Pechente, (edited ) do gaming w What would you be interested in out of a modern games focused journalism outlet?

Some people might argue it’s a different thing but for me individual YouTubers have replaced the role gaming magazines / websites took in the past. I follow a few who tend to enjoy the same games as I do. They usually do not release their videos right when the embargo is lifted but take a bit more time - which I enjoy.

That said, I could see how a fediverse focused gaming outlet might fill a niche. I don’t think anything like this exists yet and existing outlets barely have a presence here (or I didn’t notice, I haven’t exactly been looking for this).

Platform27, do gaming w hardware: use TV as a monitor?

A TV will do, for a child. He doesn’t NEED anything fancy. Will it be a great experience? Absolutely not. Others here have already gone over the issues. That being said, if cash flow is an issue (relatable), it’ll be fine. Console gamers have been doing it for literal decades. I also used to do it, back when I was a kid, when we had an old 480i TV. Your kid should be grateful that he can play his games. People can spend too much time worrying about not getting the best experience (especially when giving advice to others), when it’s often not needed.

Jamie, do gaming w Super Mario Wonder's online multiplayer may be disappointing, but we have already witnessed that the alternative would be far worse. avatar

and since the game was not designed with modern network tools in mind such as rollback (which would probably be too heavy for the Switch)

Rollback netcode has been around since Quake in the 90s. It’s not a very new or computationally intensive technology, relatively speaking.


But this is Nintendo.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

There is a fundamental difference in resource allocation when each client is running the simulation rather than a server, which is the difference between Quake and a fighting game.

conciselyverbose, do gaming w Starfield Review Thread

This seems positive enough for me to buy it, even though I haven't even finished part 1 of BG3 yet lol.

emptyother, avatar

Im near the end of BG3, and “stuck”: I’m just unwilling to end it. Happens often with RPGs for me. So a good time to take a break and play something else.


I bounce around between games a lot, so I was never going to be done before anything else came out, but they should definitely scratch different itches, also. They might both be big RPGs, but I fully expect to be able to play Starfield with stuff in the background and there's just too much narrative to do that with BG3. I also just itch for more actiony stuff at times (right now that's a 2D pixel art game called Chasm). Even if I drop 20 hours in a game before switching to the next one, one game isn't going to actually be the only one I play for that long, personally.

Coelacanth, avatar

Yeah I feel this too with games that really hit me. You get so invested in your character and your playthrough that you don’t want to let go of your save, so instead of committing down the last stretch of main quest you maybe boot it up, scrounge out a fight somewhere or do some small remaining side quest, then run around town mindlessly a bit and shut down the game.

I had that happen with Cyberpunk earlier this year and I’m feeling it starting to set in with BG3. The allure of a second playthrough is stronger here, though, so that might help me stay the course.


"Once we head out, you won’t be able to return to your hometown for a while. Are you ready to leave?"

  • Yes
  • No

So many moments like this in RPGs that make it hard to leave just by saying that. I get so sad and I have to walk around saying goodbye to everyone in the whole area before I depart.


I’m in the last act and nearing the big bads… But bugs are getting more frequent. One of them allowed me to traverse the entire foundry without starting a fight. One bug wouldn’t let me remove one of the party members from my group after they got knocked unconscious and I couldn’t help them up.

So it’s been a slog of frequent saves and reloads. Still enjoying the game, though. And can’t wait to start a 2nd playthrough.

Coelacanth, avatar

Patch 2 came out yesterday and was supposed to address some Act 3 issues. Have you played since then? I’ve also noticed some bugs in Act 3 but nothing gamebreaking thankfully.

RandomUserName123, do piracy w Starfield leaked video

Google “starfield 45 minute gameplay” and its the first result?

Virual, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

HEVC 10 bit in order to reduce banding for animation, especially during dark scenes. I know H264 Hi10 exists, but it has poor hardware support, so using HEVC 10 bit is the best option (I don’t own a single streaming device that supports HW accelerated Hi10, besides my PC). Also, an added benefit is reduced file size. I find that doing my own encodes is very rarely worth it, but when I do, I use FFmpeg in the CLI and not tdarr.

nix, avatar



Banding is that annoying color gradient you see sometimes in dark scenes.


On the left is 8 bit and on the right is 10 bit.


Hold up. That entire image is 8-bit. It’s a JPEG image. JPEG can’t encode more than 8 bits per channel. Nor can most displays, including mine, display more than 8 bits per channel. And yet the left half of your image exhibits far worse banding than the right half.

The left half looks more like 5 bits per channel rather than 8. You’d see that kind of banding in gradients back in the days of Windows 3.1, when 16-bit color was common. (16-bit color uses 5 bits each for red and blue, and 6 bits for green.)


It’s an exaggerated example to demonstrate the concept of banding more clearly, not a technical breakdown.


Then it should be marked as such. It’s highly misleading to anyone who doesn’t know better. Again, you’re demonstrating the difference between 5-bit and 8-bit color, not the difference between 8-bit and 10-bit color.


The purpose of the comment is to demonstrate banding. The only reason I marked it in bits is to show how banding can be reduced in video encodes by increasing the bit depth, not the specifics depths itself, it’s not a technical write-up.

aesopjah, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

I like that they donnt use the grid. Feels more natural. That being said, I would occasionally like a measurement tool or something so you can see if you’re within 5/60 ft or whatever

CmdrShepard, (edited ) do piracy w Need help to make a super simple setup for my mom !

Not that this was one of your listed options, but have you considered setting up your own Plex/Jellyfin/Emby server along with the *arrs and adding her to that? You can’t get much more snappy and Netflix-like than that.

I can’t imagine this would offer a very pleasant viewing experience for a first timer when it relies on stuff like YTS, RARBG (they need to update their page apparently), KAT, EZTV, and TPB. I can see the potential for her to be bombarded with a bunch of fakes and low quality rips.

OrangeXarot, do piracy w What's the deal with

Huh, doesn’t sound too bad. Adblocker takes care of the ads. Slow host, oh well. And the last point I don’t understand.


IGG /nosteam uploads presumably means that they are the sources of the games. I don’t know a huge amount about game piracy, but it sounds like IGG / nosteam are not trustworthy.

Infiltrated_ad8271, (edited ) avatar

IGG is very toxic website that has a history of adding various types of malware (both web and games), including cryptominers.
It's higher on that list, even though for some reason it only highlights the (barely coherent) silliness that it has DRM.

I'm not know the nosteam website, it's odd that they mention it on the list but it's not listed.


Never looked in IGGs direction ever since their spat with gog-games. It showed me they would bury other crackers if they had the chance.


FMHY’s mod team has moved from Reddit, or at least isn’t as active as they used to be.

They run a site where these lists are gonna be better maintained.

sylverstream, do gaming w Beautiful games?

Ori (both ones). Absolutely stunning platformer. One of the best games I’ve every played, just started a second playthrough.

OneRedFox, avatar

Ori and the Will of the Wisps has gorgeous art. The Luma Pools area is my personal favorite.

Omegamanthethird, do gaming w What's a good game you played with an awful tutorial?

2 of my favorites of all time. Final Fantasy VIII and Morrowind.

Final Fantasy VIII, to my knowledge, never once tells you that enemy levels scale. This wouldn’t be a problem if you never grinded fights (for exp, AP, items, etc). I think the intention was that you would never need to grind so you never would (the game is actually super easy). But people do grind, and you can level up very quickly if you want to.

Morrowind just drops you into the world, for better or worse. There are some prompts to familiarize you to menus. But that’s it. Most of the basic functions are self explainable. Except fatigue. Fatigue affects everything you do. And you won’t realize that it’s the reason whatever you’re trying to do isn’t working. Most players get frustrated and quit because they can’t hit anything with their weapon, not realizing it’s because their stamina bar is drained.


That explains a lot of things! I couldn’t get into Morrowind for this very reason


Morrowind was on another level compared to modern open world games. Map markers? Nah, fuck you. You get old world directions like “follow the road south east out of town and take a left at the fork then turn right at the crazy broken Dwarven machine and you should find the dungeon my brother went exploring”.

Then the main story quest giver tells me to “come back after two moons have passed” to continue… I thought that meant two MONTHS. Left the dude at level like 3 or 4 and came back a walking God of death because I nearly completed all guilds side quests in 2 months… Learned years later he just wanted me to wait 2 fucking days.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.
!deleted6508 avatar

Man, I have a buncha people giving me shit on my thread for BG3 asking if one of the encounters can be cheesed because the way it would be cheesed is hilarious. It’s a clone fight and I was curious if you could make the clone spawn naked and make the fight a non-issue. Now some people are upset and tell me I should just “play the game.” Is that not what I am doing? I was gonna do it anyway, I just wanted to know if I should save before hand if it fucked me over completely.

I like breaking games. It’s fun. I’ll play them the way they were “intended” once or twice; but after that I’m doing everything but that. Just to see what I can actually get away with. I thought that was the point of an interactive experience. Why the hell would I want to just do the canned ‘canon’ shit? I want to do all the things you can’t do in reality because they would hurt yourself or others. I want to test the limits of the game designer’s imagination. If I can think of it and they missed it or if they actually put that little detail in.


While I do enjoy cheesing fights in BG3, I’ve run into a few which seemed impossible if I didn’t find a way to cheese it, which is kind of a bummer. Shoving the big bad off a cliff should be a strategy, but shouldn’t be the only one.

!deleted6508 avatar

I don’t even really want to push the BBG off a cliff. I can’t loot him if I do that!


You may already know this because it's a big and recent game, but you can do this exact thing to a clone fight in Elden Ring

!deleted6508 avatar

That was what gave me the idea. I love Fromsoft games. :)

interolivary, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.
!deleted5791 avatar

Cyberpunk 2077 is purely an escapist game for me. The game itself sort of sucks, the side missions are mostly “go and kill this dude” or “go and steal this thing”, nothing you do has an effect on anything and it’s generally pretty uninspired and blah, but I bought it because I got it for under 20€ so I figured why the hell not.

It looks damn purdy though, and Night City is intricately built and has lots of small fun details. I love just wandering around the city, stopping at hole-in-the-wall noodle places (even though they might just be “window dressing”, and even if they’re not the restaurants in the game are totally pointless), or browsing the stuff at some market, etc. etc. etc. So even though I don’t like it as a game, I like the environment it provides (although honestly the constant in-your-face sexism gets pretty old…)


I personally really like cyberpunk, I wish the launch went better. Adding more features would have made it truly great.

I’m an achievement hunter. Normally once beating a game I uninstall and move on to the next game. But cyberpunk, I did three full playthroughs on very hard with different builds.

The story is really great the first playthrough, but for my second and third playthrough, I rush to level 14, grab the double jump, and just go exploring. I hit level 50 before talking to Takemura at the diner.

My favorite character is my third one, my corpo netrunner. Pre-patched contagion was just bonkers. You could walk into an enemy stronghold, look at someone, and command the whole building to die.

The game becomes a whole lot less fun when you’re that OP, but it felt like a reward, since the early stages of a netrunner build is the weakest build in the game.

!deleted5791 avatar

It’s absolutely got a lot of good things about it. While I don’t necessarily like it as such, I don’t dislike it either 😁 mainly the things that bug me are that the mechanics are a pretty generic sneak’n’hack clone and it’s very linear: nothing you do actually influences anything very big in the world except for some fairly inconsequential things, and you have no real choice in the larger picture of how things turn out.

I’m hoping the DLC, whatchamacallit, delivers on its promises of remaking some of the game to deliver more of what they originally promised.

massive_bereavement, avatar

Have you tried Cloudpunk?

!deleted5791 avatar

I have not! I was actually just eyeballing it in Steam the other day thinking about whether I’d want to buy it, so I think I’ll take this as a recommendation


Absolutely a recommendation. It’s extremely atmospheric. If you’ve ever wanted “drive” around in Blade Runner’s world, Cloudpunk is about as close as you’re going to get in terms of feel.


Cloudpunk has really nice atmosphere but is highly linear, almost to the point of belonging to the “walking simulator” genre. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but just don’t go in expecting much in terms of gameplay.

!deleted5791 avatar

Oddly enough I like walking simulators, even though Cyberpunk’s linearity irked me. I think it’s because I like my RPGs more nonlinear and with more freedom to decide how things go, but I’m fine with linear stories in games that don’t try to sell themselves as something else

massive_bereavement, avatar

That's probably why I recommended it. I spent more time with it going around aimlessly, hamging out in places than actually following the story.

I just want a Blade Runner sim so badly...

!deleted5791 avatar

I just want a Blade Runner sim so badly…

Right‽ I just started playing Cloudpunk and I’ve really liked it so far, and I had this exact thought. Cloudpunk is close and it’s great fun, but I would commit light treason if it meant getting a (good…) 1st person Blade Runner game on the market

edit: oh and thank you for the tip, it’s exactly what I was looking for

LilBagOfBunnies, do games w Summary of the recent Starfield Q&A (housing, companions, economy and more)

I doubt it will be, but I’m hoping that the parents will be Kitty and Red.

ono, do gaming w What are some open source games you can recommend for Linux?

These get mentioned a lot:

  • Mindustry
  • Unciv
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • Battle for Wesnoth

Bonus: they also work great on Android!

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