silo_bear, do gaming w *loads savefile* avatar


Reminds me of the fantastic series, Unskippable by the Escapist

harcesz, do publicystyka w Poszukujemy dodatkowych rąk do pomocy w Kontrabandzie!
!deleted269 avatar

Warto byłoby to wrzucić też do !technologia albo !wolnyinternet. Żeby nie pojawiało się wielokrotnie na liście postów wystarczy dorzucić jakiś link (np. do serwisu o którym mowa), albo obrazek :)

scrubbles, do trains w Steam locomotive in Cluj-Napoca train station (Romania)
!deleted6348 avatar

Romanian trains are always so pretty

Vidu, do publicystyka w Miliarderzy pieniędzmi grają w świat

Pieniądze, czy władza stają się chyba w pewnym momencie tylko narkotykiem. Już nie wiesz po co, już nie cieszysz się hajem i tym na co pozwalają, tylko po prostu chcesz większej dawki.

W pełni się zgadzam, że turbo bogacze czy władcy mają kiepską wyobraźnię i są pozbawieni fantazji. Mniej bym się dziwił jakby realizowali jakieś popierdolone scenariusze niż w sytuacji, gdzie jeśli w ogóle pracują nad jakimiś wielkimi projektami to są tylko zmiany optymalizujące ich przyszłe dochody.

Musk udawał, że ma wizję, że zaryzykuję wszystko byle stanąć na Marsie, ale się okazuje, że chuj, wszystko co może to wpływać na wybory w różnych krajach żeby wygrywały opcje które zmniejszą jego podatki i dadzą mu więcej kontraktów.

!deleted2556 avatar

Jak ja byłbym miliarderem, to wykupiłbym wszystkie (lub możliwie najwięcej) przestrzeni reklamowych w Polsce i na każdej napisałbym coś w stylu “i co teraz jebane biedaki hahaha”. A Ty?


Ja bym spełnił prawicową wizję świata i tym razem naprawdę ktoś by opłacał lewackich aktywistów za ich protesty. Ostatnie pokolenie dało radę blokować wisłostradę mając kilkadziesiąt osób? To ja wynająłbym 500 osób i patrzyl jak wszystkie autostrady w kraju są przez miesiąc zablokowane.

!deleted2556 avatar



@dj1936 @Vidu To już nie byłbym ja.

Bronzebeard, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac?

If the least used operating system. Why limit your audience to such a small niche to begin with? Game development isn’t cheap. You tend to not want to lock out your chances of recouping that by blocking 90% of potential players


On Steam Linux user base surpassed MacOSX user base, so that’s no longer an argument:


It’s still an argument, given that this historically wasn’t the case. And Mac used to have a bigger share of the pie. Do they even make Mac only games anymore?

But those numbers pretty much prove my point. Unless you’re already set up to be making games specific to a system, there’s no point in starting from scratch to only name something for 1-2% of the market.


I was referring to

If the least used operating system. Why limit your audience to such a small niche to begin with?

… which is no longer true. Also supporting Linux does not mean its limited to Linux only. This is in addition to Windows. And supporting Steam Deck comes with some extra goodies for the publisher, as they get some extra marketing in Steam itself and by videogame outlets, fans and YouTubers speaking about it. Do not make the mistake and look at numbers without taking context into account.

Your argumentation only explains why devs didn’t create Linux native applications in the past. I said its no longer the case. So don’t misunderstand me. What you said is true for the past, not today.


The short answer is in many cases it’s just not worth it. Maintaining a Linux build is not free and the possible market share gain is fairly minimal. Add to that the possibility you get it for free through proton and your reasons for investing the dev effort shrink.

I’ve heard an argument for maintaining Linux builds because Linux users will provide better bug reports but that mindset is unlikely to ever survive in a big studio


This question was about NATIVE LINUX ONLY games. Not just supporting it…


It does not matter. The point I was referring to you is that Linux is no longer the least used operating system and why its not limiting to that operating system when creating native Linux support. And no, its not about Native Linux Only games, its Native Linux games in addition to Windows games.

Your argument which I quoted is no longer an argument today.


You’re being pedantic. Linux might not be below Mac anymore but it’s still 2% compared to Window’s 96%.

Sure, the argument isn’t “Linux is the least popular os” but it IS still true that Linux is significantly less popular than Windows


This is not what you said. This is not pedantic. ok you know what you are right and happy birthday. No need for toxicity here. If you don’t even know what you are saying and changing your argumentation over the discussion we had.


I didn’t say anything (you might notice I’m not op). What I am saying is that you are willfully misinterpreting the spirit of op’s argument. Also, nice touch saying no toxicity and then being toxic. Very classy


You added “only” in there. You can compile a game for each OS natively (and many games do). Native in this context refers to the binary itself (ELF, EXE, bin, etc), and the OSes that can run it without using some kind of compatibility layer.

missingno, avatar

The word 'only' does not appear in OP's question.

Ulrich, avatar

No one develops for Mac either, so I’d say it’s valid.


Most mac gamers do not game via steam, I’d say, you have to look at the apple app store as well.


They’re not saying to create Linux-exclusive games. Just games that run on Linux without WINE/Proton.


Is it harder to port from Linux to windows than other way around or does that not really matter?

Or are there engines to use, that are already globally supported by all 3 big OS?

Appoxo, avatar

Regarding engines: I believe Vulkan and OpenGL are supported by all three.


Vulkan and OpenGL are not engines but a graphics API:

These are engines:

jarfil, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac?

Because traditionally there were few Linux devices.

Android 15 is going to change that: it comes with a virtual machine API and a Linux Terminal running Debian for ChromeOS compatibility.

Soon, the most popular consumer OS in the world will be Linux:

  • 3.3 billion: Android / Linux
  • 2.2 billion: Apple iOS/macOS *NIX
  • 1.6 billion: Windows
  • 400 million: Windows 11 + WSL 2.0
  • 250 million: gaming consoles
  • "millions": SteamOS Linux

Wine might still make sense to keep things standardized for some time, and as a compatibility layer for older games, but native Linux games will also work on the Linux solutions for Android, Apple, and Windows.


If you count apple, you can count android already now. Android is more Linux than apple iirc.

Android is linux based and macOS is BSD based, again, iirc.


Yes… it will kind of depend on which layer of compatibility will a game require. Debian is Linux + GNU, which is what most people identify as “a Linux system”. Android uses Linux without GNU, but starting with Android 15 it will come with a VM (container?) system to run a GNU userland. Android can already run Linux distros via Termux, which can be set up to run a desktop, but having it by default will mean apps will be able to use it directly. I’ve just tested RetroArch on Android, with DosBox to run Windows 98… but that’s kind of a mindfuck of its own 😂. macOS is BSD, which shares the POSIX interface with Linux, but it does some things in a different way, however there is a GNU userland for BSD, so games using only that, can run on it already. WSL 2.0 is a full first-class VM with full Linux + GNU and a desktop interface that can coexist with Windows… since Windows 10/11 itself runs by default in a Hyper-V VM (the bootloader is Hyper-V).


I definitely read your comment not correctly 😂

But yea, soon, most devices can run Linux apps just like that, per default

😆macOS (and it’s various variants of course) is then the only OS not coming with a container/VM built in it running linux 🤔

misk, do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform? avatar

Thank god nobody from this comment section was involved in antitrust cases against Microsoft.


M$ did hella shady, monopolistic stuff (patent theft, market manipulation, very likely corporate espionage, and certainly most visibly prefferential treatment of their own software ecosystem and sabotage of third party software on their platforms) to create and enforce market dominance. Unless Valve has been doing something I’m unaware of to kill other platforms, they’re not really similar situations.

misk, avatar

Valve runs a couple of online casinos that target children specifically, not sure we should be arguing who’s worse here. I think Steam is a clunky piece of software that’s popular mostly because everyone else missed the moment to start competing and Valve gained monopoly unopposed. Other viable competitors tried and failed at even gaining a foothold and are relegated to small niches because it’s impossible to move people who amassed content libraries over the years. Valve skims 10-30% of an insanely large volume of transactions and should be held to a much higher standard. You’re ignoring all of the warning signs because they didn’t screw you over yet.


Valve runs a couple of online casinos that target children specifically

I’m interested in which of their games that have loot crates you think are targeted specifically at children? Basically all of their games, but especially their games with loot crates, tend to be targeted towards adults. Hell, TF2 came out in 2007, which is 18 years ago, so no one who is a child today was even alive when it came out. It’s mostly elder to mid-Millennials. You can dislike loot boxes (I do), but don’t try to paint Valve like they’re Roblox or Epic Games.

everyone else missed the moment to start competing and Valve gained monopoly unopposed.

Other platforms were around before Steam was fully dominant, but they tended to be focused on the creators’ first-party games, and excluded other publishers and titles from using their platform. Desura and Central/Impulse both had decently large user bases. Stardock Central actually preceded Steam’s release, but was overtaken because Stardock was mostly just using it for its own games, but also billing the service more as a way to unify your physical and digital libraries, and to provide patches and whatnot, whereas Steam went all-in on digital-only.

because it’s impossible to move people who amassed content libraries over the years

Yes, but this is sadly just the natural reality of digital sales. Because you are buying a license, it’s not trivial from a company’s perspective to make those portable, and the company you’re moving the license to is then having to host your content without ever actually receiving the money for it, which isn’t super appealing. GOG actually tried this for a while(GOG Connect), where you could essentially redeem your Steam games to your GOG account, but they realized it wasn’t worth it (especially since there isn’t game parity on the 2, so most people have to keep Steam anyways).

You’re ignoring all of the warning signs because they didn’t screw you over yet.

I must have missed where I said Valve would never do something bad? But yes, I don’t believe in condemning someone for what they might do in the future, preemptively. If and when Valve goes darkside (probably when Gabe dies, and it ends up under new management), they should be condemned. Acting as though they’re bad just because they’re dominant in the market is silly, though; they didn’t get there through anti-competitive business practices, they got there through others failing to do better.

misk, (edited ) avatar

Adding gambling to video games without verifying user age is targeting children with gambling. There’s a lot of convenient combinations of circumstances that Valve is fully aware of and profiting from. I don’t care about plausible deniability because Valve employees were visibly smug and amused when questioned about it. There is no absolving Valve after this.

You blame others for Valve monopoly. Yeah, I said they missed the ship. We have a private monopoly in PC gaming storefronts now and that’s not good. It doesn’t matter if they won fair - they are a parasitic middle-man that makes everyone lose.

Ask yourself and be honest about it: if Valve had a true competitor would their cut be as high as it is now? This is the only thing you should be concerned about, not that they engage in Linux philanthropy or that they make cool games.


Valve runs a couple of online casinos that target children specifically, not sure we should be arguing who’s worse here.

I agree with the sentiment of this… MTX/lootbox shenanigans are a bad, harmful practice that should be much more heavily restrained…

But that has nothing to do with being a monopoly.

At this point, its a widespread industry problem.

You’d address that with regulation, but not on the basis of Steam being a de facto monopoly, instead based on some kind of consumer protection regulation.

… But Trump and Elon are blowing all of that up, so, probably not gonna happen anytime soon.

Valve skims 10-30% of an insanely large volume of transactions and should be held to a much higher standard.

10 - 30 % really isn’t that unreasonable compared to a lot of existing comptetitors… though I guess we’ll see how their ongoing lawsuit around that ends up.

relevant infographic

Either way, this also doesn’t make or not make them a monopoly, unless you or the ongoing lawsuit can prove that a 30% is functionally an outsized monopoly rent, wildly out of step with the rest of the industry.

If this is instead roughly in line with the rest of the industry, you’d again need to address this with some other legislation that spans the whole industry, not specifically targeting Steam as a monopoly.

Banzai51, avatar

The monopoly case against MS was bullshit. They had all kinds of bad business practices to go after and they decided to go after them for including a web browser in the OS. They fucking made the whole process a waste of time.

misk, avatar

Pressure on their web browser monopoly was necessary because IE6 was stifling entire industry. From a legal point of view it’s not illegal to be a monopoly but to abuse that position so there isn’t that much you can do about it, especially in the US. Going after operating system or office suite monopoly should have been done but matters less and less these days.

Banzai51, avatar

I reject that idea. The argument is that users are too stupid. MS never prevented me from installing and using Chrome or Firefox or any other browser.

misk, avatar

MS prevented you from using other browsers by using vendor lock-in. It was a prime example example of now misunderstood concept of embrace, extend, extinguish. You could download Mozilla Phoenix but you couldn’t use it for everything because CSS rendering in IE was so detached from standards. On top of that you had ActiveX which meant you HAD to use Windows for some websites.

ComeHereOrIHookYou, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

So many nice recommendations here but here are some of my recommendations in genres (in top 5 form). All of them have PC ports (but not all of the series may be available on PC)


  1. Rayman
  2. Sonic
  3. Wonder boy
  4. Shantae
  5. Trine


  1. Final Fantasy
  2. Tales of Series
  3. Star Ocean
  4. Elder Scrolls
  5. Pathfinder

Some noteworthy mentions for RPGs

  1. YS
  2. Mana


  1. Medal of Honor
  2. Shadow Warrior
  3. Doom
  4. Call of Duty
  5. Wolfenstein

Puzzles, point and click: Note: This was very hard to list since most of them are standalone and those that are not have interesting plot lines that you will not appreciate unless you play in order such as Syberia, Gabriel Knight, Secret Files. Walking Dead)

  1. Myst (You can play in any order but it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  2. Broken Sword (Don’t touch 4 and 5 but you can play in any order and it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  3. Life is Strange (1 and 2 are standalone stories)
  4. of Loathing series (It has turned based combat but very fun)
  5. Nancy Drew

I would say I prefer them in the chronological order of their release date. Some of the series I have listed completely have either loosely, small references or completely standalone only sharing a “franchise name”

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Do none of the Final Fantasy involve each other?


SLR got busy IRL, well most are standalones.

There are some games in the series that has some sort of connection like X and VII through Shinra or Tactics and XII sharing the same world.

There are direct sequels though like X and X-2 or the XIII trilogy but they are not the norm

jecht360, do gaming w FF7 REBIRTH HOT TAKES avatar

I don’t see any reason that there needed to be a remake at all.

Yokozuna, do games w I Released a Questionnaire About Video Game Preservation! avatar



Muchas Gracias! :cat-thumbs-up:


Square chickened out after manchildren ree’d about the really interesting changes made in Remake, kinda walking it back and trying to pretend it didn’t happen. And ironically, that’s kind of just worse, because those nerds are never going to be happy with what happened in Remake and its ramifications in Rebirth and ReThree, my nerds are mourning for what we could’ve had, and Square looks kinda pathetic and easily bullied.


If they were easily bullied they’d have finished Xenosaga by now.

anarchoilluminati, avatar

The post called for hot takes, not shit takes.

Poopfeast420, avatar

I haven’t finished the game yet, but I really wonder what the point of Remake’s ending was, when this game doesn’t do anything with it.


Maybe the final piece will pull it all together? I hope they make me look like an idiot

PatheticGroundThing, do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform?

I live in constant dread of the day Gaben kicks the bucket and Steam is carved up by bloodsucking profit-chasers

jarfil, do gaming w Why Steam can be considered a monopolistic platform?

The nice thing about Steam, is that it’s “too big to clamp down”:

  • People used to 🏴‍☠️ on the high seas, for many reasons.
  • Steam came up as a “single point of sale”, at the same time as Netflix was doing the same for movies and series.
  • Over time, companies tried to carve out chunks of the pie, restoring some of the original fragmentation…
  • …but while Netflix has been torn to shreds of its former glory, Steam is still the main “single point” for games…
  • …with a “single point” DRM

Steam’s DRM only exists because game updates keep coming out with constantly updating DRM versions. The moment Steam tried to act against its clients, and they decided to leave Steam, every Steam game copy at that moment, would get cracked all at once.

Maybe EA, MS, Nintendo, Sony, etc. don’t see that as a great thing… and that’s why they’ve been setting up their own stores… but I think it’s AWESOME! 😁


Most single player steam games are cracked anyway. The real danger of steam is the reliance on it for most multiplayer games. Though if it were to get particularly nasty I imagine adding aftermarket multiplayer functionality would probably be in the realm of possibility. If private WoW servers are a thing, it stands to reason that the same can be done with a lot of other games.


Steam supports different multiplayer server modes: Steamworks Multiplayer

Some games already use P2P, or provide servers for the community to run, so only the private servers would need replicating. Even in that case, I’d argue that having “some” common API, would make it easier than chasing around everyone’s different implementations.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w FF7 REBIRTH HOT TAKES avatar

My Hot Take on the game: it’s really mediocre, maybe even bad, and I don’t know how it got so much praise, when it originally launched.

litchralee, do trains w China's HSR has served 22 billion passengers since 2009

I can see that the source for the data is written below the chart, but is there also a link to the tabular data?

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