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HellAwaits, w Baldur's Gate 3 is now the top rated game on Open Critic

BG3 > TotK easily.


Have you played TotK?


Counterpoint: TotK is running on a 7 year old phone, the fact that it works at all is remarkable

QuarterlySushi, avatar

BG2 > TotK, but it has nothing to do with hardware

asuka, avatar

Seriously. The Switch is a piece of shit and it looks beautiful and plays well and has so much depth and complexity. Sure, it doesn’t have raytracing, but have you seen those sunsets?


I can't agree it's that easy a win at all. Both are outstanding games, doing very different things excellently


BG3 is immensely good and I’m really enjoying it so far. I have to say I had more pure fun playing TotK and would call it the better game. I love them both though.


My issue with TotK is it was fun until one day it suddenly wasn’t. I explored pretty much the whole map but never finished the main story


Oh man at least jump in and beat the final boss. The ending is amazing and extremely satisfying.


Damn really? I’ll have to do it then


10/10 ending


Idk about that, it’s very very hard to compare the two and to which is better. Objectively, they’re both amazing games and very high quality. Think from there, what determines what’s better is what your preference is. I like them both for different reasons and can just tell you I’m immersed and having tons of fun with both.


I haven’t even played BG3 yet, but I wouldn’t fault anyone for saying this. I lost a month and a half to TOTK and enjoyed every second. It fixed every gripe I had about BOTW, but that’s kind of the problem as well. I always felt like BOTW was a glorified tech demo, and after playing TOTK, it felt more like the game BOTW should have been.

TOTK also has its own issues, especially with the story. The story just being told to you and not being something you’re really experiencing was a weird choice. I was hoping for Ganondorf’s involvement to be more than “it was me Link!” leading up to the final confrontation.

The final boss fight was an insanely awesome sequence though. Easily my favorite part of the game.


I agree with not really being a part of the story. You do play a part a little more in Totk, but it’s still mostly watching cutscenes from the past again. Such a weird narrative to stick to.

Also, did you know that was the imprisoning war?

pory, avatar

Secret stone? Demon king?


If they named them Sacred Stones the whole thing might be one tiny bit less cringe


I’m excited for BG3 but I guess I struggle to see why it needs to be compared to TotK at all. Feels like that is selling both games a bit short. They aren’t really that similar.


Because they’re on the same game leaderboard. So they get compared.


They’re competing for GotY, probably the only reason they’re getting compared.

guylacaptivite, avatar

Which is a perfect example of the irrelevance of awards, and not just in gaming but pretty much any other subject. The fact I like pizza doesn’t influence how much I love cake and people who love soup are also right.


I think it’s a fair question that if both are transcendental games, which transcends over the other?


My argument would be that one doesn’t transcend over the other. It’s probably obvious but I also think numbered review scores are inherently flawed, because the metric is subjective and meaningless.

I much prefer a tiers system. These are both top tier games. Anyone can agree they are of exemplary quality and represent some of the best their genre has to offer. Any argument beyond that very quickly devolves into squabbles over subjective preference and that is a bit pointless to me.

As an example, a few of my favorite games of all time are Earthbound, Half-Life, Super Mario World, Metroid Prime, and Skyrim. I would rank all 5 of these games in my top tier. But what point is there in trying to rank them amongst each other? They have nothing to do with one another, so I have no meaningful way to compare them. If I use numbering, would I rank Earthbound a 9.7 and Metroid Prime a 9.5 and that means Earthbound is a better game? 2 tenths better? What does that even mean? I just don’t find value in that kind of arbitrary comparison.



samus12345, avatar

If I want to play a Zelda game, BG3 sucks. If I want to play a Baldur’s Gate game, TotK sucks.


If I want to play a Tetris game, they both suck.

samus12345, avatar

Yup! So why directly compare them? They’re all very different experiences

woelkchen, w Disney CEO Deputies are pushing for Iger to transform Disney into a Gaming Giant (Perhaps via EA Acquisition). Currently non-committal. Rumor avatar

Anyone else remembering the time when Disney closed all their development studios because licensing is supposedly more profitable?


I think it still is, it’s just that game devs have found a recurring revenue model that works similarly to licensing: microtransactions.

I can see Disney wanting back in now that MTX is socially acceptable. Milking the same IP for decades is exactly their MO.

Gorgeous_Sloth, w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient

I absolutely don’t get why Bethesda sold Starfield as a “new generation rpg”. It’s nothing but an archaic game with old mechanics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying my time on the game so far (30/40h).

DocBlaze, (edited ) w Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games

Evidently, all of Epic Games’ business had been “heavily funded by Fortnite” in the last six years, and different parts of the company became “disconnected” from their revenue streams.

Wait, so youre really telling me me Epic giving away a ton of free games on EGS every single month and free unreal engine marketplace assets to devs as well as regular epic megagrants was never a financially sustainable move?

Psssh. In other news, salt is salty. 🤭

I honestly believe Tim is not going to f–k this one up though, as a former one he clearly cares about the game dev community and as majority shareholder he isn’t needing to be driven by profits as much as publicly traded Unity head John Riccatello is.

Plus, fortnite is still a goddamn cash printer, just not printing as fast as they expected.

Blamemeta, w Redfall doesn’t have enough Steam players to fill a team

I kinda feel bad for some that worked on it. Theres places with passion, but a lot of it is just lazy bullshit.

Zangoose, avatar

To a degree I’d say this applies to anyone that works on a game except upper management. With games like these the devs/artists are almost always the passionate ones trying to put their best effort into their games but end up forced into incredibly condensed timescales by upper management.

MonkderZweite, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Early adopters pay more for less anyway and they will remove Denuvo after a few months, because it’s a subscription service. Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.


Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.

You serious?

Obviously the sooner they crack it the sooner they can sell to impatient pirates. The market is only going to decrease over time, and if you’re beaten to the punch you lose out on loads of customers.


Lol pirates by definition don’t pay for software, there’s no profit in developing cracks beyond cred.


Paying for a pirated game? If I wanted to pay for it, I wouldn’t be looking into pirating it in the first place.

I also would not pirate anything at all because it’s illegal and I’m only speaking hypothetically.


Lol, no, pirates dont pay for anything. The cracking community is almost entirely clout based, its just for the bragging rights of being the smartest programmer out there.

Empress is an anomaly, and I dont actually think shes ever been paid her obnoxious “fee.” And even she is only claiming a fee for the clout, as a way to say “no one else can do what I do so its pay up or fuck off”

Blxter, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.
!deleted4407 avatar

Wouldn’t buy from there crap launcher anyway.


Last I checked, you had to download and launch from Uplay even if you buy game from other stores. I haven’t buyed any of their games after they pull a stunt on Brotherhood anyway.

!deleted4407 avatar

Yes very true Ubisoft games take much longer to launch than others. I believe because of this. And by longer I mean like an easy minute longer.


Man I uninstalled Steep from my PC yesterday. I had to download an update to their shitty launcher and then login just to remove a game from my PC. I also have ghost recon on Epic games which requires you to use the launcher to launch another launcher to launch the game.

Buying the games is genuinely a worse experience than pirating them. Fuck Ubisoft but also EA and other publishers that do this bullshit.

EherVielleicht, w The modder behind Burps of Skyrim and Snores of Skyrim has made a breakthrough in the field of customizable flatulence with Farts of Skyrim

One small fart for him, but one great fart for future games!

vjxtdibobyd, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

Every time I go play it I barely make it an hour before I get incredibly bored. I think the Bethesda formula really didn’t translate well to the bland space theme and has just run its course in general, at least for me. The nagging issues like endless loading screens, forced fast travel, miniscule carry weight, annoying UI, and lack of basic settings don’t help either. I know there are mods to fix some of those, but we really shouldn’t have to rely on mods to do something as basic as change the FOV in a game published by a billion dollar company.


Solid points. I’d of preferred they just made another decent fallout game. I think I tolerate some of their shortcomings in those games better because of nostalgia…


Honestly, I was surprised to hear that the game forces fast travel. I mean, a small indie company like Hello Games managed to make a procedurally generated universe where you can hop in your ship, fly off the planet, and either cruise through the galaxy or turn on warp speed and leave it all behind. Hell, you can even do it all in VR.

Yet, somehow, Bethesda made a space exploration game that doesn’t really let you explore space.

Of course, this is only what I’ve heard about it. I’ve been way too busy playing Baldur’s Gate 3 to play anything else. But my hype for eventually playing Starfield has dwindled to a solid “meh”. Maybe I’ll play it sometime when I don’t have anything better to do.

StereoTrespasser, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

I’m not surprised…it’s just okay. I’ve put maybe 25 hours into it and it’s not grabbing me like I hoped it would. Fast traveling everywhere is boring, inventory management is a nightmare, and the UI is frustrating. The last straw for me was during the " Rook Meets Queen" mission >!where I’m supposed to be deep undercover in the Crimson Fleet yet I can’t progress until I pay them 45,000 credits because there’s a bounty on my head. Seriously? Either I’m undercover or I’m not. !< So I put it down to revisit Cyberpunk, and I’m hoping once I get through that the kinks will be ironed out and the mod tools with MO2 support will be ready. I still have more fun playing a heavily modded Skyrim.


What? The developer whose UI has been consistently shite from game to game, only for mods to come to the rescue, has released yet another obnoxious UI? Whose games are pretty much universally “great with mods”, is meh right out the gate? Colour me shocked!


It’s crazy that every game they release somehow has worse UI than the previous one


Funny, that’s the exact mission that made me lose interest in the game as well. >!I hopped on that day for the base building and eventually ship building but I guess I had a stolen item on me and triggered the mission. I don’t want to be forced to do this mission or pay the fine when all I wanted to do was play a different portion of the game that was available to me.!<

woelkchen, w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021 avatar

They seem to claim it was all an innocent mistake:

@EpicPublishing We are looking into this and the team will be reaching out to you directly.


Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

woelkchen, avatar

Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

Yeah, they only announced to reach out in the future after bad press.

Chailles, avatar

Or you can look at it as for what it is rather than some ulterior motive behind it, the emails may have just not been getting to the right person regardless of fault. They’re only replying now because it’s only just now they heard that something was wrong.

Now on the other hand, I generally find it hard to believe that for a business as large as Epic, nobody would follow up on money that’s just been sitting around for over 2 years.

cyberic, avatar

Agreed, all it takes is for one or two employees to leave the company after the handoff and information can be forgotten.


Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

harmonea, avatar

No, there was absolutely no claim that it was an innocent mistake, I'm not sure why that was written there. It's just a promise to look into it, no more no less.


So we also don’t know if the developer had reached out to Epic besides this post? Isn’t it possible, then, that this is the first Epic has heard of this as well?

harmonea, avatar

Huh. I guess you're one of those that waits for people to tell you things in the comments, makes weird extrapolations about it, and jumps to conclusions rather than just clicking the OP link and absorbing the information there?

How did you even get that from what I said?

And literally the second tweet the dev made was "they've never sent any replies to me" so he's clearly been trying?

I'm usually more understanding of people missing information, but it took you more time and effort to jump to these conclusions and write a totally incorrect defense of Epic than it would have to just see that the info is right there.

mammut, (edited )

I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have an account on Twitter, but literally the only Tweet it shows me is the one linked, where she says that she hasn’t gotten royalties. It says this:

btw I’ve got no royalty payment for Hatoful Boyfriend from Epic since they acquired Mediatonic back in spring 2021. I don’t think the sales have been zero for two years?🤔

I noticed people in the comments saying that Epic didn’t respond to her, but I didn’t understand why people were saying that – from the only Tweet I can see, shown above, there’s nothing saying that she reached out to / didn’t get a response from Epic.

So, I asked here in this thread if there are more Tweets, thinking that there must be more but Twitter just doesn’t show them to me. Because otherwise it makes no sense to assume that she reached out to Epic / didn’t get a response, based just on the Tweet linked. So, I posted,

Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

Then I got a reply, from you, that opened with “No.” I read that as you saying that aren’t any more Tweets, and so I asked why everyone was assuming she’d reached out to Epic / hadn’t gotten a response. Because that’s not a logical assumption to make based on the text contained in the single Tweet linked here.

Now you’re telling me there are more Tweets. I still cannot see them and do not know what they say, though, which is why I was asking in the first place.

(Edit: I see there is now an image of the thread in this post. That was not there when I asked the initial question about if there were most posts.)


Why not? Dev’s email might have ended up in the spam list and no one ever saw their emails. Shit happens. All the time.


I agree- I work as a data scientist, and internal data is messy as shit. When you’re talking about data from an acquired company, that’s doubly so

ilickfrogs, w Starfield Paid DLSS Mod Creator Hits Back at Pirates, Threatens to Add 'Hidden Mines' in Future Mods avatar

B r u h, what a petulant fucking child. Game developers tried the same shit for years and those still got cracked. This guy can go fuck himself.

Blackmist, w Game prices are too low, says Capcom exec

Not surprising for the man who thinks an iPhone port of an 18 year old GameCube game should cost $60.

520, (edited )

Are you talking about RE4? Because they were actually talking about an Apple port (iPhone, iPad and Mac, with people being able to play on all platforms with one purchase) of the recent remake, which is a 2023 game that only really borrows the story and some layouts from the 2005 game.


And even then it only borrows the bullet points of the story. I prefer the approach they took with this game compared to say FF7’s where the story definitely feels like it’s improved if you are more familiar with the original.


Are you referring to FF7 remake’s? Because you definitely get more out of it if you’ve played the previous games and watched the movie since it’s quite literally a sequel to them. I really enjoy their approach to it.

I’m not saying RE4’s isn’t the case either. I just don’t think it’s a one or the other kind of scenario and they’re a little different as to why as well.


I mean… if it looks and plays like a touchscreen- and battery-limited version of the $60 PS5 / Xbox Whatever game… fine?

Of course if he also expects one cent of optional or recurring fees on top of that, he can get fucked.

Potatos_are_not_friends, w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

Strong doubt.

While a large chunk of game developers are in America, it’s still a small fraction compared to worldwide.

A video game strike would probably slow down a few triple AAA projects. But rather than 10,000 games being released in a year, it might be 9,000 games.

I’m not anti-union or strikes. I just believe that if say Ubisoft America strikes, nothing will really change perception-wise as indie devs will fill in the blank, and Ubisoft shifts to Canada/Europe branches.

MomoTimeToDie, w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly


  • Loading...
  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    What planet do you live on exactly?



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  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    It monopolizes PC games in America and other countries. As even the most casual observer would know. Kind of idiotic to argue against that.

    It’s at the point where younger people think “pc games” is synonymous with “steam games”.



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  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    In the last 10 years I have bought 95% of my games on steam and that’s far from unusual


    I think he graduated from the Parker Brothers school of economics.

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