nerdschleife, (edited ) do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

Would suggest jellyfin over Plex due to the latter’s increasing corporate greed.

  • Radar - for movies
  • Sonarr - for series
  • Prowlarr - for indexing


  • Jellyseer - a nice frontend for the above
  • Bazarr - subtitles

This is a super simplified list, but the wikis are easy enough to get started with.

Edit: cjf has listed some useful links for the same

Appoxo, avatar

Mobile alternative (Android) frontend: NZB360

nevernevermore, do piracy w With PLEX blocking Hetzner Hosting, I'm thinking of Moving to Jellyfin, but I have some questions.

not really a striesand effect but I'd never heard of hetzner until plex blocked them and now im heavily considering moving my library over

Vaggumon, avatar

Check out the auctions, they tend to have some pretty great deals.

Appoxo, avatar

It’s not like Hetzner is a small player in the European datacenter VPS market. :p

jherazob, do gaming w What's your favorite example of developer's foresight? avatar

For decades, the phrase “The DevTeam Thinks Of Everything” has been the most common phrase to refer to the devs in the NetHack community, whatever foresight the devs of other games have shown, the NetHack DevTeam goes so much further, they tend to program even obscure interactions that a reasonable player would never find

phoenixz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

Don’t use Plex they regularly screw over their users.

Go for open source, go for jellyfin, it’s awesome

nudnyekscentryk, do zapytajszmer w Czy któraś partia ma w programie zmianę systemu wyborczego, żeby był bardziej demokratyczny? avatar

Razem oczywiście. Proponują głosowanie na wielu kandydatów z kolejnością preferencji (STV).

mrfriki, do games w Lies of P | Review Thread (83/100 OpenCritic)

Surprised by this. Played the demo and it was beautiful but kinda dull.


Yeah, I’m surprised there’s so much praise of the combat. There was a lot of feedback on the combat after the demo, so I wonder if they tightened it up before release.


I enjoyed the demo but I do hope they tweaked a few things. I hear they made the dodge more viable which should make it a much smoother experience


Demo is kinda punishing, the first boss is very spongy yet have crazy move that doesn’t really fitting for a first boss. It’s like fighting Champion Gundyr as the first boss in DS3.

kniescherz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?
kniescherz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

I would look into the zima board or zima blade, cheap but should be powerful enough. Otherwise there are really great server builds possible with low powered mini PCs possible. See Wolfgangs channel on youtube for inspiration.

You could use a raspi but there are more powerful options for a similar price.

WeebLife, do games w Lies of P | Review Thread (83/100 OpenCritic)

Damn. I played the demo and didn’t like it. But maybe I’ll have to give it another chance.

whitecapstromgard, do piracy w What are the best alternatives to The Pirate Bay in 2023?

I just search for “name of movie + download” in a non-Google search engine. Google does censorship right, but the others are usually good.

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

Doesn’t duckduckgo also censor it since it uses Bing as the primary search algorithm?


not as bad as google does


yandex is very good in this. often being able to read cyrillix helps.

yote_zip, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides? avatar

Hi I accidentally wrote a wall of text: can give you some inspiration on system architecture/layout. There’s a lot of right answers here depending on your situation, so you’ll likely want to research the various options and trade-offs.

Some common base architecture layouts that I know of:

Any Linux + no parity: Just throw Debian on a box, put Docker on it, and away we go. No data integrity, and data loss will be permanent, but it’s an option if you set up backups for your important data and assume the rest is expendable. If you want to start setting up parity on raw Linux you’ll probably want to move down to a more dedicated architecture below for less headaches.

OpenMediaVault + SnapRAID + MergerFS + backed by BTRFS disks: my personal choice for ad-hoc/budget setups. Great for having really flexible storage that lets you make use of all HDD space that you have laying around without fuss. You’ll need to sacrifice your largest drive to hold RAID parity and the storage architecture is not especially performant but that’s not a big deal for a media server. OpenMediaVault can run Docker for you on the host without needing to run it in a VM (and you should be using Docker for your software stack).

Unraid: Similar in storage architecture to the OpenMediaVault combo, but it’s not free. I don’t have personal experience with this one but a lot of people like it. IMO this option would only make sense if you want a turn-key system and don’t want to think about anything on the software side. It has turn-key “apps” that are just Docker behind the scenes (to my knowledge).

TrueNAS Scale: This will be running ZFS for storage, but ZFS has a lot of problems with storage flexibility. You need to really know what you’re doing when designing your storage layout, and you probably won’t get full usage out of the HDDs you have laying around. In exchange, ZFS is bulletproof for data integrity and makes full use of your drives’ combined speed. You’ll likely be giving up 50% of your total HDD capacity to run ZFS - either explicitly by running mirrored drives or by running mismatched RAIDZ1/2 (which makes all drives become the size of the smallest disk). I would recommend a mirrored setup for home use due to its flexibility - it gives up more space than RAIDZ but it’s able to be upgraded easier in the future, so you can throw random drives that are on sale into your system when needed. You could write a book on ZFS’s complexities and trade-offs and I’m sure many have. TrueNAS itself is basically just a turn-key appliance to run a ZFS storage server, but the “Scale” version also comes with the ability to install apps via some Kubernetes+Docker thing. It’s still in beta and I hear a lot of people have problems with how the app system is designed, so if you go this route I’d recommend installing Debian/Alpine Linux under TrueNAS Scale in a VM with something like this method, and running normal Docker on that VM. TrueNAS is otherwise very locked down and if your usecase is not supported by them you’ll probably need to bail out to a VM anyway.

Proxmox + TrueNAS + Docker Host: This has all the caveats of ZFS from before. Proxmox is just a virtualization hypervisor that you can put other operating systems on, via VMs and LXCs. The easiest way to use it in a NAS configuration is to install Proxmox on the bare metal, then spin up a TrueNAS Core/Scale VM and pass through your HDDs to that (may require special hardware consideration). You’ll probably want to run a minimal Debian/Alpine Linux VM under Proxmox to hold your Docker stack. Then you can use an NFS/SMB mount to get access to your ZFS storage from your Docker VM. You can also run ZFS raw on Proxmox without the GUI of TrueNAS, but you’ll have to manage it by CLI. Proxmox can be more difficult to understand than the other architectures, but personally I think it’s easier to use once you do. It allows greater flexibility on the software side via snapshotting VMs and building up/tearing down operating systems at-will.

Proxmox + OpenMediaVault + SnapRAID + MergerFS + backed by BTRFS disks: Same as Proxmox+TrueNAS, except instead of TrueNAS you run OpenMediaVault’s storage stack to give yourself flexibility with HDDs. You’ll might also want to move your Docker stack into its own VM instead of running it on OpenMediaVault, but this isn’t required. While this is technically an option, it feels a bit weird. If you want to dive head-first into a robust server setup but don’t want to buy a bunch of new drives, this could work in a pinch.

Personally my two recommended options are the OpenMediaVault stack or the Proxmox+TrueNAS stack, depending on if you want to buy new drives for a clean storage layout. Keep in mind these blurbs are just a crash course on each option and there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that will also need consideration/planning.


Thank you a lot! I’ll look into it!

comicallycluttered, do gaming w What's your favorite example of developer's foresight?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Although, it’s less foresight for random actions and more of a way to set the tone for the rest of the game.

There are two possible outcomes of how one of the early missions plays out, depending on actions you wouldn’t initially consider.

There’s a hostage crisis and if you don’t listen to Sarif and get to the transport on time, they’ll all be dead when you arrive there.

Thing is, you’re not really given like a ticking clock on the top of your screen or anything. And in most games, you expect the “meet me there now” thing to not actually matter much, because oftentimes NPCs will act either as if we’re perfectly on time or just make a minor note about it in dialogue. We’re also used to most missions starting the same or only with minor differences depending on choice, but there is no explicit choice here.

So if you treat it like any other game, ignore the quest marker, and just wander around the building, exploring and looking for interesting shit before actually leaving, you arrive at the location and get berated because you took too long and now a bunch of innocent people are dead because you were fucking around.

If you go immediately, you have a chance to actually save them all.

I think you’ll actually find a lot of stuff like this in immersive sims, just due to their nature, although it’s less “we know you’re going to do this exact thing” and more “you’ve got freedom and we know you’re going to do something we didn’t expect, so we’ll embrace that instead of limiting your options”.

I know that when Arkane was developing Prey, they knew the GLOO Cannon was going to be experimented with in a bunch of ways that they couldn’t necessarily anticipate, so instead of imposing limits on it, they embraced it, gave the gun to you at the beginning (well, very close to beginning) and just said “go wild”.

They basically turned what would otherwise just be a random, only semi-important utility into a super useful tool for traversal and combat engagement. Went from “cool, does gluey things” to “okay, I’m going to make a staircase with this thing because it looks like there’s something up there”.

Apparently, they were inspired by Bethesda’s famous lack of usable ladders up until that point, which is pretty funny. Or rather, they used that as a metaphor for design in general (though, they did put up posters or notes or something that just said “NO FUCKING LADDERS”, if I recall, but I’ll have to find the video/article about that later).

It was basically this approach of “there doesn’t need to be a ladder if you can make one yourself”.

LeonardHawksmoor, do piracy w Is there a way to seed things I have downloaded but already deleted the torrent for? avatar


Go back to the tracker you got the file from and re-download the torrent. Make sure your client is pointing to the correct location where the file is stored. [set location, verify local data] and it should just seed it.


Dam, I was hoping there would be an easier way


It is literally that easy.

The torrent client will just see the file in the correct spot on disk and assume it’s downloaded already.


Dude if you are always using the same download folder you just have to start torrent again. It cant be easier unless someone else do it for you

Kitikuru, do piracy w With PLEX blocking Hetzner Hosting, I'm thinking of Moving to Jellyfin, but I have some questions.

I’m curious on how you have your setup and which tier you have? I currently have a basic tier virtual server with them for a few microservices

Vaggumon, (edited ) avatar

I have 2 servers through Hetzner, both I got from the auction side of the site.

My lower end server is what I use to run my seed box and up till now PLEX. I use the Higher end server to run some work projects and for experimenting with.

$75 US Per Month:

  • CPU - Intel Core i9-9900
  • RAM - 128 GB
  • Drives - 2x 10TB (RAID 1) + 1x 512 GB NVME SSD
  • Running Ubuntu as the OS.

$145 US Per Month:

  • CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
  • RAM128 GBDrives
  • Drives - 2x 4TB SSD (RAID 1) + 1x 480 GB NVME SSD
  • Usually runs some flavor of Linux.

Thanks! I just found out about the auction option through this post. I’m curious, given the price per month, wouldn’t it be better to self host with similar hardware? Higher upfront cost but lower over time I’d think?

Just curious because I’m thinking about switching up my setup, self hosting Plex currently but lack the bandwidth that I’d likely get if I moved to a hetzner server.

Vaggumon, avatar

Oh yeah, would be lower cost over time for sure. For me though, internet is kind of crap in my area and the work server gets a ton of access from coworkers. And my sister in another state watches movies and tv shows on my Plex. Both these server get over 1.2 gbps up and down. There is also no cost if I have a hardware failure. There are pros and cons for sure, like I’ve been wanting to do some stuff that could really benefit from a GPU but not really an option with the auction stuff.


Awesome. Yeah that would be one of my concerns for what I have now. My internet service is some pretty terrible residential internet so my upload speeds are absolute garbage here but I have some good hardware for Plex/jellyfin.

How’s transcoding on the hetzner server? Any issues there at all? In any case thanks for all the info!

Vaggumon, avatar

99% of stuff worked fine, but when I had issues it was a random error about server being under powered which wasn’t true at all lol. Someone on a forum suggested using the official windows app from the store and once I moved to that for client side access, never got the error again.

Keep in mind though, if you plan to do Plex from Hetzner, after Oct 2nd it won’t work anymore. But others here have suggested JellyFin instead. I’ll be testing that out this weekend, and if all is good moving over from Plex all together.


Yeah I’ve been wanting to make the full jump to jellyfin anyway. The only thing holding me back really was some extra services I was using that were Plex only. Posterr for example, but jellyfin is on the roadmap and I can just roll my own version until then. The mobile clients have at least gotten pretty good as well for JF.

Vaggumon, avatar

Well, good luck, and I hope if you try it out, Hetzner works out for you as well as it has for me.


Thanks! And again thank you for all the answers and advice!

weeahnn, do games w Lies of P | Review Thread (83/100 OpenCritic) avatar

Huh didn’t really follow the game, but it’s nice to see the twink dark souls getting some good reviews.

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