Elevator7009sAlt, do games w I Released a Questionnaire About Video Game Preservation!

I used to fill surveys on r/samplesize for fun, it was a mild positive of my day to come across one on Lemmy!

I do have some issues with some of the questions, spoiled for those who have not taken the survey yet.

Issues with survey questionsFor “Do modern video games have too many micro transactions today?” giving our opinion and saying “I never paid a microtransaction” was mutually exclusive. It is possible to notice the amount of microtransactions in video games, and to have an opinion on whether that is a good or bad amount, without ever buying one yourself. Folks who never bought microtransactions might not choose “I never paid a microtransaction” because it is either that, or say if you think there are too many microtransactions. For “There is a possibility that access to your games could be revoked, as stated in the TOS,” I wasn’t sure what to put. I strongly agree that that possibility exists, so I was considering putting Strongly Agree. But I do not agree with that practice, so I also considered putting Strongly Disagree. I wasn’t sure what I was being asked to agree or disagree with here. Similarly, for “Prices of old video games may lower when a modern release of the same game is available to purchase,” I wasn’t sure if we were being asked if we agree that is a phenomenon that happens, or if we think that should be a thing that happens. Luckily I both agree that is a phenomenon that happens and that it should happen. For “Companies should make single player video games be released for a limited time, regardless if its physical or digital” I had no idea what was being asked at all so I just put Neutral.

KoboldCoterie, do games w I Released a Questionnaire About Video Game Preservation! avatar

The last page of this survey is heavy handed and full of leading questions. It feels like you’re less trying to gather research data and more trying to push an agenda; it would not pass scientific review. The fact that I agree with the agenda being pushed doesn’t change my feelings on that.

A better method would have been to ask the question in a neutral way (e.g. ‘Do you believe that storing game cartridges qualifies as preservation?’ or even better, ‘Storing game cartridges qualifies as preservation’ as a statement, with a Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree scale), then at the end of the survey provide the information you’re providing in the links below each question.

LiamTheBox, (edited )

Thank you for your input! I have changed the link to a new form. and yes, I realised my last questions were not neutral, and I am sorry.

_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th

I played a bit of Granblue Fantasy Relink, I’m at the last chapter of the story. I still haven’t finished it, the story itself wasn’t particularly memorable, but the environments were gorgeous and the gameplay is fun. For the gameplay tho, I’m a bit worried about the endgame/postgame, as there wasn’t much variety in fights.

I’m still playing Fire Emblem Engage. The gameplay is overall really good, but I’m a bit confused that new units are much better than most of the previous ones. From the initial party I think I’ve kept using only Chloé and Jean, while the others had better replacements every few chapters. It’s not exactly a complaint but it feels a bit weird.

I would have tried continuing FFVII Rebirth, but I remembered I bought FFIX last sales and played that nonstop during the weekend.

I too am in the mood for Wolfenstein, I’m thinking of playing the second one.

remington, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th avatar

Diablo 3 & 4


How are you liking 4? I really enjoyed 3 but haven’t picked up 4 yet. Does it stack up?

remington, avatar

I was one of the beta testers and back then it was severely lacking. Right now D4 is at its best and I can see that it will only get better. This season is tied for one of the best seasons so far. I’ll be playing it for several hours today.

AceFuzzLord, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th

I definitely feel like I got an absolute steal of a deal. No idea when the sale ends, but I got all 3 games in the BioShock series, with DLC, and the 2 remasters for a little over $11USD before tax this weekend. I just finished my first time playing any of the games on PC. Had to install the original on my desktop with win10 because I couldn’t get the resolution right or brightness slider working on my steam deck when docked. Definitely prefer console controls because I was having a lot of trouble with mouse and keyboard controls, so I’m gonna have to switch to controller.

Other than that, I started playing Stellar Initiative this weekend as well and it’s was pretty difficult on the easiest difficulty while I was learning how to play and what works well with which enemies.


$11 is wild for all that!


Don’t know what’s going on at 2K, but I gladly took the offer and even got the bundle for a Steam friend I haven’t talked to for years.

Absolutely wild and I thought it was some sort of error at first considering right below it they were advertising just BioShock Infinite and their DLC pass thing for more than the whole bundle by a little less than $2.


The original is one of my favourite games of all time. I love everything about it. The setting is phenomenal. The mix of plasmids and gunplay. 2 is also really good and being able to use gun and plasmid simultaneously was a great quality of life improvement.

Coelacanth, avatar

2 is a very solid game and well worth playing, but it doesn’t have anything on the original in terms of story execution in my opinion. But that’s a tall order since Bioshock 1 is one of the best games of all time.

I’ve still yet to play Infinite, but it’s on my list for this year.

wildflowertea, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th

Actively, I’m on my second Baldur’s Gate 3 run. Recently made it to act 3 and I couldn’t be more excited about rearranging Gortash bones with my monk.

Also playing Disco Elysium and enjoying it so much. However, I feel it requires dedication or else you lose track of what you’ve got to do, which is a struggle for me.

Got two more games on the “paused” pile, but I won’t say which ones to avoid awakening the shame neurone because the pause has lasted a whole year.


Disco is easily one of my favourite gaming experiences. But I agree, it does require your attention. I’d say, give it the time you can, let it consume you and enjoy the ride

Coelacanth, avatar

The best way to play Disco is to just approach it as a good book. Explore as much as you can, exhaust dialogue options and submerge yourself in the world. Don’t be afraid to fail checks, don’t be afraid to pick wacky dialogue options.

The game is pure art and it’s the most meaningful, thought provoking and emotional experience I’ve had while playing any video game. Granted the themes really resonated with me personally.

Coelacanth, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th avatar

Been playing Arcanum, hopefully through to the end for the first time this time. Only begun it before, never got far. The game has a lot of charms, but also a lot of frustrations. Typical Troika, I guess. When it’s firing on all cylinders and the pieces of a quest puzzle happen to click into place it can be great, but oftentimes imbecilic design decisions get in the way of having fun. And it doesn’t help that combat is horrible and the animations are ugly, even for its time.

I’m towards the end of the game now so I’ll try to push through since I’d like to have finished it at least once. I do enjoy the world building, at least parts of it. It’s a little disappointing that the races are derivative sort of boilerplate fantasy Tolkienesque Dwarves and Elves and Halflings etc, but the Victorian era inspired steampunk setting is well executed and the tension and conflict between magic and technology feels fully fleshed out and very grounded in the game world. I also really appreciate the again very Victorian flavored racism towards Orcs and Half-Orcs, including an explicit reference to The Jewish Question.


One of my favourite RPGs from growing up. Such a cool game. I loved the variety of builds you can make. Have you tried playing a low INT character yet? Really entertaining. Totally new dialogue options. Honestly though the main thing I remember is that metal door sound effect they use for basically everything.

Coelacanth, avatar

I don’t think low INT is for a first playthrough so I haven’t, but I know it’s an option. And given a lot of the people behind Fallout 1&2 went on to work for Troika I’d expect nothing less. I might check it out some day, the low INT run in the first two Fallouts are great. I rarely feel like I have time to replay games these days though, with the length of my backlog.

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christian, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th avatar

I’ve started playing a game called Yaoling, which is a monster taming/collecting game. The battling system is much more like Yo-Kai Watch than Pokémon - you’re not really bossing them around, they kind of do their own thing once you’ve made preparations and started.

Absolutely spectacular gameplay so far, I’m really impressed. Love the artwork and monster designs. It’s in early access right now and it warns you to expect some bugs, but other than a lot of typos in the English translation I’ve only come across a couple minor issues. Official release planned for mid-July I think.

onlooker, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th avatar

Just finished Yakuza 0 and am psyched to start Yakuza Kiwami (which is a remake of the first Yakuza game). The action is soo good. Beating the shit out of enemies is already satisfying enough, but where it gets really good is when you build up something called a Heat meter as you’re fighting. Once it builds up, you get access to Heat Actions and they are nuts.

I mean just look at this madness (spoilers for move unlocks)!

arsCynic, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac?

Because for decades Microsoft has yielded to Linux’s superiority with unethical anti-competitive behaviour. E.g., it’s hard to compete with hardware that comes pre-installed with Windows.


Also for decades, Linux has had awful drivers for graphics cards (among other things) and godawful usability. It’s not like Linux would have taken over the desktop computer market in 1998. Have you ever tried installing a vintage distro? It’s a nightmare.


Linux has had awful drivers for graphics cards

Not been my experience at all. Or am I misunderstanding and you’re saying that’s a past problem? Because I’ve used both AMD and Nvidia drivers on Mint and they’ve both been fantastic.


They’re a lot better these days, but I remember 15 years ago I had to spend hours in a command line just to get Linux to recognize my video card, much less utilize it properly. It’s definitely come a long long way but still far from perfect

isosphere, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th

The New Order was enjoyable vengence porn against Nazis, it’s a good time; maybe I need that again!

I’ve been playing the heck out of Harebrained Schemes’ BattleTech; I haven’t binge-played like this in a long time. It never feels fair; 2-1 odds is typical, but it’s always possible. Pretty satisfying to overcome unfair situations. Makes me feel smart and capable! Plus, jumpy stompy robots!


That was my thought too lol. Some good ol cathartic Nazi killing

iturnedintoanewt, avatar

After that you can go through the New Colossus, this time based in the US. Missions are also good fun.

Berttheduck, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th

Playing some more of DA: Veilguard. My wife is desperate for me to finish it so she can discuss the ending with me. I’m really enjoying how dynamic the combat is definitely the most fun from an action perspective on the series, less tactical but more technical with the parries and dodges. I’m digging the found family vibes too, it’s just nice to hang out with some good mutually supportive people sometimes rather than loads of conflict drama.

Ulrich, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac? avatar

Does the existence of Wine compatibility layer discourages the creation of native Linux games?

I’d be surprised if devs weren’t ignoring Linux games in favor of just using Proton. It greatly decreases the required time and effort.


This absolutely happens. Team Fortress 2 Classic dropped Linux support outright a few years ago in favor of Proton support since it’s easier on the devs to do, and even as an avid Linux user I don’t blame them.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac? avatar

A few devs who did have commented that Linux users are like <1% of players but most of the crash reports or things like that. That was before the Steam Deck blew up though, so now you might have more Linux players, but those mostly use Proton, so why do you need a native Linux version.


I think it’s still nice to have just so that way if for some reason Proton suddenly disappears alongside Wine (alongside all their forks and other related things) in some catastrophically low odds event you can still play the game or use the program.


This was true, but a big part of that reason (as followed up on by some other devs) is that Linux users are usually tech-savvy, and frequently work on software. They contribute more bug reports because they know how to report a bug. You’ll have more bug reports, but not necessarily because there’s more bugs (though that too), and as a bonus the users reporting them will probably be able to help you fix those bugs a lot better than the average Windows user.

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