Electric_Druid, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Oxygen Not Included- very detailed colony sim where scientific things like heat exchange, air pressure, etc. are essential for survival. I swear, my next file will be perfect…

RobotZap10000, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Team Fortress 2. There’s just so many different ways to play the game with its combination of classes, weapons and game modes!

fmstrat, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Rocket League

Harrk, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?

I went through similar thoughts on whether or not to pick up a Quest 3 and after having one for 8 months I’ve not regretted it. The Quest 3 is a great all-rounder if you’re looking for something accessible but also capable of PCVR.

The one thing I will say is accessories are often overlooked. You’ll want to replace the headstrap with a better one. A battery pack if you want longer sessions. Wear glasses? Prescription lenses. A Wi-Fi 6/e router or better if you want to wirelessly tether to a PC for PCVR (plus the costs that come with a gaming computer).

While accessories may appear optional. If you’re spending a load of cash on the headset, then sticking with a subpar experience seems silly. So research what you intend to use it for ahead of time and budget for what you feel is necessary.

thisisdee, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Rimworld, and Football Manager (although they last one I played is 2020)

kazerniel, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Guild Wars 2, so far I put 4,800+ hours into it.

I like that it has so many kinds of solo and group content that I can just do whatever I’m in the mood for that day.


After playing for 2000 hours, this one is an easy recommendation from me, too. The game was quite light on endgame content at release, but due to the design of the game, now the vast majority of the game occurs at ‘endgame’ and can be very fun. I love how I can come back after a couple of years, buy access to any content I missed in the meantime and have a character that doesn’t need to grind levels or gear, just jump straight into story mode and get caught up on the story. Even better when you don’t have to worry about making your playtime feel like it needs to be ‘worth it’, since you don’t need to pay monthly to play.

Cocodapuf, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

A long time ago now I spent over 10,000 hours on world of warcraft. I wouldn’t really recommend getting into it now though, I think the magic is gone.


After around 16,000 hours, I’ve found WoW to be a lot more fun playing with others than just restricting myself to open world and full-PUG content. The last expansion was decent (story was a bit meh, but gameplay was great) and the current expansion has been okay so far. I just hope they can get balancing right on events going forward, since it’s getting tiring seeing them create a massive artificial grind then walk back on it a week or two later.

funtrek, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?


callouscomic, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Elder Scrolls Online, as long as you find a good group of friends.

I also nearly have 1000 hours in MGSV Phantom Pain.

squid_slime, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Would be arma 3, dayz and stalker series. My currently favourite is stalker Anomaly.

PunchingWood, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

I’ve also mostly enjoyed online multiplayer games, but I play a bit of everything. I think these are the games I’ve played most in order it must be:

World of WarCraft - Been at it since a year or so after it originally launched. Played a lot of Guild Wars 1 before that, and also lots of other MMO games before and in between, but WoW is the one I always keep coming back to. Longest break must’ve been like 6-7 years around the Cataclysm expansion, and then back at it at the end of Legion. It’s on the back burner now again because of another mediocre expansion, but I still check it out occasionally. I think I must’ve sank at least 5000+ hours (probably way more) into this game over the past 20 years.

Elite Dangerous - Been backing it since Kickstarter, had high hoped for the game and it was fun while it lasted. But I lost all hope in Frontier in managing this game. They’re only focusing heavily on microtransactions, currencies and paid early access content now. Must’ve been about 1500-2500 hours or something, but I’ve been out of this one for a couple of years now. I had high hopes for the future of this game, but Frontier is a master of promising glory and delivering disappointment.

Squad - Last, but certainly not least for me, around 1400 hours playtime (including the testing branch client). Got into this game right when it launched into early access on Steam. Was very tired of the themepark rides that Battlefield and CoD were turning into, but didn’t want to commit to Arma’s milsim style either. Squad fits in between perfectly. Also one of the greatest game communities I’ve got the pleasure to be playing with, never had so much fun with completely random strangers. The mandatory voice-chat really ties it together to create amazing and fun moments. This game really taught me that voice chat in games can actually be good, and not just kids spitting insults.

That said, I have a lot of games on multiple platforms, that I usually won’t ever hit a 1000+ hour mark on most of them anyway. Like I played Witcher 3 twice (and a half I think). But that’s like only 150 hours or so total. And this year’s favorite has been Helldivers 2 by far, but that’s only been almost 300 hours so far.

Matshiro, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Right now I can’t recommend it because streamers and reddit made the game kinda trash, but Path of Exile. On steam I have 3k hours and I played on original launcher 5-10 more times longer.

I hope poe2 will make Poe great again.

Coskii, avatar

I hadn’t heard about this. Guess I’ll go look into it.

Skunk, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Kerbal Space Program

I’m well above a thousand hours on the first game. Then all my flying sims (MSFS, Xplane, DCS, Elite Dangerous) also have a very high hour count. But for civilian airliners most of those hours are spent AFK in cruise.

BaroqBard, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Somehow ctrl+f failed to find this one, but Path of Exile is probably my drug of choice there. While I raked in 1k hrs with Dota2, I’m not sure I"d recommend it unless you really want to sell your soul to MOBA life. And it’s not quite to 1k yet, but honorable mention must go to Satisfactory as it’s well on its way to being game #3 in the 1k+ list with me.

RobotZap10000, avatar

I don’t think Lemmy loads all of the comments in one go, I need to scroll all the way to see them all.

Sunny, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar


Just hit 3.5k hours and it’s still the most exciting game I’ve ever played. Nothing else gives the same adrenaline kick as a good encounter or a fight in Dayz. Also a great game for meeting new people as talking to others in this game is a must.


I’ve never understand anything in this game. I don’t find any loot, anything to defend myself. I install it, play 30 minutes, don’t find anything and then quit.

Sunny, avatar

It does have a steep learning curve, I’d suggest watching some content on it if you’re struggling. RunningManZ is a great content creator for Dayz.


Thanks for the recommendation ! I will watch his channel before any attempt

Sunny, avatar

This seems to be a solid starter, Syl is a great and funny guy to watch too :)


Thanks, i will check his guide

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