern games. I’m surprised they haven’t revisited or revived it in some way.

I mean, Bungie’s remaking Marathon! Anything is possible in this crazed timeline


Does slapping the Marathon brand on an extraction shooter count as a remake?

itmightbethew, avatar

You’re right, it doesn’t really. But I bet if they revisited omikron it would be the same story, a different genre of game with many familiar trappings.

Kinda like how the newer Doom games purport to be more like the originals while simultaneously getting less like them. Although I absolutely love Doom Eternal, let me be clear.

The space is so saturated it feels like it’s only a matter of time before every game I’ve ever played is remastered, remade, revisited, or given a extremely late sequel


Absolutely, the Brand Mines are deep, and no IP will be left unexploited.

TheFool, do piracy w Guides / Apps for encoding avatar

ffmpeg, if you need a gui use handbreak


I currently use Handbrake (I’m not much without a GUI aha) but it doesn’t seem to have any options for merging / combining video files. I’m hoping to encode here, but the bluray source splits the movie into a couple of video files, and I’d like to combine them first before encoding

TheFool, avatar

Are you trying to concat streams or just to remux? For remuxing as roawre said there’s also MkvToolNix, which works great (and it has a gui don’t worry)



I’m sorry, I’ve done a poor job explaining. The source has split the movie, intro, and credits into 3 video files, and i’d like to make them one file, before or during the re-encoding process, so that the final movie includes the intro and credits. I’m currently grabbing MKVtoolnix, to see if it can do it, but I completely missed @roawre comment, so thank you for re-iterating, thanks to roawre for the original comment, and thanks to everyone for their responses, getting into this seems overwhelming and i’m so grateful to have your assistance!

Also, the files I have are “.m2ts”, will mkvtoolnix support this, or will I need to encode first? MKVtoolnixs website seems to imply it only really likes .MKV files

TheFool, avatar

Okay MkvToolnix isn’t the right tool for that afaik, but ffmpeg is and it sucks there isn’t a GUI for it that’s as powerful as the cli which is what I use, luckily you can find a lot of help online,

Apart from that I’m afraid i can’t help much, but good luck with your search!

Aztechnology, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

FF12 had some bullshit chest near the beginning of the game… If you opened it you lost the ability to 100% the game and get the Zodiac spear ( reportedly some ability to get one in a very tedious grunts fashion but it’s been ages)

Basically the straw that broke the camel’s back for me with ff… The games story and combat was already a let down after they dropped the turn based combat like all of them ff1-ff10

But yeah generally I dislike many soft lock mechanics or illogical things that punish you for just playing the game… Oftentimes these were put in games just to sell strategy guides.

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