avater, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

Luetin09 for Warhammer Lore.


I’ve been really obsessed with Attenborough 40k where it’s all 40k lore voiced by David Attenborough w AI


That dude’s content is solid.

Kovu, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

Jacob Geller

!deleted7120 avatar

Seconding Jacob Geller. All his videos are amazing.

jordanlund, do xbox w What are you playing this weekend?
!deleted7836 avatar

Flipping back and forth between Baldur’s Gate 3 and Starfield. “Baldur’s Field” as it were.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

Really looking forward to Baulders Gate 3 on Xbox to release.

B0NK3RS, do xbox w What are you playing this weekend? avatar

I remember Quantum Break being really good but then getting quite difficult late on. Also it would have been great to play it with an S/X update.

Now that Spiritfarer is back on Gamepass I want to give it a second go.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

I’m on chapter 2 right now on Hard and rocking it.

Sordid, do gaming w Cosy, brainless games when you're sick avatar

AER: Memories of Old


Both are very relaxing games about being a bird and flying around a beautiful, somewhat surreal landscape.

tranzystorek_io, avatar

Probably should mention Fugl

Sordid, avatar

Also, Vane.

ghoscht, (edited ) do piracy w [Request] Remove ads from Duolingo?

You can create a Duolingo class which you can then join yourself. This gets you unlimited hearts and no further ads on the mobile version (at least from my experience). Creating a class has no prerequisites so just try it out. If you still want to be able to view the public leaderboard there’s a setting for that in the classroom settings, but it’s disabled by default.

Edit: I’m not sure if there are any other ads besides the premium and family ones, I’m running PiHole so your mileage may vary. I’m only talking about those 2 which PiHole cannot block.


Oh, this is an actual option? I thought the other commenter was joking.


yeah, I can confirm it works. I set it up around 2 years ago and I still don’t have ads and have unlimited hearts

Catoblepas, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 17th

I got into Voices of the Void recently and am enjoying it. I love sims and the idea of a sim about looking for signals from alien life grabbed me.

fraydabson, do piracy w Radarr + Real-Debrid setup guide?

Not sure if you use docker but I found this -

I really like real Debrid but my preferred method is using I’ve been using this for a while now and it’s great.


plex_debrid looks the way to go with. I was put off it because its name and I use jellyfin. Reading more closely it works with jellyfin, so cutting off the middleman (radarr) seems like a very good solution!

Is there anything special to know about it before trying myself? Any issues or roadblocks you had when setting this up?

Thanks for the answer!


Yeah I’ve tried it with both plex and Jellyfin. Plex has a more seamless experience with discovering new shows and movies and adding to wish list to see it available instantly. Though as I go more FOSS, I think it’s time to move back to Jellyfin. With Jellyseerr to find and request new media. It’s all pretty simple!

I use it with docker along with his fork of rclone with realdebrid support also in docker. Works great! I’d say my biggest annoyance is sometimes realdebrid gets a weird title of a show or movie which doesn’t mix well with how his rclone fork works.

His fork uses regex to parse names and move them into either a movie or tv show directory. If it can’t decide which one it belongs to it goes to a default. Plex handles this better than Jellyfin from what I remember. You would add tv and default to tv library and movie and default to movie library. Jellyfin would get confused and there’s no way to rename it or move it. You just need to find a different torrent. You can customize the regex and scraping profiles and even integrate it with torrentio.

but exciting news! on august 27 he announced the beta update for his rclone fork that will allow renaming/moving files and folders. As well as creating new folders and deleting parts of torrents instead of the whole thing. This is huge and will make operating it through Jellyfin much easier and prevent the issue I mentioned.


Interesting. I installed here but I may be doing something wrong with my setup, because just using Jellyseerr is not triggering a RD download. First, using jellyseer required radarr anyway, the setup is like following:

  1. Jellyseer request a movie/show, put that request via radarr
  2. radarr will try search for a torrent via indexers (not working right now)
  3. Download via Black Hole Torrent, which is basically monitoring plex_debrid folders

Still, not working as things aren’t communicating with each other correctly and I didn’t set any indexers (or set jackett).

My setup feels wrong or too complex, can you give a bit more of details on yours? How the parts communicate? :)


Hmmm. I don’t use radarr but this is how my workflow was for Jellyfin and jellyseerr

These are the steps from his GitHub but for my Jellyfin setup.

  1. Mount your real Debrid account via api token and rclone_RD. You know you did this right when you can browse the new realdebrid mounted directory and see all your shows and movies currently in your Debrid account.
  2. Setup Jellyfin as normal. Making sure to setup your libraries to use the Debrid mount. So tv shows and default for tv and movies and default for movies.
  3. Launch the plex Debrid main .py file and go through the configuration. Example:

First you choose a content service. Which for you would choose jellyseerr.

Next you need a library collection service (which might be the confusion) you do need to use either Trakt or Plex so that plex Debrid knows what you currently have in your library. Given you are doing a Jellyfin setup it’s prob best to use Trakt. Which means you need to hookup Trakt to your Jellyfin library so it knows what you already downloaded. If I’m remembering correctly this plugin is how I did this for Trakt + Jellyfin.

So now when you add a request via jellyseerr plex Debrid will first scan Trakt library to see if you already have it. If it doesn’t find it then it will push your request directly into your Debrid account after scraping for the best torrent.

Next step in the plex Debrid setup is library update service. Which you can set to Jellyfin. So that once real Debrid caches your torrent it will force a refresh of your full Jellyfin library to scan for new content.

Then there’s a few optional steps I’ll explain below but last important step is for **Debrid services ** which is when you’ll tell plex Debrid what your real Debrid account is via api key.

So full workflow would be request tv show or movie via jellyseerr, which check Trakt if you have it already and if not pushes it to torrentio to find a torrent for your request. Once found it uses your Debrid api key to automatically load the torrent into real Debrid. It will wait for Debrid to finish downloading and once complete it will refresh your jelly fin library and then you can watch it

To clarify , for my identical setup you wouldn’t be using radarr or black hole. The Debrid python script takes care of that for you.

That’s really it. The rest is optional to configure. library ignore service you can use a local ignore list or a Trakt library or local file and it knows what you’ve watched and doesn’t try to get it again.

Next optional step is scraper services I usually leave this as default which will scrape using torrentio.


Awesome and thanks a lot for putting the time to explain it like this.

So for some reason I got side tracked with radarr and didn’t see the need for trackt anywhere, but that seems the missing part on all this.

This also shows up that the Plex workflow is seamless (no Overseerr/jellyseerr need, no trackt need) than jellyfin right now.

Reading plex_debrid code, it seems it has some initial code on scanning current Jellyfin library, so finishing that code could remove the need of Trackt.

Now, one advantage of using Radarr ia that it will move and rename to a standad naming the incoming files, I think that only for this feature it is worth to keep it in the workflow.

So it seems like I’ll need to fix plex_debrid to understand existing Jellyfin library and remove the need of trackt!

Thanks a lot!


Awesome stuff! If you do fork or PR for seamless Jellyfin integration let me know! That’d be awesome. I know he’s been super busy lately and hasn’t been able to update as much as he wants.


Hey if you do decide to pursue finishing his Jellyfin library code you should definitely check out the discord. They have a channel for development.

Namely I saw a post from the dev back in February saying the reason he didn’t finish Jellyfin libraries, and still relies on Trakt, is because

Jellyfin doesn’t give out the IMDb ids of stored files easily.


Oh and because I’m recently learning to move over to NixOS (which comes prebuilt with packages for Jellyfin and jellyseerr) it has the default rclone but I’m compiling a NixOS package for his fork that I’ll push to the main repo when it’s done!


Wow that’s living in the future!


My thoughts exactly when I found it.

TheMadnessKing, do piracy w [Request] Remove ads from Duolingo?

Mobilism has Duolingo mods


How’s that work? Can you use your main account?


I’m pretty sure it’s safe.

Know_not_Scotty_does, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Kind of the flip of the question but far cry 5 was particularly infuriating when it came to bullshit plot devices that override the players choices/skills. The boss fights were rigged with fixed outcomes regardless of what you hit the boss with. The fact that you could hit an unarmored human in the head with a rpg and see the explosion but the game was just like “yeah but the story says he’s alive so he’s alive. Also he is about to wreck your shit for… reasons…” drove me crazy…

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

This kind of stuff was what turned me off the Armored Core “Spiritual Successor” game Daemon X Machina. So many fights involved scripted foes where it wasn’t obvious they were scripted as undefeatable until I’d burned out half my ammunition.


That’s kind of normal, isn’t it? There are often immortal characters, that simply can’t be killed or lost or whatever. Like the dog companion in fallout 4.


It's not uncommon, but can be very grating depending on the circumstances. Dogmeat and the other companions are immortal because Rule of Fun - losing them would suck, which is why it's limited to the more masochistic (not that there's anything wrong with that) difficulty settings. Far Cry games generally try to seem realistic apart from some trademark trippiness, so when you blast someone with a rocket and they just ignore it, it's a bit jarring.

In-universe I think the idea is that you're tripping balls, it's a go-to excuse for "why is this boss fight behaving weird" in the Far Cry series.

amio, (edited )

Exactly this, Far Cry 5 did "ludonarrative dissonance" in a big way. Also, fake open world. 3 and 4 just had a bunch of annoyingly stupid story developments: you going into some Obviously Bad Idea or Diabolus-ex-machina shit - which is still really grating if you're otherwise playing methodically and cautiously, but they happened during missions and didn't intrude on the rest of the game. 5's stupid unwinnable kidnapping parties and stupid mandatory "drug trips" sure did, though.

Modding that shit away, it's still a reasonable game, but ye gods the story was terribly executed.


That is part of why I liked New Vegas so much, they were just like “yeah you can kill Caesar in camp, go ahead, the story is now differerent and you don’t get these quests but oh well, your choice”


I was under the impression that ludonarrative dissonance was when you purposely try to subvert the way the game “wants” to be played, rather than you trying to do what the game wants and the game failing to interpret your actions in a realistic or satisfying way. Like the people who try to be law-abiding pacifists in GTA V or people using armor stands to turn Minecraft into multiplayer chess.

Odo, (edited )

It’s when there’s a disconnect between the storytelling and the gameplay. Usual example is Uncharted or the last Tomb Raider reboot: the main character wrings their hands over the possibility of having to kill a person, but the gameplay is you mowing down an army.


Or every action movie ever


I wish I disagreed with you, the only thing I can push back on is saying the open world is fake.

It’s a damn shame, because far cry 5 has by far my favorite setting of the series. I’d love for someone to take a second stab of that kind of setting.


The open world itself is not fake, but IMO the game is "No True Open World Game" as long as it keeps hijacking you all the time. The world itself is pretty deec. If you're on PC you can try the Resistance mod, it lets you customize the game a lot including how intrusive the main quest is.


Duly noted, I’ll check that out the next time I get the itch to play. I disliked that about the game. It’s actually my main gripe. I didn’t like being careful of not blowing up too much stuff so that I didn’t hit the “main quest threshold” or whatever.

I just want to enjoy the outdoors and kill peggies.

Are there any weapon mods? I found the variety lacking, beyond the broken dlc guns.


Tons. I think some are included in Resistance, or at least you can tweak certain things to be less airsoft-y. Haven't played in a while. Nexus has a bunch of stuff anyway.


I kinda liked the airsoft feel, though. Makes me feel like Rambo. I guess I know what I’m doing once I’m done with starfield.

Assuming hades 2 doesn’t come out before then lol

JaxiiRuff, do piracy w Which cracks and repacs works best on linux? avatar

I remember on the linuxcracks subreddit a couple people mentioned LinuxRulez or something. Basically games that were installable by being made into a single bash file.

Didnt know it was possible to install an entire game from an .sh file with a gui, but some talented mf did it. Thats how I pirated the sims 4 with all dlcs and it was so easy.


Yeah, and in terms of LinuxRulez, you can find their stuff on (use a Bulgarian proxy like but keep in mind nqma can be finicky. And you need an account for zamunda. Don’t use a password you’ve used anywhere else, I wouldn’t trust them with it).

MrEUser, do games w What are your Favorite and Least favorite genre names?
!deleted3991 avatar

You “thought” about this?

That’s what you went with?

Scathe… got “scathing” reviews. Articles were written about problems with the environmental design, weapon designs, lack of imagination in aesthetic appeal in the enemy designs, the AI… but not once did anyone point out a problem with it being in a sub genre called “boomer shooter.”

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin not only duplicated Quake by using the Quake engine, having amazing level design, and the 90’s appeal of run n’ gun, but it also matched Quakes failures in that the Dev team left and had to be replaced. Right now Wrath is stuck in perpetual Early Release with no completion date in site. I’m sure the reason for that is its sub genre of “boomer shooter,” right?

How about Amid Evil? I spent a couple hours streaming that last night. It was an absolute blast. I haven’t been on a caffeine bender like that in years. I’m looking forward to streaming it again as soon as possible. I can’t wait to play it and its new DLC that’s about to drop. Obviously Amid Evils success is going to be because of the term, “boomer shooter.”

That term has obviously done so much harm or good….

Or it doesn’t fucking matter at all and this is a frivolous waste of time to whine about (as I’ve pointed out in more than one article I’ve posted).

We could be discussing something useful, but what matters to people is their egos. How important it is what term is used for a class of FPS games? People tried to argue with me about the fact the term “boomer shooter” is years old. Something that two seconds on google would make clear. But ego… I have had several people tell me they’d KILL people for using the term… I guess that’s acceptable behavior?

Okay, you win. Focus on trivialities while the industry moves on shaking it’s head while you shake your fist at clouds. But please, don’t forget to complain about not being taken seriously and for damned sure point out something trivial in what I wrote here, because that will matter.


Yeah how dare this guy ask a frivolous question like this in the Games community of all places!!

!deleted3991 avatar

Thank you for defending him. I’m sad to see you were the only one. I had an ulterior motive for my post. I apologized to him and explained my motivation.


Whoa calm down, While I was a bit harsh, I definitely didn’t mean any hostilities you might have picked up from this.

Genre names are just names of the genres. They have no bearing on the actual quality of the games that they categorize. There are good games in poorly named genres and bad games in aptly named genres.

I was just sharing my thoughts on what the industry calls them and wondering what other people thought about them

!deleted3991 avatar

I know.

And I’m sorry for using you as the sacrificial lamb.

You have every right to ask the question, and you even did it reasonably.

I find it interesting that when I spend time writing an article and cross posting it, this is the level of vitriol I receive. It’s over the top and no one deserves this, especially someone that is just asking…

“Hey, what does anyone think about X?”

Least of all anyone that took their own time to publish something to spark discussion. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for not just posting a link to an article. Thank you for spending some time, considering, and then engaging.

I wish more people were inclined to do that. More people should rush to your defense for what I posted. Some people should even learn from it. Sadly, I doubt that will happen.

I honestly wish you well and hope you will post again in the future. I look forward to what you have to say.

stopthatgirl7, (edited ) do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories
!deleted7120 avatar

The Salt Factory is pretty good, although he does have a bit of an annoying voice. Still, he’s really funny.

For more literary theory-based interpretations, Jacob Geller. I loved his video “Judaism, Whiteness, and Wolfenstein” and “An Uncanny Reality” on Silent Hill 2 and Devotion.

EddyBot, (edited ) do piracy w With PLEX blocking Hetzner Hosting, I'm thinking of Moving to Jellyfin, but I have some questions.

If Jellyfin would do such stupid thing, somebody would fork it to a new project
in fact this did already happened in the past: Jellyfin was forked of Emby after they changed their license


Jellyfin is unable to do that because they don’t have centralised auth like Plex does.

Appoxo, avatar

Not like it could be implemented.
But the the community would (as OP said) fork the project.

cooopsspace, (edited )

There’s absolutely zero way that is going to get pulled into the actual Jellyfin project, hence a fork is unnecessary.

It’s unreasonable to take responsibility for apps a user runs on their server.

But when you all of a sudden see a heap of Plex IP addresses hitting your provider with mass media sharing rings you’ve got problems.

Jellyfin however is just serving HTTP/S. Thats it. You can’t ban Nginx or Apache.

JRaccoon, do nintendo w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-16 avatar

Just gave F-Zero 99 a go. It’s surprisingly fun and polished for a “free” game

slimerancher, avatar

But its a tough game. I am not even crossing 50. My last game I came 64th.

heyfluxay, avatar

Definitely agree.

The Grand Prix mode was quite fun. I think my best finish is 5th so far….

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