I think I have 5k hours in and the development style finally got to me in a bad way. I can go into detail if needed, but I don’t feel I need to to anyone with enough time in the game.
Thanks! I blasted my way through the main quest in preparation for 1999. Now I’m just working on getting my MR up and good frames and weapons built. My friends are so much farther along than me and they are a huge help. My fave part of the game, by far, is the fashion
It’s different to most other games, by not being goal-oriented except for the goals you set for yourself. No main quest line dictating progress. No mandatory tasks. No win condition. Instead, it drops you into a simulation of our entire galaxy roughly 1300 years in the future, where humanity has mastered hyperspace travel and spread through hundreds of star systems.
(To give an idea of the simulation’s scope: Around 85 million systems have been recorded by players so far, and those are a vanishingly small fraction of what’s out there. Space is big.)
I like that it offers a variety of activities to fit whatever mood I might be in on a given day. I can hunt pirates, mine asteroids, engage in a bit of piracy myself, find and collect bio samples, infiltrate rival settlements, venture into vast unexplored areas of space, discover Earth-like worlds that nobody has ever encountered before, defend humanity against hostile forces, photograph beautiful stellar phenomena, rescue stranded survivors, customize and finely tune my ship to perform beyond its original specs, team up with friends, pledge to a political power and expand their influence, or chill out as a space trucker and haul cargo to earn enough money for my next upgrade. It can occupy all my attention, or just be relaxing entertainment while I listen to music or an audiobook.
It’s an MMO in the sense of having a large game world (galaxy) shared by all players in real time, but PvP is optional. One mode exposes you to other players, while another limits you to NPC encounters. You can switch between them at will.
One warning: A space ship has more than a few controls to learn, and they’re better suited to a game controller or HOTAS than a keyboard and mouse. I use button combinations for almost everything beyond basic flight controls, since there aren’t enough buttons on a controller for everything.
hmmmmmm you’re tempting me to get back into this one. I think I have 60 or so hours on it? Not enough to try everything yet, but definitely enjoyed chilling in space.
Seems like a lot of people step away for a while only to return to it. I had hundreds of hours before taking a break, came back with new hardware, and have been playing hundreds of hours more. At this rate, it might end up overtaking Civilization as my most played game.
I played a good bit on the free Eden server last year and earlier this year and it’s still fun! I don’t know if that server is still going strong or not though.
Monster Hunter. The first one I played, MH4U back in the 3DS days, I put 1,000 hours into. That was nearly 10 years ago, and I’m still playing the franchise to this day. Currently finally going through the Sunbreak expansion of Monster Hunter Rise on the PC, and noticing a marked improvement in my mental health over playing other games.
Tbh you kinda have to be a professional asshole to really enjoy the game solo. When I’m playing with friends I tend to have more fun because it’s a lot of base building and clan wars and stuff like that. But when I play by myself I’m really just being a monster to other players. This also applies to rust as well but I don’t play that anymore because they discontinued Linux support. Mmm long pig
oh man, i stopped playing rust due to the toxic atmosphere, it’s disgusting. used to run a few servers and it turned into a shitshow. didn’t even know it was available on linux actually.
To give you a real unbiased answer as someone who’s actually used the headset, the Quest 3 is the best VR headset you’ll get for the money. Pancake lenses are amazing, performance is really good, software has gotten ages better since launch. Meta throttles the chipset a lot, with QGO (an app) you can meet or be just under PC quality on most games, but the base headset is fine by itself.
As for games, there’s never been a better time to hope in. But I’ll be honest my Q3 is practically a beat saber machine at this point. I haven’t found another game to be as enticing. Pistol whip was meh, I couldn’t get into B&S or Asgards wrath, Metro Awaking isn’t my type of game. It’s really up to you to decide how valuable VR is.
Started with a Rift way back and recently got a Quest 3. As you’re already aware, it comes down to the games you want to play. I’ve invested a bit in a setup for flight simming, because I love helicopters. Because helis are so sensitive, VR actually gives you much better control (it also increases your immersion, obviously). I replayed Half Life Alyx recently, and it’s still great. And then I spend a bit of time in Beat Sabre several days a week. Oh, and there’s a puzzle game where you just use your hands to match a set of blocks to a 3d shape. It’s great not always using controllers. In terms of the quality of VR - it might not have improved enough to ‘cure’ your nausea yet. The quest 3 was a big step up in clarity compared to the Rift, but your peripheral vision is cut off, and it’s still a ways off from normal vision.
If you have a solid gaming PC, yes. There is no immersion quite like VR. No amount of monitors will get you there.
It’s a bit of a faff each time you want to get it going (having to start the link each time), at least compared to a dedicated headset like the original Rift. The Quest 3 is a bit pricy, the 3S and 2 not so much. There’s a few decent exclusives for the 3 that aren’t even available on PC, so of the two I’d get the 3S.
Low framerate will make you dizzy. The resolution not so much. You will need a decent GPU.
Most VR games are fairly small and low budget affairs. The big exception is Half Life Alyx which is amazing. The game I come back to the most is VRChat, just for the massive number of worlds that people have made. It will help you get your VR legs over time.
I don’t even think you need the PC to go with it, really. There’s not much now that is both worth playing and isn’t also just natively on the Quest besides Alyx. And even Alyx is mostly just a “once through and done” game that is fairly short. Worth getting if you already have a PC; not worth building a PC for.
I built my PC for PCVR and the Q2. But with my Q3 there is literally only 1 VR thing I still do on the PC and that’s Heat. I also play non-VR games in it for a larger screen. Not to mention that VRChat now looks better in the standalone VR app than my now aging PC does (I’m still rocking a 1660 Super).
If you just wanna dip your toes into VR and see if it’s worth it, the Quest 3 is perfect for it because you don’t need to also buy or build an expensive PC unless you really want some PCVR exclusives.
If you haven’t tried No Man’s Sky in VR, you’re really missing out. I have about 800 hours in it (90% in VR) and still go back to it day 1 if a new Expedition.
Walkabout Mini golf is a must-have.
Myst and Riven are fantastic in VR.
Star Wars Squadrons, Project Wingman, MS Flight Simulator… Pretty much any flying game with a HOTAS setup is great in VR.
Same can be said for racing games with a wheel setup.
Alyx is truly fabulous, but there are plenty of other great VR experiences to be had.
And that’s not even including what’s available with the VR injection mods. Cyberpunk in VR is pretty awesome, even with the jank that comes with playing a pancake game in VR.
Final Fantasy XI. I’m almost exactly 1,000 hours into it, and only halfway through the storyline. I haven’t even touched end-game content. I’m playing on a free private server called HorizonXI that is well-populated and feels more like the game when it came out versus the modern day solo experience.
FF XI is still a thing? That was my first MMO ever, I loved that game. Met some of the nicest people. Good memories, I hope you enjoy the grind (blue mage main…)