Stillhart, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

In my mind there’s no question: the opening of The Last of Us is absolutely tragic.

tias, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Third person puzzle games with an engaging story like the Space Quest series, or The Dig. Also It Came From The Desert.

SamPond, (edited ) avatar

Do you have thoughts on the WadjetEye games? I’ve found a few of them quite engaging, particularly the later Blackwell games though I’ve heard good things of Unavowed.

The Cat Lady is also a gem but terribly dark.


I am still very much in love with It Came From The Desert.

Underpay, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Something I really don’t like is stamina that runs out after running for like five seconds

Fizz, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate? avatar

Gathering mechanics in rpgs. It’s a waste of time neuron activator. I want to get immersed in the world and not walk from bush to bush going grabbing flowers, rocks and sticks.

AnonymousLlama, avatar

Enjoyed the way Witcher did it where you just randomly get herbs as you're running around. Never went out of my way to go find them from memory

Fizz, avatar

The Witcher was actually what came to mind when I thought about games j don’t like this in. Also horizon zero dawn and all the other Sony movie rpgs

ono, (edited ) do gaming w Process optimization games?

How What do you call these games

I call them management sims, but I’m sure there are other names for the genre, too.

Rimworld is one of my favorites.

Mindustry has been getting a lot of praise. I hope to check it out soon.

Cities: Skylines is popular, and Cities: Skylines II is due soon.

Satisfactory is good (although the Steam version used Epic Games telemetry, which has been called out for being rather invasive, last time I looked).

Four_lights77, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

They are some seriously cool games coming out this year like Starfield, armoured core 6, and Baldur gate 3. Sell your ps5 and get a pc or steam deck.


This is a great time to also be introduced to the patient gamer movement lol

Most games that have come out recently have had their fair share of issues. I like to skip all of those games and instead play older titles that have already been patched, have a definitive edition, and are much cheaper

I can’t remember the last game that I bought on release and tbh it has saved me a lot of time and money. Usually when I start seeing video essays about a game is when I start thinking about getting it lol

It all comes down to personal preference though. I don’t mind missing out on initial hype even if it can be exciting to experience the community discovering new things all at once. Sometimes bashing on the developers/publishers as a community can be just as fun lmao


+1. As someone who’s working their way up through the PS4 library, I can easily say that I’m well fed, and PS+ has actually being really great in that sense. Patient gaming always leaves you with something new and different to look forward to without having to worry about long development times of games these days.


I would consider myself a patient gamer as well. The last game I preordered was Star Wars Battlefront and after that I swore off of investing in a game before it can out. I definitely could spend time going through my PlayStation library and not run out of games for a while.


New games should be considered marketing material, hence unfinished product like a movie trailer uses bits of the unedited footage, or footage that has been edited specifically for the trailer.


Not sure if I fully understand what you’re saying, but if I do, it’s hard to agree when new games are now costing $70USD

!deleted5791 avatar


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  • BigBananaDealer, avatar

    at least it is fixable now, back then if a game was buggy on release it stayed buggy and you just had to deal with it

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    i bought borderlands 3 on release but didnt even play it until earlier this year lol

    i was told i was playing it in the best possible state

    i also didnt pick up hogwarts legacy until around a month ago, and the only bugs ive seen are visual bugs that ultimately impacted nothing and fixed themselves pretty quick


    PC gaming does appeal more to me lately. The fact that more games are becoming exclusives, might as well get into PC gaming. Lots of smaller games come out on PC as well and it takes forever for them to show up on console if they ever do.


    I’ve thought about getting in to PC gaming myself. I have a switch, PS5, and Xbox X (whatever the newest one is). I’d keep the switch and maybe get a steam deck. Have completely mobile games.


    Not a bad idea considering that both can be docked for a more traditional console experience.

    I use my steam deck the most for gaming nowadays. Plus, the steam deck is basically a console as long as you stay on steam. I have added heroic launcher for games from GOG and even that is really simple


    Keeping in mind just how much Sony is moving to have their exclusives on PC. It’s slow going but it is happening. Most Xbox exclusives already come out on PC anyway so it’s a happy medium ground currently. Keep in mind most controllers now work on PC by one means or another and there are ways to PC game from a sofa so it’s not like some years ago when it was almost a rule that one machine was for one setting while the other had to go somewhere else. Personally, I exclusively use my computer from my sofa on my 50" tv because I’m more comfortable that way.

    Tarte, (edited ) do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

    I want a historically accurate trading simulation set in the early modern period: I want a multitude of ever-changing regional hard, soft and bookkeeping currencies, also bills of exchange, individual units of measurement for each product, paying in kind, putting sth. on the cuff, installments, various per item or volume based taxations, tolls, tithes, tenure, social privileges, staple rights, scheduled trade fairs, regulated fixed prices, lot sales, return freight, regulated transportational services, craft and trading legislation, significance of saint days, city level legislation, guilds and other corporations, the very relevant concepts of honor, contemporary obligations of social responsibility, familial structures and needs for a network of professional connections, monasteries as large economical entities, etc. pp.

    All tycoons I have played just reproduce a shallow version of our current concepts of money and trade and skin it with historical images without even trying to research the historical setting they're in. They add complexity in many other ways that don't focus on trade (i.e. combat).

    No fighting. No leveling. No building. Just trade.


    That does sound fun. Would be difficult to make and play, but sounds fun.

    min0nim, avatar

    It’s not historical, but you can play Eve and get all this. The economy is almost entirely player driven, and is tied into industry and logistics - also all entirely player driven. Prices and demand shift, and of course you can also scam people out of everything if you want.

    You can be one of the most successful players and not ever fire a shot.

    Tarte, (edited ) avatar

    Thanks for the suggestion! Eve is a nice trading simulation, from all I have heard. Many friends have suggested it to me, but I have not yet played it. The required time investment and grind of MMOs is what‘s scaring me off. The older I get, the more I enjoy offline games that I can pause at any time.

    However, I don’t believe (from my outside perspective) that trading in Eve is a good simulation of trade in the early modern period.

    GadolElohai, avatar

    @Tarte Saving your comment to help me research international trade.

    lagomorphlecture, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    I do like your idea but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like Stray. I finished the entire game and I loved it. The cat was adorable, the friends I made a long the way were interesting and I really felt for them despite their, uh, limitations. Just leaving it at that to avoid spoilers as I only saw that it was a cute cat game before I tried it and enjoyed being surprised by how it ended up.

    But yes, I do think a game like you’re describing would also be fun. Maybe not as a stray cat, per se, but maybe as a small breed of wild cat living away from humans so you don’t have too much interaction with them and they’re something you’re inherently distrustful of.

    ag_roberston_author, do gaming w What forgotten cult classic games are worth revisiting?
    !deleted4201 avatar


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  • winterstillness,

    Strongly recommended! It’s one of those rare games where you don’t want a “sequel” because there’s no way it would be in the spirit of the first game. Especially today.

    !deleted4201 avatar


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  • winterstillness,

    I really don’t want “2” to be a thing. The “trailer” felt like an insult for using the Beyond Good and Evil name for marking. There was nothing about it that had the spirit of the first game.

    If there ever is a remaster, then I hope it keeps the original artistic style. Lots of remasters get this wrong.


    The rare instance where you can be grateful for development hell.

    Spuddlesv2, do games w Is anyone else playing Avowed? What are your thoughts so far?

    I think it’s great. The maps may be smaller than some other open world RPGs but it is packed with content. The voice acting is great, I don’t know what the hell people here are talking about. Graphics are good enough although the facial animations are pretty wooden and stilted.

    garbagebagel, do gaming w I don't think these hills are silent after all

    Forgive my reddit-remnants but all I could think when I saw the knife was the poop knife.


    I missed that one. Poop knife?

    Franklin, avatar

    I’m so sorry, text of the original Reddit post below.

    My family poops big. Maybe it’s genetic, maybe it’s our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won’t flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you. Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out “hey, can you get me the poop knife”? I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It’s been a day or two between poops and I’m over at my friend’s house. My friend was the local dealer and always had ‘guests’ over, because you can’t buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it’s a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife. “My what?” Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. “Wtf is a poop knife?” Obviously he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver? A Dung divider? A guano glaive? I explain what it is I want and why I want it. He starts giggling. Then laughing. Then lots of people start laughing. It turns out, the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas through the door. It also turns out that none of them had poop knives, it was just my fucked up family with their fucked up bowels. FML. I told this to my wife last night, who was amused and horrified at the same time. It turns out that she did not know what a poop knife was and had been using the old rusty knife hanging in the utility closet as a basic utility knife. Thankfully she didn’t cook with it, but used it to open Amazon boxes. She will be getting her own utility knife now.

    <span style="color:#323232;">[Edit: Common question - Why was this not in the bathroom instead of the laundry room? Answer. We only had one poop knife, and the laundry room was central to all three bathrooms. I have no idea why we didn't have three poop knives. All I know is that we didn't. We had the one. Possibly because my father was notoriously cheap about the weirdest things. So yes, we shared our poop knife.]

    Beautiful story. Thank you.

    PlantJam, do games w Avowed is the most fun I’ve have had since Skyrim!

    I’ve heard it’s more action and less role playing than Skyrim, which sounds perfect for me. Does that match your experience?


    In my experience, there are actually a lot more dialogue choices based on your skills, which I really liked—it makes me feel more connected to my character. So I’d say there’s more role-playing depth than Skyrim, but at the same time, the action feels better too.

    I really enjoy the combat; it’s not easy, even on medium difficulty. If I’m not careful, I can die pretty quickly, which makes it more fun and engaging for me.

    The only downside is that the world feels smaller than Skyrim. In Skyrim, I had this feeling that the world was endless, but in Avowed, it feels more limited. However, that’s fine—not every game can be a legend like Skyrim for me! :)

    Essence_of_Meh, avatar

    This is a genuine question and not me trying to be snarky or anything: how’s that possible? Was there any meaningful role playing in Skyrim at all?

    To me the system simplification of Skyrim went so far that the only real role you could play was the dragonborn - not your specific one but a generic dragonborn who could be anyone and everything at the same time. Maybe my definition of role playing is outdated as I feel it should include choices and consequences (like blocking or limiting access to some content) so I’d be grateful if you could expand on that.

    Again, I’m not trying to suggest you’re wrong or anything, I’m just curious about your perspective (or something more about what you’ve read).


    I think what I read was actually about oblivion rather than Skyrim, but I’m not sure if that changes your questions or not. I agree that the Skyrim character did feel like a genetic dragonborn. The guild quests especially made it feel that way. (I’m the head wizard, but also chief fighter dude and captain of the thieves guild… What?)

    I guess for the role play aspect I prefer games to more narrowly define the main character and tell the story from there rather than leave it up to me to decide who the character becomes. A Plague Tale is a great example of this type of story telling, but of course it isn’t at all comparable to an open world game.

    Essence_of_Meh, avatar

    Change from Oblivion to Skyrim would definitely affect my question. I do think the former had more “my kind” of role playing so the initial thought would be more understandable for me.

    Thanks for the answer. I get what you mean about playing as more defined main characters, it definitely has it’s benefits over more open-ended approach.


    There’s never been much content blocking in elder scrolls. You could always master every skill even in Morrowind. Morrowind had a few exclusive guilds, but even Skyrim had a couple. Role playing in Skyrim is self imposed.

    Essence_of_Meh, avatar

    Guild exclusivity is actually what I had in mind. Sure, there’s nothing that significantly changes the main quest in TES games (and I think I misremembered how much blocking is there in previous titles) but that still counts for me personally. Self-imposed role play is fine in general (I do it all the time in games in fact) but I still think that lack of reasonable requirements for some (optional?) content makes the world feel more generic and player-focused than I’d like.

    Thanks for the reminder though.


    No, there wasn’t - Skyrim is the video game equivalent of makeup on an otherwise uninteresting individual. Might seem pretty at first, but the lack of depth or meaning dulls any beauty.

    troyunrau, do gaming w Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced avatar

    A good contrast is something like Outer Worlds, where there is usually multiple possible outcomes. I think it comes from their Fallout lessons learned and GURPS background. Love the game design. (Dislike the combat, but that is a separate thing.)

    vasus, do games w Avowed | Review Thread

    Glowing praise from journalists and middling scores from youtube reviewers… Same exact situation as Veilguard even down to Mortisimal glazing it.

    It’s gonna be awful isnt it

    anakin78z, avatar

    Ooo, I loved Veilguard, so maybe I’ll love this, too.


    Same, I really enjoyed Veilgaurd and actually finished the damn thing, which is rare for me these days. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good, breezy arpg.

    megopie, (edited ) do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform?

    For them to be prosecuted as a monopoly, or be considered one legally, it would have to be shown that they achieved or maintain their dominant market position by preventing or undermining competition. Say by having a bunch of exclusivity deals to keep big name titles only on their storefront, or by buying out any competitor that gained traction.

    Monopoly isn’t about being the biggest seller in a market, it’s about being the biggest player in the market by undermining competition and restricting commerce.

    Edit: want to clarify there is a distinction between the legal meaning of monopoly (see the Sherman anti trust act and other subsequent laws and rulings) and the colloquial usage (Only seller in the market). Steam is nether.

    BuboScandiacus, avatar
    BuboScandiacus, avatar
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