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I thought I’d never meet a trans person and very few gay people in the agricultural college I attended when I went back to college. Turned out every damn one of the friends I made was somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. So as the other person said “as far as you know”

Acceptance of gay and trans rights has allowed so many people to realize they’re not so straight or not so cisgender and that’s wonderful. People are finally finding the freedom to be who they are!


I support their rights, they are people

the genitals only mader in bed

These things are very tied together. Supporting people being who they are means supporting them if they want to publicly show their identity

I just don’t want aliens in the far future watching our shows and thinking “god damn, it was femboy paradies!”

What does that matter at all? Who cares what people in the far future think? What matters is what people think today, and representation helps people find their own identity and know that they’re included in society


I wonder if I’m missing something about myself

Lol I feel that. I can’t tell how much I might be a little bi or just horny


I came poking for the game that popularized the term “losing is fun”

Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread angielski

As someone who grew up playing games like World of Warcraft and other AAA titles, I’ve seen how the gaming industry has evolved over the years—and not always for the better. One of the most disturbing trends is the rise of gacha games, which are, at their core, thinly veiled gambling systems targeting younger players. And I...


Gambling is heavily regulated in most countries, often including requiring the odds of winning being clearly listed and regulating the profit margin that The House can take (usually limited to less than 10%)

Many casinos and developers of addictive games will hire psychologists and other experts on human condition to help them find ways to make the game more addictive and make it easier to seperate players from their money. These “dark patterns” both make gaming worse and make it more dangerous for anyone unfortunate enough to develop an addiction.

In short, I welcome regulation on the worst aspects of the game industry to keep the worst aspects from become too financially successful to not implement (see the $60 AA and AAA games that launched with lootboxes and predatory micro-transactions like this one about 10 years ago before some countries announced they were investigating regulating such practices)


I mean, in the US before the reversal of the Chevron doctorine, the easy solution would be to pass legislation banning “dark patterns” then assign a regulatory agency to design guidance and enforce the law


If you think preventing predatory practices through legislation is a “nanny state” then I think you fail to understand the purpose of a government in a society with profit-driven companies


This guy clearly didn’t watch mythbusters in the mid 2000s


I’m curious if this will improve DLC mismatches. For example, I’ve purchased most of the map DLCs for Euro & American Truck Simulator, but my wife only purchased the base game.

By memory she previously could access all of the DLC via library sharing until she purchased it, then she could only access the base game and not the shared DLC. It’s probably cleanest to keep it that way since you never know how different games handle DLC being activated and de-activated within an existing save, but it would be nice to not punish someone for playing a game with DLC via library sharing then purchasing the game for themselves and buying DLC later

Trainguyrom, (edited )

Ooh I hope that’s the case because that would be much more convenient

Edit for anyone who stumbles on this: it works exactly like the above commenter described! It looks like there’s some opportunity to better communicate what DLC the “copy” you select is installing since it doesn’t show a full list of DLC but it at least shows who’s library it’s pulling from so you should be able to infer the full DLC list based on who has all of the DLC


Or just install Tailscale which makes it even easier and is free for like 3 computers.

Free for 100 devices! You can legit install it on every device virtual and physical device in your home and maybe run out of devices for the free plan. Right now I use it to secure the connection between my VPS proxy and my Minecraft server, as duct tape fixing some network fuckery, and as my primary means of connecting to services inside and outside of my LAN


I think it was initially 5 before they upped it to 100. They said they initially assumed they’d have tons of people using the subnet routing to share more than the limited number of devices, but found that wasn’t the case so they upped the free accounts


Oh yeah I fully expect it at some point in the future. Right now their business model appears to be “get the nerds hooked on using it on their personal stuff to see how awesome it is to then sell enterprise licenses” and they’re in the “establish growth” phase so I think there’s a few years before enshitification begins.

There is a competitor called Netbird that does similar and is fully open source and self-hostable. I haven’t tried it yet but it looks good on (virtual) paper


By my memory of what I read headscale is a reverse engineered backend using the official tailscale client, so more opportunities for breakage or the weird issues that come from a reverse engineered server with a stock closed source client. I also could be horribly misinformed and/or misremembering


Looks like some of those are games that were cancelled, some were online multiplayer games that had the servers shutdown, some were simply removed from the Microsoft Store and some were single player games with always online DRM for which they shut the servers down. So it’s not all super scummy nonsense


If it’s a game like an MMO (which several on that list are) they’d have to publish the server software in order to avoid fully killing the game. And to publish the server software that was only ever expected to run in their own datacenters they’d then have to publish documentation, dependencies, etc. and this is all assuming that it can be contained in a single installer for a single machine without relying on additional services they host, and assuming it has reasonable system requirements for average users to self host.

That’s also assuming playing an MMO alone/with only 1-2 people doesn’t suck. Play some 2009scape single player without adventure bots. It feels lonely as all heck

Plus there’s all of the legal and PR hurdles to ensure you’re not exposing yourself to undue risk.

Basically a million reasons for a company to not spend a thousand work hours ensuring their crappy MMO (I’ve tried out a couple of the listed MMOs, they were unsuccessful for a reason) can continue to be played after they’ve divested from it


The Sims 4 actually added a similar approach to character creation about 2 years ago, but very different kind of game with a very different market

Off the top of my head it has options for male presenting body type, female presenting body type, sliders for fat and muscle (and you can generally reshape most of the body) and the available clothing and hairstyles got sorted into masculine and feminine with I believe more traditionally gender neutral stuff getting placed into both, then for biological purposes there’s “can pee standing up/cannot pee standing up” and “can impregnate/can be impregnated” It defaults to Male/Female defaults but makes it easy to customize, and a good mix of default townies (NPCs) are all over the spectrum.

They also recently added more complex relationship and romance preferences, so sims can be sexually bi but romantically straight for example, but also expanded to allow various levels of openness to relationships as well as poly relationships


In the context of Runescape this is just a hellish mess, because its ultimately a codebase from the late 90s with graphics created everywhere from the early 00s to the mid 20s. Oh and as an MMORPG anyone who was a player but stops playing is a lost sale so no pressure at all


Witcher 3 it is more explicit if you buy the services on offer in the brothel. But it’s still far less than one romp in Wicked Whims, which of course is all mods so no motion capture there


I feel like some nudity and sex scenes when it’s appropriate are better than not. Really ruins my sense of immersion when there’s a naked person with a random potted plant conveniently blocking your view of their bits. Either commit to them being naked or don’t have them naked at all is my take


My daughter learned to jump because she learned she could walk over and hit the spacebar and see immediate feedback on almost every game we played, but at the time I was playing through one of the Tomb Raider games so I’d relatively frequently walk away with the game unpaused. Then she connected the dots of what she saw on screen and tried repeating the motions she saw Laura doing and did her first jumps mimicking what she saw on screen.

So in summary, Laura Croft taught my daughter how to jump.


Because one of the best things about raising kids is sharing the things you love with your kids


My wife’s been playing a bunch of it and honestly best I can tell it’s an Unreal Engine tech demo combined with a easy-to-use game engine for beginners to make mini games in (similar to Roblox’s various games) with integrated hosting, release, discovery, authentication and payment processing.

Which is kinda confusing given Epic also has Core which is also an Unreal Engine tech demo combined with easy-to-use game engine with integrated hosting, release, discovery, authentication and payment processing

Oh and Fortnite has its official Battle Royale mode that’s largely a copy of PUBG


I know very little about cars, and even less about trucks. When I think of a truck, I think of a bed in the back where you can haul stuff from Home Depot. Where is the “truck” part?

Generally if you get a truck and do truck things with it, there’s 2 specific things a truck will have that no other class has:

  1. A protected bed that you can put bulky and dirty/stinky items into for transport
  2. The ability to pull a large trailer

But hilariously your average crossover is fully capable of hauling an inexpensive trailer and a couple thousand pounds of whatever if not more than that, which covers 99.9% of the lifestyle arguments most pavement princes truck owners make for why they need a truck


Looks like August is the announcement to pay attention to


My wife only went because I was hellbent on seeing the eclipse at totality (we saw the last October’s eclipse and 2017 both from around 90% coverage). Afterwards she said “the Grand canyon ain’t got shit on a solar eclipse” and we are both still in shock for how amazing of an experience it was.

The wonky colors as day slowly turned to night, the sudden whooshing shadow as totality began, the burning ring of fire in the sky then the light whooshing back as totality ended, the cacophony of yelps by folks too slow to put their eclipse glasses back on. It was a hell of an experience


This has been big on some of AMD’s workstation and server chips because Windows generally doesn’t know what to do with the unexpected NUMA Node layouts. Or the scheduler just can’t handle 128 cores. So abstracting that away with Linux’s superior scheduler can help significantly on certain hardware


I mean the flip side of this is that by doing nothing you’re letting them write the narrative. I feel like whatever this mess is, it’s starting to grow, so a more legitimate source calling it what it is can be helpful

Jagex co-founder and ex-employee (Andrew Gower) announces new MMORPG inspired by RuneScape (

I mean, when I saw an ex-Jagex employee making a new MMO I thought it was going to be slightly inspired by RuneScape… But this game looks exactly like RuneScape, and the description of the gameplay also matches it perfectly - this is essentially RuneScape 3 but managed by someone else (and with a much newer engine)


I’ve seen some very positive chatter in the 2009scape community about this

Trainguyrom, (edited )

The gower brothers have not been part of Jagex for about 10 years, but are all involved in the development of this game IIRC

Edit: I was slightly worried too but it looks like the handful of tiles is more of a fog of war/view distance type thing. These two screenshots seem to show it the clearest


Lego Racers 2 has a pretty good PS2 port. Solid kart-style racer with silly storyline to go with it


A comment I saw on another forum basically pointing out that Palworld demonstrates the gigantic demand for a real new Pokemon game that isn’t whatever Scarlet was.


flipping a coin enough times that one day it lands on its side

There was a twilight zone episode based on this premise too!


I tried pirate trainer in a VR demo booth at a con and lost 2 hours thinking it has been 20 minutes!


Skyrim and RuneScape 2 (pre-audio update) are both pretty damn iconic

At my wedding we had the DJ play Skyrim and Witcher 3 music during dinner and it worked way better than it had any business working


I’d argue that video games need remakes and remasters far more than movies do. Video game technologies change a lot in 10-15 years, so a remake/remaster is an opportunity to improve controls and fix issues with running the game on hardware that hadn’t been concieved at the time of the game’s release. Plenty of old games have severe bugs, outdated controls or general issues with newer hardware (can’t handle widescreen monitors, buttons don’t scale for high resolutions, etc.) which can make replaying them a pain.

You sit down to watch a 25 year old movie and it’s pretty easy to watch, but you sit down to play a 25 year old game and it’s going to vary wildly if you can even get it to run in the first place, let alone if it’ll run well


It’s not a very different pricing model from what AWS does.

That doesn’t instill any confidence in me…


But in the context of consumer product pricing it’s wildly anti-consumer to bill a software running largely on your own hardware consuming your own electricity based on how long you run said software. It’s expecting consumers to accurately project and plan their usage which consumers are pretty famously bad at. It’s also expecting consumers software running on consumer hardware on consumer home networks to function as expected, and all of the three are famously unreliable and janky

The AWS model works so well because of intense automation in horizontal and vertical scaling plus technologies like Kubernetes, Ansible and the entire automated build pipeline. But most importantly it relies on a full team carefully designing the automatic deployment and scaling to maximize benefits and minimize costs


That’s about a day of work after taxes at my professional wage that I negotiated my workplace up to!

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games? angielski

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


When I first played house flipper my apartment was in the middle of a roach infestation. I was very happy to have the option to turn off roaches


That and a consistent single key pause button would be fantastic for a parental features


Any kind of pause or completion of loading should have a brief moment where you can see the action and get your bearings before it hands control to you. Like how Forza or Euro/American Truck Sim handle loading saves, its paused for a second or so with the player getting full view of the screen then continues so you have a moment to figure out what you need to do


I’ve had a couple of games I’ve encountered that are literally unplayable at 21:9. You’re either stuck with textures stretched to oblivion or it cuts off a significant chunk of the screen. Admittedly this is mostly with older games that predate 21:9 displays but holy crap is it annoying when I can’t play a game because it can’t handle my display and stretches instead of displaying at the configured resolution


The Witcher 3 was a really strange DLC to the critically acclaimed game of Gwent


The sad thing is enterable buildings is pretty achievable. They could have an algorithm to generate a generic interior based on a seed at the time that the player enters the building. It’s not exciting, and it would add complexity but it at least would make enterable buildings without massively impacting install size nor save size.

You can play with procedural generated cities and structures here for example to see the potential. Just imagine that instead of a top down map it generates an interior with generic furniture, clutter and possibly loot. Add in different sets of assets it fills in with based on building type and location and verify it generates the same interior every time it gets the same seed and you have a very efficient system for at least being able to enter every random boring building

Alternatively there is a gameplay argument to be made for only being able to enter buildings that actually do something gameplay-wise so you know what buildings you need to enter


think 2007 or 2017 release titles

Remember, Skyrim was released closer to the first year you listed than the second one and the sequel is still quite a ways out. There are entire release day players of Elder Scrolls 6 who were not yet born when 5 came out.


So there’s this guy named notch who’s making a funky indie title in Java…

I kid but my wife and I have banked so many hours playing Minecraft together in the last 2 weeks


One of the big reasons many companies go public is it’s naturally a really nice retirement package for the owners of the company. The owners of the company may have put so much time and money into building the company that they don’t have sufficient retirement savings, so by going public they turn a portion of their ownership into a boatload of cash as well as a boatload of wealth that can be leveraged, then simply elect a new CEO, retain their significant voting power on the board so they aren’t entirely abandoning their baby and then peace out

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