TropicalDingdong, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Hide and go seek.

yesman, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Red Dead Redemption 2.

OK hear me out.

Sure the game’s setting predates the Nazis and there are none to kill in the game. However, there is an entire inexhaustible faction of Confederates to murder. But even better than that, the game gives you several opportunities to stumble on a Klan meeting.

These encounters are special because they’re a sandbox for creative butchery and guiltless massacre. Even the game’s honor system looks the other way while you toss a gallon of liquor onto the burning cross, dousing the Grand Dragon and all his Cyclopses, sending them in a screeching panic, fully engulfed, off a nearby cliff just like that dude in Lord of the Rings.


It also has that one dude on the street in saint denis who

minor side character spoileris pushing his eugenics book.


I save my moltovs for that guy and his books

noxypaws, avatar

I hogtied him in front of everyone, put him on the back of my horse, rode up to a swamp, and threw him in right in front of a gator

Good times

ObstreperousCanadian, avatar

Also, if you just watch them they accidentally light themselves on fire.

noxypaws, avatar

Evey time I run into the RDR2 version of the KKK (Lemoyne Raiders?) I get so giddy and happy that I get the opportunity to find a new, creative, fun way to kill them all.

Probably favorite is to hogtie the ones I can keep alive, toss all the live and dead ones into a single pile, then light it on fire


Lemoyne Raiders aren’t the Klan. There’s actual klansmen too. You have to find them at night in the woods near Lemoyne, but they’re never associated with the raiders.

noxypaws, avatar

I could have sworn I got some note off one of the hooded corpses that identified them as Raiders, and nothing actually using the actual KKK name, though it’s so obvious from the hoods and the cross that that’s exactly who they’re intended to be

Infernal_pizza, avatar

SpoilerI love the part when you come across that old man who’s house etc has been repossessed and he wants you to go and retrieve some belongings. I initially I felt sorry for him so of course I went and did it, and then you find out he was a slave trader. I completed the quest anyway and liked the cut scene where Arthur just burns everything. Then before I rode away I shot him in the head and laughed when I saw it made my honour go up

noxypaws, avatar

I loved the way that little discovery wrapped up. His body burned real good.

swizzlestick, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

The first BloodRayne game (after the intro level, which is plain bad and almost nazi-free) sees a lot of bitten, shot, dismembered, burned, possessed and exploded nazis.

Honestly the gameplay is a bit clunky even for its time, but if what you need is dead nazis then it very firmly ticks the box.

Also remastered: BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

Menschlicher_Fehler, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Since the Wolfenstein games were already mentioned: The Saboteur

It aged quite a bit, but there are some nice mods to make it look and handle a bit better on Nexus Mods.


I enjoyed The Saboteur.


That game was so cool!

Hubi, avatar

I’m still sad about Pandemic Studios getting shut down by EA.

bizarroland, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Peek a bomb, hide and go trip on a landmine, irl frogger, don't wake der führer, And finally, Candyland Hansel and Gretel edition.

Hello_there, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Any game where you can do a texture replacement and fix all of the enemies to have elon's face

solsangraal, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

i just started another playthrough of company of heroes 1; timeless nazi smashing RTS that’s aged surprisingly well


In my mind the RTS genre hit major twin peaks with SupCom and CoH1. SupCom is the best of its subgenre (massive rts? actually the recent and free Zero-K hits real good in this genre too!) CoH 1 is the top of the Dawn of War family of more tactical RTS.

I haven’t played in a long time, but I recall the story being good. The mechanics though were just so top notch! Great squad controls, not too much micro, vehicles feel really impactful, the nature of control point capture means every skirmish is very dynamic. Ah, what a classic!


holy shit i was playing the fuck out of supreme commander 1; never heard of the game, only played it because it came with my new GPU for free. i had been waiting for starcraft 2 for years and years and when it finally came out i was like wow…supreme commander was better…


If you liked SupCom and want to recapture the magic, do check out Zero-K! It’s free (like actually, no weird micro-transactions) and open source (though buried a bit on the site) It’s based on SpringRTS, which is great to see something cool being done with Spring!

CrunkBy, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Lately I’ve been playing the Rise of the Triade remake, I’m a retro kind of old guy anyways.

Taser, (edited )

Man, I loved that game (the DOS original)! I don’t remember the baddies being Nazis, but it would fit what I do remember from the rest of the game.

Just looked it up (it was originally called “Wolfenstein 3D II: the Rise of the Triad”):

In order to keep as many of the numerous game assets the team had already created from going to waste, Tom Hall came up with a new storyline which still incorporated the Nazi themes seen in the Wolfenstein series, however they would ultimately depart from plotlines involving Nazis, with the final narrative concerning a cult apparently inspired by the Californian folk legend of the Dark Watchers or ‘los vigilantes oscuros’.


Edit: aw, man, quote your sources, ffs!

CrunkBy, avatar

Ah you know what? I didn’t even realize that. I thought they were Nazis this whole time

Valmond, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?


The one by Eidos, where there are “vision triangles” and you have to slowly take out a whole ton of nazis before terminating your objectives in each level.

My favourite is the Beyond the call of duty one.


Bear trap on their path, run back to cover.

hand, avatar



HASTER LISTER! (or what the f they’re saying)


Did you mean “Ein Verletzter!”?


You’re about to crack a decades old question of mine!

But are you sure 😅


Oh, messed up that one:

“an injured person”

Thank you ❤️!


I listened to the Commandos voicelines beforehand. So I’m reasonably sure that it’s the vooiceline you meant.

Also a “Verletzter” isn’t a loser, but wounded. Google seems to be drunk and confused again.


Ya, it mixed french and german up in the GUI or something, wounded it is!

NeryK, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

The Sniper Elite series is basically nazi-killing porn. Those won’t let you down, especially if you enjoy unplanned testicular detonations happening to nazis of any kind.

RobotZap10000, avatar

I personally enjoy the PLANNED testicular detonations a lot more!


The new entry in the series drops today, my nerd herd plans on doing the co-op campaign this weekend. I played SE4 and had a blast mixing WWII with the stealth aspects of Assassins Creed (the old ones where Ubisoft wasn’t just phoning it in).


I didn’t even know a new one was coming! I love surprises like this. Thanks!

I just hope it’s actually good…


From the trailer it looks like we got a new MC, or atleast the whole game is more french (because your in France).

Going to miss the wonderbread mouth-breathing american tourist in Italy like SE4 had.

As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5 and they still have the co-op campaign (which is the important part). Beyond that, looks about the same ol’ shooting nazis like we have always had.


As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5

Ohh, now I remember why I didn’t buy SE5…

Can that be turned off?


Yah, its optional.

T00l_shed, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?



Loved both of the newer ones. Great story and Nazi killing


+1 for both new wolfensteins. so rare for both the action and the story in a game to be top notch


all 3 of em!


There is no 3rd modern Wolfenstein in Ba Sing Sei


old blood don’t count?


It’s a nice bonus but too short the be a full game.


The New Order was mind-blowing when I first played it


Honestly still is. Best FPS since HL2. Love the cutting tool.


Even setting aside all of the gore and cruel executions, BJ’s growling inner commentary is a great mood-setter for that game.


Wolfenstein 2009 is underrated

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Oh, the two-pack on PSN is only $7.50 right now. I think I’ll pick it up.


Noice! Ya know I’ve never actually played Wolfenstein haha. But I want to!


They’re good games.


I grow fat on all those chicken dinners on the original.


Ach mein Leben!

VinesNFluff, do gaming w What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics? avatar

Fable 3

It got a lot of flak back then, mostly because people were sick to shit of Peter Molyneux promising THE WORLD and delivering, like, JUST A GAME.

But here’s the thing. I didn’t follow gaming news. I didn’t know what a Peter molyneux was. I just know I got a fun little action RPG where I get to be royalty, and that scratched a very specific itch for me.

toxicbubble420, do gaming w What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics?

Legend of Mana has very confusing quests, but the amount of sheer content made it one of my favorite jrpgs of all time

orb360, do gaming w What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics?

Advent Rising had pretty meh reviews but I liked it. Sad it never got it’s sequels.


Flick targeting ruled, people just didn’t give it a chance because it was unfamiliar.

ICastFist, do games w What are your favorite board games? I'm looking for games that are satisfying and lead to a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment or connection. avatar

Battlestar Galactica boardgame. It’s mostly cooperative, with the chance of having one or two players being traitors, but even without them, it’s very unlikely the humans win in the end. It’s expensive and needs a lot of table space to play, tho.

Captain Sonar can be an interesting choice, since it can be played turn-by-turn or in real time, with two teams of 1-4 each. If you working with your team doesn’t create a sense of connection, I don’t know what will.

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