BradleyUffner, do games w Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake

I’m waiting until I can play the entire game at once instead of chapter by chapter.


Due to the unnecessary padding to stretch the game out, I feel that you might get burned out.

Poopfeast420, do games w Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake avatar

I’ve played three time through Remake. First when it launched on Normal and Hard difficulty, and then again, last December in anticipation for Rebirth.

While I didn’t mind too much my first time, the game definitely has a lot of very slow sections. Like you mentioned, you are constantly forced to walk very slowly, wait for animations, etc. It really feels like Square tried to pad the game a lot.

I really liked the combat at first, but my on Hard difficulty it got terrible. I was always annoyed, that your other party members just stood around and never attacked. Rebirth fixed it a little bit, since they actually are doing stuff, just deal basically no damage and don’t get ATB charge. A few fights are also just terribly designed in my opinion, and Rebirth just doubled down here.

About things not carrying over, I was also a bit disappointed at first, that you basically have to start from scratch in Rebirth, but it wasn’t a big deal. The sequel has other, bigger problems, in my opinion, that drag it down.

The main reason I still like the game, are the characters. If not for them, the very first playthrough would have been enough.

MrScottyTay, (edited ) do games w Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake

I loved the combat system, so I enjoyed every fight in game (except flying monsters in the first game if you didn’t have barret around). I think it’s my favourite hybrid combat system that allows both tactical and reactionary attacks and shines the most when you’re juggling between characters to get the ATB gauges up on everyone as quickly as possible so you have more toys to play with constantly.

The Yuffie DLC (Intermission) then expands upon the traversal mechanics and team based combat mechanics which were a whole lot of fun. A lot of this carried over to Rebirth as well but expanded upon again. Still ended up with Yuffie being one of the most fun to play though because she was originally designed to play mostly solo from her DLC, but having a character that is more fun to play isn’t a bad thing obviously.

Story wise, without spoiling too much, I love how, much like a lot of the mechanics, tries to expand upon old elements rather than outright replace them. And the story being some kind of pseudo-sequel where meta-textuality enhances the experience it ensures that these games are not replacements of the original. Which makes me laud it up in the highest regards. If they had just tried to replicate everything I think it would’ve felt even weirder it trying to be a wholesale replacement of the original like a lot of standard remakes try to be (think resi and silent hill). I don’t know how others can replicate what square is doing though since a lot of it is rooted in it’s story and doesn’t deviate far from the elements introduced in the original and the compilation games. Resi could not have replicated this intertextuality between versions of the game. You could argue silent hill could due to its story elements but they just focused on making it an enhanced version of the original.

I think I’m starting to ramble too much now so I’ll start to end it. I think the fact I can ramble about these games and gush about them so much shows how much I love them.

Other than astro bot rebirth was one of the most refreshing breaths in gaming for me, despite me more often than not despising both large open worlds and ubi style towers. Yet I felt compelled to almost 100% the game just due to the amount of fun I was having that I could just not get anywhere else.

And now I have two extra games (eventually three) I can regularly replay for my FFVII itch, alongside the original which has been a bi-yearly ritual to replay since before my age was in double digits. I couldn’t be happier. Though Rebirth will always be the highlight when replaying just due to the combat overhauls they made which in retrospect makes the first look like a tech demo.


Thanks for your comment on this. I agree that flying enemies are annoying in the game. I did not realize they had improved the combat mechanics in the second game. That makes me interested in checking that one out.


It’s a massive improvement too. The changes they made to materia make it more fun too.

MentalEdge, avatar

The synergy skill that allows you to have another party member throw you into the air at an enemy, when controlling a melee fighter, (Tifa, Cloud, Red) is so satisfying and welcome in Rebirth when fighting flying enemies.

MentalEdge, avatar

Rebirth does something with the open world mechanics I haven’t seen in other games. It interconnects everything.

The life springs give you a shitton of materials for the crafting system, they reveal the locations of crafting recipes, and eventually the area boss.

All of which interconnects with side-quests, not just at the start as a tutorial, but throughout each region.

It hence manages to make you want to do everything, almost on accident. If you do all the sidequests, you progress the collectathon a bunch. If you do the collectathon, you end up progressing quests a bunch just by “coincidence”.

Add to that the fast travel that lets you jump anywhere instantly, and nothing ends up feeling like a chore.


Think you’ve hit it on the nail on the head. It feels less like a chore because of the way they all connect with one another.

Although even before fast travel I still did a lot of manual travelling to get everything done. At least until I realised that fast travel was very likely to get better later in the game, which it of course did.

loaf, do games w Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake avatar

I watched a friend of mine play it shortly after its release, and while it was pretty entertaining at times to watch, I just didn’t like the combat system.

I suppose it could be because I’ve invested hundreds of hours into the original, dating back to its launch. I don’t know. But the charm just isn’t in the remake, IMHO.

MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

If you’re just watching, you won’t get the main appeal of the modern FF combat systems. That being the underlying turns and the strategy around what to do with them.

And unfortunately, at lower difficulties, you can get by with button mashing. It’s really disappointing that the difficulty that actually requires thinking is locked behind ng+, but at that level, the system really shines.

It’s all strategy, dressed up as a hack and slash, but if you just button mash, don’t min-max your builds, utilize the entire party, their abilities, spells and synergies, you are dead.

And it’s all made more intense by the combat happening in real-time (though you can slow time to a crawl at any time). I really love the panic of the way you are forced to control any last surviving party member, waiting for your turn to be available so you can use a phoenix down.

loaf, avatar

Yeah, I get what you’re saying about me not having actually experienced the full gameplay. I guess the lack of turn-based play is what made me not super interested to begin with, though.

I’m old (ha), and my favorite games are the old FF series, Baldur’s Gate, etc. that all have turn-based combat. Maybe I enjoy it because I’m slow 😂

MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

I don’t know how much you know about the intricacies of the newer FF combat systems, but “turns” are still in there, but among a bunch of new stuff that may or may not jell with you.

If you want, in the remakes you can set the combat to “classic” which makes it so that the AI controls all three charachters, rather than just the two you aren’t playing as.

This leaves you to deal with only the “turns”, and which abilities, spells, or items, to use them for. And you don’t need to be quick, the passage of time nearly pauses while you engage with the action menu to decide what to do with a turn.

Characters and enemies can only engage in basic attacks outside of their “turn”. To use abilities, spells or items, it must be your “turn”.

All the decisions that make turn based combat interesting are overlayed on top of the real-time action. At times they even overlap. When not using classic mode, it matters how you control a characters real time actions. The exact timing of when you use a turn can have consequences, you need to make sure you are standing in a good spot for a given ability, you need to make sure you’re not about to take an attack that might interrupt an action, etc.

You have to decide stuff like whether you need to use your turns to spam cure just to keep the party alive. Should Aerith spend one turn and the MP to use Cura on one party member, or wait two turns to use Pray on everyone. Should Cloud go for damage on this turn, or build stagger in case it leads to a stun and bonus damage next turn? Can Tifa keep herself alive with Chakra or do I need to have another charachter heal her? Do I remember the pressure conditions for this enemy or do I need to spend a turn on Assess to find out?

If all you want is turn based classic gameplay, then yeah, it isn’t here. But they have made something very interesting. It’s got hack slash style flashy action, but with an amount of strategy involved I don’t think any other games have achieved. It’s unique.


I agree, I didn’t like the new combat system.

But I really like turn based combat. I don’t like to have to run around, spam buttons, or time anything right. I like to read and have time to make a decision. It’s a personal preference, but one that made me not get very far in the remake.

zurohki, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

Struggling with a tough foe? Remember, just keep your Health above 0 while lowering your enemy’s Health to 0. Works every time!

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stupidcasey, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

Dying a lot? Try taking less damage.

If you see an enemy you know it’s time for a fight.

Health potions heal you.

Your shield can shield you from damage.

Look mother fucker, you keep dying and I don’t think I can dumb it down any more, have you tried Candy Land?


Hey candy land is difficult. I mean how can you play after you eat all the candies? Plus hospital tables aren’t ever big enough for the board!

marine_mustang, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

Feels like someone playing Helldivers. That’s literally one of the tips, “Don’t Die!”

Bonesince1997, do gaming w *loads savefile*

I just like the idea of skipping one’s only life story to get on with the game already!

A_Very_Big_Fan, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

I’ve never understood and always despised that empty Nobody. It literally adds nothing other than making me hit the downvote no matter how good the rest of the meme is.

TachyonTele, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

“Move to go places.”

NakariLexfortaine, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ

Protip: To kill Death, shoot it until it dies.

tetris11, do gaming w Don't take damage, EZ avatar

Remember: Fragnicorps are like Jelkinodes that can be traded with. You will never meet any.

silo_bear, do gaming w *loads savefile* avatar


Reminds me of the fantastic series, Unskippable by the Escapist

harcesz, do publicystyka w Poszukujemy dodatkowych rąk do pomocy w Kontrabandzie!
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