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robdor, w Destiny 2 is “broken” as enemies completely stop fighting

Maybe they are just tired of fighting?


they’re on strike until they get some of that sweet sony bungie acquisition money.

VelociCatTurd, w Baldur's Gate 3's Astarion says there's a tough to find two hour section no one has played yet (Updated: It has been found)

This article is on outdated information. That section of the game referenced has definitely been found.…


Thanks! I updated the post and title.

!deleted6508 avatar

That’s it? The Blood of Llathander thing? I found that my first playthrough! It wasn’t even easy to miss unless you just completely fucked off on the first puzzle.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Yeah, I’m not a completionist and I found it just in the normal course of playing the game…


Fr plus it took me like 15 minutes

bjoern_tantau, avatar

I didn’t even do the whole weapons puzzle. I just yanked it out of there and defeated the trap.

Although the temptation was big to let everyone except for Astarion die because he was right there.

Fafner, avatar

Do you have any idea how much that would hurt!?

CaptainEffort, w Microsoft completely misjudged Baldur’s Gate 3

Are we even surprised? Microsoft clearly doesn’t know how to judge a game’s quality.


They do, they just define "quality" by something that can be measured in Dollar. You and I don't.


True, and it’s depressing

jacaw, w Alleged GTA 6 Videos & Source Code Leaked; Schreier: It's Real

For anyone else who was confused: This article is from a year ago. There are no new leaks.


Why are there so many old articles posted on Lenny?

bionicjoey, w DC Comics adamant The Wolf Among Us' source material is not in the public domain, as its creator calls them 'thugs and conmen' and insists it is

If there’s an ownership dispute between the creator of the thing and the people who sell it, I’m always gonna side with the person who created the thing. Publishers are a cancer.

McDuders, (edited ) w Marvel's Avengers goes on sale one last time before being delisted forever

Kind of mixed on this one for me. On one hand it’s a win against microtransactions, since a big name like Marvel isn’t enough for people to buy it, so much that it has to be delisted. I think that’s a huge win and I think it’s worth mentioning.

On the other, preservation is a thing and I’m wondering if this game could somehow still be played if it’s taken off the store. Granted I’m not familiar with this game so I don’t know if physical copies work, or if they’re just codes with a plastic shell. Or even if this game would be playable once the servers go down. I know it’s not the best game to keep around, but history deserves preservation, etc


preservation is a thing

so is piracy

also, not everything is worth preserving


I disagree. I think games are definitely worth preserving, even if they aren’t that fun. Regardless, this game has historical significance and should at the very least be playable after it’s delisted.


What is and isn’t worth preserving is not something that can be known at the time of preserving. The point of preservation is so things can be accessed later if and when they’re needed. Even shitty games like Avengers may be relevant in many ways in the future, even if just to reference as ‘a shitty game’.


I recently saw this video about the British Library. They collect everything that’s published in the UK (books, magazines, papers, leaflets, flyers, …). One of the librarians makes a pretty good case about the use of collecting and preserving everything. Even (or especially) the things you don’t think are worth preserving.

Pxtl, avatar

“Good” is not the metric for preserving things. “Important” is. Marvel’s Avengers is important to preserve because this failure is a major historical milestone.

Like, imagine if somehow every copy of ET for the Atari 2600 vanished. Would anything fun be lost? Of course not. But would we lose some critical context in an important historical event? Yes. Very much so.

Fortunately, Atari games aren’t the kind of ephemeral media where we have to worry about that like cloud-service games or pre-code cellulite films.

Whirlybird, (edited )

Physical and digital copies will still work, they’ve made that explicitly clear.


Is preservation of GaaS actually important though? We’re not talking about niche shovelware that somebody is nostalgic for, we’re talking about preserving a thing that wasn’t meant to ever be preserved, that hurt the gaming industry and represented gaming’s modern backsliding into corporate greed.

BallShapedMan, w A quarter of Starfield players couldn’t even be bothered to finish the first mission avatar

I already had mods that disabled achievements by then just to fix this mess.

Runs and looks great now, ~15 mods to get there.


What hardware are you running on? Pure vanilla and I’ve gotten a stable 100fps since release with everything on Ultra at 1440p.

V0lD, (edited )

Look at this guy with his dual 7900 XTX over here

I got a 7800x3d and 6950 xt. I played with performance boosting mods on medium settings

I kept dropping to 40fps on 1440p and ended up refunding

MaxVoltage, (edited ) avatar

1440p thats your problem

let me put these 28inch rims on my Toyota Carolla

absolute testament to the game that it runs smooth now on your pc at 1440


1440p isn’t that high. You’re thinking about 4k.

And, as I said. It’s not running smooth. It’s barely running at all. It keeps dropping as low as 40fps


Damn, our hardware is so similar. I’m running a (single) 7900 XT and a 7600X. I’m also running on an nvme ssd, but presumably with your hardware you are too.

I wasn’t trying to be an ass with my question about your specs, it’s just that my hardware isn’t particularly high end, so I was confused at why so many people are having performance issues.


Your hardware is quite high end actually. It’s not a 7900 xtx or 4090, but it’s close. (Yes, I have a 980 pro 2tb)

I wonder why you run it that much smoother than I do then

conciselyverbose, w Unity reportedly considering cap on hugely controversial per-install fees

Is the cap $0?

Sanctus, w Starfield players are being haunted by asteroids avatar

For all we know “space” is the same map for each planet and only a few assets get swapped depending on orbit. Maybe this was a cheeky way to make their ancient engine run all these new features without crashing.


Would not be surprised if this were true.

all-knight-party, avatar

My best guess is that it's a debris effect from your ship taking damage, and it's supposed to fly away and expire, but somehow got stuck instead of disappearing, so now it's an "effect" on your character that doesn't know its supposed to have timed out already.

Other Bethesda games, especially Skyrim, had bugs like this of status effects that would get stuck on your character longer than they were supposed to and you'd only realize hours later when your character has some weird blue fog following them

Sanctus, avatar

That has precedent and is a very interesting conjecture. I vote this explanation.

Toribor, avatar

I’m having memories of Bethesda getting trains to work in Fallout 3 by making an NPC wear a train as a hat and then run really fast.

Sanctus, avatar

Its all smoke and mirrors, my friend. The cake is a lie.

Coelacanth, avatar
CrowAirbrush, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

I made a trans character in cyberpunk because haha look a penis and boobies, Apparently Diego is now in a gay relationship with Sam…something about Sam and Cora (i find them adoreable, i’m just sad i can’t give her all the books i steal) made me prefer them and…well i’m gay it seems lol.

Even more layers to roleplaying yay.


Gender identity is only political because conservatives made it political. Choice of pronouns shouldn’t be political. What gender you are shouldn’t be political. These people make it political and then it has to be removed from apolitical discussions. Just like how climate change has been made political, it’s not, we’re all going to fucking die, that’s not political.

SwampYankee, (edited )

I, for one, am very upset at seeing politics in muh game that includes mercenaries, piracy, loan sharking, corporate espionage, religious extremism, terrorism, war crimes, gang warfare, drug addiction, poverty, shoplifting, mass shootings, genetic engineering, environmentalism, atheism, corruption, philanthropy, smuggling, …

SwampYankee, (edited )

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

If you’re playing games for escapism, play a simple puzzle game, or a racing game, or maybe Minecraft. Flight Simulator. Tetris. Rocket League.

Any game that attempts to build a believable world is going to get political occasionally, because a believable world has class politics, war, struggles between technology and the natural world, etc. etc. etc. Even a game like Ratchet & Clank doesn’t shy away from the politics inherent in its world-building. Truly incredible how “Gamers” have gone from an edgy subculture that reveled in right-wing panic to a seething mass of bloated man-babies who can’t even handle being confronted with ideas.


These people would prefer if you use random made up politics in line with the world it is set in.

Instead of real world politics dragged into a fantasy setting. That’s why i can understand their point just because i understand where they come from doesn’t mean i agree with it or support them.

Heck i made a transgender in cyberpunk because i can, a lot can be said about that too. I don’t give a damn about what people want, just do it but accept that not everyone is going to like it nor agree with it and if you can’t deal with that then do not do it…you are not strong enough to cope with the downsides.



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  • CrowAirbrush,

    You are on the right track for a part, but also what else should i call it huh?

    When i make a character i make a character. If it’s gay i made a gay, if it’s trans i made a trans, if it’s hetero i made a hetero.

    I don’t give a damn, it’s a character in a game.


    I’m guessing your first language isn’t English, in fact judging by your comment history, I’d say you’re Dutch. Anyway, those words are adjectives in English, and using them as nouns is often perceived as impolite. You’d want to say “I made a transgender character” instead.


    We were talking about video game characters it’s implied ya goofball. Lol

    Metal_Zealot, w Digital Foundry: Star Wars Jedi Survivor PC Is *Still* The Worst Triple-A PC Port Of 2023 avatar

    Lol rip you dummies who bought an EA game


    People got it for free buying Ryzen 7000 CPU’s

    Metal_Zealot, avatar

    That’s, like, the opposite of a prize at the bottom of a cereal box…

    riesendulli, (edited )

    Welp, I didn’t say it was a good deal. Nonetheless it’s a better deal then getting ow2 coins for buying rtx 4000 gpus. And some later buyers got Diablo 4…


    HAHA suck it I’m getting Starfield!

    Oh wait

    Metal_Zealot, avatar

    So many flavours of triple A schlock


    Man Starfield’s nowhere near as bad as Jedi Survivor, let’s be honest. At least it runs well on my Steam Deck and doesn’t stutter every 3 seconds like it does in Koboh in Jedi Survivor.

    Sanctus, w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes avatar

    I hope all the devs with weight followsuit. My little project moving won’t really disturb anyone but me. Sweeping and sudden policy changes like this are bullshit.


    What I'm hoping is that gamers take some of the big pocket publishers that use Unity and abuse the absolute fuck out of them so they send their lawyers after Unity for the obviously unenforceable terms.

    Unfortunately Unity will probably just settle with them for nothing to avoid them setting precedents.

    remus989, w Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report

    Ah, so THIS was they wanted to get in there.

    iso, w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

    What happened?

    oxideseven, (edited )


    Basically changed their pricing model to fleece Indy devs. Some devs would have owed more money than they ever even made on their games.

    Rentlar, (edited )

    Fleece every Unity dev pretty much, even if big studios can afford it.


    TL;DR of the situation is that Unity released a statement 2 days ago saying they want successful developers to pay up to 20 cents every time a user installs a Unity game starting from Jan 1 2024, even if your game was already released. This caused a huge ruckus in the game dev community and many developers want to switch away from Unity.

    falkerie71, avatar

    Note that it’s “per install” (they clarified that reinstalling on the same device only counts as one install), not per unit sold. And Unity will also track pirated copies, so the devs would still have to pay the fee even if they didn’t sell it to you.

    Wilker, avatar

    the tracking of pirated copies is even more fucked up. is that their way of imposing that “piracy = stealing”?

    Cqrd, (edited )

    It’s because they literally don’t know how to differentiate a download from legit and illegitimate. They’re going to track every time their bundler is downloaded and bill the developer for it, that would include pirated copies and legit copies alike.


    The swashbuckler’s solution is then to make your own bundler installer!


    That’s assuming pirates would go through the trouble of removing said functionality. Pirates hate trackers, so they might do it, but not necessarily, as often the priority is just to get the game working.


    Because a cracker could remove the DRM but not whatever is tracking installs

    breadsmasher, avatar

    Where did they add the same device reinstall clarification? Last I saw, same device reinstall is still a new install and thus chargeable

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    That’s a recent change. According to the faq on the official forum, initially the idea was to charge every reinstallation. Then they realized it was crazy. Now it’s every first installations:

    If a user reinstalls/redownloads a game / changes their hardware, will that count as multiple installs? A: We are not going to charge a fee for reinstalls. The spirit of this program is and has always been to charge for the first install and we have no desire to charge for the same person doing ongoing installs. (Updated, Sep 13)


    Note the “updated” yesterday. Initially every install in “different devices” counted. Even on the same device after reinstallation of the os

    InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

    I fail to see how they can guarantee it’s the first install.
    I game inside a VM with GPU passthrough and I’m pretty sure it would be trivial to install-bomb any game to rack up install numbers and costs.
    Moreover, would anyone even trust any number of times Unity tells you your game was installed?
    They could a magical 10% that would be hard to prove/disprove.
    Anyone with a half-competent legal team would stay the fuck away from any of this nonsense going forward.

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    It’s a “proprietary system” (quote). It must be clearly always correct. It’s not one of those open source stuff… /s

    betz24, (edited )

    Retroactively charging developers, that’s stupid.

    However, I’m not knowledgeable on any Game Industry economics, but isn’t $0.20 on a $20-$60 game negligible? I understand some people will have multiple devices so the developer could be out $1. On a $20 game that someone sells 1000 copies, that’s only $200 of $20,000 sales (maybe $800 in fees at the high end). I’ve used Unity before and it’s still a pretty solid game engine with easy to use tooling; using it would definitely save you time to build your game (time=money). Additionally, if I were to be building a game studio, everyone knows unity, so it would be easy to hire or find contractors who can help with pieces of the game. It makes sense from a business standpoint for me unless I’m missing something.

    Is there a max fee? On the opposite side of the spectrum I could see DDOS-like attacks on game developers where an attacker can spin up a bunch of virtual machines and then keep installing the game to charge the developer $1mil dollars.


    It’s the complete unpredictability that devs and businesses hate. 2% of every purchase they can plan for, but with install fees they could get randomly billed for copies that were already sold, and that is unacceptable. This isn’t a one time fee, whenever somebody installs the game on a new device, the dev gets charged. Not to mention the fact that some people might have multiple devices, but randomly in 3 years they could get a new PC and suddenly the dev gets charged again, all the while the dev didn’t make anymore money from that copy. Who the heck would agree to a system like that?

    Not to mention that if a game gets added to a service like GamePass, then the service gets the bill. No way Microsoft would say yes to that, which means the Dev misses out on deals that could’ve made them a bunch of money.


    A competitor could literally buy one copy, make a script that spins up 1000 vms a minute and downloads your game over and over on “new devices” and put you out of business

    Kyoyeou, w I wonder why Godot and Unreal are getting so much interest today

    Feels like I’m living the Pathfinder 2e boom again, I love it. Could they send the Pinkertons to the Cuphead studios next to perfectly do everything wrong


    The nice thing about a company being run by evil people is that you can rely on them to eventually do something overtly evil, and then everyone will be aware they are evil.

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