thermal_shock, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

L4D2. built a new computer for that game specifically after loving L4D. super fun arcade shooter that will never be uninstalled from my computer.


Unmatched experience

Dark_Arc, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

You should try Brighter Shores.

The original RuneScape developers and owners (i.e. Andrew Gower and his brothers) are back with a new game, at a new company, with an industry shattering $5.99/mo subscription price for all content.

No micro transactions, no pay to win, no outrageous DLC pricing, no bull shit … just a fun game with many similarities to OSRS but also modernizations, formula improvements, and lessons learned.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

You should try Brighter Shores.

I tried it, and it was really hard to get into. There are some pretty big glaring flaws of the game right now that make it simply unfun to play, in my honest opinion. One of them is the fact that it feels like RuneScape classic, rather than RuneScape 2. For example when you do activities like fishing, you have to click each individual fish over and over again to infinity. Which doesn’t feel enjoyable. Combat is also rather clunky, and there’s little dopamine involved. I also distinctly hate the fact that you cannot do what you want with combat, like you cannot be an archer. You only get like three arrows and then you have to use melee. Also it seems like skills are only usable in one area, once you move on to the next episode, there are no areas to practice those skills anymore. So it’s really not fair in my honest opinion to compare it to RuneScape at all. Once you get into the forest, there is no fishing spot as far as I’m aware… I can respect that people like it but it’s not for me

Dark_Arc, avatar

I mean, fishing is more comparable to mining in RS2, there are other skills (typically refinement oriented skills) that have more down time between clicks.

Combat I definitely feel needs refinement. Though, I actually do like the fact that combat is not “I have a bow and I’m shooting something 1 tile in front of me and/or safe spotting.”

The skills are only trained in one area, but they have interactions across areas. You use resources gathered in the forest in town and in the mines. The weapons you make in the mines can be tuned to any other location (etc…)

Andrew does a pretty decent job of explaining the thought process here if you’re interested:…/4442331835939160237

A lot of this is to solve the long time MMO issue of “new content is released but it’s only for high level players and long time layers in general have a ton of advantages in the new area.”

AceFuzzLord, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Haven’t been playing for a long time because I haven’t set up the xbox in a long while, but Borderlands 1. Have been playing that game on and off more than a decade now. I don’t think the base game (playthrough 1 only) on its own is 1000+ hours long, could be wrong, but it’s long enough, especially with the DLCs. I think I’ve beaten playthrough 1 and 2 with 2-3 of the characters and have yet to beat all the quests with any of them because of a certain DLC boss fight quest.

It’s a game I absolutely fell in love with. Started with the 2nd game, which my brother got, but I later got the 1st because I wanted to see how it was compared to 2 and I’m a bigger fan of the 1st game. Played the pre-sequel, it’s fun but not as good as 1 in my opinion, and have no experience at all with 3.

Varyag, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Monster Hunter. The first one I played, MH4U back in the 3DS days, I put 1,000 hours into. That was nearly 10 years ago, and I’m still playing the franchise to this day. Currently finally going through the Sunbreak expansion of Monster Hunter Rise on the PC, and noticing a marked improvement in my mental health over playing other games.


Also came here to recommend Monster Hunter. If these games grab you, there’s many hours of play in it for you.

vividspecter, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Morrowind. Although it’s more like play a few hundred hours every five years for me.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Wow, so many posts 😵‍💫 Sooo I think I’ll be the one to mention Elder Scrolls Online ^.^ I’ve got 1800 hours in that and miss it pretty bad v.v Am stuck on a laptop that can’t run it (nor much else) playably :-\ Anyway, it’s got many things to do. Three faction storylines, lots of side stuff (everything can be played at any level; people will take low-level characters into Trials and not even worry about it), crafting, character build funs deeper and more interesting than they seem, just plain wandering around peekifying all’ the Elder Scrolls places… Idunno, it just somehow kept me of all critters hooked for quite a while, which is very odd. I tend to get bored of things realquick 😅

I only have 800 hours in it but I suppose I can second (or, well, nth) Warframe? 😅

tburkhol, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?

It’s not going to replace flat screen gaming. It’s hard to be in VR for hours, especially when you have to manage battery life, but I’ve had a headset for a year or two now, and it’s still amazing where it’s good. I’m better with smooth moving, but I still prefer teleporting, for headache/dizziness.

Tried Skyrim, couldn’t make it stick - VR just isn’t right for massive open worlds. Halflife Alyx is amazing - it’s the right scale for VR, the attention to manipulatable objects is amazing, and some of the puzzles just couldn’t be done in 2D. Blade & Sorcery is good, too.

Games I keep going back to are Beat Saber, because I’m old and need something to make me stand up and move, and Mini-golf, which is mostly a focus for hanging out with remote friends.

HerrVorragend, avatar

Interesting take regarding Skyrim. In my opinion, open world games are THE thing that VR is perfect for and sadly has way too few options.

I want to be in a virtual world. Seeing the sunset or just sitting down in a tavern in Skyrim and watching the people belong to some of my unforgettable gaming moments.

It is those closed, specialised games that are not fun to me. Give me more Skyrim worlds and less fruit ninja or beat sabre.


I can see that. If you just want to hang out in a space, then VR Skyrim definitely has some cool places to hang, but how long are you really going to spend in that Skyrim tavern?

When OP asks whether VR is a long-term option, that’s what I think. My favorite 2D games I have 500+ hours, probably a half dozen of them; I can still go back to those, some 10+ year old, and sink another 50+ hours. The only VR game I have more than 50 hours is the mini-golf game that’s glorified chat.

For me, VR as an experience has been really amazing. It’s a level of immersion that’s just indescribably better than anything 2D, but each of those experiences has had limited staying power, which I think is because the physical demands of VR constrain my playtime and focus. I can left-mouse-button all day, but my back gets sore if I stand for three hours. So I can handle beat saber because I treat it like a gym session, but the idea of VR walking 7000 steps to Skyrim’s Throat of the World…just no.


A note about battery life, Bobovr makes a great strap that has modular batteries. I don’t think they’ve made a full kit for the q3 that has multiple batteries and a separate charging dock for the batteries like they did for the q2, though… Happy to be corrected on this! Either way, they greatly extend playing time.

The strap itself is really comfortable and the battery helps counterbalance the weight of the quest itself. I know one of the q3 versions has a fan built in and the design lets you lie on your back and just watch movies.

Edit: seems they sell the s3 batteries separately and the charging dock now, nice. Wish it came in a whole kit.

MossyFeathers, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Factorio, Warframe, Minecraft, Dota 2. However, the only two I’d still recommend are Factorio and Minecraft. Warframe’s grind seems to have finally burned me out for good, Dota 2 is bad. You’re not gonna have fun with Dota 2. The game concept is good, but like most competitive online games, the community fucking sucks.

In addition to Factorio and Minecraft, try Voices of the Void, The Long Drive, WEBFISHING, and Balatro.

Edit: oh yeah, and personally I have both Sims 2 and Sims 4 w/ all DLC (yeah, I toootally bought all the dlc) installed on my steam deck. Both fun games with their own ups and downs. Sims 2 is great vanilla, Sims 4 is great when heavily modded. Don’t bother downloading the F2P version of Sims 4 from Origin if you’re wanting to mod it with stuff like sacrificial’s mods. Those’ll break with every major update (and sometimes minor updates too!) and you can’t pause updates anymore. So, you’ll have to find alternative methods.


Honestly, by online gaming standards, I’ve found Dota pretty tame. Prehaps its just because I stick to more casual modes and have a high behaviour score, but I rarely see much more than a “GGEZ” at the end of a game, or players tipping mistakes. I think its been at least a month since the last time I saw someone hack, intentionally teamkill, or throw. Obviously, its still a competitve online game (toxicity isn’t rare), but the only other online game I can think of where I experienced less toxicity was Deep Rock Galactic.

MossyFeathers, avatar

Maybe the community has gotten better, but back when I played it wasn’t uncommon for mid to get salty because they fed early game and start feeding couriers to the enemy team.


Its possible I’ve just been lucky enough to avoid that part of the playerbase. Then again, my perception my also be skewed from spending so much time in Dead By Daylight, War Thunder, Minecraft and Counter Strike. At least in Dota, it takes some effort to kill more than a couple teammates.

Somsphet, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

For some context I have insomnia. Stellaris isa game I’ve been able to fall asleep playing. Eventually it auto pauses but that’s fine. It’s a game I will always play because I find it peaceful and relaxing

Ugurcan, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord with some mods took long enough to give up for me.


Star wars mods make it really fun

Montagge, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Dark Age of Camelot


Oh man, blast from the past.

That was my jam, way, way, way, way back when ;)

Was a RR10 Enchanter and RR10 Blademaster, plus a TL for both classes. I think my account is still lifetime comped.

Put wayyyy too much time into that :P


I played a good bit on the free Eden server last year and earlier this year and it’s still fun! I don’t know if that server is still going strong or not though.

ArmoredThirteen, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Factorio: Nothing more to be said here Terraria: Just such a good game with devs that truly care about it. I’ve been playing it forever Eco: Serious love/hate with this game. I’m tired of trying to save servers that are on the verge of collapse because of capitalist ideas Morrowind: :3

toddestan, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

The only two games I have that I’ve put more than 1000 hours in are Factorio and Rimworld. I’d highly recommend both.

CarbonatedPastaSauce, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

I think Destiny is the only game I ever put over 2,000 hours into, but Factorio might take the crown soon - 1800 and counting.

TheRealCharlesEames, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

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