If you have a solid gaming PC, yes. There is no immersion quite like VR. No amount of monitors will get you there.
It’s a bit of a faff each time you want to get it going (having to start the link each time), at least compared to a dedicated headset like the original Rift. The Quest 3 is a bit pricy, the 3S and 2 not so much. There’s a few decent exclusives for the 3 that aren’t even available on PC, so of the two I’d get the 3S.
Low framerate will make you dizzy. The resolution not so much. You will need a decent GPU.
Most VR games are fairly small and low budget affairs. The big exception is Half Life Alyx which is amazing. The game I come back to the most is VRChat, just for the massive number of worlds that people have made. It will help you get your VR legs over time.
I don’t even think you need the PC to go with it, really. There’s not much now that is both worth playing and isn’t also just natively on the Quest besides Alyx. And even Alyx is mostly just a “once through and done” game that is fairly short. Worth getting if you already have a PC; not worth building a PC for.
I built my PC for PCVR and the Q2. But with my Q3 there is literally only 1 VR thing I still do on the PC and that’s Heat. I also play non-VR games in it for a larger screen. Not to mention that VRChat now looks better in the standalone VR app than my now aging PC does (I’m still rocking a 1660 Super).
If you just wanna dip your toes into VR and see if it’s worth it, the Quest 3 is perfect for it because you don’t need to also buy or build an expensive PC unless you really want some PCVR exclusives.
If you haven’t tried No Man’s Sky in VR, you’re really missing out. I have about 800 hours in it (90% in VR) and still go back to it day 1 if a new Expedition.
Walkabout Mini golf is a must-have.
Myst and Riven are fantastic in VR.
Star Wars Squadrons, Project Wingman, MS Flight Simulator… Pretty much any flying game with a HOTAS setup is great in VR.
Same can be said for racing games with a wheel setup.
Alyx is truly fabulous, but there are plenty of other great VR experiences to be had.
And that’s not even including what’s available with the VR injection mods. Cyberpunk in VR is pretty awesome, even with the jank that comes with playing a pancake game in VR.
Right now I can’t recommend it because streamers and reddit made the game kinda trash, but Path of Exile. On steam I have 3k hours and I played on original launcher 5-10 more times longer.
If you don’t wanna deal with Facebook and all that, I have the Pico 4 headset and it’s similar to the quest and I’ve liked it a lot. Never used the quest 3 though
I have around 1700 hs in Destiny 2, and close to the same in Bloodborne. Over 1000 hours in the last 2 monster hunter titles. I’ve replayed resident evil 4 and castlevania sotn dozens of times.
Monster Hunter: Not all at once of course, but it’s a game I keep coming back to. A friend in college introduced me to it on the psp and I was invested. I’ve had some version of it somewhere since, and I don’t think I’ve ever removed it from my psp either.
Overwatch: This is from before the change, but it became a comfort game. There were no chats, and I didn’t have to be in voice chat. I was low level (bronze), but I was content. I still play here and there, but I may get a match or two in before I leave out. Back in the day I could play for hours.
If you like space games, X3 and X4 can probably eat up lots and lots of your time. Space Engineers if you’re less interested in flying, space economics and creating a supply chain (which X lets you) and more in gathering materials and creating all sorts of weird, funny or actually amazing stuff. SE is probably better played with at least 1 other person, possibly more, while X is exclusively single player.
Grand Strategy games can also obliterate your free time. Civilization 5, any Total War game. Hell, Age of Empires 2 can have very long matches if you play on huge maps and people have loved that game for over 20 years.
You can also go for Fallout 4 or Skyrim with extra content mods, like dungeons, quests or areas.
Personally, I’m just past 400h on Palworld, so I’d recommend it as well. I’ve played from start to “finish” some 4 times by now. Official servers will be wiped sometime in December, possibly with a new patch arriving, but you can always play single player and even invite a friend to play on your local save and never lose progress (unless the save gets corrupted, which can happen).
Oxygen Not Included- very detailed colony sim where scientific things like heat exchange, air pressure, etc. are essential for survival. I swear, my next file will be perfect…
200 hours in for me and I just learned you can put gates over train tracks. 🤯 Found out by reading the in game manual that I was too proud to read beforehand. So uhm… read the manual.