Brutal Wolfenstein is a great mod for GZDoom (and free with freedoom). Imagine the original wolfenstein but you get to stain the walls with the blood of nazis. The difficulty is significantly increased, weapons hit harder, and everything is better.
The original monochromatic Castle Wolfenstein, blowing up Hitler with my buddy and his grandfather who lost family in the camps in Poland will always be a fun memory.
Dynasty Warriors series. Some criticism is correct, in that they really did release the same game several times in a row with minor adjustments. The gameplay is much more strategic than it was given credit for, though. It’s true your warrior basically feels like a lawnmower demolishing hundreds to thousands of hapless footsoldiers at a time, but the trick is that you are the army’s only lawnmower. Almost everything your allies try will fail catastrophically unless you help them. You really have to time your presence on certain parts of the fight to be where you’re needed. It feels very heroic. Also, the cutscenes are without exception hilarious and drew me to the source material Romance of the Three Kingdoms which has greatly enriched my life.
Company of Heroes gets my vote. I love having a sniper take out a machine gun nest so my riflemen can rotate the gun 180° and mow down wave after wave of Nazi reinforcements.