I checked some random game, which should have assets worth few gb minimum, got redirected to shady mediafire link with 10mb archive. I don’t even have to download it to tell it’s a virus.
I’ve never understood and always despised that empty Nobody. It literally adds nothing other than making me hit the downvote no matter how good the rest of the meme is.
I absolutely adore the remake games. They both follow a type of game-design that makes me feel like I’m playing something from the PS2 era again. Both the good and the bad. Makes me feel like a kid in the best kind of way.
The games do have some trouble with time-wasters. It’s both improved and made worse in Rebirth. Luckily, in open world fashion, a lot of it can actually be ignored in Rebirth. And if you don’t ignore it, you get rewarded with actually good side-content. And Rebirths fast travel is good to the point you basically never have to travel anywhere “the long way” twice.
I have the same problem with the combat being too easy. It wasn’t too bad with Intergrade as I was new to the combat system, but with Rebirth I am absolutely crushing enemies. I’m deliberately sabotaging my character builds to make it more challenging, but I really wish they didn’t lock “hard” behind ng+. Coming from the first game, you should be able to jump into the second at that higher skill level from the start. But no.
Don’t worry too much about your stuff not carrying over. The characters do not get reset to level zero, and no abilities. They start with a little less than what you have at the end of Intergrade, but a lot of the stuff you’ll have gotten by the end of Intergrade, is what you have at the start of Rebirth. And then over the course of the second game, you get a lot of NEW stuff, rather than just re-aquiring the stuff you had in the first.
For them to be prosecuted as a monopoly, or be considered one legally, it would have to be shown that they achieved or maintain their dominant market position by preventing or undermining competition. Say by having a bunch of exclusivity deals to keep big name titles only on their storefront, or by buying out any competitor that gained traction.
Monopoly isn’t about being the biggest seller in a market, it’s about being the biggest player in the market by undermining competition and restricting commerce.
Edit: want to clarify there is a distinction between the legal meaning of monopoly (see the Sherman anti trust act and other subsequent laws and rulings) and the colloquial usage (Only seller in the market). Steam is nether.
I’ve played three time through Remake. First when it launched on Normal and Hard difficulty, and then again, last December in anticipation for Rebirth.
While I didn’t mind too much my first time, the game definitely has a lot of very slow sections. Like you mentioned, you are constantly forced to walk very slowly, wait for animations, etc. It really feels like Square tried to pad the game a lot.
I really liked the combat at first, but my on Hard difficulty it got terrible. I was always annoyed, that your other party members just stood around and never attacked. Rebirth fixed it a little bit, since they actually are doing stuff, just deal basically no damage and don’t get ATB charge. A few fights are also just terribly designed in my opinion, and Rebirth just doubled down here.
About things not carrying over, I was also a bit disappointed at first, that you basically have to start from scratch in Rebirth, but it wasn’t a big deal. The sequel has other, bigger problems, in my opinion, that drag it down.
The main reason I still like the game, are the characters. If not for them, the very first playthrough would have been enough.