chloyster, do gaming w Recommend me your favorite linear games!

I suppose I have to ask how linear. Like can it be mostly linear while having the chance to explore off the beaten path very briefly? Or like straight up hallway simulator.

Ive been using a site actually to rate games I’ve played so I’ll start listing some of my 5 and 4.5 star games that I would personally consider linear.

5 star games

  • Astrobot
  • Silent hill 2 (enhanced edition mod for PC, remake I’m still working through but it’s good)
  • Rayman origins
  • Mario and Luigi superstar saga (borderline linear)
  • Kingdom hearts 2 (you can pick the order of worlds at times and have the option to backtrack but not necessary
  • Mother 3
  • Re4 (og and remake both 10/10 to me)

4.5 star games

  • Chants of sennaar
  • Kirby super Star ultra
  • Halo 2
  • Rayman legends
  • WolfenStein the new order
  • Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
  • Dead Space
  • The last of us
  • the last of us 2 (has one shortish open area section)
  • Alan wake 2 (has some open exploration areas at points)
  • Celeste
  • The case of the golden idol

I could go on, and some are borderline linear, but these are my faves that mostly involve going from one moment to the next

Edit: the site I’ve been using. Feel free to check out my list of played games ordered by rating if you want more. I have a lot on there:…/type:played?pag…


Is it recommended to play the other Mother games before 3?

I’m waiting patiently on Astrobot to get within my feasible price range, I adored Playroom :).


Earthbound / mother 2 is also 5 stars for me and can definitely be played before hand. There is overlap in the antagonist and references but otherwise mother 3 takes place an incomprehensible amount of time in the future. I didn’t include earthbound since its a tiny bit more backtracky and explory but tbh it’s about as linear as m&l superstar saga so I’d def recommend it if you want to play!

missingno, avatar

Strongly recommend playing Earthbound before Mother 3. Mother 1 is entirely skippable, I've tried to play it multiple times and never could get through it.

subignition, do games w Suggestions? Games that won't make me feel alone? avatar

Undertale gives you the option of being kind to nearly everyone you meet, and you can befriend several characters as well.


you can befriend the entire cast if you want

Fidel_Cashflow, do gaming w Are souls games really as hard as everyone says? avatar

I feel like, if you’re going to play a souls game for the first time you should play Elden Ring, because it’s the kind of game that’s only as hard as you want it to be. Elden Ring is in this interesting spot of being open world, meaning that if a particular boss or area is too challenging, you can fuck off and do something else for a bit, then come back when you’re better leveled/better geared/more practiced etc. I feel like you don’t really get this with other souls games, which are more linear in their structure.

that said, I don’t think any souls game is really an insurmountable challenge, especially Bloodborne. sure, you might suck when you first start it, but once you get the hang of the combat, dodging, etc you should be fine.

ColeSloth, do games w My mental health has improved after deleting games that have microtransactions in them

I dropped them all like 8 years ago. Not even the microtransaction parts for me since I never played any pay to win games and not big on caring about skins or hats. It was that any game time I had, felt like I had to play league of Legends, or I’d fall behind.

So I dropped it and have happily gone back to pretty much exclusively single player games. It’s nice.


Yeah, same for me. I like Apex. It is an Insanely fun game. But I’m the kind of guy who plays something for a bit and then something else before I may or may not come back. Apex being live service makes it that I don’t want to come back because many of the things I know about the game are no longer true. So I’m not installing it again


Yep. You take a month off from league of legends and all of a sudden 50 things have changed/rebalanced and there’s 2 new heroes to figure out.

So nice going back to gaming on my own terms. I’m replaying ffvii right now with 7th heaven mods. Been over 25 years since I played it last, and it’s still awesome, mostly.

WhyFlip, (edited ) do games w My mental health has improved after deleting games that have microtransactions in them

No shit. Micro transactions have completely turned me off from gaming, starting with TF2.


“Valve is the savior of gaming” as they invented micro transactions and neglect as many IPs as EA and Ubisoft do, but its okay since they have so many fun sales to tie to your account.

Valve is cool some of the time, TF2 is my most played game, but the moment GabeN keels over, is the moment a lot of people are going to notice that “owning” all your games on a digital storefront was a bad idea, like when Playstation and Microsoft remove games people bought with their hard earned money.

zante, do gaming w Are souls games really as hard as everyone says?

I tapped out because I wasn’t motivated .

It’s old school difficulty, and I am no longer that kid who ‘has got to beat the next level’

Thavron, avatar

I am also no longer the kid with that much free time.

dual_sport_dork, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games? avatar

Well, as others have noted I think “cozy” is probably a loaded term in this context. However, I will throw these recommendations into the ring also: The first couple of Serious Sam games, and also Painkiller. Both of them are firmly in the “murdering tons of dudes” genre, and are significantly less tactical than the likes of Medal of Honor/Call of Duty/Battlefield.

That is to say, not at all.

There is none of that sucking your thumb to regenerate health, popping out from the chest-high walls inexplicably strewn everywhere taking potshots with your gun like a hillbilly jack-in-the-box. Rather, their gameplay loop involves herding and managing a massive horde of enemies, prioritizing your targets, and keeping yourself moving. Like a sheep dog with a chaingun.

People try to call the original Doom games a horde shooter. They really aren’t. These two, however, definitely are.


You’ve convinced me to finally play Serious Sam. I’ve had it on Steam for years.

skulblaka, avatar

It can be charitably described as above, and uncharitably described as “Hold down S and LMB for an hour at a time”. I kind of bounced off these. They aren’t bad games, in fact they were pretty popular but most of your gameplay loop is going to revolve around getting the attention of a horde of goons and then backpedaling while you whittle the group down from 80 dudes to none.


I mean, I played several other horde shooters. Firing continually while backpedaling is the most vintage of infantry tactics, after all. I get that these games are old and simpler, but their base gameplay must still be fun if they were so popular back in the day. I’ll at least give it a shot, since I already have them anyway…


also, just noticed your username. Cool Eragon reference, took me a second to remember that it meant “dragon” in the elven language.

franklin, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games? avatar

Give Ultrakill and Gunfire Reborn a look.

OhStopYellingAtMe, do games w Any game with a forced stealth section needs to have it as a warning so you know not to buy crap. avatar

Whoever said “there’s no such thing as a wrong opinion“ never read anything like this post.

SARGE, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service avatar

I haven’t played a live service game since Destiny 2 decided to completely remove all the shit I paid for, then lock everything new behind even more pay walls.

I’ve been playing dozens of games since then. It’s not hard to find games that aren’t live service and likely won’t be touched outside of stability and a couple QoL things here and there.

I’m all for laws requiring all games to be playable offline, and without any sort of bullshit “online activation”. I paid for a game, I want to play the game without having to download shit first. I want to play the game whether my hanky-ass internet connection is stable or even nonexistent today. I want to be able to use the thing I paid for without having to jump through extra hoops, no matter how large or “on the ground” the hoop is. It’s still a hoop.

iAmTheTot, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

$8 in 2001 is about $14 now. Kinda seems like the same value is there, it’s just adjusted for inflation.


OSRS was in the $4 per month range for me when I played it when it wasn’t OS. I never got it.


No, it’s adjusted for corporate greed. World of Warcraft has never once raised their subscription. Also, they shouldn’t have had to raise their subscription because they introduced microtransactions in both RS3 and OSRS which further boosted revenue. You’re comparing two very different times in the game. There’s no excuse whatsoever.


The only microtransaction in OSRS is the ability to buy membership with in game gold. As someone who is normally staunchly against all MTX it’s a very reasonable tradeoff


It has unequivocally ruined old school RS. Not only do people still buy gold for real life money. They also real world trade, too. some very popular streamers have RWT permanent bans. So the bond has solved literally no problem it claimed it would. It really just allowed people to buy gear for money in real life which is really sad. I get you can buy membership with gold. But that was never a thing back in 2007 and shouldn’t be allowed now. That sort of insane feature is directly fueling the bot industry


People buying gold for real life money has literally always been happening behind the scenes (yes in 2007 as well), so again I have no issues with this. With membership bonds it even removes gold from an inflated economy. It seems to me though that you want a version of the game exactly how it was in 2007, in which case you’re SoL

CosmoNova, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

I guess you’re just playing the wrong ones, really. The Age of Empires games (specifically 2 remake) have been celebrating a decent comeback and AoE4 was released to critical acclaim. Of course Blizzard won’t release anything worth your time anymore, but not everyone is Blizzard. As for turn based RPGs: They’re more popular than ever and I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about. Turn based JRPGs are hugely popular and even CRPGs can be hugely popular if done right.

Phegan, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

Totally a bug to show ads, and not an attempt to see what they can get away with and then lie when there is a negative reaction.

Nexy, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug avatar

oh, yes… a bug…

Kwakigra, do gaming w Looking for a Tales-like RPG without active combat

The Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy series are probably what you’re looking for. Golden age Square JRPGS, especially Xenogears, are also generally great Jrpgs.

troyunrau, avatar

I’ve played all the old school Square and Enix stuff. FF6 is my goat.

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