blindbunny, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Play DayZ! so I can force feed you rotting bananas after I break your legs with the wrench so you can’t get away! 😈


I can’t get into that game, but other people’s videos on YouTube are entertaining.


Tbh you kinda have to be a professional asshole to really enjoy the game solo. When I’m playing with friends I tend to have more fun because it’s a lot of base building and clan wars and stuff like that. But when I play by myself I’m really just being a monster to other players. This also applies to rust as well but I don’t play that anymore because they discontinued Linux support. Mmm long pig


oh man, i stopped playing rust due to the toxic atmosphere, it’s disgusting. used to run a few servers and it turned into a shitshow. didn’t even know it was available on linux actually.


I was probably one of your players 😶

SuperSleuth, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?

To give you a real unbiased answer as someone who’s actually used the headset, the Quest 3 is the best VR headset you’ll get for the money. Pancake lenses are amazing, performance is really good, software has gotten ages better since launch. Meta throttles the chipset a lot, with QGO (an app) you can meet or be just under PC quality on most games, but the base headset is fine by itself.

As for games, there’s never been a better time to hope in. But I’ll be honest my Q3 is practically a beat saber machine at this point. I haven’t found another game to be as enticing. Pistol whip was meh, I couldn’t get into B&S or Asgards wrath, Metro Awaking isn’t my type of game. It’s really up to you to decide how valuable VR is.

cholesterol, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?

Started with a Rift way back and recently got a Quest 3. As you’re already aware, it comes down to the games you want to play. I’ve invested a bit in a setup for flight simming, because I love helicopters. Because helis are so sensitive, VR actually gives you much better control (it also increases your immersion, obviously). I replayed Half Life Alyx recently, and it’s still great. And then I spend a bit of time in Beat Sabre several days a week. Oh, and there’s a puzzle game where you just use your hands to match a set of blocks to a 3d shape. It’s great not always using controllers. In terms of the quality of VR - it might not have improved enough to ‘cure’ your nausea yet. The quest 3 was a big step up in clarity compared to the Rift, but your peripheral vision is cut off, and it’s still a ways off from normal vision.

Blackmist, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?

If you have a solid gaming PC, yes. There is no immersion quite like VR. No amount of monitors will get you there.

It’s a bit of a faff each time you want to get it going (having to start the link each time), at least compared to a dedicated headset like the original Rift. The Quest 3 is a bit pricy, the 3S and 2 not so much. There’s a few decent exclusives for the 3 that aren’t even available on PC, so of the two I’d get the 3S.

Low framerate will make you dizzy. The resolution not so much. You will need a decent GPU.

Most VR games are fairly small and low budget affairs. The big exception is Half Life Alyx which is amazing. The game I come back to the most is VRChat, just for the massive number of worlds that people have made. It will help you get your VR legs over time.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

I don’t even think you need the PC to go with it, really. There’s not much now that is both worth playing and isn’t also just natively on the Quest besides Alyx. And even Alyx is mostly just a “once through and done” game that is fairly short. Worth getting if you already have a PC; not worth building a PC for.

I built my PC for PCVR and the Q2. But with my Q3 there is literally only 1 VR thing I still do on the PC and that’s Heat. I also play non-VR games in it for a larger screen. Not to mention that VRChat now looks better in the standalone VR app than my now aging PC does (I’m still rocking a 1660 Super).

If you just wanna dip your toes into VR and see if it’s worth it, the Quest 3 is perfect for it because you don’t need to also buy or build an expensive PC unless you really want some PCVR exclusives.


If you haven’t tried No Man’s Sky in VR, you’re really missing out. I have about 800 hours in it (90% in VR) and still go back to it day 1 if a new Expedition.

Walkabout Mini golf is a must-have.

Myst and Riven are fantastic in VR.

Star Wars Squadrons, Project Wingman, MS Flight Simulator… Pretty much any flying game with a HOTAS setup is great in VR.

Same can be said for racing games with a wheel setup.

Alyx is truly fabulous, but there are plenty of other great VR experiences to be had.

And that’s not even including what’s available with the VR injection mods. Cyberpunk in VR is pretty awesome, even with the jank that comes with playing a pancake game in VR.

Kit, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Final Fantasy XI. I’m almost exactly 1,000 hours into it, and only halfway through the storyline. I haven’t even touched end-game content. I’m playing on a free private server called HorizonXI that is well-populated and feels more like the game when it came out versus the modern day solo experience.

frisbeedude, avatar

FF XI is still a thing? That was my first MMO ever, I loved that game. Met some of the nicest people. Good memories, I hope you enjoy the grind (blue mage main…)

Tower, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

No Man’s Sky. A foot deep but a mile wide.

Grass, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

nothing will ever top my smash bros melee hours. I could start now and I simply wouldn’t be able to do it even if I picked the game I already have the next most hours in. I am also entirely unlikely to add any hours to melee, but it still wouldn’t be feasible.

Tolstoy, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Not a favourite anymore but still beats my second most played games by a factor of 4… Warframe was fun at the beginning and really clicked at about 200hrs. I left after about 2200hrs because I burned out but it still has a place in my heart.

Screamium, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Slay the Spire

beerclue, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Project Zomboid, Rimworl, Dwarf Fortress, Stellaris, Starsector…

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

You really like simulators?


I… guess? I don’t know how I would classify these games. But they all are able to steal from me 8h in a day, no issue :)


Story generators. Best kind of games, in my opinion. It’s truly amazing how the interconnection between numerous systems can result in totally unexpected and memorable experiences no scripted game could provide.

B0NK3RS, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

I have one game with 1000+ hours and that is Squad. It’s the only online game I play anymore as it is the only game that has teamwork/communication (it takes be back to Battlefield 2 days) and none of the shit like battle passes etc.

My gaming habits are just playing lots and never finishing anything… but I have fun still.

HipsterTenZero, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Huh, there’s only like, 4 of these games for me total. TF2’s still a bot-blighted hellscape as far as I know, my skyrim install is broken and the process of fixing it or just re-installing it will require a few days off, WoW is dead to me, and I don’t really play warframe any more… so I guess Warframe wins by doing absolutely nothing!

GuerillaGorillas, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

If it clicks with you Monster Hunter (World+Iceborne’s a good starting point) can easily eat up hundreds of hours of your time grinding and doing endgame content, especially if you have a group to play with.

Voroxpete, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

If you’re a Destiny refugee, the most obvious answer is Warframe, which just keeps on getting better and better.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Does it have multiplayer or is it single player only? Destiny 2 was only really playable because I had a community/clan that I played with actively for the social aspect of it. Horribly boring playing it solo


Warframe is a bit similar to Destiny in that it's built around multiplayer, but most of the main content can be solo'd if you wanted. But that said, the Warframe community is still thriving, so it should be pretty easy to find a group to play with if you want to avoid the in-game matchmaking.


You’ll almost always end up doing missions with other people other than when you intentionally want to do certain tasks solo.

A lot of the game is built around guilds and player to player interactions.

PvP sucks and it’s almost all PvE content vs Destiny though.


A lot of the game is built around guilds and player to player interactions.

For a while that was true. But that entire design direction has basically been abandoned. Clans are more or less a vestigial organ at this point. Literally the only interaction I have ever had with a member of my clan was when I asked for an invite.


In many cases yes (though I’ve been in good ones when playing off and on, usually the smaller the more there’s actual group activities).

But they are essential to be a part of for blueprints and trading, which are very core parts of the game.


Sure, but again the amount of actual player to player interaction involved in that is minimal. Like I said, I’m in a clan, and outside of obtaining my initial invite (which basically went “Clan plz” in chat followed by clicking accept) I’ve had literally zero social interaction with my current clan. Trading has been effectively automated by Warframe market. You copy and paste something into chat, and the rest of the interaction consists of a pro forma exchange of "ty"s. Also, you don’t actually need a clan to trade, because anyone you’re trading with will inevitably invite you to theirs, so they’re only really important when selling.

This is absolutely nothing like the way that raiding and guilds are core to World of Warcraft. Clans play an almost purely mechanical role in Warframe, they’re not remotely the same thing, and do not have remotely the same requirement of social interaction.


There are a few sections restricted to solo only, but it’s not the default, the matchmaking is pretty quick for a random group and there’s a variety of people always looking to form groups for different tasks. One word of warning, people move fast, until you get parkour down, you might just end up running from the start to end of a level if you join groups, they’ll have completed the objectives and be waiting for you to extract.

Clans exist, and each have their own space station called a dojo that’s customized by them (cost is based on size of the clan, as a solo I was able to build up and level a clan on my own).


The core story content is single player only. The rest is multiplayer, but unlike Destiny there’s nothing that requires you to form your own group outside of the game, and all the gameplay is designed in such a way that you really don’t need to communicate. You can basically just turn on public matchmaking and get a bunch of humans who might as well be bots for all you’ll have to actually interact with them.

You can play all the content solo if you want to, but the difficulty might get a bit much, especially starting out (there are also certain game modes / mission types that really lean on having a full group).

Sanctus, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Caves of Qud has nearly infinite replay value with all the random generations + mods. You can do nearly anything you set your mind to. Same with Project Ozone 3 (Minecraft mod). If you like goal orientated games that are multiplayer try Space Station 13. That shit is nuts, and I mean 13 not the 14 on Steam it doesnt have half of what the old one does. But the launcher is about to go out for 13 so get it while you can.

I found that Two Worlds had a lot of fuck around potential. You can infinitely combine weapons that are duplicates to strengthen them. I once killed every NPC in the entire game and used the resurrection spell on them so everyone was completely loyal to me even monsters.

If you can still find it. There was this online Pokémon game that was somehow realistic. You controlled your character typed ccommands for your Pokémon. And they were always alongside you when out of their ball. It was hardcore as shit. I got my cheeks clapped multiple tines trying to run to a different village by gangs of mankeys and caterpies. Nintendo is just drooling on the floor not doing this officially. It took forever to level, it was an extreme challenge to find stuff to evolve your Pokémon. Ugh I hope thats still out there somewhere.

A less spoken one nowadays that is also very fun is still the original Morrowind. Absolutely mind blowing how expansive that game is to this day. It is still just as legendary as it was back then even if it is a little dated. I actually come to like it when a game isn’t guiding me on what to do in an RPG. It feels more immersive when I’m supposed to know what a Guar looks like.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Appreciate the great response and recommendations!

There was this online Pokémon game that was somehow realistic.

I think you’re talking about pokémon revolution online, or something similar. There’s a few pokémon MMOs.

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