You’ll miss out on some spider-lore, but it’s possible to jump into Spider Solitaire for the Windows XP home computor system without having played its predecessor, Spider Solitaire for the Windows 98 home computor system
I’ve played Far Cry 2 through most of 6. If you don’t recognize particular references, there’s nothing that makes them substantial otherwise in the sea of creative, humorous descriptions of everyone/everything else.
I would say it’s similar with assassin’s creed, keeping it in the family of “ubisoft series gamers love to shit on”. The references are in the same style as other database entries, so you’re not missing anything if you’re unfamiliar. I’ve played 4 through Odyssey.
I’m trying to think of other series and keep landing on the same reasoning, actually. Yeah, I love having more basis for the lore in other series, but I don’t feel I’m missing much without every reference. I mean, Ace Combat was my personality for a few months when 7 came out, prompting me to replay 4 and 5 and buy Zero and 6. As others have said, the main thing is if you do choose to go backwards, things get clunky for both general game and specific series development reasons. Assin 4 was my most recent AC (tried 3, beat Unity>Ody, then beat 4) and man, parkour is tough. I gave up on 3 because it was so awkward and I was too old to learn at the elder age of like 23.
I gotta say though, Forza Horizon 1 remains my favorite. There’s certainly some nostalgia tied to it because it set me up for impossible expectations in the car community (especially now in the post-covid takeover bullshit). It had a more concise campaign and had some story attached to it. I’m up to 4 and it just drops me in like “this is just what you do now” and every race unlocks 4 more races with no end in sight.
I put it off for a long time but I enjoyed it co-op. It was relatively short, the antagonists weren’t that compelling or even very present in the story, but I felt like it was greater than the sum of it’s parts and I enjoyed re-visiting Far Cry 5 locations with post-apocalypse appearances. Like “Hey, here is the island where you started FC5” and “Hey, here is the gas station at the rural intersection where you had to steal the truck.”
Gonna stray a bit from the other games mentioned here for the sake of adding something unique.
It’s not your traditional nazis per say, but the half life series fits quite nicely with this urge. The combine are genocidal, totalitarian, they use shit loads of propaganda, etc. They don’t have the looks of it, but they’re clearly the nazi type.
Very few game sequels are that tied in to it’s predecessor narratively that this is an issue. I would say the vast majority of games are designed to be picked up from anywhere in the series.
Even Mass Effect, where you play as the same character throughout a multi game story arc, still has each game giving the player an on ramp, and each game having it’s own miniature arc to play through.
Mass Effect is one that while every game is independent enough, I’d still say it’s best experienced as the trilogy. You will miss out on stuff in later games
Spoiler for a game old enough to voteWrex apparently dies on Virmire if you don’t. My partner started at 2, that was her experience. She played me1 shortly after and yeah, was upset she’d missed out even though he’s not a companion in 2 or 3 outside of Citadel DLC. Wrex is a solid character, Krogan story just wouldn’t be the same without him. If I recall he’s a part of the reason Mordin changes his view on the Genophage. If you betray the Krogan and pretend to cure it (which I’ve never done, nor will, there’s a limit to how I’ll play renegade), Wrex will see through the deceit, his brother won’t.
There’s also a small misc quest with a certain recurring character in 3 that has an ending idk I’ve ever seen before that requires you to have done certain things in ME1 and not got that person killed in ME2.
There’s a point in the third game that determines the fate of 2 different species that can play out very differently based upon actions you’ve made across the series. And the “best” version depends on your completing the loyalty quests of multiple characters in ME2 before a certain trigger point.
Did some tinkering to get this working on my Linux pc last year. Only played a few hours, but seemed like a fun game (and who doesn’t love fucking up some Nazis?)
There was some kind of high resolution patch, I think? Try googling “the sabateur resolution patch”. I remember there being some jank at first, but once I got it tweaked it worked just fine.
Honestly, I don’t remember specifically, sorry. Have you tried GE Proton?
I should try this again on pc and see if it works. The game also had a tits dlc on consoles if I remember correctly but it was included in pc version? lol
commander keen. there really is no need to play 1-3, 4-6 is where it’s at. just make sure you pirate the non-buggy version (there’s a broken version of one or more of these games floating around abandonware sites where it looks like it works but the save game feature forgets to save your keys, which breaks some of the levels if you reload).
Origins is def the best place to start. However, with each game having a new protagonist and about a decade in-between the games you could start anywhere. If you end up enjoying one give the others a shot.
This is mainly a FF focused comment. I might come back later and ramble about other franchises though.
A lot of JRPG franchises generally only have themes in common. So you can play Final Fantasy 6, 7, 10, 11 or 15 and have a self contained story. I donno if it’s been confirmed by Square but I do subscribe to the theory that Final Fantasy Tactics and 12 take place on the same continent, just a few hundred years apart. But even then, both titles are standalone and have nothing in common other than the same Ivalice.
There are a few franchises that have continuity like Breath of Fire(iirc) and XenoSaga.
As for where to start with Final Fantasy, 6 is a really good standout retro one, 7 is always a favorite, and so is 10. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of those. If you really like politics in games, 12 has all that and more. It’s my favorite of the bunch but that makes me an outlier. I also don’t recommend starting with it because it’s a huge deviation from the main game mechanics.
Somewhere between most and all of the Ivalice games are confirmed to take place in the same timeline, though the entire place may just be a child’s dream so :shrug:
The timeline is something like XII->tactics a2->tactics->vagrant story->tactics advance, with legendary events between a2 and tactics that lock off magic.
idk why I deleted that comment, but also learned that you can undelete lol.
I’m not at all sure about the timeline order so that’s pretty cool. For some reason to me FF12 feels more future-y tho. I do recall someone stitched the map for the original Tactics and FF12 and they match up pretty much exactly.
Do you have more info on the “child’s dream” take? I’m curious.
Major spoilers for A2, but it opens at a school in the town of St. Ivalice before the protagonist awakens in Ivalice roughly circa ffxii. It eventually turns out that another kid at school found a magic book or something and recreated the world as they want it to be, so you have to get them to wake up to return the world to how it was.
Theres nothing in the game to clarify whether that means any of the events happened in the timeline or not, or what it means for the other games.
Spelunky, for co-op. I definitely prefer the first game for solo but it only has local co-op. Spelunky 2 has both local and network play but the difference between having a single camera follow the one flag carrier and everybody having their own screens is like playing a different game. Single screen is total mayhem.
Very cool. Are you meant to be piloting a Mark II or is it another fighter? It seems like the cockpit is far more exposed than what I imagine being in a Mark II to feel like. It’s almost like you’re on a surfski or canoe in space.
You know… I wondered about this before too and I tried to lower the seating position through manipulation of the Y value before and while this works to some extend => it’s not really possible to look over the fuselage any more so I guess it’s a compromise (or you’d be simply unable to aim at anything in the game).