bjoern_tantau, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG. avatar

After I had gotten the hang of Hellblade’s combat on the adaptive difficulty I turned it to easy by the end because killing enemies had become just a slog. Funnily enough it coincided with her getting the new ultimate sword and made the game feel much more epic.

BTW, Baldur’s Gate 3 does difficulty very well. Enemies get better abilities and use the good ones more frequently.


I did this in persona 5 on the last boss, even if you know all the weaknesses it was still RNG and after 3 tries I said fuck it I have other shit to do

match, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Our Adventuring Guild doesn’t look like much on its cover but it scratches all the management sim and tactics RPG urges that I enjoy, while also having some surprisingly cute writing (while still mainlining the classic fantasy RPG themes)


Picked this one up on a whim from a summer sale discovery queue and it’s been such a delightful surprise! I’ll second scratching the RPG and tactics itch, just wish I had more free time in my life right now because the game is turn based crack for me.

Bonus points for being a Unity game which makes it technically moddable (even if the developer has no plans of adding official support for it).

AliasVortex, (edited )

Throwing in Tactical Breach Wizards, because it just came out and has very similar trun based tactics vibes, but with more sarcastic/ absurd humor that you’d expect from Heat Signature or Gun Point (on account of being from the same developer).

Scratch that, there’s an entry further down:

bouh, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Nexus: the Jupiter incident. It is a now a bit old tactical space combat game with a big focus on the narrative. It’s awesome, but I never see it mentioned anywhere.


Ha, “bit old” indeed.


God how badly do I want to see a remaster/remake. So under rated. With a bit more fleshing out (It’s a pretty short, pretty linear experience) it could easily compete with the mechanics in Homeworld.

ashok36, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation

I’d much rather have a game like deadlock developed out of love and passion than some suits dictating to the devs to make games they don’t want to. That’s how we get Avengers, Redfall, Gotham Knights, etc…


Especially considering a lot of the creative talent behind Valve’s acclaimed single player catalog are no longer at the company. Valve is a different company now and so their games will be different too.


On the flip side, they still have that Valve spice. Alyx was worthy of the Half Life badge, something I was skeptical was still possible after all that time.

Pencilnoob, do gaming w It's irritating how low effort AA+ games are these days avatar

We’re living in a golden age of indie games! I’ve been loving games like:

  • Celeste
  • Manor Lords
  • Predecessor
  • Fire watch
  • What remains of Edith Finch
  • Curse of the Golden Idol
  • Cuphead
  • Stardew Valley
  • Luck be a Landlord
  • Return of the Obra Din

If you want good bigger budget games there’s still great options like:

  • Elden Ring
  • Stellaris
  • Palworld
  • Balders Gate 3
  • Deep Rock Galactic
_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

I would argue all those games but Elden Ring and BG3 are more indie games (not familiar with Stellaris though).

You would probably also enjoy Dead Cells and Hollow Knight btw

Pencilnoob, avatar

I forgot Dead Cells! It’s so goooood.


I’ll have to add Hollow Knight to the list, thanks for the suggestion


Having played most of these indie games already, I agree with you completely. Indie gaming is awesome, and I can’t wait to see what new games are developed. I’m also hoping to develop my own title, but I have first hand experience with development, and it’s a crazy amount of work. It’s going to take me at least 12 months Just to even get the first town or area in my game done because of how much learning I have to do, how much design and development, then coding. Truly astounding how much work goes into creating something incredibly small scale. These big massive companies with billion-dollar equity behind them, They have all these crazy resources to Create these games absurdly fast. They can just plop down a resource generated set of walls and textures, and in days, You have an entire town created. I’ve seen it done, makes me kind of jealous and hope that indie developers can get this kind of stuff later on


cyberpunk was good if you waited to buy when they got it fixed decently

GlassHalfHopeful, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia avatar

Honestly never had a clue. Thanks for the share.

Toes, do games w Do you prefer RPGs or FPS games?

RPG and FPS don’t need to be exclusive tags.

For example cyberpunk does a pretty good job marrying the two.

I prefer games with a strong character creator which tend to be RPG games. I’ve been really enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3.

However, games like the sims, left4dead2 and the Borderlands series are pretty fun too.

Banichan, avatar

Please tell me how left4dead2 is fun


or sims lol


Haha, it’s not for everyone. But my favourite games have been games like the sims or SimCity.

Have you ever played rimworld or CDDA?




oof these threads got hit by Thanos

Nima, avatar

seriously. no idea what on earth happened.


this comment(my comment) was saying: “I LOVE CDDA” because the other person brought it up. Some mod at .world powertripping

Nima, avatar

fun is classified by having a feeling of enjoyment from playing a video game.

hope this helps.

Banichan, avatar

You’re so sarcastic with your little quips



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  • Banichan, avatar

    There are countless games that do the formula waaaaaay better



    Proceeds to list none

    Banichan, avatar

    I’m not your list whore

    RIPandTERROR, avatar




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  • Deestan,


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  • Banichan, avatar





    So what’s fun about that series has changed overtime.

    When I first got l4d1 I was excited to share a spooky experience with friends. I found the atmosphere of the campaigns and characters interaction to be enjoyable.

    When l4d2 came out I was a seasoned player and I felt that the level design was worse (but still fun) than the first game except for Hard Rain, that campaign was very challenging. However the addition of melee weapons was huge and the new variety of monsters appreciated.

    But what kept me coming back was how much love went into the game over the course of its lifetime. All the l4d1 campaigns and characters got imported, extra campaigns were added. All for free (on PC) to enjoy.

    The workshop added infinite replayability as there’s so many custom campaigns and other whacky content to explore.

    Also the PvP mode where your team takes turns doing the campaign and playing as the zombies was easily the best way to play the game in my opinion.

    So if you didn’t get into the game with a group of friends back when it was the zombie game to play. I could see why you might not think it’s fun or if you didn’t have any friends to play with. It’s not a great single player experience and the AI sucks.

    Banichan, avatar

    I played it with friends, but quickly got bored of the simple mechanics and lack of progression. It’s like a zombie game skin over Half-life 2.


    Yeah it’s pretty basic compared to modern games.

    At the time ‘world at war’ was the other popular zombie game and it’s also pretty simple by today’s standards.

    I like the lack of progression, it’s nice to know everyone starts the same with each game. No special meta build just to enjoy the game.

    I think the game back4blood seriously shot themselves in the foot by lacking the co-op verses mode l4d had. It’s the biggest complaint I hear against it, that and the lack of workshop support to make your own campaigns and content.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    What? I want my progress to carry over multiple play sessions. Is that so wrong?

    Aldo, I’ve been playing video games for 42 years. I need new and complicated mechanics to keep my attention.

    deafboy, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    You’re not as clever as you think you are, kid.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    Number go up is boring as shit. Great for when I was a child.

    ampersandrew, avatar


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  • Banichan, avatar

    Not across multiple play sessions. Context is important.

    LambdaRX, do games w Good game soundtracks? avatar

    Obligatory Nier series music mention.

    Sterile_Technique, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

    Grounded $39.99 $19.99 (50% off)

    This is basically “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” as a survival builder. Set in the 80s, you and up to three others are teens that miniaturized by… well you gotta figure out the how and why, and how to return to normal size by navigating the back yard of a scientist with some knowledge on the tech. TBH, I didn’t really expect much from this game, but found myself having a ridiculous amount of fun with it. It is REALLY well made - the attention to detail is insane, from the yard design to build pieces. I wish I had this game when I was a kid, but still enjoyed the hell out of it in my 30s.

    caut_R, do games w Is it possible to safely "give away" a Steam account to a stranger?

    Too risky regarding personal info you might’ve overlooked IMO, maybe give it to a friend instead

    And obviously it‘s against the ToS and might get the account banned but I assume you know that

    catloaf, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

    Does Geoguessr count?

    Asudox, avatar

    no, absolutely not.

    Sneptaur, do gaming w Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better? avatar

    It’s not a controversial take, but survivorship bias is certainly strong with anything like this. People like classic rock because the bad songs from that era have faded into obscurity. The same goes for your favorite retro games; for every Ocarina of Time there was a Superman 64. For every Zelda there were 3 shitty LJN games.

    The type of trash is just different. Instead of low-effort cash grab games, now we get high-effort overworked devs making a game that asks you to pay for it over and over again.

    TheMonkeyLord, avatar

    You even see this with games that were insanely cash grabby from ten or so years ago. Borderlands 2 made you pay for every level cap increase and tiny piece of updated content as it rolled out. The handsome collection fixed that, but it’s still true that it really tried to toll you at every corner. Game is still highly regarded though.


    I dunno. I pulled Septera Core out of a bargain bin shoved together with some forgettable mech game for $10, and it was pretty great.

    I don’t think effort is what makes the difference. Games now are designed increasingly in ways that are less ‘risky’ in terms of corporate measures of user satisfaction than they used to be. It’s the kind of measure of satisfaction that sees a quest marker constantly showing your destination as clearly preferable to having to actually look at the world and find your way around.

    I’ve run into this with friends of mine who are into modding before. When they see one mechanic that negates another mechanic, or that degrades the output quality of another mechanic, they see it as wasted code. To me, that’s the essence of the tension and release in a game. You create a state the player wants to get to, then you put shit in their way and provide them with various ways of solving your obstacles. That’s basically narrative driven gaming in a nutshell, an interaction between barriers and ways of negating those barriers.

    But like, I think that may be part of what’s missing sometimes in pushing these more like real-world convenience-oriented features akin to a GPS app. If you’re making a GPS app, you want it to work perfectly, but in a game it’s kind of more fun if it’s got a little bit of jank in it. Not the actual code, obviously, but the player’s interaction with the mechanic in the game world. A straightforward trip from point A to point B isn’t much of a story.

    Honestly, I think it’s just more of the kind of watering down that’s inevitable as you get too much money wrapped up in a project. Corporate infrastructures and IPOs aren’t conducive to art. Or quality in anything else, for that matter. It doesn’t just affect what decisions are made in a game’s development, either. It affects how people are educated, who gets hired, how labor is divided.

    There’s definitely something to be said for the effects of nostalgia and survivorship bias on the appearance of retro gaming in a modern context, but there also have been major changes that aren’t just about the decisions of individual companies.

    Sneptaur, avatar

    Honestly, my argument that new and old games are both good would be to point straight at the Ratchet & Clank series.

    In my opinion, it’s only gotten better with time, and the latest entry in the Series from 2021 is genuinely one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. It’s modern, cutting-edge, requiring a PCIe Gen4 SSD and a DualSense controller for the best experience. It’s just fantastic. New games, even AAA games, can be great so long as the project is being led by people who know how to make good games.

    slazer2au, do games w I just want to play my game...

    I see you fell for Ubi blatant lying that the game is single player when it should be classified as Live Service.

    It truly does suck that there is no offline mode just like The Division.


    Live service and always online are two entirely different things, and the former isn’t inherently malicious, unlike the latter.

    I’d, for example, consider all Paradox grand strategy games as live service with major updates dropping once or twice a year (followed by like twenty bugfix patches cause they fuck up every time, but that’s besides the point). Sure, every major update comes with a new dlc that isn’t exactly cheap, but you also get a lot of free content with each release. All their major titles are entirely different games now than they were at the 1.0 release.

    What ubisoft does is just a tacked on battle pass that gets a few worthless items/skins so they can call it live service and have a justification for their always online verification model. That’s purely an anti piracy measure that fucks legitimate players more than pirates.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    In the Paradox case, nothing is live, and they aren’t pretending it’s a service. They just put goods out at a rapid clip that you choose to buy or not. That’s why live service games are always online. If Paradox counts, then so do board games, and that’s absurd.

    Vespair, (edited ) do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

    I guess it depends on your definition of indie some, but here are mine:

    Guacamelee 1 & Guacamelee 2 - The humor is mixed but the gameplay is just so damn tight

    Shovel Knight - Growing up on games like Mega Man and Duck Tales, Shovel Knight feels like it was made specifically for me.

    Celeste - One of my favorite gaming experiences. Great story, great gameplay, and hard as fuck. Incredible accessibility options also.

    Recettear: An Item Shop - I don’t know anyone else who has played this game but it’s so damn good. I love it.

    Stardew Valley - The way ConcernedApe continues to add free content to this game makes this easily one of the best values in gaming, but this game would still be great even if content updates had stopped a long time ago. Have to play on PC though for mods; the default walking speed makes the game unplayable for me.

    I also put years into a now-defunct multi-user-dungeon called Arythia, but that’s kind of it’s own whole thing so I don’t think that counts.

    edit: I can’t believe I forgot to include Hades, which is literally one of my all-time favorite games.

    slimerancher, avatar

    Oooh, MUDs! I used to play 1 or two, don’t even remember their name now…


    Yeah I played a few, but arythia was my “main” and the only one I still remember the name and details of. But it was also run by a group of kids just slightly older than me out of a local tech school that I knew about via a connection I made in local theatre, so arythia had a much more concrete “real world” feel to me than any of the other completely random MUDs I played.

    yamanii, avatar

    I thought all of those were undisputed indies? Also good one for recommending Recettear, the japanese indie scene is almost lost media since they used to sell their games as physical disks at events, very few ended up on steam, it’s a pain in the ass trying to find stuff that’s not on there.


    I believe a number of them have publisher/port deals with big studios, so I wasn’t sure if that would disqualify them in some eyes, but yes I consider all of them fully indie-developed games.

    yamanii, avatar

    I see, yeah it’s complex, but people still think of devolver games as indies since they basically only help with marketing and localization I think? This discussion happened with Bastion too but the devs said Warner only helped them to get on consoles and steam, it was self-funded.


    If you like Recettear then you would like Moonlighter. It’s the same game but made a decade later.



    AND it’s 85% off as part of the spring sale. As a lover of Recettear this was an easy buy for me.


    Ooooo good tip, thank you!

    0xD, do games w What are y'all buying on the steam sale?

    Inscryption. What a masterpiece!


    Play The Hex next! Go in blind, and don’t mind the graphics—they’ll make sense.

    It’s by the creator of Inscryption and I think it’s his finest work yet.


    Hah, I even got the pack with Pony Island because it was a few cents cheaper lol! Will check it out, thanks :D


    Pony island is a hoot! I knocked it out in a couple hours.

    I SAVORED The Hex though. After 50-some hours of Inscryption I thought there’s no way The Hex could compare… I have a lot more play time in Inscryption, but overall I thought The Hex was fucking brilliant. Hard recommend to anyone who likes Mullins’ games.

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