CopernicusQwark, do games w The Game Awards 2023: List of Winners

Congratulations to all the winners - they’re all very well deserved! No surprises here (though very pleased) to see BG3 clean house.

It’s very unfortunate for Insomniac that SM2 didn’t get any wins, but it goes to show how crazy good this year has been for gamers!

cupcakezealot, do gaming w What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness? avatar

sierra ❤️

also bill pogue

SenorBolsa, avatar

Haha, that’s exactly the kind of game I want to make but with graphics and a little less dry. Didn’t even know about that one. Also I should probably actually figure out how to start that once I’m settled in here. It’s amazing how much planning and thought goes into getting one truck across the country. It’s like Oregon trail but you die of stupidity, yours or others, rather than dysentery.

GregorGizeh, do gaming w What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness?

Westwood studios. Command and conquer tiberian sun was my very first computer game, which I loved dearly (and still have on my computer since it’s freeware now and has been fan patched for modern systems)

Well and then came EA.

Sivick314, avatar

@GregorGizeh @Telorand you can get it free now?? I had given it up for dead...


Yup, it’s Freeware since a few years now and has even spawned a brilliant standalone mod using its engine. Here is the link:

And if you want to check out the mod I mentioned, it’s called twisted insurrection. It delivers on many things that were lacking in the original, and has an extensive OST with some pieces by frank klepacki himself (made a lot of the music used in the original series). You can check out some trailers on YouTube. Mod Link:

recapitated, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

Being 7yo and trying to play MegaMan 3. Different kind of cry, but you asked.

Duenan, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid? avatar

Secret of Mana on the SNES and Mario brothers 3.


A man of culture.

Secret of Evermore is also grossly underrated.


Finally found my people :)

limeaide, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games?

I recently started playing Divinity Original Sin 2, and I went through this problem as well until I changed the way I approached the game.

I just let go of trying to make the most optimized decisions and instead just make the decision I, or my character would make (if I’m role playing).

I just realized that no matter what decision I make, it will still lead me to finish the game. If I really want to, later I can go back and play it again to see more of the game. Only if I like my first play-through though.

helenslunch, avatar

Good stuff, thanks!

PonyOfWar, do gaming w Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

I’ve had Slay the Spire in my Library for a while, but only got hooked on it when I tried it on Steam Deck.

When I got my Steam Deck at launch, the first game I was hooked on was Elden Ring, which came out around the same time. I first started it on my PC, but got frustrated by the huge lag spikes. Thankfully, those aren’t a thing on Steam Deck!


Slay the Spire had been in my library a while, waiting for me to pick it up. I’m planning on getting an OLED, excited to try it out.

skulblaka, avatar

Once you get bored of the base game, Slay the Spire also has an extremely robust and high quality modding community. I got around 200 hours out of the base game and then an additional 250 on top of that out of modded classes and setting overhauls.

StS: Downfall in particular is extremely high quality and was in fact so popular that it got its own Steam store page, like a free DLC would. Highly recommend.

garretble, do games w Super Mario RPG - Review Thread avatar

Thanks for making these review threads. I always enjoyed these types of threads from reddit, so I’m glad to see them here.

chloyster, do gaming w Bought my first Steam Deck after seeing the deep discounts on refurbs...what should i know as a first time Steam Deck/PC gamer?

If you are comfortable tinkering a bit, I’d recommend checking out the Decky loaderThis tool adds the ability to get a lot of different plugins for your steam deck, from changing the home theme, to editing fan controls. There are a lot of tools here.

If you want to emulate, emudeck is another great tool. It’ll set up a bunch of stuff for you and download emulators and set them up with good configurations for steam deck. I also believe if you do this, it will set up decky loader for you (don’t quote me on that, it’s been a while since I set it up)

For epic game store games, id recommend checking out Heroic launcher. It’s an open source launcher that connects to gog and epic games accounts and lets you download and play games you own on those stores. Another option is The non steam launcher tool on GitHub. This allows downloading a bunch of various launchers, including epic.

As for Xbox game pass, the situation is less ideal. If you have gamepass ultimate, you can utilize Xbox cloud gaming to play your gamepass games. This article is by Microsoft to set up cloud gaming on your deck. If you want to play then natively, you’ll need to dual boot your steam deck to have a windows partition. I have personally never done this, but I have friends who have, and it works well for them.


For Xbox cloud gaming I’d recommend the greenlight application:

It works for both local streaming from an Xbox as well as cloud gaming.


Oh this looks really slick. I haven’t done much Xbox stuff in my steam deck so this wasn’t on my radar. Thanks!


I love this comment. I don’t have a deck, but I saved it. Thank you so much <3


Aww. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it 😊

Armok_the_bunny, do games w Looking for a survival sandbox game where you progress through technological ages

Modded Minecraft is the best I can think of.


Something like Sevtech:Ages?

ShadowCatEXE, avatar

TerraFirmaCraft is also something that came to mind, but this seems to fit OPs request better.


Yeah good suggestion, that’s the most progression focused one. And had some more guidance than others.

Beyond that, most tech packs would fit the bill, but you’d want to be somewhat familiar with the mods by that point. Thinking of like… create above and beyond, multiblock madness, sky factory…

EighthLayer, do games w Cities Skylines 2 player feedback avatar

Early game I’m getting 50-60 FPS @ 1440p on a 3070 and i7-12700K. Haven’t got to a high population point yet but I expect a drop as my city gets bigger.

Overall the playability is good so far. A few stutters here and there, and also some texture flickering. Not as bad as I was expecting from all the noise surrounding the game at the moment.


if there is no noise surrounding, what will be your verdict?

EighthLayer, avatar

A solid foundation to build on I’d say. Needs better optimisation as my GPU runs hotter than I’d expect. As far as I can tell there are still a lot of quality-of-life things missing that were in the first game via mods. I’ve only played it for a couple of hours though so far though.

DredUnicorn, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next?

Valheim, so probably killed by a falling tree.


100% death by tree. Specifically one that I wasn’t chopping in the first place.

ringwraithfish, do gaming w Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded.

Post your specs and driver versions


This is important.

ono, (edited ) do gaming w How to let my kids find quality games on Android? Right now they only find the pay to win / ad riddled games.

I agree, open source games are designed with fun in mind instead of attention grabbing garbage and ads.


Thanks, that’s a good idea!

Fjor, do games w Are there any reputable independent gaming sites left?

I know it’s not quite what you’re asking for, but it’s where I get my gaming news from at least. I have subbed to SkillUp on YT for a very long time, and he covers loads of games and does weekly news videos where he covers the latest. The vids are very genuine and authentic, imo.

He, and a few of his friends also started a very chill and good podcast called Friends Per Second going more in depth on different gaming topics.

Highly recommended 🙌

tb_, (edited ) avatar

Am a fan too. I’d mention YongYea here, but the unorganized unscripted way in which he makes 20 minute videos on every topic really kills it for me.

SkillUp’s weekly summary is much nicer.

Edit: remembered a word


Yeah unfortunately I agree. I think Yong seems like a cool guy but his videos always start with a lengthy recap which anyone who watches his channel already knows from his previous video on whatever is recapped, and then he takes the longest possible route to explain the topic too.

I reckon if he made 5 min videos without all the fluff he’d be great.


YongYea just reads reddit threads without providing any actual commentary or context of his own. He repeats himself until he crosses the video length threshold for monetization.

He also had a nasty case where rushed his Cyberpunk 2077 review to be one of the first to monetize, and then monetized his apology video where he stated he didn’t really play the game enough to review it. And he admits he “went way too easy on this game in a way that I wouldn’t have with other games or companies and the review shouldn’t be up”.

I also remember when I used to watch him before Final Fantasy 7 Remake came out and he acted like he was a longtime huge fan of the original game, but when he watched the ff7r trailer he seemed like he barely knew the basics.


SkillUp is great, I have a bunch of new games specifically because of him.

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