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Kilamaos, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

I honestly don’t get it. It’s Bethesda. We know them. We know what Bethesda does. Did people honestly expect something different? Did they delusion themselves into thinking it was going to be different?

The game is exactly as i expected it to be. And I think it great.


Once I changed my mindset to “this map of the solar system is really just like a flat plane in Fallout New Vegas, except with extra steps” then I was able to enjoy it more. I think games like No Mans Sky spoiled people in terms of an engaging space travel mechanic, even though Bethesda was honest from the beginning about there not being transitions into/out of planet atmospheres.

The opening story about joining Constellation was pretty weak though.


A little pedantic but New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, not Bethesda


Okay true, but same formula still applies


I’m waiting till after Christmas or the first sale. Hopefully by then it’ll have more wrinkles ironed out.

This comes because I know Bethesda 😂


A lot of folks just got hyped up because hype and didn’t understand that this was a Bethesda game and was always going to be a Bethesda game.

Anyone who understood it was a Bethesda game, seems quite happy with the product.


Yeah I figured it was going to be a Bethesda game, and those usually frustrate me. I didn’t buy it. Maybe in a couple years when the Ultimate Edition is on sale I’ll try it.


I’m over 100 hours into it and have enjoyed every minute. I had to use mods though to make some aspects manageable tho. Like the UI and some bat files to increase merchants money. Little personal tweaks. Well… A lot of personal tweaks lol


I didn’t expect the game to be the best thing since sliced bread. I expected it to be a Bethesda game in space. That’s exactly what I got and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.


Personally I think Bethesdas approach to their game design is EXTREMELY dated and frustrating. Also they made Fallout 76, one of the most dog shit games I ever played.

They need some new talent making decisions on their games to make them more modern. The problems they have in their games should be inexcusable from a “AAA” studio in 2023.


They’re still using the same engine they’ve used since Morrowind. That’s a big reason their games feel dated. As for Starfield itself it tries to do a lot of things but it doesn’t do anything perfect. Everything it does there are other games that do better.


Fortnite uses the same engine as Unreal Tournament from 1999! How could they?!


Say what you want about fornite, personally I don’t play it, but in its current state fornite is a beautiful looking game.


Yep. I don’t play it either, but it looks great. UE5 can look amazing, but it’s built up from the engine they made for UT in '99. People don’t understand engines.


Apparently you’re not super mad about Skyrim having bugs in 2012 because that was just so unforgivable I’m still mad about it /s

Sadly while I’m sarcastic here this is literally the truth for a lot of people. PS I played Skyrim like 200 hours and saw irritating bugs maybe like 3 times. It didn’t really bother or deter me from playing in any way.

The haters of Bethesda games clearly have never written code. What they are doing in these games is honestly mind-blowing that it could be done so well that the games are actually playable


As a programmer, it isn’t mind blowing. Some of its neat, but pretty much all of it I’ve seen before at least as pieces. It’s also doing a lot worse and less than I’ve seen before too. Bethesda games are not known for their technical capabilities though, so I’m not too bothered by any of the technical stuff. A lot of the design is what bothers me. There’s so much friction for the player that you (or at least me) can never get immersed.


With this kind of reductionism, I wouldn’t trust your code.


What did Starfield do that was mind blowing, in your opinion. I don’t recall seeing anything that I haven’t seen 10 years ago, including the scale.


I have played every Bethesda game since Morrowind. Sure it’s a Bethesda game. That’s come in many forms though, and they will say they’ve learned lessons but continue to repeat them. For example, they said they learned their lesson with the “yes, no, sarcastic yes, more information” dialogue wheel. In Starfield it’s technically gone, but dialogue is functionally identical. No one complained because it was on a wheel, it’s because it didn’t provide options.

Bethesda has gone through many forms, so “a Bethesda game” means different things to different people. Starfield they advertised as a return to form (as in, back to the classic style of actually a role playing game), yet it’s probably the game with the fewest options for role play. If you are young (started with Skyrim and later), then I can see not having the experience to know better. For those who do remember them and saw all the marketing of them acting like they cared about that style, it falls flat. It doesn’t help it released after the best RPG of the past decade or more probably, but it comes short of my desires (but not expectations) regardless.


I’d argue that Baldur’s Gate 3 is the best RPG in at least 20 years. It’s been so long since we’ve had an RPG on its level that I had almost forgotten what it felt like. It makes me feel like the original Fallout games (from Black Isle Studios, not Bethesda) made me feel back in the day.


Yeah, it’s quite possibly the best ever. It takes what made classic CRPGs great but brings it into the modern era with everything we’ve learned. Compared to when it came out, it’s probably not the greatest, but comparing them all to each other directly it quite possibly is.

vjxtdibobyd, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

Every time I go play it I barely make it an hour before I get incredibly bored. I think the Bethesda formula really didn’t translate well to the bland space theme and has just run its course in general, at least for me. The nagging issues like endless loading screens, forced fast travel, miniscule carry weight, annoying UI, and lack of basic settings don’t help either. I know there are mods to fix some of those, but we really shouldn’t have to rely on mods to do something as basic as change the FOV in a game published by a billion dollar company.


Solid points. I’d of preferred they just made another decent fallout game. I think I tolerate some of their shortcomings in those games better because of nostalgia…


Honestly, I was surprised to hear that the game forces fast travel. I mean, a small indie company like Hello Games managed to make a procedurally generated universe where you can hop in your ship, fly off the planet, and either cruise through the galaxy or turn on warp speed and leave it all behind. Hell, you can even do it all in VR.

Yet, somehow, Bethesda made a space exploration game that doesn’t really let you explore space.

Of course, this is only what I’ve heard about it. I’ve been way too busy playing Baldur’s Gate 3 to play anything else. But my hype for eventually playing Starfield has dwindled to a solid “meh”. Maybe I’ll play it sometime when I don’t have anything better to do.

Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow, w The PC Gaming Show will return this November as PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted

Is it just going to be 15 Epic exclusives nobody will remember?

GrayBackgroundMusic, w FOUNDRY — Factory-Building Sandbox | Announcement Trailer

Ooooh. This could be good. Trailer makes it look like satisfactory, which is fine. The systems involved will be the real proof.

I can’t wait!

Goo_bubbs, w It's Official: Marvel's Avengers Is Gone

It had a decent single player campaign, although it was too short. The live service end game was extremely repetitive and should have never existed.

All they had to do was make a solid single player game, like Insomniac is doing with Spider-Man. Oh well.

Sanctus, w Marvel Is 'Painfully Aware' That Its Games Are Failing To Live Up To Their Potential avatar

Its really not hard. They have the lion’s share of IPs but not a single person there can take a risk on a new mechanic or feature. Their problem is they want high ROI in an industry that is largely based on ephemeral measurements. You can’t predict the next hit, so you have to climb out on limbs and take risks to stand out.


You can predict the next hit if you understand that a good game requires good game play. Just like a good movie requires good writing. But they hired EA, the sequel factory.

Sanctus, avatar

You say that, but Space Station 13 never became mainstream. Mischief Maker was left to rot and never remade. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles fucking removed the features we loved in the remake. Monster Rancher isn’t made anymore. Theres a host of IPs with great gameplay that are now lost to history. If it was so predictable companies would do it, because it makes money and companies solely exist to make money. But thats not the case. They churn out the same SaaS digital storefronts endlessly chasing the easy money. Nobody would have guessed Rainworld would have made the money it did, yet it triumphed. There is no formula for capturing the attention of apes with star-brains long enough to garner fame.

watson387, w Combat Design in Crashlands 2 | Bscotch Ballyhoo avatar

I don’t know. The first one got REALLY boring REALLY fast…


Same. I was actually relieved to beat the first boss thinking it was the end but i was sent to another planet or something. Played a few minutes and it’s the same gameplay. I quit the game and deleted it.

Sanctus, w Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 - Official Ember Spotlight avatar

Ember is the reason I have my feitshes.

yads, w Frostpunk 2 Preview: Less Frost and More Punks in This Daunting Society Simulator Sequel

Definitely sounds like an interesting update to the game

NOT_RICK, w Team17 hit by redundancies - UK firm latest to suffer layoffs avatar

I’ve been wondering what’s going on over there. Ghost Town Games have been radio silent about Overcooked for quite a bit now. I hope the issues are just limited to their publisher

Kongar, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

I got it for “free” with my new cpu purchase. I played about 5 hours. It was a total slog. Put it down and have zero regrets. Bethesda has been making some very boring games lately imo.


Skyrim was one of my favorite games for several years.

I tried watching my husband play Starfield but I kept zoning out, using my phone, or getting up to do something else. I’d rather do laundry. Starfield is boring A.F to watch, and I have zero interest in playing it


I think Skyrim is also boring to watch, they’re definitely better to play


Fair point on Skyrim being more fun to play than to watch. I agree. And if you like Starfield as it is- then so be it! I’m not trying to shit on anyone’s enjoyment of the game

BUT…my husband likes to try to optimize everything. So we’ll spend time looking at different aspects- some of the graphics just infuriated me. Some things looked so amazing, but others… meh or… wtf. The facial expressions are way behind the times, and everything he showed me seemed lacking in one way or another. Like that Aurora nightclub. The NPC’s are talking about what an amazing experience they are having, meanwhile it’s like 15 of them badly dancing or just standing around. They certainly didn’t look like they were having fun and they moved around like a group of homeless methheads

He ended up playing some more of the game once I went to bed, and then conceeded that it’s lack-luster and moved on to something else


Yeah, I got about 150 hours in, did all the side quests I could find, went through NG+ did almost all the things needed to ng+ again but now I’m just like… Meh why?

I’m sure it’ll be a great game for modders, there’s already a good bit that help with some of the basics (UI, beth wtf) so I got pretty good moneys worth from the game and here’s to hoping I can take many more trips in like FO4 and Skyrim with mods to vastly improve things :)

On the Aurora thing, I mean… You ever been in a club with people on Molly? They look out of their minds so… Doesn’t seem too far off lmao

Bout to start a fresh run on New Vegas, been many many years so I’m excited :D


I bought after it released.

So far I’ve seen a lot of Bethesda typical bugs, but nothing game breaking yet.

Yes the first few hours of a play through are a slog, after it opens up more it becomes much more enjoyable. A live another life type mod would make me immensely happy.

That being said, Bethesda does a good job of making a platform for modding, and thats the KEY thing that keeps me buying, and playing again and again, Bethesda games.

For that reason ESO just never had the magic to me, I understand a lot of mods found for single player games would be highly unbalanced and its not an option for an MMO. That said, without mods Bethesda games are lackluster and I quickly lost interest despite trying to enjoy it a few times. I like MMOs too, don’t get me wrong, I’m not someone who only plays shooters being introduced to an MMO.

I’m excited to see what the modding community can do once the tools are released in 2024.


Same got it free with my 7800x3d, played it for 15 minutes saw it ran like dog shit even on that CPU with a RTX 4090 and said fuck this.

Cyberpunk 2.0 has been incredible though

yokonzo, w Frostpunk 2 Preview: Less Frost and More Punks in This Daunting Society Simulator Sequel

But… But… I liked the frost

li10, w Yes, Phantom Liberty and patch 2.0 really are Cyberpunk 2077's 'last big updates' and it's finally time to start the sequel, director confirms

I’d say they’ve really got the game to a good place at this point. In ways it still isn’t perfect, but if it had been like this at release then people would’ve absolutely loved it.

It’s something I think about for quite a lot of open world games, but it always seems like a waste that companies just move on from building up a game.

Really feels like they could spend years just adding to the world they’ve built.


Gamers proved to them that it didn’t matter if the game sucked on launch. Why keep building free updates when you can dump money into a new game? Which will most certainly be broken at launch again. Preorders need to stop being a thing and then we won’t have this type of mess anymore.


I haven't pre-ordered since Stellaris. I bought in the launch week when I was sure that the game of desire was actually playale and fun.

Preorder FOMO shit can miss me, I have gacha games for that.


You and I don't, but gods, every time a new game trailer drops, the Discord communities I'm in all go HYPE HYPE HYPE I'm preordering. Or you can just see it from the YouTube comments. Too many idiots giving their money before a product has been proven.


I don’t worry about the complaints of people who pre-order anymore. I sit back and eat popcorn watching them rage about the quality of the launch title after paying full retail.


I’ve Kickstarter, when I wanna give money to struggling artists who may or may not deliver on time (hi, Poots!) Big studios can kiss my ass. And I say this as a fan of CDPR! I almost preordered CP2077, because I felt bad not paying full price for The Witcher 3. But then I remembered it just fucking encourages them. I’d rather have paid for a print copy of the artbook, to give them extra money. Ah well.

Kaldo, avatar

That's why I was excited about the online partffew years ago - imagine gtav but in night city, backed by CDPR? If done well it's be printing money for them and guarantee constant updates and improvements for us. Unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be it seems :/

etchinghillside, w Wizordum | Announcement Trailer

Minecraft Hexen

ahornsirup, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam avatar

Honestly, I'm amazed by the hatedom for Starfield. It's ... a Bethesda game (and it's actually better at being a Bethesda game than Fo4). I'm not sure what people seem to have expected?

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

More progress than “better at being a Bethesda game than Fo4”.

I was a die hard Bethesda fan prior to 76 and they need to do better than par to earn my favor back. They scorned me and my wallet isn’t going to forget that any time soon.

DarkGamer, avatar

76 is really good now though, my most played game atm.

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

Maybe but why should I consider playing anything they have anymore? They ripped me off. I never got my canvas bag with my pre order and the whiskey was a over priced plastic shell with mediocre whiskey in it.

The whiskey wasn’t part of the deal but the pre order was and I want what I paid for damn it. There is no excuses for their shitty business practices.


I can at least say the collectors edition of Starfield is pretty cool, I like the watch even if it’s pretty basic and the case is really nifty.

ahornsirup, avatar

Okay, fair enough, Fo76 was an unmitigated disaster. But what were you expecting from Starfield, exactly?

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

Nothing. I didn’t buy it nor review bomb it. I watched the gameplay and scoffed at how yet again we were being spoon fed more mediocre Bethesda content.

The thing is, I want to love them. I used to be obsessed with the lore from Fallout and I’m embarrassed to admit how much time I spent playing ESO. It sucks but if I keep giving them my money I’m just basically saying “it’s okay you screwed me over”. If they really want my money again they have to shape up both their buggy software and their business practices.


Yup, I’m right there with you. For me it started with their paid modding nonsense with Valve. They apologized, I forgave them, and then they literally did it again with the Creation Club. Totally betrayed our trust and clearly only did it because they were so desperate to monetize their modding scene in any capacity that they were fine with going back on their word.

Fallout 76, along with the preorder BS, the atomic shop, and their overpriced subscription service, all added to my growing distrust in Bethesda. And tbh even Fallout 4 really let me down and made me nervous about future games.

All that being said, I still really wanted to like Starfield. Unfortunately I just didn’t.


My hot take on Bethesda is, they simply don’t do game design. They take their previous game, slap whatever is the fashionable mechanic of the day on top, and just roll with the punches until it sorta kinda works.

They haven’t done any real game design probably since Morrowind. Since then they’ve added weapon armor crafting in skyrim, base building and weapon customization in fallout 4, and now in starfield they’re adding procedural planets, resource mining, Ship building… the game is collapsing under sheer feature count.

The problem for me is, it’s not enhancing the core Bethesda experience; they are rather diluting it. All this extra crap just distracts from the actual thing I want from a Bethesda game, which is a big open designed world filled with interesting locations, characters and quests that you’re free to discover as you like. The procedural content especially is, like, antithetical to the formula.

harmonea, avatar

The procedural content especially is, like, antithetical to the formula.

Agreed; I don't even understand why procedural generation is popular anymore. It was novel in its first uses, but where devs see convenient shortcuts and marketers see "infinite replayability," I see "this shit is all going to feel identical after like 5 tries tops."

Oh look, it's the skybox from 3 planets ago with the ruin from 2 planets ago and the enemy selection from 5 planets ago. And I think this might be a new shade of blue in the grass, or is that just the skybox casting a weird hue over everything?

Much refreshing, very discover, wow.

bogdugg, avatar

I believe it amplifies some of the worst aspects of their games. If I think back to what I liked about Oblivion, it was a world that felt lived in. Objects had purpose, characters had homes, content was discovered. It relied a lot on procedural content, but it felt like there was a strong level of cohesion between the procedural elements and mechanics. The disparate aspects of the game fed into one another. With Starfield, you get this huge increase in scope, but each individual part feels kind of empty and boring and clunky and slow.

Here’s a contrasting example:

In Oblivion, imagine if you wanted to steal something from a vendor. You have to wait for night, you have to pick the lock, items have actual value, you have to stealth in case they catch you, you know if they can see you, there are other things to do in the city in the meantime, and during all this you might find something unexpected along the way that completely tangents you off into a different direction. All these elements come together to create interesting player stories, and none if it needs to be tied to any guided narrative.

In Starfield, all of these elements fall apart. The scope of the game means you’re constantly fast travelling from location to location. No single location has too much going on, and half the time what is there is sending you back out to space anyway, so you never really feel much connection to any physical place. The relative value of items is totally skewed because of the scale of ship related expenses compared to anything else, so what’s the value of stealing a cool rock? It’s also very difficult to tell relative weapon/item quality at a glance. I know that a steel sword is better than an iron sword; I have no clue why a Reflective Terrablazer is better than a Targeted Blurgun - and the default weapons usually don’t matter anyway because I would much rather have cool modifiers. The stealth and lockpick mechanics are both behind skill tree unlocks, so you’re far less likely to engage with those mechanics in the first place. The shops are all open 24/7 (I think? honestly don’t even know) so the day/night cycle seems irrelevant, so sneaking in to the shop is a no go, and I feel pretty limited in lockpicks and don’t really know where to reliably buy than a few at a time. And you never, ever, find anything surprising or compelling, and if you did it would be reduced to a quest checkbox.

So to summarize: I don’t know who I’m stealing from, I don’t know why I would care to steal anything, it’s not obvious how stealthy anyway I am unless I skill into it, it’s not worth using my lockpicks, I’ll never be caught, and their door is always open. There’s zero motivation to actually engage with the world in a way that makes it feel alive. But it’s critical to note: all those systems are still there! You can do all this stuff in the game! But because of how things are structured, even though the game on a fundamental level is extremely similar, the way you interact with it is totally removed from the kind of emergent fun that makes exploring those worlds so fun. It’s just a smooth path of monotony to the next thing. The systems often amount to less than the sum of their parts.

Now I’ll admit, some of this could be on me. Maybe I’ve changed. It’s possible. But man, I tried. Hey, what’s that cool cave on this planet? I’ll go check it out! Oh uhh, it’s nothing? There’s… a dead crab and a box with some old glue? Okay I guess?


I think vendors being open 24/7 was a quality of life choice. Different planets work on different time-scales. In skyrim, you fast travel from Riverwood to Whiterun, and it only takes a few in-game hours. You leave Riverwood at day and likely load into Whiterun at day as well, so shops and quest-givers are more likely to be up and open.

In Starfield, the day/night cycle and the distances are so different and vast that every time you jumped anywhere it would be a 50/50 on it being night and you having to find a bed or chair to wait or not. I think that would get tedious, so the shoddy solution is that everything is open 24/7.

bogdugg, (edited ) avatar

Oh you’re definitely correct. But I think many decisions were made in this way, and it compromises the core experience. There’s all these friction points between the different systems that make the experience feel disjointed. They are each fine in isolation, but they don’t talk to each other very well, in my opinion.

Even Skyrim arguably suffered a little from problem of locations not mattering, but at least you needed to first visit the place to unlock it as a fast travel point, which meant you needed to travel there on foot, which meant exploring the world, which requires other design work that supports that experience. But for Starfield of course, these are planets so you can just fly there. It makes sense for what the game is, but it doesn’t make for a compelling experience. See that mountain? You can go to your map and fast travel there.*

*I know it doesn’t work that way once you land on a planet, but you know what I mean

!deleted6508 avatar

It doesn’t have the same impact from the world design or story telling. It’s generic. It’s boring. It’s bland. The game play is exactly the same, but the motivation to give a shit about anything is gone because nothing about the world is very interesting aside from the aesthetics.

Shit, man, even the books in the game are just excerpts from real books. Like… humans haven’t written anything new in the 200 something years since Earth’s exodus? Cmon.


I don’t think it’s a bad game at all. But the Bethesda formula is definitely showing its age and the muted tone and presentation of Starfield, compared to Elder Scrolls and Fallout, accentuates this. I have like a dozen other games vying for my attention and a huge backlog of other titles, and I’ve been struggling to find motivation to play Starfield as a result. If I’d paid CDN$90 for the privilege I’d probably feel more strongly about it either way.


I did actually enjoy starfield (it wasn’t amazing or anything, but I don’t regret my purchase), but I have to say, I hate this argument.

For one thing, being a Bethesda game doesn’t just immediately grant a pass for being bad in all the ways Bethesda games are generally always bad (bugs, bad facial animations, outdated mechanics, etc). Each game should be judged for how good of a game it is, not how good a " Bethesda game" it is.

Secondly, and more importantly, the fact is that this time around is especially bad simply because all the typical “Bethesda” issues are just starting to become more and more egregious as time goes on. The fact is that if you handed me this game and told me that it was a heavily modded copy of FO4 I’d 100% believe you. Nothing in this game really shows a meaningful step forward either in tech or gameplay from what we’ve seen before. The only real “new” thing is ship to ship combat, which is frankly very lackluster.

As for what people expected? Better. That’s pretty much the long and the short of it. They expected it to feel less clunky than FO4, they expected space travel mechanics that weren’t just glorified fast travel menus, and new gameplay that doesn’t just feel like the same shit Bethesda has been doing since Morrowind.

That being said, the worldbuilding is phenomenal, as is typical of Bethesda, and at least for me, that’s where most of the fun came in, just wandering around and doing side quests to explore more of the world. But once you’ve more or less explored the world, there’s not much left to draw you in. The gameplay itself certainly hasn’t been fun enough to make me seriously consider a newgame+ any time soon.


Their biggest, most consistent fault isn’t bugs orjank, it’s the stale as fuck writing. They desperately need the hand the reigns to some new talent in that area.

It feels like they’ve been incapable of writing a compelling narrative with interesting characters for decades now.


Skyrim had some very compelling narratives, however it has the prior games lore buildup to build off of

I feel like Starfield is a lot more “matter of fact” about it, wherein things are told to you moreso rather then needing to go out and “find” the lore.

I also don’t know of any mysteries in the Starfield world that aren’t just… Explainable

For example, terrormorphs or starborn, the game just tells you the details with hardly any effort needed to uncover the info yourself.

Maybe I’m just way to into the FromSoft narrative style at this point where there’s tons of deep lore but they don’t just hand it to you on a platter, makes it more fun to theorize and dig

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