Lojcs, (edited ) do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

Plenty of new popular singleplayer releases:…


If you want less popular games take these (collected from YouTube, !tycoon , steam etc):
Wild Bastards - roguelike strategy fps
Arco - turn based rpg
Nova Drift - bullet hell roguelike
Scorchlands - city builder
Linkito - puzzle game
SCHİM - casual platformer
Bō - 2d platformer metroidvania
TerraScape - puzzle city builder
Gestalt - retro rpg metroidvania
GHOSTWARE - boomer shooter
Selaco - boomer shooter
Nine Sols - metroidvania
Reus 2 - God game
The Rogue Prince of Persia - roguelite
Galacticare - hospital tycoon
Synergy - puzzle god game
Paper Trail - puzzle
MULLET MADJACK - boomer shooter
Gatekeeper - roguelike
Ingression - 2d portal platformer
ZAU - metroidvania
Laysaria - city builder
Children of the Sun - puzzle sniper
Pepper Grinder - 2d platformer with dragon hills like mechanic
Death of a Wish - 2d spectacle fighter
Thaumaturge - rpg
Penny’s Big Breakaway - 3d platformer
Please, Touch The Artwork 2 - casual
20 Small Mazes - casual puzzle
Islands of Insight - mmo puzzle (can offline)
Banishers - rpg
Oblivion Override - rougelike
Anomaly Agent - roguelike
New Cycle - city builder

If you want AAA/AA games from previous years, I can recommend:
Hellblade 1 - action adventure
Sleeping Dogs - gtalike
Chorus - space dogfighter

Also check out !patientgamers , someone posts nice old games every other day there

Edit 2:

Plucky Squire - 2d+3d platformer
Inkulinati - turn based strategy


Best comment so far wow. Didn’t even know this was a thing


Check the edit :)

yamanii, avatar

Didn’t know you could put so many filters to search for games over at steamdb, thanks for the link.

KoboldCoterie, do games w I had to install directx 9 to run gta 4 on windows 11 avatar

GTA4 is 16 years old at this point. Why would you expect it to support DirectX12, which is 7 years newer than the game?


Why would someone expect DirectX12 to not also support 11/10/9/8/7?

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

Because it’s not backwards compatible like that.


Guess not, but as far as I ever knew, M$ has been known to try to maintain backwards compatibility for longer than most users would even consider necessary.

XP supported DirectX 7/8/9

I would have figured that would have continued on with future versions of Windows, but I guess Satya Nadella decided to scrap backwards compatibility.

Oh well, all the more reason I switched to Linux as my main daily runner after Windows 8 came out. 🤷‍♂️


But it IS backwards compatible in the way you are describing. You can play a dx9 game on windows 11. So it is backwards compatible. What you cannot do (usually) is force a game built with dx9 features to use dx11/12 features. If the game wasn’t built with new API features (because it released before those features even existed) then you cannot expect it to be able to just “be dx12” all of a sudden.


DirectX 12 was released in 2015 with Windows 10, so it’s unlikely to have been ported back to 8.1 and lower.

MS usually only does current+ with compatibility - so for example FF11 (DirectX 8.1 I think) still works (mostly) on Windows 11, but DX12 won’t work on W7


I wasn’t suggesting that I’d expect newer DirectX to work on older versions of Windows. I was suggesting that I would have expected newer DirectX standards to still be backwards compatible with older DirectX standards.

Sigh, I guess Satya Nadella decided to scrap backwards compatibility. Oh well, I switched to Linux after Windows 8 came out anyways. 🤷‍♂️

computergeek125, (edited )

I mean… DX 9, 10, and 11 were all released prior to Nadella being CEO/chairman.

But in software, it’s very commonplace for library versions not to be backwards compatible without recompiling the software. This isn’t the same thing as being able to open a word doc last saved on a floppy disk in 1997 on Word 365 2024 version, this is about loading executable code. Even core libraries in Linux (like OpenSSL and ncurses) respect this same schema, and more strongly than MS.

Using OpenSSL as an example, RHEL 7 provides an interface to OpenSSL 1.0. But 1.1 is not available in the core OS, you’d have to install it separately. 1.1 was introduced to the core in RHEL 8, with a compatibility library on a separate package to support 1.0 packages that hadn’t been recompiled against 1.1 yet. In RHEL 9, the same was true of OpenSSL 3 - a compatibility library for 1.1, and 1.0 support fully dropped from core. So no matter which version you use, you still have to install the right library package. That library package will then also have to work on your version of libc - which is often reasonably wide, but it has it limits just the same.

Edit because I forgot a sentence in the last paragraph - like DirectX, VC++, and OpenGL, you have to match the version of ncurses, OpenSSL, etc exactly to the major (and often the minor) version or else the executable won’t load up and will generate a linking error. Even if you did mangle the binary code to link it, you’d still end up with data corruption or crashes because the library versions are too different to operate.

SimplyTadpole, do games w Fallout London - I just can't anymore avatar

Now I’m honestly kind of glad that I’ve been too lazy/depressed to figure out how to get FOLON to run on Linux. I really hope they fix all this…


I am in the exact same position lol checking off some other games while it matures

BigDaddySlim, avatar

Yeah I tried getting it running on my Steam Deck and when the launcher kept telling me it couldn’t find Fallout 4 I just uninstalled them both. Not worth the storage space and hassle.

Malgas, do gaming w Best way to play the original Prince of Persia Trilogy?

I’d just like to point out, for the record, that that isn’t the original trilogy. Sands of Time is the fifth Prince of Persia game.


Isn’t it fourth?


Gah, you’re right. I had it that way at first, but then glanced down a list to check my count and they listed 2002’s Harem Adventures as a separate game even though it’s just the Java phone port of the original.

hitagi, (edited ) do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Dink Smallwood is an old fantasy role playing game. It has a small community that makes mods for it. It’s really dumb but it’s free to play and very short if you have nothing better to do.

edit: Wow! I didn’t realize a lot of people here know this game. That’s actually cool.

ICastFist, avatar

Damn, I remember that game being included as a bonus in an old magazine CD with lots of RPG Maker 2000 stuff


Dude I loved that game back in the day. So many great mods for it too

NostraDavid, avatar

This was my Diablo. Indeed very dumb, but fun in a weird way. downvoted because I already played it though!

TachyonTele, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?

I can’t believe no one has said the most obvious:

Legacy of Kain


The indie scene has focused on a lot of SNES/NES-style retro franchises, but I’d definitely like to see a return to PS2 aesthetic, especially now that we can render those scenes at 60fps.

I recently played Psuedoregalia, and it was a lot of fun.


I really like the boomer shooter and PS1 style graphics comeback, but I also agree with you.

Also, Legacy of Kain Defiance holds up pretty decently

craigers, avatar

Dude this is the correct answer. A new soul reaver game would be dope.

UnderpantsWeevil, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia avatar

First they came for Pluto’s planethood.

Next they’re coming for Australia’s continenthood.


When they came for Pluto, I said nothing because I wasn’t a planet
When they came for Australia, I said nothing because I wasn’t a continent
When they came for Bielefeld, I said nothing because I wasn’t a city
When they came for me, there was no one left to say anything

– Martin Niemöller

silverchase, do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

Inscryption $7.99 (60% off, new all-time low)

You find an old, abandoned video game and load it up. It’s an atmospheric, spooky card game, hiding layers of secrets for you to discover. The less you know before starting the game, the better your experience will be.

june, avatar

Indeed, if you like creepy games and card games just buy it without looking closer - it is an incredible experience that shouldn’t be spoiled.


I’ve heard many glowing reviews with this same sentiment. In order to avoid most spoilers, may I ask you here - if I didn’t enjoy Undertale, would I still like this? I didn’t enjoy the metagaming that undertale did, making fun of the player for reloading a save. It felt dishonest. Does Inscryption also do this?

june, avatar

I don’t think this is anything like undertale, and I didn’t like it either. It doesn’t make fun of you for reloading iirc


Thank you!

silverchase, avatar

I’ll back up June. I was “that’s pretty nice” on Undertale but wasn’t nearly as positive on it as its fandom was. I loved Inscryption. It’s not meta like Undertale, but it does have occasional fourth wall breaks, which is part of its game-within-a-game fiction.

Wahots, avatar

It’s a completely different game vs undertale. It’s like comparing Dota 2 to DiRT rally, haha. It’s worth going in blind, and the post-game is extremely good and very replayable (and adds new content).


Thanks for that. Added to my wishlist.

Wahots, avatar

Inscription is fucking awesome. And you don’t really need a mouse, so it can be nice for flights, or if you want to play one-handed for some reason.

The post-game is SO GOOD.

It’s one of those rare videogames that makes non-gamers ask “What is that?” And then “where can I buy it?”




I’m trying this game on PSN, but often the dealer is just throwing high numbers at me and I can’t see any economic way I can match them with my own summons. Two bears in a row; what do?

It’s my common issue with Roguelikes. You’re replaying the first level a lot and things don’t really develop much very quickly. I kinda just gave up.

Dremor, do games w Elden Ring Twitter warns of DLC spoilers being posted everywhere avatar

I’ll sticky that for the time being to remind everyone to be mindful of spoilers.
You are free to not care about spoilers, but at least respect those who do, thank you.

_sideffect, do games w Elden Ring Twitter warns of DLC spoilers being posted everywhere

Polygon does this too:

“Why boss XYZ is one of the hardest and why it’s misunderstood”

Along with a picture of the boss on the front page

NeryK, do gaming w List of really good AA games? avatar

Here are a few picks off the top of my head:

  • Control: TPS, open-ish world, present day setting, solo only
  • Deep Rock Galactic: FPS, mission-centric, sci-fi setting, solo & co-op
  • Generation Zero: FPS, open world, sci-fi setting, solo & co-op
  • Kena: Bridge of Spirits: Action-Adventure, open-ish world, fantasy setting, solo only
  • Outward: RPG, open world, fantasy setting, solo & co-op
  • Remnant: From the Ashes / Remnant 2: TPS, open-ish world, sci-fi & fantasy setting, solo & co-op

I can second all of these. Generation zero is the only one I didn’t enjoy much but I suspect it’s a lot better with friends.

The rest are fab, I’m currently playing Kena it’s like Pixar/ Disney meets dark souls. Beautiful game, has these little critters which follow you around called rot who are super cute and you can put hats on them.

Control is just excellent. The combat feels great and for me the whole game was worth playing just for the Ashtray maze sequence.

poo, avatar

Ditto. I don’t ever replay single player games, but I’ve played Control 3 times and this post makes me want to start again! It and the DLC are all atmospheric gold


i can agree on Control, Outward, DRG and Remnant, they are all excellent!

Gen Zero and Kena are in my backlog - will put them on top of my list based on your recommendations, thanks ;-)


Oh god not Outward. After trying it recently I’m honestly kinda shocked that it’s being played at all. Me and my mate got the impression of playing through a 20 year old hobby game dev project at best.

It felt so very unpolished. Combat, UI, inventory management, dialogues, character creation, narrative, quest logs, crafting; it all feels ancient. Co-op especially - only the host progresses the story, gets quest rewards, and so on. A second player can kinda come along, but that’s it.

Don’t want to discredit old fans of the game ofc, but I honestly believe without a hefty dose of nostalgia you wont enjoy it. It would be like picking up Half-Life for the first time in 2024 and expecting a decent game.


Uh, OG Half-Life is a decent game in 2024.

Though I’ll say Black Mesa gives that same feeling of playing the OG for the first time as a kid.

NeryK, avatar

I will admit that Outward is something of an acquired taste. It’s not a looker for sure, and starts a bit harsh, difficulty-wise. However it has surprising depth and a true sense of discovery. It is very rewarding once you really get into it.

Plus it really shines in co-op play. It is the closest thing I know of, that can be compared to “Skyrim, but co-op”.

I stand by my recommendation as it is very much a “B game” and pretty unique.

HubertManne, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? avatar

Why does anyone who works not make their own company? It takes capital and a certain skill set as well as a risk tolerance.

PraiseTheSoup, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

Nowadays? Mobile games have always sucked. All the way back to snake on your old Nokia. That game sucked too. It’s just now the games suck and they’re packed full of microtransactions.

KoboldCoterie, do games w Dragons dogma 2 controversy over the DLC on steam ( and optimisation and denuvo ) avatar

For better or for worse capcom is doing this shit in nearly every one of their games so i kinda expected this shit And if we stop shitting on them for doing it, we let it become normalized.

Denuvo is a cancer This pretty much sums up the topic.

Optimisation. It is poor apparently. Nothing new really as far as pc games go. It’s actually a lot worse than that. It’s been a while since I played something that had this level of problems. The fact that it’s CPU-based performance is actually the bigger issue because it doesn’t matter how beefy your graphics card is, you’re still dropping a ton of frames in that city specifically. I can run the game at 144 FPS until I go to that city, then it drops to 40, which is just outrageous. Gaming PC build logic has for a long time been to prioritize a great graphics card over a great processor (assuming you’re building with a budget and not a ‘money is no object’ type build), because that’s what matters for games, but suddenly with this one specific game, the processor is the bottleneck.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

To add to that, the DLC thing really pisses me off particularly because I bought the game last night, and there was no DLC. The DLC didn’t show up until a few hours later, and by that point it was too late to refund it. Kind of felt like a bait and switch, because normally I wouldn’t buy a game at launch if they did that shit.

Cadeillac, avatar

Yeah, I would still fight for a refund personally. Not trying to assume you have the time or energy to go after it, but I feel like this is extenuating circumstances

cottonmon, avatar

There was no mention of this in the reviews right? Feels like this was done deliberately so that it wouldn’t impact scores.

ampersandrew, avatar

Yes, that’s a years-old tactic at this point. It was big in the loot box era.


Man, this shit is already normalized. MTX isn’t going anywhere. Zero complaints since horse armor have made a difference. At this point, the best I’m hoping for is not being reminded that there is MTX while playing the game.

gaael, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?



Great example


I replied it after several years cause of nostalgia, but yeah first time is where it is at!


First impressions, I thought it was going to be a boring on-rails walk simulator.

Then I teared up at the end with Delilah. I can’t believe how good the acting is for me to fall in love with a voice.

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