Juigi, do games w PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery

NBA 2K literally had slot machine in it. System is corrupt.

Sarcasmo220, do gaming w Inspired by another post

Guaranteed the word “woke” will be thrown around left and right

More like it will be thrown from the right

Paradachshund, do gaming w Inspired by another post

Ciri is such a great character in the books. I hope they can get a lot of that personality into her in the game, too.

!deleted6348 avatar

It seems like it from the trailer, but I’m nervous about the voice actress, she does sound different than 3… But I’m willing to give her a fair chance


From the trailer, its clear that its ~15-20 year time skip, she is able to drink witcher potions so she passed the trial of grasses, and clearly has much more control of her powers.

The trial of grasses point is where im concerned, yes she would have plot armor for a procedure that has a notriously low survival rate, plus the school of the wolf (Geralt, Vesimier and co.) destroied their old records after the events of the first game so that noone could produce more witchers.

MarcomachtKuchen, do games w Do you have any recommendations for casual games?

How has noone mentioned Powerwash Simulator yet. There is no pressure (pun not intended), you just walk around dirty scenes and start cleaning them. The amount of satisfaction this produces is incredible. This is mostly because the dirt is actually fairly accurate and washing does not feel like brushing dirt of where the only options is 100% dirt or 0% dirt. All of the intermediates and the complex geometry of the objects makes cleaning a really chilling experience.

Aviandelight, avatar

I will also add both of the House Flipper games!


im not trying to be provocative

but have you ever considered actually cleaning things

you can get paid to do this

irl power washwers are fun


Yeah I can see that, but currently that’s not a viable line in my career to take


ah well then laddie you just tell me when youre ready to man the old washer

theres always work down the shipyard for ye


Same could be said for any game. The value mostly of a game is the controlled progression with little impact. If I go start power washing the driveway and then stop at a moments notice to go take a shower and head to work I’m gonna leave a giant mess laying around and a half done driveway.


Same could be said for any game.

No. No, it really couldn’t.


Instead of playing games, go outside, touch grass, undergo the series of organ implantations that are required to become a Space Marine. The only thing holding you back is yourself.


so, uh… it really couldnt be said of any game at all… the idea that the game makes it better than real power washing because you can stop at any time with out leaving a half finished driveway is cracking me up dude i love it

GammaGames, do gaming w was taken down by funko pop

As if I didn’t already have enough of a reason to hate funko!

Grass, do games w Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Review Thread

So its actually good? Honestly surprised. The devs haven’t been canned either?


Same here. I thought it was going to be mediocre at best. Still not interested but happy for the people who like such games.

zecg, avatar

I thought it was going to be mediocre at best.

I fully expect it to be a mediocre shooter with some good environmental puzzles and nice graphics, Starfield had 85+/100 reviews before coming out. We’ll find out once it actually releases, in two years with all of the hypothetical DLC included for 15€. Bethesda can fuck right off with their 50€ offerings.


The devs haven’t been canned YET.


I’ve had this thought that game devs should plant killswitches in their games so if they get mass lay offs the game just stops working and displays messages presented as being from the parent company that tell the user they are banned, and for the most idiotic reasons.

Realistically though if the game is successful by any metric a hacker or dataminer will find it first or it will be abused in some other way.

ampersandrew, avatar

I’m surprised that folks here were surprised that the people behind those Wolfenstein games would make a good game.


Because we’ve seen time and time again where good devs go bad. Especially when they get bought out.

ampersandrew, avatar

It was worse before the buyout, when Zenimax had an initiative to make everyone make live service games even when it was clearly a bad idea.

The_Helmet_Stays_On, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?



Thanks, just bought it.

p03locke, avatar

One of my all-time favorites. If you don’t like horror games, don’t let that stop you. It’s too important a story to pass up, and worse-case, you can turn off some of the scary elements of the game. It’s really a sci-fi masterpiece first, and a horror game second.

LovableSidekick, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

<span style="color:#323232;">SOMEONE SET UP US THE BOMB.

I can’t decide if I’m proud or sad that this answer was buried so deeply into this post



AngryCommieKender, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Per my steam library:

Factorio: 3,375.4 hours

Dyson Sphere Program: 2,505.9 h

Stellaris: 2,236.6 h

Terraria 2,629.9h

Skyrim: 1,239.5 h

Dungeon Defenders only has 600 hours on Steam, but I’m well over 2000 hours between Steam and PS3/4

I’ve also got a few thousand hours in Just Cause 2&3, as well as several Gran Turismo games and Forza Motorsport games. Morrowind probably has 2-3000 hours, oh and I’m not allowed near Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri anymore.

Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger are probably up there as well since I’ll replay them every decade or so.


That’s a lot of gaming


I’m 44 years old, and have been gaming practically since I was born. My parents played D&D, and video games with us kids.

Also a lot of those totals are artificially inflated because I can leave the game running to finish a long task, especially Factorio and DSP


That’s awesome.

toddestan, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

The only two games I have that I’ve put more than 1000 hours in are Factorio and Rimworld. I’d highly recommend both.

JamesBean, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

There was a moment in my life when I thought that perhaps I was outgrowing games... that they were just not really designed for the entertainment of adult human beings in a way that could satisfy me. Not one of my old stand-bys could, as you said, "scratch the itch" or provide "the same enjoyment that it used to." I found myself spending more time with films and books.

Then I got into FromSoft games and indie titles, and within a year I realized games still held incredible experiences for me. I hadn't outgrown games. I had only outgrown the bland slop represented by most AAA releases, and especially by online multiplayer releases. Personally, I'd recommend giving up on looking for a new 1000+ hour obsession. Instead I'd recommend seeking a broad array of 10-100 hour loves. If you haven't already tried them, for me a love of gaming was saved primarily by: Dark Souls, FTL, Spelunky, and Hollow Knight.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

There was a moment in my life when I thought that perhaps I was outgrowing games

My exact thought earlier this year, honestly. I’m right there with you

Personally, I’d recommend giving up on looking for a new 1000+ hour obsession. Instead I’d recommend seeking a broad array of 10-100 hour loves.

This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 6 months. I’ve discovered some pretty crazy and amazing titles. Played Everything from BG3 to No Man’s sky, lots of indie titles my favorites being Boomer shooters and new up and coming titles. I tried Stardew Valley for the first time since everyone seems to be raving about that one, and a couple similar ones like my time at Sand Rock, Valheim was awesome. Guess I feel like I’m running out of stuff to play lately

JamesBean, avatar

If you still haven't tried anything FromSoft has made in the past decade, please do.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

I’ve played dark souls remastered… It’s hard as hell man. Haven’t tried Ellen ring yet but it’s on my list

morphballganon, do games w How many Nintendo Switches do I need for a family of gamers?

I assume one OLED for the family and then a portable per person

Stop. Don’t buy anything yet.

What do you mean “one portable”? Do you mean a non-OLED Switch? Do you mean a Switch Lite? Do you mean a pair of Joy-Cons? Do you mean a single Joy-Con?

My family has 3 Switches. I bought a launch system, my wife bought another of that type, gave it to our kid, then bought an OLED for herself.

So, you don’t need more Switches than the number of people (unless you’re planning to host Animal Crossing treasure islands, which, you’re probably not).

We had a Switch Lite, but it was redundant since we each had a regular/OLED, so we sold it.

Why not just start with one and go from there? Get the OLED if you’re planning to primarily play handheld, or if faster loading times are super important to you.

isthingoneventhis, do games w In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment?

I’m here once again to humbly submit the suggestions of Dungeon Keeper and Black and White. That is all.


Black and White for sure. I still get nostalgic for that one.


We simply can’t leave until we get some wheeeaaat!


Idle idle eeee


I was talking to my SO about it recently and we both kinda agreed you’d probably have to update the core gameplay so it would be a little more interesting/engaging but overall B&W was fun. Hell, even Spore redone properly (aka not by fucking EA) I would love too. That one always makes me sad to think about, and we’ve not really had anything like it since.

Defaced, do games w Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread

No idea why there are so many people who want this game to fail. Bioware has realistically made two bad games, Andromeda and Anthem, and for me Andromeda has the best gameplay in the entire series, not necessarily the best story and anthem is just not great. It’s crazy the amount of bioware hate that exists that’s completely unwarranted.

BenFranklinsDick, avatar

Dragon Age 2 is a bad game


I agree. Gameplay from 2 to origins is shameful.

It’s story is another matter. Have come around on that in recent years.


I feel like the story has good ideas but ultimately fails, personally. I like the idea of struggling against inevitable tragedy, but when the cause of such tragedy was against always immediately in arms reach of you and caused by a single person it falls flat.


You have your opinion but it’s definitely in the vocal minority.

BenFranklinsDick, avatar

What? You’re in the minority here. DA2 is known as one of the most notoriously bad sequels ever made.

It was obviously made under extreme time constraints, as well as by a different team due to EA meddling.

It is a blatantly unfinished game that had good ideas that didn’t get enough time in the oven.

Defaced, lots of good information in the wiki page, of which none of your claims are accurate except for maybe the polarizing views on reused assets but that’s literally by design, not crunch. It sold more than origins and sold over a million copies in two weeks, that’s pretty damn good. Nice rage baiting though.

ryven, avatar

Wow knowing the asset reuse was by design makes me feel way less charitable towards DA2. (I don’t know if I’d go as far as the other commenter and say it’s “a bad game,” but I didn’t like it.)

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

DA2 has several bad qualities. I personally would not generalize it as a bad game. I am willing to concede that this is an unpopular opinion, however.

Shadywack, avatar

It depends on how you frame it. I don’t see it as “hate” as I don’t hate Bioware, but objectively speaking, the work speaks for itself. Hyperbole such as disaster, catastrophe, etc are embellishments, but to say the game isn’t bad or just so-so isn’t a scathing criticism.

Anthem was treated the way it was due to ME3 and the narrative choices, for better or worse. People wanted to tell off Casey Hudson, and the game suffered unfairly. Granted it wasn’t a good game, it wasn’t as terrible as it was made out to be either.

Now on Andromeda, however, it was fairly criticized. The gameplay was fun and engaging, but the narrative and storytelling were given their fair treatment. That stuff was just bad, and the developer responses didn’t help either. The pathetic rants amounted to “I put mah heart and souuuulll into it”, and just because people worked really hard on something, doesn’t mean it was a good thing. People worked really hard in the sewers of London to get rid of fatbergs, but in the end all they achieved was moving shit around, and that’s more dignified than the trash we got in Andromeda’s writing and character animations.

Looking at the current marketing situation and the “Bioware hate” as you refer to it, I really think there’s more EA hate at this point. EA is blatantly manipulating the review scores by means of review embargos and selectively cherry picking only favorable review outlets, and in some cases we are even spotting reused catchphrases that indicate signs of coaching by EA to say positive things about the game. They do this in light of the consumer sentiment about preorders “Not touching this or preordering, I want reviews first” is a common sentiment amongst their video comments telling their marketing engagement experts to use dirty tricks like review manipulation.

I’d honestly love for Veilguard to be fantastic, but the layoffs and staff turnover tell me they didn’t value their developers, didn’t value the product, and don’t value the art or anything really beyond making some flashy flim-flam with marketable gimmicks. The reviews I’ve read mention that the characters in the game must definitely know what Tiktok is, due to the cringy dialogue, and that’s a review that gave it a favorable score.

Just wait until the objective reviews hit and this game is widely panned. That will draw the line between “hate” and “oh, this is actually shitty”, and make things especially clear.


There have been more positive reviews so far than negative, and not a single post has shown any proof that EA is manipulating reviews and cherry picking. The only thing we’ve seen is one guy at fextralife throwing out conspiracy theories about how EA hates him, another guy who’s apparently a racist and sexist asshat, and that’s pretty much it. Mortismal has even stated he wasn’t paid off or anything by EA and would be fined and his account deleted if he was and didn’t disclose that fact, which he didn’t.

Bioware has made two bad games, Andromeda and Anthem, two. One is objectively not that bad, the other is a game in a genre they’ve never dipped their toes into, and the biggest issue is that those two releases were back to back, so that apparently means they’ve gone to shit now and everything else they’ve created means nothing. It’s really sad how petty and ridiculous some people are over bioware. As for the EA hate that’s been around forever, but God forbid someone say something positive about a bioware game.

Do you have proof that EA is forcing reviewers to use catchphrases as you’ve said? I get it, we all have our hate boners, we all have our pet peeves, but damn son…the conspiracy theories and review embargo nonsense is just stupid at this point. Like you said let’s just wait for the objective reviews but how about we simply don’t write the game off because bioware apparently murdered our puppies.

Shadywack, avatar

This sure seems to indicate coaching on catchphrases. As for conspiracy theories, this isn’t a conspiracy, it’s pretty obvious. IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, and Polygon have a long history of rating games higher based on their budget and publisher influence. Standard review outlets are inconsistent, and since 2010 have been the butt of many jokes. This seven year old video from Dunkey albeit, satire, rather well breaks down the inconsistency between review outlet staff even highlighting their own subjective contradictions from individual reviewers (look at the bit about the Sonic game in this one).

When you look at the first wave of reviews given by those issued pre-release review copies, the trend speaks for itself.

[Edit] Mass media manipulation never happens, no, never, there are no American soldiers in Baghdad


You know, I was honestly going to give you some credit for trying, but then you edited your post and decided to turn the conversation political. Your entire argument has lost all credibility, these are video games, please try not to take them so seriously, have a nice day.

Shadywack, avatar

Lol, how is that political? It’s a “water makes wet” kind of thing. I’m sorry you have such fragile feelings about Bioware and don’t like the narrative. If it’s any consolation, it’s not even the same people who made the prior games. Whether the game’s a massive success or financial failure, EA’s just going to fire them all anyway. That’s cool though, we’ll see how it looks on the Steam reviews this weekend. If past experience is any indicator, whenever a publisher resorts to funny business, it’s because they have to. Nobody was needed in the defense of BG, MDK2, BG2, NWN, Kotor, Jade Empire, ME, ME2, DA:O, DA2, SW:TOR, DA:I, etc.

I don’t even really care about the studio anymore to be honest, after the layoffs and turnover, we have no idea whether this crew delivered or not, and judging from the review oddities, it paints a bleak picture. Let them sink or swim based on what EA allowed them to do, then through no true fault of their own, face a studio closure because of the obtuse fuckwads in EA corporate. Either way, the future sucks for the gaming studio called Bioware, in name only.

simple, do games w Is there a video-game .ics/calendar that I can subscribe to keep up with recent releases?

Yes! There’s which is available in ics format. It usually only covers big releases though, not many indies on the list.

Sunny, avatar

Appreciate the find, but doesn’t seem to be very up to date. Hasn’t included either Stalker 2 or Path of Exile 2, which both launch during November.


anyone else getting 403 for the feed itself?


I just tried and got it. Might be worth shooting them an email.

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