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the secret recipe (beehaw.org) angielski

[alt text: a semi-surreal meme image on a plain white background. Two characters from Dark Souls are saying, “My lord, we have absolutely ESSENTIAL lore information for the player. Should we make a cutscrene for it?”. They are looking at Hidetaka Miyazaki, who has the From Software logo emblazoned over him, and he is...


Because he’d say no. Better to ask for forgiveness.


Is it generic? It seems pretty rich in Elden Ring when compared to most games.


The PS5, while bigger than last entries, is hardly the size of a small fridge.

More like a floor air conditioner.


Long time fans of the 2d games really enjoy Wonder as the movement mechanics moved back to a faster feel from pre-New Super Mario Bros. My favorite will probably always be Super Mario World because the movement is the most responsive in that game and I also like to play ROM hacks for it and that community is wild.

New Super Mario Bros ended up with a sluggish movement by comparison and dominated 2d Mario for decades.

The big draw for many people in Mario is movement mechanics and that’s why Odyssey is so popular as well. The 3d platforming with Cappy just feels right. Like a missing extension that we never new we didn’t have.


Last time Bethesda just moved then out of steam and made money off of them on their own platform.


I love Mario Maker, but I would suggest skipping 2 at this point. It’s been out so long that most of the hype has died on it and there is so much garbage content that somebody picking it up right now is likely to get frustrating for new players.


After my most recent upgrade i loaded up nearly a TB of mods with Wabbajack. It looked gorgeous. It ran smoothly. The gameplay mods made it less fun!


Was definitely worth it. My biggest problem with it isn’t even Wabbajack.

The modding community send to have settled on making Skyrim hardcore these days. While I fine games that are meant for that fun, it’s not why I want to play Skyrim. So those mod packs end up ruining the game for me.


And not just that, you’re a mercenary. There’s only so many types of tasks you get hired for. CDPR did a really great job differentiating gigs from eachother IMO.

Sure some of them are cookie cutter, but there’s a story behind them and sometimes you can link that story into the overall world. Sometimes there’s choices to make that impact the outcome. Usually there’s multiple ways to approach it. And very few of them have the same layout.

There’s 89 Gigs in the base game. I didn’t at all feel ripped off that some of them are similar. I’d rather the gigs feel similar than have them encroaching on the side quests in feel.


I’m happy that the community feels satisfied with this ending. I’m not sure I buy it, though.

I’ve seen every move in this level be completed. I think it’s incredibly difficult but still possible. Based on everything I’ve seen from the creator recently this seems more like an attempt to get people to shut up about it to me.


The creator says they didn’t beat it. I’m saying that based on their history, I actually think they are lying right now to get people to stop bothering them

They reportedly were highly addicted to SMM around the time they uploaded this level, having messed up aspects of their lives. They wanted to be left alone about this whole situation but the Internet doesn’t let things like that happen.

Saying it was a TAS is the easiest way to get everybody to stop playing the level and hopefully stop the discussion 2 weeks sooner.

I’m happy Team 0% is satisfied with the conclusion. I’m just skeptical, especially considering nobody knew about TAS’s existing for the game near that window.


It’s a bunch of people taking CR out of context. They talk about 1.0 in that letter, but only as something they are aiming for long term.


What, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, the F did I just watch?


As for why it might be a point of contention with many millennials.

My best guess is we’ve spent years being accused of doing things by boomers who didn’t know that Gen Z was a thing and now it feels like we are being lumped in with Boomers because Gen Z can’t be bothered to learn that more than one generation camr before them.

For Gen X it may just be that they constantly feel forgotten and want to be known.


The game is long. 100-120 hours a playthrough isn’t for everybody. As long as you feel satisfied that’s what counts.


I thought that on my first playthrough but feel like much of the polish was added by my second one.


I’ll preface this by saying that in no way do I expect that ES6 will shine more than Starfield and nothing I’m about to say should be construed as such.

I personally think that Starfield isn’t a good representation of what modern Bethesda will do with ES6. Starfield is the first time any of the major players had been involved in a totally new IP.

Skyrim was mechanically good enough, but it was only interesting because it was built in a world that was already rich with lore. It built upon a strong foundation of interesting concepts, conflict, and history to move a timeline forward and on top of that allowed for modders to easily expand it further.

Fallout 3 and 4 followed the same formula as Skyrim. Build a mechanically good enough game built on a rich world and allow modders to expand it.

Fallout 76 was the first departure from building on what was already there and it was a disaster because it wasn’t mechanically good enough.

Starfield is a new departure by making something that’s mechanically good enough but also needing to build a whole universe from scratch which left it feeling dull for many.

ES6 represents an opportunity for Bethesda to go back to the formula that worked for them until now. There is a big risk that they will further streamline the gameplay making it less deep as they have done with every generation, but it’s not a guarantee at this point in time.


My favorite part was the questionable messaging around killing endangered animals. But it was a chill game for sure.


When I see “not looking to” in this context it just tells me Tencent hasn’t offer enough money at this time.


Daisy Ridley is far from making the list of things the sequels did poorly. She herself would be on the list of positives. JJ on the other hand…

It’s very sad that she people can’t separate the actors from a story. The actors very rarely have anything to do with the story on screen. The only thing they control is their performance.

I hope she pulls down some big roles that leave a more positive experience for her.


They are extremely similar to the point that I think they are edging very close to Nintendo caring if they don’t already.

But I don’t think the assets are directly stolen from looking at them.


This. Pay money for fun.

I don’t care if it’s in early access if I’m enjoying it. I do care if I’m paying money for an extremely frustrating experience, but this game does look fun if you have friends to play with.


Arceus: graphically barren but mechanically superior

Was my take.


That’s interesting, but it’s ultimately not up to the artists.

The creators lawyers felt comfortable that they are in the clear. I don’t think that will stop Nintendo from burying them in litigation but I’d say if the lawyers are willing to say that then the assets are likely created in house.

The idea that the assets were stolen was the comment I replied to.


This cracked me up. I won’t be playing it, but it’s nice to hear the absurdity of the Mishima family told in a dramatic tone.


I think this is compounded by his reputation goes past just his fans.

I actually don’t think I’ve ever played a Kojima game and I don’t know that I ever will but even I understand he has a reputation of making extremely solid games even if it means he’s fighting tooth and nail to continue that trend.


The main thing I want from ES6 is the same level of modability as Skyrim. I’d love for it to be as stable as Starfield.

I didn’t think the need to dump creation to make a great game, they just need to stop trying to polish the rust. Some aspects of Creation aren’t amazing but the staying power of Bethesda games has been about modding a compelling world in a well supported way. They need to ensure that whatever they do that they don’t lose that.

I think Starfield has a lot going for it but I don’t find the world compelling enough to want to spend time in the way I did Skyrim. I enjoyed the time I did spend but I don’t see that itch coming back. Starfield made me want to play a space game with magic, but I’ve I got it’s magic unlocked I didn’t feel that desire was fulfilled.


They are very indie. I had only heard of one of their games, Lugaru, before today.

They seem to be getting better at making games, but they still look to be visually lacking.


This. For bg3 I started by looking up a simple question around class complexity. Landed on fighter for my first class and then only looked up specific questions I had about how something works if I wanted to consider it.

That was only to verify I understood what it was saying it did correctly.


Only thing that would have been better is if they brought in Uwe Boll somehow.

Starfield group fixing Bethesda's bugs say their job is tough as mods feel an afterthought (www.eurogamer.net)

“What’s more frustrating for those working on SCP, and the wider Starfield modding community, is how difficult it is to work with Starfield’s code without official modding tools and support. This isn’t helped by the delayed mod tools from Bethesda, which the company says are coming at some point next year.”


This was my thought. Bethesda games are considered great because of the modability. Until the tools are released it seems like a hassle to do anything more than simple. Especially knowing that it will just be replaced when the tools come out.


I get that things felt sparse but Starfield does have over 200 hours of content. That’s roughly how much went into my first playthrough and I never felt like it was repetitive. I also didn’t go for completion so there were likely another 100 hours I skipped.

Is Star Citizen's new server meshing tech plagiarized? angielski

Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, but am I the only one who thinks that Star Citizen’s new server meshing technology is an old hat? I believe it’s the same technology that a few highly scalable Minecraft servers have been using for years. WorldQL introduced this back in 2021, but I think the idea was around even...


Dynamic zones help balance the processing of a particular zone across multiple servers based on usage.

In a static setup, an unlimited number of players could end up on the same server causing performance issues in a particular zone. While dynamic will cap the number of players on a server and split the single zone into many to preserve performance.


They really just haven’t implemented the insurance kiosks yet. I do think they should take a lesson from real life and let those claims happen remotely.

I’m happy that the Citizen Con update included S42 being feature complete. I hope they will start moving some resources back to SC with that.

What people often forget is that SC has been a minor focus for a couple of years while they finish up Squadron.


This isn’t a good argument, though. You replied to somebody stating the intention with a description of a game that’s in alpha.

Generally, they want everybody to have a good time, but that’s not realistic right now. Star Citizen isn’t being marketed as a fully functional game is being marketed as an alpha where people can see features that are being worked on.

Getting mad about one thing working as intended because something else isn’t right now just sounds like your expectations aren’t aligned with reality.

Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video (www.rockpapershotgun.com) angielski

Squadron 42 is the single player campaign of Star Citizen, that is supposed to launch as a separate game. It's basically a small portion of Star Citizen, but with a story and ending. I'm still not confident; waited too long for that.


I’m expecting another 1.5-2 years on the release for this. They’ve announced it’s feature complete and moving to the polish stage. That where they will fix bugs and ensure gameplay functionally feels correct.

Considering the number of chapters they had announced in the roadmap I imagine they have a lot of have to cover.


I’m guessing you haven’t played it in a few years.


Are you saying you played it in 2015 and your whole opinion is based on that experience?


It’s also important to mention that the community was polled before the pivot to multiple games and increasing scope creep. The backer community itself said to keep adding features.


That poll was very early on. Like 2014 or so.

It’s not like this was hundreds of millions of dollars later. The community just wants it to be the best game it can be.


I’m largely wondering what you’re basing your opinion on. It seems, like many detractors, you’re just hating to hate.


I guess we’ll see. I’ve paid fairly close attention and so long as the single player delivers what’s been promised the money won’t be wasted.

People oftentimes ignore what’s actually being communicated. They built a huge chunk of the Lumberyard engine and have built tons of tools around it. They’ve also spent a good chunk of time ramping up employees. The team growth takes a while.

Personally, I’ve been pretty satisfied with the progress they’ve made. I’m also pretty happy that Squadron 42 has been reporting moving toward primarily testing functionality. The S42 progress is the primary litmus test. Not SC.


Starfield is by far their cleanest release. It’s honestly the first game I have played from them that hasn’t crashed in 100+ hours.

There are aspects I wish had received a bit more attention, sure. But to date, Skyrim and Fallout 4 both have stability mods that are basically requirements to reduce crashing.

And I’m saying this as somebody with near 2k hours in Skyrim. So I definitely enjoy that game.


I just double checked and I think I will continue my trend of but buying Capcom games. The few IPs I may have been interested in I can definitely live without.


I’m honestly not experiencing the same. I’m running on ultra with an RTX 3080 and rarely even see a stutter and the only consistent bug I see is just comical. When I sprint for a bit and enter a door, my companion will be sprinting into a wall for a bit.

I actually do find Starfield to be a pretty game, as well. They have learned better lighting strategies from previous games and the trees look much much better. I wish the facial and running animations were better, but that’s not so bad as to be too skewer the game.

As far as Oblivion having the best graphics of it’s time, sure. But 2006 basically every game that was going for good graphics achieved the best at release. That was a pivotal period for graphics in games.

ursakhiin, (edited )

Most resources have been diverted to the single player campaign for a while. (Squadron 42)

They communicate what is being done for the persistent universe (Star Citizen) but it’s a slower trickle of features due to the resource allocation.

Generally, they made some really great gameplay engagements over the years but features are being prioritized based on the S42 needs. They only update on S42 once a month, but the updates have been looking like they are nearing feature completion (community speculation, not announcement) just due to them moving more toward bug fix/QA type stuff in recent months.

The next big information dump is scheduled for October at the convention that’s coming up.

They’ve given up on giving dates because the community is very unforgiving if the dates are missed. And in software, dates are almost always missed.


They have a progress tracker on the website that shows the various components that are left to be worked on and which game is for. robertsspaceindustries.com/…/deliverables

Always take the dates with a grain of salt because they usually only list about 1-2 quarters only. But until recently, most of the bars were in S42 rows. I’m hoping for big news around it in October.

The other big indicator for their focus on it was last year when they relocated a bunch of senior leadership in the org to the UK with the stated reasoning of focus on S42 with the trans that were already working on it.

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