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GregoryTheGreat, w Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement, raising eyebrows

CEO runs his business like a business that makes him money. This and more at 10.

geosoco, w Starfield hasn’t hurt No Man’s Sky’s popularity – it may have even helped it

Title is a bit click-baity, but the core message is the game has seen a boost in users since it's recent update that was just before the starfield launch.


A rising tide lifts all boats.

I don’t think it’s surprising that a sci fi game with exploration elements from a major AAA studio renewed interest in a sci fi survival/exploration game from a smaller studio. If you want more of the exploration part of Starfield, No Man’s Sky is the natural option.

exohuman, w Starfield hasn’t hurt No Man’s Sky’s popularity – it may have even helped it avatar

I have played both. I prefer No Mans Sky. It’s just a better game by far.



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  • geosoco,

    NMS at least has planets without buildings or signs of life, but they're certain types of planets (eg. lifeless/airless) There are definitely some that have far fewer ships going around too.

    NMS is more expansive in some ways, but also fairly shallow in terms of some of the core mechanics. There's a lot of things to do like having a settlement or building a fleet and sending the fleet on missions, but again, it's a bit shallow. At the beginning you're largely focused on resource collecting to build a base, and unlock upgrades. Over time you can automate a lot of this and focus on other things. However, if you don't like the resource collecting to unlock things, you're probably not going to enjoy it.

    I think the space flight and combat in NMS feels better. For whatever reason, in Starfield space flight and combat feels very slow to me. It doesn't help that the UI in the starship does this weird laggy update. The seamlessness of flying into a planet can be fun in space combat and the ships will follow you.

    NMS has way more copy-paste assets. Starfield at least has grand cities and some unique set pieces or a few different options ,but every crashed freighter in NMS is identical. The buildings in NMS have a tiny bit of variance but they're all like 1-2 room buildings. All space stations and space ports are identical (just the core race changes). There are pirate space stations, but they're the same basic one but darker and they've moved the vendors inward a bit into tents instead of stalls. A little bit of this is baked into the story of NMS to some extent, but that doesn't exactly help it.


    thank you for the terrific response!


    My only quibble with this response is that in my mind ground combat is unbelievably orders of magnitude better in Starfield (you actually have access to different guns and enemy types!), and while I can understand preferring the speed of NMS space combat, I ultimately find the mechanics of it pretty shallow and enjoy the system shuffelling of Starfield, I feel like an ideal system would combine them both.


    Great points! Yeah there's definitely a lot more variety and skill involved in Starfield. Most of the NMS ground combat is in the open and is easy to cheese, but it is satisfying to hop in your ship and start shooting things (though now they have it trigger incoming aircraft).

    exohuman, avatar

    I enjoyed the planetary exploration in No Man’s Sky. Some planets have an outpost, but most don’t. In No Man’s Sky there are several alien races and artifacts they left behind you can learn their language from.

    There are a huge number of planets, and some have strange reality altering properties. They have different weather and conditions. There is a ginormous amount of alien life that you can catalogue and interact with and even tame. The planets themselves show a huge variety of differences. There is even underground and underwater environments with unique life suited to those environments.

    The base building is fun. You can do a lot and you can even travel to galactic hubs and worlds that other players have worked on.

    Even travelling through space is more fun. You are able to fly to planets and land on them seamlessly. You can own several different space ships and even giant freighters that can contain your ships and frigates you can send to other star systems.


    thank you! I think i gotta try it out now


    I do enjoy the zen of NMS (nothing like piloting alone on the surface of a planet with the sound of the rain falling on the cockpit), but even after all those years and cool upgrades, it still feels so empty… If you enjoy tabletop RPGs and have an opportunity to play one with like-minded friends, I recommend you try Traveller. It’s all those things you mentioned, in a way, way bigger and denser scope. :) Also with actual civilizations, empires, politics, commerce, wars, fleets, etc.

    CMLVI, avatar

    Lol tell this to people who are upset that every planet doesn't have a thriving colony in it. The "empty planets" are frustrating to them.

    Not that you or they are wrong, it just highlights that matters of opinion on things like this are a spectrum, and sometimes you end up on the far end. I like that I can land on a planet and have something besides just rocks, but also that's it's procedurally generated so that it isn't the same every time. It's false replayability, sure, but if I like playing the game, it doesn't matter to me that the layouts are the same.

    brihuang95, avatar

    The space exploration seems leagues better in No Man’s Sky than Starfield.

    _waffle_, avatar

    I would certainly hope so as that is No Man’s Sky entire gameplay loop


    I honestly cannot fathom how would you could possibly think that no man’s sky is a better game by far.

    No Man Sky’s is a good engine / tech demo to build a game on, but it’s barely a game.

    Ground combat suck, space combat sucks, the story is just random notes tucked away with zero interesting characters or character development.

    It’s basically just grinding it out to fly around and scan a bunch of plants that look identical but have a slightly different name.

    olicvb, avatar

    I thought this way back when i first played it. But I’ve been spending the lasts days playing and it got so much better.

    The environments are no longer the same everywhere, sure you will find matching planets but they don’t all look like asteroids with hair anymore. Minerals dont stick out of the ground anymore. And underground caves exists.

    The multiplayer aspect got better too (or so i hear, didn’t get to try it yet).

    The stories are more engaging with specific npc’s interacting with you.

    Never thought space combat sucked? It’s not to the level of Elite Dangerous, but it’s somewhat entertaining, and accomplishes what need to be done imo.

    It’s an MMORPG so of course you have grinding, and for my current playthrough it isn’t boring yet. I’ve got a minecraft vibe, where you upgrade gear and ammass items for future uses.

    love that you can get pets now and use them for more than simply have around, I got some kind of panther yesterday, was able to mount some guns to it and now it helps me in combat (kinda tedious to use idk if i fully figured it out yet, but sometimes the companion won’t attack).

    All that and i only started playing, there’s the whole frigate thing, and also settlements to protect. I’m told you can have some kind of fleet to send on missions, and i’m certain there’s other huge content i’m missing that i dont know of yet.


    Did they fix the hitboxes? The robot dogs and flytraps meleeing me from 5 meters away was really annoying when I played the game

    olicvb, avatar

    Seems so, i haven’t encountered this issue (and i got attacked a decent amount)

    masterspace, (edited )

    I played it like 3 months ago before the Echoes update, so this isn’t based on the launch version or anything.

    The environments are no longer the same everywhere, sure you will find matching planets but they don’t all look like asteroids with hair anymore. Minerals dont stick out of the ground anymore. And underground caves exists.

    I mean yeah, but they don’t look any better or more varied than Starfield’s planets, that’s for sure. It’s neat that they added caves but the caves are also pretty boring. There’s not much in them beyond some more resources. You don’t have the expansiveness or endlessness of minecraft caves nor the buried mines and mob spawners and lava and more interesting underground stuff.

    Never thought space combat sucked? It’s not to the level of Elite Dangerous, but it’s somewhat entertaining, and accomplishes what need to be done imo.

    It’s serviceable, but I wouldn’t describe it as fun, as in I don’t actively enjoy the space combat. I find Starfield’s juggling of systems and targeting on top of standard dog fighting maneuvering at least a little more engaging, but a serviceable system that’s not that much fun kind of describes most of No Man’s Sky to me.

    It’s an MMORPG so of course you have grinding, and for my current playthrough it isn’t boring yet. I’ve got a minecraft vibe, where you upgrade gear and ammass items for future uses.

    I find it’s crafting to be far less satisfying than Minecraft’s or say Subnautica’s, and a lot more grindy, but that could just be me.

    Again, I know they have all these different systems, but it really feels like each system is just barely enough of a system to entertain you for a couple hours, but doesn’t have the depth / polish / interweaving complexity to truly hold you.

    exohuman, avatar

    Yeah, I think you are describing the game at release years ago. It has grown so much since then.


    I played it not that long ago. The comment above is still pretty much spot on. There’s base building now I guess. There’s still nothing to keep it interesting.


    I literally played it like 3 months ago, before the most echoes update, but from the looks of the update notes I think my description still likely stands.


    Really? You can’t fathom how someone would consider NMS a better game? Both games are barely comparable other than using space as a backdrop. Judging by the reaction online, it seems like many people were lead to believe that Starfield would be a space sim and came up wanting when it was more of a sci-fi Fallout, with mostly optional engagement with the space elements. For those people, I can see merit in recommending they check out No Man’s Sky, which has a shallow, bit widely-spread space simulation to engage with.

    I don’t think it’s useful to try and argue which game is better, but I would much rather play No Man’s Sky any day of the week. Bethesda RPGs have long lost their luster for me since the Oblivion days, and now just stand as a testament of disappointing writing, stagnant technology and under-baked systems. Starfield does not show any meaningful signs of breaking the norm.


    Really? You can’t fathom how someone would consider NMS a better game?


    Both games are barely comparable other than using space as a backdrop.

    People who say X things aren’t comparable usually seem to grossly misunderstand how comparisons work. They’re very similar games and even if they weren’t they would still be comparable, the end result of the comparison is just that they would be different.

    I don’t think it’s useful to try and argue which game is better, but I would much rather play No Man’s Sky any day of the week.

    That’s fine but I still can’t fathom why. The only part of it that’s better than Starfield is flying to and from space.


    the science agrees with this man


    the science agrees with this man


    the science agrees with this man


    the science agrees with this man


    the science agrees with this man

    Seytoux, w Square Enix games misfire due to being "single producer's fiefdom", report suggests

    My two cents …

    As much as I have loved FF and other Square Enix franchises since I was a child, as of late, I feel like they want to continually disrespect their fan base. I should be clear that I am not anti-capitalist, by all means, they work in those games and deserve to be paid (even more so the devs to be compensated fairly), that said, there have been this trend over there in the last years, imo, that it’s ok to release unfinished games and sell you the complete version of this games either on dlcs which … not ok, but still manageable, or making you purchase a whoooole new game, sometimes not even being available on one console or the other, just to enjoy the game as originally intended. I’m looking at DQXI, and FFXV, which I love, both of them and feels like a F you to buy a whole complete 60$ game just for added content (not extra, part of the main story) or features.

    So, came FFXVI, I decided I’m not a little kid anymore that can’t wait for something, also have already a monstrous backlog from years since I don’t have the time to play so much anymore and I can wait one or two years till they release of, inevitably, the finished/revised version: FFXVI “Royal” “Plus” “Definitive” or whatever “cute” name they are going to slap on that to justify the re-purchase.

    Atlus, pulls this also.

    That’s the rant.

    Pxtl, w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN avatar

    Twitter has gotten enshittified. Reddit has gotten enshittified. Now Unity is getting enshittified.

    It’s time to learn the lesson: don’t be a sharecropper on somebody else’s property.

    platypode, w After years of 'good enough' PC ports, Armored Core 6 is the first game in FromSoftware's history truly born for mouse and keyboard avatar

    The game just has two too many buttons. I played it on both, and it feels much better on controller. Holding down both triggers to unload twin Gatling guns right into the spider’s pinecone ass is just satisfying in a way that mouse and keyboard isn’t. That being said, the fact that you need six easy-access buttons and constant camera control makes it really awkward/borderline unplayable unless you have a controller with back paddles.

    Fjaeger, w Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement, raising eyebrows

    This isn’t insider trading?

    ShadowCat, (edited ) avatar

    My friend told me about this earlier and that’s exactly what I thought. They knew this wouldn’t be popular and would drop the value so they sold before the announcement, that’s got to be insider trading


    Now the share price will drop and he will buy his share back at a discount. Then they will revert the policy and share prices will rise. Boom! Free monies!


    And when it’s all said and done, we just have to wait, on our knees, for the trickle down Yay! Unfettered Capitalism working just as intended.

    WYLD_STALLYNS, avatar

    When you think about it, trickle down economics is essentially getting a golden shower from the rich.


    Oh, if we’re lucky its just a golden shower…


    Trickle on me, daddy.


    He’s actually sold over 50,000 shares and not bought any. It’s just unloading.


    It’s too early to buy back.


    Read even the text posted in the OP. They’ve been selling all year, likely due to being paid in stock.

    TimLovesTech, avatar

    I think the part where they had a trend of selling over the course of a year makes this not insider trading (or harder to prove if they were playing the long game).


    They probably have automated sell of dates or automated sell of prices.

    This is part of a consistent pattern over the last year.

    He probably hasn’t bought any stocks due to receiving stock as part of his employment contract.

    It could be insider trading, but considering how companies have been doing pricing structures and rapid shifts from free to subscription based and then seeing sales/profit increase I imagine it’s worth it for them to simply keep the stock long term, but an initial sell off was put in place at a certain price. Sometimes there’s smoke and there’s fire, and sometimes it’s just simply the fumes of capitalism creating a system that’s uniquely imbalanced for everyone else, but isn’t really insider trading.


    Not if it is an automated scheduled sell and reported to the SEC.


    Still insider trading, just not the illegal kind.


    I feel like a scheduled sell shouldn’t mean insider trading investigation is off the table.

    Does it really matter if they decided to sell just before they devalue their company, or they devalued their company right after a sell? They knew about both before hand, and they can have the same intent either way.


    I suppose, but that’s a different crime under a different statute Im guessing. (Tanking the company because gou have a scheduled sell, versus selling because you tanked the company.)


    They’ve been consistently selling off stock for the last year as noted in the article. Many of these execs get paid in a combination of cash and shares. To get their full wage they sell shares.


    According to the Form 4 filed with this sale, the trade was planned at least as of May 19 using a 10b5-1.

    The sales reported on this Form 4 were effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan adopted by the Reporting Person on May 19, 2023.…/wf-form4_169420518678431.xml

    Anticorp, (edited )



    No, as the article says they’ve been doing it all year. Many execs and important employees often get paid a big chunk of their wage in stock. To get cash they need to sell stock.

    Cosmonaut_Collin, w Starfield getting DLSS support, FOV slider, HDR calibration, and more avatar

    This is stuff that should be available on release day for all fps games. I can’t believe companies keep getting away with releasing beta version of games as a full release.


    Could’ve been worse. Microsoft actually delayed Starfield for 2 years so Bethesda can supposedly fixed as much bugs they can before release.

    wesker, avatar

    But if you don’t preorder, you wont get the special costume and mount.

    Hazzard, w Starfield getting DLSS support, FOV slider, HDR calibration, and more

    Oh, good! I honestly kinda expected Bethesda to do nothing about the missing PC options, especially DLSS. The platform clearly hasn’t been their priority.

    Jaysyn, (edited ) w Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement, raising eyebrows avatar

    The irony of a bunch software devs about to sue the shit out of Unity to get EULAs invalidated.

    MisterMcBolt, w Starfield hasn’t hurt No Man’s Sky’s popularity – it may have even helped it

    I played Starfield on the Game Pass and was bored to tears after four hours. It made me want to explore space, but everything is so half-baked in Starfield that it drove me to reinstall and start playing more No Man’s Sky.

    Norgur, w Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement, raising eyebrows

    Riccitiello made EA the money guzzling shithole it is today. Who thought he might change when he was given the reigns of unity?

    Sanctus, avatar

    Remember when he wanted to charge players per digital bullet fired in FPS games?

    IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

    Nobody at Unity expected him to change. It was the entire point that this shit heel got to helm the company. The three founders are billionaires now, that’s why. Two years ago one of the founders, Joachim Ante, sold $40million in stock. They dgaf anymore they just keep selling.

    Hyzerflip, w Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement, raising eyebrows

    Curious to see if he actually buys any of it back, then that’s an issue. Pump stock and sell high, tank it to buy low.

    Bbbbbbbbbbb, w PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for September: NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

    Gotta play replicant


    Make sure to get all the endings

    mojo, w Starfield hasn’t hurt No Man’s Sky’s popularity – it may have even helped it

    They’re defintely way different games. NMS is more sandbox and procedural focused, whereas Starfield is a story focused game. Both are buggy space games lol.


    Thank you for saying it. I’m getting tired of all of these “Starfield is NMS but worse” takes form people that have obviously played neither.

    Neato, avatar

    NMS is a space exploration game.

    Starfield is a lite-RPG with a space theme.

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