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Shares aren’t necessarily voting shares, but I don’t know how that works and if it’s even relevant for the private Valve corporation.

So maybe Gabe Newell does have full control over Valve, or he might not.

It’s definitely interesting that it’s only 25%.


Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was the first game I played. So great that I even bought it on disk, to buy it again on Steam.

In general LEGO games are fun and through collaboration with other IP’s, there’s so many different awesome games. Many of them quite cheap in sales.


Iirc they did make changes to the engine, which would have required paying an external developer to port it again. It’s sad to see but it’s the reality of native games without a Linux dev in-house.

What I’m more angry about is how they didn’t make the proton version default, instead they kept the useless offline Linux native port. I’ve read too many comments thinking Rocket League online doesn’t work on Linux.


Yes, but especially for 3D games this often leads to worse performance and bugs, since the developer still has to be able to test the build. The big reason proton is so great is that Valve is responsible for fixing games on proton, while the dev just has to support a single (Windows) build.

Obviously some devs also fix a bug only found with proton, but it’s something they optionally do, without taking responsibility for fixing all bugs.

If it was so simple for a game studio to release on all platforms, we’d have macOS x86 & macOS ARM builds too.


Iirc they also use BattleEye in addition to EAC, so depending on their implementation it might not be as simple (unless they put in some work).

Epic talks about anti-cheat on Linux not being good enough for them since they aren’t kernel level. Which might be fair since Fortnite is big, altough most people probably won’t change their OS while cheats are also available on Windows anyway. At the end of the day Fortnite is only one of many games which don’t support anti cheat on Linux for whatever reason.


This article is based on an article from Eurogamer in 2012 [1].

There’re more recent similar rulings like in France in 2019 [2], but Valve already appealed. It will take many years until there’s a final decision.




I don’t like this decision, since I know the lack of support for different platforms than Windows as someone playing on Linux. Valve invests into proton and thus game support on Steam Deck and ChromeOS, so I’d have thought they’d make sure CS runs on macOS too.


Doesn’t setting max ping fix it for you? Or is the servers themselves that are the problem?


Linux fanboys like to hate on Nvidia, but their GPU’s usually work fine on day one and have performance parity with other OS.

What isn’t good is that they don’t support some newer features that work on the open-source drivers from AMD and Intel, namely Wayland. But even that’s constantly getting better and won’t be a problem for long.

Also, the proprietary drivers made some problems a few years ago that resulted in a black screen after the update. But as I said, that’s been years ago and was simple to fix.

Now I’ve talked about those Linux fanboys like myself and do recommend AMD GPU’s over Nvidia. It’s great that they work ootb without having to install drivers, but that’s only for gaming. E.g. machine learning apps like stable diffusion make the AMD driver situation way worse than Nvidia.

Don’t let yourself be discouraged by overly dramatic comments! Try it for yourself and it’ll probably be fine.

Chewy7324, (edited )

Agreed, it’s a good system and is more accurate than 128tick, even though it’s not perfect. E.g. the client still only shows the muzzle flash on the next tick, so up to 16ms after the shot was actually fired [1]. This is probably one of the reasons some people can tell the difference between 64 and 128tick, as the game might feel more accurate, even though the hit registration isn’t in any meaningful way.



A tick is like a snapshot of the game state, i.e. where each player is, what they are doing, where they are looking etc. The tick rate describes how often this game state is calculated by the server and sent back to the clients (our PC’s).

The main reason why CS:GO 128tick server are so much better than 64tick server is because in Global Offensive the server doesn’t know exactly when each player pressed a button. The server only knows the tick in which a button was pressed or a head was shot. This leads to a tiny bit of discrepancy between what you actually did and what the server thinks you did (e.g. you were on the head but the game thinks you missed since in a single tick the player moved out of your crosshair). 128tick makes this more accurate.

Btw. this is also the reason why we need jump throw binds for smokes, since the jump throw only works if both buttons are pressed in exactly the same tick. Not even pro players can do this consistently.

CS2 provides the server with the exact time at which you shot, at which time your crosshair was on the target and at time you pressed a button. This means the hit registration is exact and doesn’t happen only every 16ms or 8ms on 128tick servers. Thus CS2 64tick hitreg > CS:GO 128tick. But there’re other factors in play which decide how the game feels, which is why 128 tick still has (minor) advantages in CS2.

Hopefully that helped. If not, feel free to ask and I’ll explain as far as I know. This topic is still developing and there’s much misinformation floating around.


The events that are sub tick (not all are) aren’t more precise with 128 tick, since they are already time stamped with the exact time.

128 tick still has advantages for game feel and things like peekers advantage. Altough the latter is mostly down to each player’s ping in the match.

The 4 reason’s I’ve gathered why Valve probably doesn’t want 128 tick servers are:

  • server cost
  • people with slow internet
  • people with slow computers
  • smoke lineups are different on 128 tick vs 64 tick

The last point is really annoying with CS:GO since I have to learn different smokes and have to remember for which tickrate they are. Since the physics are calculated tick by tick, it’s difficult to make smokes the same on different tickrates.


Why not update the game state every millisecond? Or when any action is taken by any player (which is what the subtic thing sounds like)?

Updating the game state every millisecond on the server would cost too much resources without a tangible benefit. 64 tick to 128 tick doubles the CPU usage while decreasing the time between each calculated game state (tick) by 8ms. Updating every 1ms (1000 tick) would have 16 times your CPU usage compared to 64 tick. E.g. if you currently have 320 fps you’d only have 20 fps.

[what’s] preventing it from being done that way? Bandwidth? CPU speeds?

Exactly. If people currently have a varying ping or packet loss, increasing the tick rate would male their experience worse. It would also be worse for anyone matched with those players. This is already the case with those players that have jittering movement.


This video explains how the netcode is better than some people falsely claim. It’s only at the end that they want 128 tick for Premier mode, but that’s not a good idea.

Another example of a video that debunks a video which claimed CS2 had an input lag problem. [1]



Valve announced the day Danger Zone was released with a similar tweet.

What are you doing next Wednesday?


What are you doing Wednesday?

So it might just be a big update, maybe with Danger Zone.

We really don’t know.

Can Pirate's Bay be considered "safe" if it is used only for non-executable multimedia content? angielski

Basically I want to download a serie in a specific language and absolutely nowhere I can find it and recently I saw that the serie is available in the language I want in The Pirate’s Bay but I know the bad reputation of the site and I have never used it....


Yes it’s inexcusable in my opinion that they want over 1000€ for a single movie. 600€ is still a lot of money but asking so much more than the “damage” is obviously worth is just…

I heard of some people who actually paid the fine they were asked for, since they didn’t know better (it wasn’t them but an exchange student from a country where torrenting media isn’t an issue, or so they said).


It doesn’t necessarily have to be a complete iso, but a part of the “Linux ISO” is enough. Since your still helping others complete their “ISO” illegally.


YouTube supports 160kbps opus, which should be pretty much transparent to our ears. But the audio is reencoded in the uploaded video, which then gets reencoded by YT again.

These multiple lossy reencodes are probably why YouTube audio sounds worse then Spotiy. Artists upload there songs as lossless wav/flac, which the gets reencoded/compressed a single time.


And I’m not even allowed to read the content because I’m neither logged in nor on mobile.

Media server angielski

Relatively new to this but, I finally got my media server up and working! I want to improve the success of the search function though. Is there a way to know if content is on usenet but my indexer is not good enough? I would rather steer clear of torrenting for now. How do I go about finding good indexer?


It allows for managing indexer/tracker from only one place for all *arrs. I usually set the apps to “Full Sync”, so I never change anything in each of the apps (e.g. radarr).

It also provides some statistics, like how many file grabs each indexer gave you compared to others. This might help to decide which of the paid ones are actually useful (useful for usenet indexer).

If your not resource constrained (e.g. rpi), I’d recommend prowlarr. It makes things more streamlined imo.


My point was mostly about the added RAM usage if running prowlarr (or any other additional web server). It’s probably not an issue with Pi4s since they have more RAM. I’ve seen prowlarr use quite a bit CPU while syncing, but that was only for a short time.

So it’s probably save to ignore my comment.


Server lists have it’s place and I hate how many current multiplayer games don’t expose it (they most definetly have it for development purposes).

But most people playing these competetive games want a rank to compare themselves and also be able to rank up. They also want to be placed in a match according to their skill group eithout wauting for someone to leave. A server list isn’t compatible with those features.

At least that’s what I gathered from people online and my friends who were opposed to messing around in a private lobby. Luckily CS:2 will most definetly have private server support with server lists and mods.


Unless the ad is served on the same domain as the video. There’s no way to block the ad through DNS without blocking the video too.


According to the readme it downloads the songs from youtube or other sources and then adds metadata after reencoding. This means tracks might include unwanted audio from a yt music video.

But I also used tools like this in the past, they work great.


Depending on the bot you might not know where the audio is coming from. Most tools I know of download from youtube and add metadata (title, album, artist, …) but sometimes also include noise from a music video.

Though Bots in general are awesome.

What about non-torrents sites serving cracked software? angielski

Everybody talks about torrenting, but recently when searched for some software I stumbled on regular sites with extensive collection of cracked programs. There’s many of them, but what I looked at closely was filecr . com and what I’ve seen puzzled me. They have many, many releases. Old, recent what you need. All neatly...


Look for monetization. Bandwidth costs money which makes torrents great since ideally everyone shares the burden.

Ads alone probably won’t cover the burden, so they either have a subscription or have another agenda. Some might be legit for a while to sell out to the highest bidder at some point.

That said, there’re some examples of someone just loving to distribute e.g. Wii or older games. They usually have really slow download speed though.


Just wanted to add that you might want to use real-debrid or a VPN, depending on your jurisdiction. Nothing worse than your mom receiving expensive letters. Though I guess it’s not a problem since you’ve been doing it for a while.

What's the best way to get German content? angielski

I’ve recently got the arrs under my command and they work great with with qbittorrent and prowlarr for public trackers. But since there’s almost no public German trackers, there is just use et or private trackers. Getting into a private tracker seems hard and I have never used usenet before, so what is the best course of...


If you’re using Radarr/Sonarr, I can’t recommend this guide enough if you want german + english dual language media.…/radarr-sonarr-german-dual-language

Usenet is great once I got SceneNZB recommended. They include content from House of Usenet, a forum for german usenet (getting media from forums can’t be easily automated, which is the big drawback of HoU).

I also found DrunkenSlug recommended, but everything I wanted in german was also on SceneNZB anyway.


I found prowlarr great because it provides stats about how the different indexer perform. This makes it easier to decide which providers I don’t need.

Missing German Torrentio + Real Debrid Shows angielski

I’ve managed to successfully setup the Stremio + Torrential + RD trifecta, but I am extremely disappointed in the amounts of German torrents. There are plenty of English and Russian ones, but I very rarely find on in German and therefore I can’t use the service with my family....


There just aren’t many german torrents, at least on public trackers. Might be because of this law firm that constantly sends out letters asking for hundreds of euros per infringement.

I’ve had more luck with Usenet, especially the indexers SceneNZBs and DrunkenSlug. The former is a collaboration with the forum House Of Usenet, which gives me almost always the result I want (e.g. remux, german english dual language).

Automation with *arr works great, but it’s not the type of search and play like with Torrentio + real-debrid. Downloading the entire movie/show takes time depending on the bandwidth.


Indexers are search engines for usenet, just like trackers allow for searching for torrents. You’re curently using torrent trackers through Torrentio, which downloads the torrents through RD. RD then streams the media to you. This is convenient but as far as I know only works with public trackers, since most private trackers require you to directly upload as much as you download.

Yes, the *arr apps download the requested media through torrent or usenet. They usually run on a server (old laptop, RPi, …). They allow for searching and then automatically downloading content in the right resolution, language and size through torrents or usenet. This downloaded media might then be watched through Jellyfin or Kodi.

If you use torrents directly (public or private), always use a VPN in Germany. Downloading through usenet isn’t a big risk without VPN, just like torrents with RD isn’t risky either. Using *arr with torrents means a VPN is necessary to avoid unfriendly letters.

So, is the goal here is to replace Torrentio and hook it up to stremio by itself?

I don’t know whether Usenet works with Streamio but there might be a plugin. It might be that Streamio just doesn’t work well for german content.

Sorry, it’ll be difficult beating Streamio + RD in ease of use and cost. I’m using *arr and Jellyfin which means I have a server (desktop pc) with a big HDD running 24/7. Since I’m using usenet the cost of indexer and provider comes on top.


Yes, one of the main reasons I set up *arr was that I have a server running anyway, so I better put it to good use. RD seems gets mentioned a lot and after trying it out for a few weeks the value and simplicity is great.

Glad to hear that you’re family is bilingual as I won’t get far with english only with mine. That’s a major reason I switched to usenet as it’s easier to find dual language content than getting into private trackers.


Not anymore. It’s possible to get the hardware survey in gaming mode on Deck for months now (I got it iirc).

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